Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 03 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GuikShop ~~~' roPPRO ~~ ~. ----NOWI---- MOrOCROSS RACING CARDS BACK IN THE USA - SERIES II MOTOCROSS & ENDURO RACING TIRES "A TREAD FOR EVERY TRACK" 1992 com mRS • • • • LIMITED EDITION 200 CARD FACTORY CERTIFIED SET FeIIfuring: Top Pros. Rising Stars. and fantastic graphics! • tlte lIeat , , Rainey's Year on V~ 'n1ple Wcrld Champion, Wayne Ralney recalls the chaDenges. mem>rable moments. and drama of the '92 season. From pre-season testing to relaxing at his Caltfornia home after the IInal race, our cameras follow tNery stage ofhis victorious year. Elcclustve footage not shawn on televls10n coverage. AvaJlable only through Duke Video USA. 0DJy $29.95 C/",- ~.,. :;~~'1 g~ ~/,:{:•:~~~rr • '\ ;1( Cho Aeslder

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