Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 03 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eLOCAL EVENTS e ~-- Bob Weiss (10), Mike Baldwin (3) and John Coen battled at the Lembo Lake Ice Races. 125 JR: 1. Steve W.mbolt (lion); 2. Deron Stidm.m (Hon); 3Brother MUIU"IO (Hon), 125 !NT: t. run Slaufenbeil (Suz); 2. Dennis Dahlin (5uz.); 3. Tommy)olu>ooooo (Sux); 4. o.Nag (J<.ow); S. Tun 0""" (Suz). 250 BEG: 1. Mike Worrall (Xii""'); 2. Bill Cantnll (Suz); 3. Sergio Miranda (KTM); 4. Oerik Towntend (Hon); S. Manhall DunIwn (Yam). 250 JR: 1. Geno Prida (Su~); 2. Ricky Femandez; 3. ~n Mallow (Kaw); 4. Walter Cnwford (K,Iw); S. Michael Preybylsky (lion). 250 INT: 1. Walter Oilumsvtner oc.w); 2. Dmnis O.hlins (Suz); 3.Nik.lcl HaullmJlnn ~w); 4.Sven ~eiJer (Hon); 5. JOl'LIthan Knight ( PRO: 1. Willy Musgrave:(ATK); 2. l...ance Johnson (Kaw). SOO BEQ I. Rocky G00deII (Hon~ SOO J'" 1. Jim ...ty (lion); 2. jeff -.n. (J<.ow); 3. )obn T....,(J<.ow~ SOl INT. I. De.. " " ' - (ICIM). ~29INT: I. ICm Wibon (Han). _ JO> BEQ I. )obn )ones (Kow); 2. Ed JioImoo (Suz~ 3..Sep> (1m<); 4. 0 - _ . (K>w~ S. jeffP_ (lion). JO> "" l o.n.u Utt!e (Yam~ 2. T.e 8rinrp< ~ 3. )ocu (5u~ S. Curt Jab_ (K>w~ 30+ !NT: 1. Toe! MdC.Ay (Hon); 2. Rick Lundgren (YAm); 3"""" St. CIah (Hon~" Ga'l' DoIomot (Hon~ S. Tod Kuklo (Yam~ 30+ PRo. I. . . . . (Hon~ 2. Dan 8ft& (lion~ 3. """ Hwtt~w). w_ 35+ BEG: L o.n Shapard (Suz); 2. Robert un Even (Hon); 3. Rom Eberly (Hon); 4. Bruce Forinash (yam). 35+ JR: 1. Paul Vogelung (Hon); 2. Carl Powell (Yam); 3. Bob SulUvan (Hon); 4. o.vid PIIva (Kaw). 35+ lNT: 1. D.R. Clement (Su.z); 2.Craig Bmhan (Hon); 3. Ed ....... (Hon):" . . . . . . Ulng (Hen). BOMBER: 1. Robtrl Faillns (Han); 2. Ben Gr~blr (Yam); 3. Chris Tayior (Hoo). 40+ JR: 1. Bob KoIJrr(Hon). 40+ INT: 1. One Jacobus (Su); 2. Tom Eberly (Han); 3. Bnaoe Wygal (Han); 4. Bruce Fori.nuh (y.m); S. Oive Grifins (Han). 40+ EX: 1. John Knight (Kaw); 2. Gene l'tWpsoernployed In the Four-Stroke class, long-time race rivals Ray Malley, Jr., Steve ! SorlDrinI (Hon)•• US EX: 1. ICftth Sartorini (Hon); 2.MICNd jonn ~w). SIt EX; I. Joy SIdKl£: 1. Kdly (; 2. Kathy Bokn (Yam.); 3. Matt I'. joY"""'''' ""'_(Yam~ (Kow~ SO+ tNT: 1. BUI Malone. Skidmore ices Lembo Lake Ice Races By Rosemarie Bosi Photo by Rick Seaman 36 MODENA, NY, FEB. 7 More than 120 riders and scores of spectators were treated to a display of professional ice racing on Lembo Lake, and National Road Race Champion Mike Baldwin dazzled race fans with handJebar-to-ice action on his 500cc Jawa. Undaunted at losing the holeshot to Will Adams, Jay Skidmore put the pressure early on and went handlebar-t<>-handlebar with Adams for several laps. Wheel-t<>-wheel in nearly every tum. his tactics finally paid off and Skidmore was able to secure a commanding lead by lap four. With the 100% payback purse in mind, Skidmore had the incentive not to surrender his lead and went on to win the 250cc Expert class on his Honda. Adams finished second. The day surely was meant for both Skidmore and Honda. After winning the heat for the Open Expert class. Skidmore. once again. surrendered the holeshot, this time to fellow Honda rider Bill Newkirk. Once again undaunted. Skidmore took the lead early on and was never challenged for first place. Second place, however, was a different story. Will Adams, Mike Spear and Bob Weiss treated the spectators to numerous passes action and close calls to swap places several times but finally spaced out in the final lap to finish second, third and fourth, respectively. The "Team from Millbrook, New York" has also produced a new, up-and-coming rider. With very respectable finishes in both the 250cc Expert class (fifth) as well as in the Open Expert class (sixth), 15-year-old Keith Sartorini went on to take home the frrst place payback in the 125cc Expert class on his Honda. The Senior Amateur class kept spectators on its feet. After several restarts, holeshotter Tom Glennon, Jr. never gave up the lead to take first place. Majeski hot at Harrisburg ST By Len Breech HARRISBURG, PA. FEB. 19 Tom Majeski took home the lion's share of the $2000 pWlle with a win in the featured Eastern Harley·Davidson Dealers Association·spon· sored 600 Pro/Amain over Kevin Varnes and a close second to Bob Sweeten in the Senior final in the short track portion of the 15th Annual Coors Extra Gold Draft Motorama put on by Trail-Way Speedway at the State Farm Show Arena in Harrisburg. Georgie Price took the accident shortened 250cc A final easily over Chuck Buchanan and Mike Varnes. Shawn Mobley took a pair of easy wins in the 200 and 250cc Amateur classes, but the closest final of the night belonged to the 80s when Tom Skethway just edged Paul Allison at the line in lapped traffic. Kevin Varnes grabbed the lead coming off the second tum from Rob Majeski, Tom Majeski, Craig Estelle and Mike Varnes, but as they completed the second lap, Tom had put his Diem's Cycle/Fisher's Cycle/McGrane Racing-sponsored Honda in front with Kevin in tow. While the front two stayed a few lengths apart, Eric Sassaman moved up to challenge Rob Majeski and Estelle for third in a tightly bunched pack that saw Rob Majeski coming out on top. The Senior main class came to the line. After crashing out of the 600cc Prof A final, Bob Sweeten jumped out into the Senior class main event lead with a vengence, followed by Tom Majeski, Tom Hannum and Robert Crabbe. While the lead duo pulled away, Crabbe put his 250cc Honda in third. On the sixth lap, Majeski took the lead in lapped traffic, but Sweeten returned the favor two laps later and held on to take the win. Georgie Price put his T-Shirt etc'/Pop Sweeten/Dorsey Builders/South Jersey Speed Shop/McGrane Racing/Bell Helmets-sponsored Yamaha into the lead at the start of the 250cc A final with Robert Crabbe, Chuck Buchanan and Mike Varnes. On the second lap, Varnes and Buchanan moved up to pressure Price for the lead. On the next lap, the red nag was out for a downed rider. Crabbe brieny took the lead on the restart. but Price quickly asserted his dominance, and started to pull away, while Buchanan, Crabbe, Kevin and Mike Varnes fought over second. With less than two laps remaining, the race was called when Crabbe fell in the first tum after breaking a radiator hose. Closest final was the 80cc main as Tom Skethway took the lead from Joey Zydinsky, Paul Allison, Brody Miller and Will Russell. While Zydinsky faded back, Allison kept close, and gave Skethway a wake-up call with a outside line pass just past halfway. Skethway put his McGrane Racing/Diem's Cycles/Fisher's Cycles-sponsored Honda back into the lead on the next lap, but both stayed close because of lapped traffic. As they came off the final tum, they sandwiched a lapped rider in the dash for the nag, with Skethway taking the win by half a length. Chad Hackman led Shawn Mobley. Chris Hathaway and John Winsett Jr. at the start of the 250cc B final, but Mobley took the lead before the end of the first lap. Hackman and Hathaway battled for second, but Hackman feU aIter a few laps, while Mobley started to pull away in lapped traffic. Mobley wasted no time in the 200cc final, grabbing the lead from Tim Russell, Mike McKee and Chris Hathaway and pulling away to a straight margin. McKee took second at the star! of the second lap. while Hathaway finally got by Russell after a race long battle over third. Resulls 2SO B; I. SNwn Mob'q (Hon); 2. Chris HaUwway (Hon); 3John Wtnsdl Jr. (yam); 4. Bill McQueen (SU7); 5. Tom DuPont (Hon). 600 8. 1. Ted Trry (Ylm); 2. Tony John (Yam). 80: I. Tom Slr.ethway (Hon); 2. raul Alloon (Hon); 3. Brody MiUrt' (KTM); 4. Will RU55e1l (Kaw); S. 8m Mille'r (yam). 200: 1. Shawn Mobley (Hon); 2. Mike McKee (lYw); 3. Chns ~y (Hon);" 11m Russell (Su7.); 5. Tom Skethway (Hon) 2SO A 1. Georpe I'rice (yam); 2. Chuck BucNNln (Yam); 3 Mike Varnes (yam); 4. Krnn V.mes (Sta); 5. Bub Sweeten (~w). 60D PRO &: A: 1. Tom Majeski (Honl; 2. JCtovin Varnes (Rbl); 3. Rob M.a~1ti (Rbi); 4 Eric Sa!uman (Hon); S. Cnllg Est@Ue (H-O). SR; 1 Bob SWfttm (RlJ:); 2. Tom M.jrsld (Hon); 3. RoMrt Crabbe (Han); 4. Robert We. (RtJc);5. a.m-a Bull (Yam). Johnson jams at Carnegie MX ·By Nuklear Neukam UVERMORE, CA, FEB. 21 Casey Johnson claimed the Intermediate class win at the third round of the AMA District 36 Nor/Cal Kawasaki Challenge at Carnegie Cycle Park State Vehicle Recreational Area. Races were cut to one moto each when rain made the course a knee-deep mud bog. Johnson roosted his KXl25 into the lead off the start, while Jimmy Pierce and Bobby Martin wrestled over second. Marcus Sabado was mak· ing his CR500 bark as he worked his way up through the pack. By midmoto, Johnson had opened up a comfortable lead, but Sabado had advanced to second and was closing fast. With less than two laps remaining, Sabado was on Johnson's rear fender, searching for a way to make the pass. Just short of the white nag, however, Sabado slipped and let Johnson open up a small cushion. Johnson stayed out front for the win, while Sabado motored in for a well..,arned second place. Pierce fought the unfavorable conditions to the end and secured third place, with Moore finishing fourth. The Big Bore Novice class saw Honda XRmounted Robert Stultz put his thumper out front and torque away to a commanding lead. Robert Scott took control of second place, and seemed content with the runner-up position. However, Stultz lapsed on the last lap and crashed after the white nag. Stultz crashed again and stalled his motor, which gave Scott the break he needed to score the win. Stultz salvaged second and third went to Andy Wood. James Speyer survived a tough final lap in the 12Scc Novice division to claim the win over Brian Barrington. Barrington also placed second in the 250cc Novice class after a daring duel with winner Richard Quinones. Quinones kept the pressure on early race leader Casey Musik, who crashed a few laps from the checkered flag and eventually finished seventh. Chuck Riedmuller styled to third place. Results P!W MOD: 1. Robert Harold (I~). P!W STK: 1. Bobby Morillo (YAm). I. Steve Swiahcr (yam); 2. Richard Quinones (Han); 3. Greg M.tshore (Hon); 4. Dan Fo!lgate (Yam). VET EX: 1. Ha~ (Hon). VET INT: I. Strve Swisher (Yam); 2. Doug Johnson (Kaw). VET NOV: 1. Ronald Ba,ilio (Hon); 2. Cliff Bagat (Hon); 3. Scott ~u (Yam); 4. Brad Huffer (Suz); S. John Hartvicbon (Hon). 60 MINI: 1. Robert Harold (K<1w); 2. Steve Phillpott (Kaw); 3. Kathy Pruitt (K.iw); 4. Thomas Wright (Kaw); 5. Tony Sarpom l111t: o

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