Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 03 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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If you're one of the few on earth who still questions the supremacy of the Suzuki GSX-R750, get ready to pay the consequences. Because this year weve taken the winningest production bike in recent history and made it even better. Introducing the 1993 Suzuki GSX-R750W Featuring a new liquid cooling system, a completely revamped valve train and a straighter intake tract, each for better performance under all riding conditions. An improved aluminum frame that's more rigid for superior handling and a redesigned swingarm for increased cornering clearance. And a detachable subframe for easy maintenance. So visit a Suzuki dealer today and see the all new GSX-R600vv, GSX-R750W or GSX-R1100W for yourself. Or be prepared to see them screaming by you an tracks from Laguna Seca to Daytona. After all, those who disregard authority, usually get punished. Suzuki firmly believes racing belongs in one place-on the racetrack. We want every ride to be safe and enioyable. So always wear a helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Never ride under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. Study your owner's manual and always inspect your Suzuki before riding. Toke a riding skills course. For the course nearest you coli the Motorcycle Sofety Foundation at 1·800·447.4700. The Suzuki GSX·RWs ore engineered for experienced riders. For the name of the nearest Suzuki motorcycle dealer, coil 1-800-255-2550. Professional rider photographed under dosed course conditions.

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