Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 06 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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v S 0ICE Lettersto the editor INSIDE Who is th is kid? FEATURES ROAD RACE OFF·ROAD Polen blasts 'em at Brainerd - ,' ,6 Roeseler/Hunnicutti Krause clean up at Baja500 24 HILLCLIMB Frazier, Williams brothers over the top at White Rose 28 DIRT TRACK Graham, Parker split Syracuse Twin Mile wins Carr aces Peoria 600cc IT . . ", Roeder scores at Dayton Old ,..,.." Time Newsies 12 30 26 MOTOCROSS Bradshaw, Lamson gun down Hangtown National. , . 16 CROSS COUN TRY Summers wins again at Millfield .. . .22 DEPARTMENTS LOCAL RACING ., 32 CALENDAR 43 NEWPRODUCTS ,,,.. ,.. ,,,. ,,..49 WANT ADS RESULTS ,.. , 50 62 My frien ds a nd I had the o p port u nity to witness a n unbelievab le perfor mance by a you ng four-strok e rider na med Mike Young at the J une 7 H ill toppers M,e. G ra n d Prix a t Carlsbad , Ca liforn ia. It is no t every da y th a t o ne sees La rr y Roeseler, Danny H amel a nd Jimm y Lewi s get bea ten th e wa y this young racer beat the m. You sho u ld ha ve been th ere as Young exhi b ited a ta lent th a t will defini tely ca tch so me factory's eye. If I'm babb ling, it's because I ca n 't bel ieve wha t I saw. H e sta lled h is Husqvarna a n d whi le he was struggling to restart it he w as passed by th e established stars. H e then moved by them a nd wo n by a dista nt o ne an d one- ha lf mi n u tes. Wh o is this kid ? An d wh ere in th e hec k has he been ? If th ere is an ybody o u t th ere wh o ca n ride a four-stroke bet ter, th an my frien ds an d I have n ever seen h im . Co ngra tu la tio ns, Mike! ON THEFRONT PAGE: Larry R oeseler (shown) scored top honors in th e Baj a 500, a lo ng wit h teammat es Ted Hunnicu tt a nd Paul Krause. For race coverage, see page 24. Pho to by C&C Ra ce Pho tos. America 's weekly motorcycle newspaper Volume XXIX Michael Kl inger, Pu blisher Caroline Gendry, Execut ive Secretary to th, Pu bl isher Editorial Jack Mangus, Asso ciate Pu blish erl Edi tor Kit Palmer, Associate Edi tor Paul Carruthe rs. Associate Edi to r Don n Maeda , A ssociat e Edito r Ken Faught, Assistant Ed itor Chris Jonnum, Ass istan t Edi to r Edwina Mangus, Calendar Edi to r Graphics and Production Ree Johnson , Prod u ctio n Su petuisot Mandy Loo , Produ ction Ma tlager Dennis Greene, L ab. T ecb. . Stacey Guest, Graphic Artist Amy Harris, G rap hi c Art ist Carolyn Branham, T yp eseu er Advertising T err y Pra tt , Na tion al A ccou nts Mana ger Mark T home, W" t' Tn Soles Manager T ho mas R. Go mer. Weslern Sal es Manager Steve C ot osk i. Western Sal es Mana ger Mark Mitchell , Eastern Accounts ,,"tanager Greg Mitchell, Eastern Sal es Managa Rick Matheny, Eastern Sal" Mana ga Rhonda Crawford, W"tan Ad Coordinator Carla Borden Allen, East'Tn Ad Coordinator Dealer Sales Steve Go ioski, Dealer R epresen tatioe Marketing &: Promotion Mark T ho me, anager Bob Johnson Tracy,CA Yo ung is a p rofessional m otocrosser w ho hails from A Ita L oma, California. H e fin ished 20lh overall in th e 250cc class aboard a L a Habra S u zu kisponsored R M at last Sunday's (Ju ne 14 ) H an gt own N atio na l MX . . . Editor. Disappointed MX fan T he Sa n J ose Su percross was outsta ndi ng, even thou gh it is sure gett ing costly to ta ke even a sma ll family $10 for a p it p ass, $6 for ea rl y en try, an d $10 to $25 fo r seat ing. How ever , whe n you wa tch rea l p rofessional s, it's . wo rth the price, Now for a com p la int ; T h e pi ts were open a fter the ra ce, so we, as part o f a la rge cro wd, went to see th e riders. Jeff Stanton was sta n din g in th e back o f h is van signi ng color p hotos an d was lookin g bored to death. Someone in th e crowd yelled, " Sta n to n, wh ich is harder to do - rid e or sign all th ese autographs?" To wh ich Stanto n rep lied , " 1 ca n th ink of I00 th ings I' d ra the r be do ing," H e con tin ued to force IN THE WIND By Papa Wealey Want Ads Toni Kerr, Wan t Ad Sal" Service and Su p po rt Chris Aitcheso n . H eadqu arters Receptionist Leon ard H err in g , Service and S u p po rt National Headquarters 2201 Cherry Ave., Long Beach, CA90806, 4190 First Ave., Tucker. GA, 3lf)84; beg i n s Aug u st 2 a t Wa sh ou g al , Wash in g ton. Wa rd is a lrea dy back rid ing a nd is h oping to be ready to ride the J u ne 25-28 Mammoth Mountai n MX . P.O. B 498, Lo ng Beach. CA 90801 -0498 ox (310) 427-7433; (310) 636-8844. FAX (310) 427-6685 Tucker, GA 30085-0805. (404) 934-7850. FAX (40'1 ) 934·31 12 Rheba Smith, Manager Sarah Taylo r, Bill ing Coordina tor Alma Anguiano. Processing Coo rdi nator Debbie Weller, Dealer Coo rdi nator Eastern Ollice mailing- address P.O. Box 805, Cycle News (USPS 141-340) is published weekly except the last two weeks of the calendar year for $50.00 per year by Cycle News, Inc., 2201 Cherry Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90806. Second ail class postage paid at Long Beach, CA. Canada Post International Publications M #546615. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Cycle News, P,O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA90801-0498. To determine the expiration dat e of yo u r su bscrip tion. check the (our numbers on th e first line of your address label. The first two digits indicate the last issue number you'll receive and the last two characters indica te th e year of the last issu e. Su bscr iption Tates: Ra tes for the Un ited Slates a nd its po ssessions for o ne year, (50 issues), $50.00; two years (100 issues), $95.00; six months. (25 issues), $26 trial sub (15 issues), .00; $19.00. Canada and Foreign, one year (50 issues), S9O.00: two years (100 issues), $1 75.00; six months (25 issues), $45.00; trial sub (15 issues), $38.00. Cycle News welcomes u nsol ici ted editoria l ma teria l incl ud ing stories, ca rtoons. p hot os . etc. Such material, if published, becomes the.pxclusive property of Cycle News. Such accep ted materia l is su bject revisio n as is necessary in the sa le d iscretio n of Cycle News . Unsolicited material which is not used will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed lO stamped envelope. All unsolicited material will be handled with reasonable care, however, Cycle News assu mes no responsibility for the safety, loss o r da mage to such mat erial. Rep ri nt in g in wh ole or pan o nly by permissio n of th e p ub lish er. 'Advert isin g rat es a nd circu la tio n inf orma tio n wi ll be sen t upo n reques t. See S.R. D.S. • 4 W/ BP.'A 'if AUDITED CIRCULATION Copyright 8 Cycle News, Inc, 1992. Trademark Cycle News registered U.S. Paten' Office. All rightsreserved. , Mark Leopold Hanford, CA Helping hands A grea t big th ank you is exten ded to a ll th e pit crew members wh o h elped Suzuki RMX-m ounted Darren Sa n ford a nd Freddie Willert wi n th e 250cc class in th e Baj a 500. This is no t t he first win for th is well -coordi na ted p it crew; th ey a lso proved th eir abi lity in th e '9i Baj a 1000 a n d th e '91 Sa n Felipe 250 in which Darren a nd Freddie a lso pl aced first in th eir class. Such dedica tion .h elped th e " Lone Yell ow " to win aga inst a flood o f green. It mak es me p roud to be associa ted with such fine people. Bruce Sanford Clairemont Cycle Supply San Diego, CA Letters to the editor shou ld be sen t to : Voices. Cycl, N euss, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach. CA 90801·0498. Published leuers do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News, Inc. Letters should not exceed 200 words and all lett ers are su bj ect to edi ting. "'I Accounting/Data Processin g Don na Bryan-Dia mond, A I R Coord ina to r Ge neva Repass, Assistant H erlan e Lewi s. Credi t Circula tio n h imself to sign mor e pi ctu res and act ua lly acknowledged abo ut one out of five fan s who co ngratu la ted h im . My five-yea r-o ld d aug h ter sa id, " Dad, h e's no t a good guy, let's go ." So off to the Kawasak i pits we went. Keep in mi nd that the Ka wasa ki team had a bad ti me in the main event, a cras h near ihe en d o f th e race look ed like it nea rly knocked Chicken 's (Jeff Mat iasevich ) head o ff. O ne sp ecta tor ye lled to th e fr iendl y, h o spi tabl e Kawasaki riders, " H ow long are you guys go ing to sig n a u togra p hs? " Their fr iendl y repl y was , "U n ti l we 're fin ished or you guys go home. " We a lso s top p ed b y (Jere my ) McG ra th 's p it a nd met so me very professio na l a nd frien dl y folks. T he botto m lin e is: Mr. Sta nton, if your fans are such a bother for you, th en go home a fter th e race ra ther tha n bei ng a jerk. There are plenty of frien d ly p rofessional s for th e fans to meet ,,:i tho u t ,,:asti,:g th eir time on you or m converu en cmg yo u. Con ti nued from page 3 A no -sho w a t the June 14 H angtown 250cc Na tiona l MX was Kaw asaki 's J eff Matiasevich. Accord in g to Kawasa ki Ra ce T ea m Mana ger Ro y T u rner, " Je ff hit h is head pretty ha rd in a cras h a t th e (J u ne 6) Sa n J ose Su pe rcross. H e felt good but while practici n g d uring th e week (p ri or to H angto wn ) he didn 't feel right o n th e bi ke; he was feeling d izzy and wo u ld fall down a fter getti ng of f th e bike. Basically, he's recovering from a m in or concuss io n." Michael Craig, wh o was in volved in the same cra sh as Matiasevich a t th e Sa n J ose Supercros s in wh ich Craig bro ke h is nose, was a lso absen t from the H ang town Na tiona l. Crai g was prac tic ing t h e T h u rsda y (J u n e II ) befo re H an gtown when h e began experien cin g pain in hi s che st. " I rode o n Wednesday a n d every thi ng felt g rea t, so I went riding aga i n o n T h u rsda y. T h en a ll o f a sudden 1 felt a pop in my ch est and it was th e worst pain! 1 immedi atel y rode back to my truck , load ed up my bike a nd drove myself to th e h osp ital. As it turned ou t, I a p paren tly cracked a rib wh en I cras hed at Sa n J ose, a nd while 1 was ridin g (T h urs day) it sna p ped." On Monday, June 15, Cra ig sa id he was feelin g good a n d pl ans on riding th e next 250cc Na t io n a l a t Buchanan , Michigan , Jul y 5. Stefan Everts , the 1991 125cc MX Worl d Champion , was hospi tal ized with intern al · injuries su ffered in a crash at the 250cc MX GP in German y, June 14, T he Belg ian, wh o com pe ted in th e Camel Supercro ss Ser ies earlier in th e yea r, underw ent su rgery th at same day. Although deta ils are sketch y, Evert s shou ld be okay but won't be racing for at least two months. B ORN: Shaylin Ren ee J ones, da u gh ter of Ca me l Pro Series co m pe titor and p romot er Ronn ie Jones an d hi s wife Trina, o n June 8 in Oklahom a Ci ty, Oklah oma, M OVED: Former Eas t Coas t helm et p ainter a nd T vsh ir t desi gner J erry Bernardo, to Wrightwood in Ca liforn ia ' s hi gh d eser t. Bern ardo , best kn own for hi s co n troversial design s a nd off-the -wall humor, ca n be contacted at 619/249-5868.

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