Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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TREND SETTERS When it comes to opening the door of the future in motorcycling, Kawasaki owns the key. For more than 20 years, Kawasaki has met the challenge of tomorrow with machines like the Z·I , Ninja® 900, Ninja 600R and the mighty Ninja ZX-ll. T here's a Kawasaki for every type of riding you do: The legendary Ninjas have the sporting bases covered, with the Ninja 250R, Ninja ZX-6, Ninja ZX7, and the awesome Ninja ZX-I I. For those who must ride the cutting edge, there's the Ninja ZX-7R. For more traditional-minded sports, there's the slim and light EX500, or the anything-but-standard Zephyr?' 750: Classic looks with premium running components. So check out the latest trends on two-wheels. At your participating Kawasaki dealer today. CALIFORNIA • Beaumont Beaumont YamlKaw 680 Beaumont Ave. Beaumont, CA 92223 (714) 8454882 • Dublin Dublin Kaw/Hon/Suz 6044 Dougherty Rd. Dublin, CA94568 (510)829-4466 • Fresno Fresno Kawasaki Suzuki 2686 N. Clovis Ave. Fresno, CA 93727 (209) 291·9488 • Harbor City Harbor City Kawljet Ski 1517 Pacific Coast Hwy. Harbor City, CA90710 (310) 539-3366 • Hollywood Kawa saki of Hollywood 6525 Santa Monica Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90038 (213) 4667191 • San Mateo Peninsula Kawasaki 2049 S. EI Camino San Mateo, CA94403 (415) 349-3337 • Santa Cruz All American Kawasaki 6990Soquel Ave. Santa Cruz, CA 95062 (408) 476-8100 • Stockton Jorgy 's Suz uki Kawasaki 2955 N. Wilson Way , Stockton, CA 95205 (209) 463-2912 ZX750- NIN]A® ZX-7 ]2 MICHIGAN • Lincoln Park Bright KawlYam/Suz 3954 Dix Lincoln Park, M1 48146 (313)382·1220 NEVADA • Las Vegas Kawasaki of Las Vegas 1201 Las Vegas Blvd. South Las Vegas, NV 89104 (702)382-86 15 NEW JERSEY CONNECTICUT • Lodi Sport Cycles Bergen • Rocky Hill Midtown Kawasaki 30 Route 46 East Lodi, NJ 07644 (201)641-0100 1864Silas Deane Hwy. Rocky Hill, CT 06067 (203) 721-0193 FLORIDA • Ft. Pierce J.B. Kawasaki 4205 Metzger Rd. Ft. Pierce, FL 34947 (407) 461·7617 • Pleasantville Motion En terp rises HonlYamlKaw/Suz ....TTh.TI A,® ZXllOO-C3 1.'lU'IJ 2901 Fire Road Pleasan tville, NJ 08232 (609) 645-8181 NEW YORK • Freeport Orient Express Kawasaki • Long Beach Long Beach SuzlKaw GEORGIA 2441 Long Beach Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90806 (310) 427-89 41 • Marietta Freeport, NY 11520 Motions Hon/Kaw/Suz/Yam (516)867-6363 333 N. Cobb Pky. (Hwy 41) • Hicksville Marietta , GA 30062 . Long Island Kaw IY am • Mission Viejo Action Kawasaki Honda 23854 Via Fabricante Mission Viejo, CA92691 (714)859-3186 • Modesto Kawa saki of Modesto 10309th St. Modesto. CA95354 (209)529·5424 • Norco Suzuki Kawasaki Country 2057 Hamner Norco,CA91760 (BOO) 366-4SCR • Oceanside HonlYamlKaw Oceanside 1555 South Hill St. Oceanside, CA92054 (619) 4336830 • Orange Clark Kawasaki 721 N. Batavia St. Orange, CA92668 (714) 532-0 133 (404 ) 425-4000 ILLINOIS :i~:~ ~~~~rises , Inc. 130 S. Milwaukee Ave. (Rt. 83) Lake Villa, IL 60046 (708) 356-3000 INDIANA 41 W. Sunrise Hwy 67 N. Broadway, Rt. 107 Hicksville, NY 11801 (516) 935-6969 NORTH C~ROLINA Thomasville Lee's Kawasaki, Inc. • 1538National Hwy. Thomasville, NC 27360 (919) 889-4667 • Bloomington HonlKaw of Bloomington OHIO 1006S. Walnut St. Bloo mington, IN 47401 (BOO) 788-RACE • Mansfield McCune Cycle World, Inc. • Hammond Loomis Cycle Sales , Inc. 6647 Kennedy Ave. Hammond, IN 46323 (BOO) 584·5979 . • Merrillville Loomis Cycle Sales 8201 Grand Blvd. Merrillville, IN 46410 (219) 844-4400 MARYLAND • Pasadena Kawasaki of Pasadena • Waldorf Atla ntic Cycle & Power 2084E. Foothill Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91107 (818) 795-0245 Rt. 301 & De Marr Rd. Waldorf, MD20695 (301) 870-7173 • Redondo Beach Del Amo Motors "The Performers" • Phillipston Cycle Design MASSACHusms 327 Ashland Rd. Mansfield, OH 44905 (419) 524-2222 OREGON • Salem Cycle Sports of Salem 5103 Portland Rd. N.E. Salem, OR 97305 (503)390-9000 PENNSYLVANIA • Fayetteville Roxy's Cycles, Inc. 4515 Lincoln Way East Fayetteville, PA 17222 (717) 352-8270 TENNESSEE • Fayetteville Fayetteville Kaw/Suz Huntsville Hwy. Fayetteville, TN 37334 (615) 433-0181 1512 Aviation Blvd. Redondo Beach, CA90278 (310) 372-8891 Route 2 Phillipston, MA01331 (508)249-2244 (BOO) 343-1374 • River side Langs ton 's Kawasaki • Somerville Riverside KawlYam • Lake Geneva Midwest Action Cycle, Inc. 4020 Tyler St. Riverside, CA92503 (714)785-1929 2 Union Square Somerville, MA02143 Lake Geneva. W1 53147 (6 17)~ (414) 249-0600 EX500·A6 EX500 WISCONSIN 1401 Elkhorn Rd. ~Kawasaki Let the good times roll. ZX-ll