Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1991 KX125 Wanted Mini Hondas Excellent condit ion . Ja ke's suspen sion. runs perfect 52,200 abo (3 10) 322-2672 . CA (3 15-17) XR's , MR's, Z's and parts. (2 16) 267 -6628. OH (3 15-18) Fox Shock GSXR750 WANTED - ROAD racing gear box for Zl 29 and 33 smoot h bore carburators. Day (6 15) 528 7715, n igh t (6 15 ) 528 -79 86 . A sk for Bi l l. TN (3 15- 16) 12.75 long • $175 . evenings. (41 4) 734-0789. ~ ~1~ 1~ 1983 H-D XR-1000 Or iginal owner, stock. excellent condition. 5,OCXl miles. 57,BOO. (7 14 ) 980-6 169. (315-20) Case Guards Heavy duty replacement covers by NRC. available for FZR4OO, FZR600, GSXll750 and 1100. WERA and AMA approved. Dealer inquiries invit ed. SPORT CYCLE PRODUCTS. (8001 356 -4230. PA. (206-TFN) 1989 Honda RS250R Exper ience racing at its bestl Own a race ready Honda RS250R. Excellent condition. Very fast . M any spare s . . . sprocket kit . barr ell , h ead s, pistons , crank . wh eels, tires .. . only a part ial list. Call Jay . (2 12) 366 -9 203 . NY (115-16) CBR900 Three available. in stock. im mediate delivery. WILLIAMS ON HONDA. M ill Hall , PA (717) 726 3343; FAX (7 17) 72 6- 60 16. PA (216-17) '92125 YZ W AN TED: EXHAUST Sys tem f or Herf ev Davidson XR1000. (203)740-0001 CT (315 -16) Excellent cond it ion. ca ll afte r 4:00 p.m. $2.400. (714 ) 897 -3983. CA (11 5-17) Excelle nt condit ion, ridden 9 tim es. $2 ,100/000. Also a 1990 Team Peak Honda good condition, aski ng 51,500/obo and a 1986 Works Cagiva 125 5700/obo. Call Monday th ru Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacif ic Standard Time . Ask fo r George. (714)981 -8100. (315 -18 )CA (315 -1B) '9 1 Super Sport Champion ship bike ZX7R. Call Jeff Heino .(407)B35-1672,FL (315 -16) KX60 Owners Break hubs relined to factory specs. Carbs bored. (512)B22-2174. TX (315 -22) New 1992 Ducati's 1989 Yamaha FZR1000 Exup 851 907 750SS in stock . Can ship anywhere. Call before 5:00 p.m. (414)684-0237. ~ (313-16) Clean, stock, never down. 54.900. (31 0) 542-25Bl . CA ' (415 -16) *Attn: MX Fans!* LBC Leathers Custom leathe rs for street, dirt. tr ack; any style. size. color . Rush or ders acc epted. trade -In s considered. (510) 733 -6337, Hayward, CA. (113- 16) 100% cotton - spec ify size and rabbit style : Plain or Baja version . Only $12. tax. 58th included . Free stickers . Send check or M .O. to Manana Grafix. 476 So. Pasadene Ave .. Pasadena. CA 91105. Order by phone l-BOO-DIG-BAJA. CA (313-171P) Bultaco Astro Used Apparel For Sale USA Racing boots, blue. size 6. excellent condition 540 ., USA Factory boot s. red, size 10 . good condition. $35.• Hi -Point racing pant s. pink and teal . size 28. excellent cond ition $40. , Gonja springsu it (wetsuit). pink-blu e-b lack., size XS men (boys 10-12 yrs) new condit ion 540. alter 6::00 p.m. (7 14) 894 -165B . CA (514-16 ) New can Ship . Last One. Or fly in r ide home. 1(BOO"748-801 B. MO (115 -17) Frames and glass. fr ames with swi ngarm $17 5$225 . Fiberg lass tank and fe nders availabl e. (216 ) 247 ·602 1. OH. (315 .11) Wanted: Harley MX250 1977 DUCATI 9OOSS 56 200 firm. Mark. (516) , 334 -42B4 . NY. (31 3- 16) Ducati 907 I.E. Days (4OB) 75B-614O, evening s (4OB) 375- 1046 . CA (315 -16) Huge Used Bike Blowout! Compl etely stock with Super Trapp, all original, trail ridden onl y, one ow ner only, perfe ct beginni ng for a dual sport bike. $1.450. alter 6 :00 p.m. (714 ) 894-165 8. CA (5 14- 16) Northern California 's largest used bike dealer has CR's, YZ's, XR's, DR's, FZR·s. VFR's. C8R's, ZX·s. GSXA's, etc.:. You want it, w e got it! Over 100 to choose from. Call CARMICHAEL HONDA (9 16) 944 -47 17. CA. 1215-17) 1989 YZ 250 1987 Yamaha SRX250 Great condo FMF pipe. Pro Circuit silencer. race tech susp.• fast bike. ini ury forc es sale. $1.450 . Call Ste.. eves (7 14) 848-5333. CA (515- 1B) 87 00 mi les. ori gi nal own er. bought new 5/90. well maint ained, never down, 51700. Call (71 4) 6501538. leave message. Costa M esa, CA. (515 -17/P) Honda NR-750 Oval Piston 1992 ZX7R Kawasaki In stock ready for sale and priced to sell. Ask for (215 -17 ) Darrell (314) 875-4444. MO RC30 Honda Less then 1.000 miles. Priced to sell 510 ,500. Call Rick (21 5) 674 ·2772 days. (215) 675-81 B7 eves, PA (3 15-18) ! WANT AD BLANK . Cycle News. P,O, Box 498. Long Beach, CA 90801 -0498 310/427-7433 24 Hr, FAX O~~.~~!-~m-:J.~;'l~L~~n?:~~~ WANT AD DEADLINE COMMERCIAL/HELP WANTED Pr ices Are For One Issue O n ly Per word " " " . " . " •• • " , . " , . $1 ,20 H e adl ine i n bold tvpe , , , • , , , , , • $11 extra B lind Box S ervic e Ch arge , , , , , • , , , $ 6 .0 0 Photo (n o large r th an 5 x7 ) , •• • • $17 extra Run my ad in the following spec ial section : _ _ Help Wanted _ _ Business Opponun it ies _ _ Collectors(1974 or old er ) _ _ General M erchand ise Black and White Pho to s. No co lor slide s (On e photo per ad - Printed image size limit ed to 1 1 /2 " high, 2 1 /4 " w ide) PRIVATE PARTY Per W ord . ' $.50 H ea dl ine in bold type . , • • • , • • • •• $ 5 e x tra P h ot o (n o la r ger than 5 x7 ) , ••• • $1 0 extra PHOTOS RETURNED ONLY WITH SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED' ENVELOPE I I I I I I I FRIDAY 12 NOON for next week' s issue. No cancellations aft er deadline. Ads are accepted on a fi rst come firs t serve basis. Cycle New s reserves the right to edit/ abbreviate copy & bold headlines. Any discrepancie s must be report ed w ithin one w eek of publicat ion to receive any adju stmen t. Fill in the Vi sa/Master Charge blank or send check or money order to Cycle New s at above - Signatu re 'B9-9 1 KX125-250. also misc. KX parts, Call (303) 6Bl -3114.CO (114 -16) ***Lou's Leathers*** (904) 626-1382. FL (249 /TFN) RZ 500 B600 miles , Metzlers 100% stock, slight fairing damage . 53.BOO abo. Paul (714) 979-0966 CA (314 -16) Kawasaki Parts-Ninja/GPZ All model s. Cosmetic s. electri cs. wh eels. etc. {51St 452 -0503. NY. (311 -20) RACE READY RZ350, 51,300. New Fa. leathers and boots 5300. Alter 5 p.m . (908) 477-7396. NJ ~1~1~ 600 WOODS , OLD STYLE, 600 cyl inder 500 head, WM4/19. 35mm adjustable tr ees with 3 cones. (517) B35 -8893. MI (114-16) '92 CR250/CR125s address. '. CREDIT CARD LIMiT M INIM UM 55.00 PLUS .50 C POSTAGE AND HAN DLING. . , . In stock. call now. WI WAMSON HONDA, Mill Hall, PA. (717) 726-33 43. PA (2 16-17) I I Please run my ad in _ 1991 KTM 540 D/XC _ Expiration Date I I I I I Prin t nam e. address and ad copy cl early. Ducati Sale 1992 900SS and 907's at blowout prices. Save hundreds. As k f or Da rr ell (3 14 ) B75 -4444. MO (215 -17 ) Parting Out '91 ZX7-R Hand polished fr ame, Mu uy exhaust, immaculat e. Best off er. (405) 75 5-4737. OK. (3 12-16) r-------------------------------------------------, WANT AD RATES 197B TRIUMPH TIger 750 $1,995. 19B1 8MW Rl00RS ·52.4 95. 1982 Honda CX500 Turbo 51,695. (316) 945 -B22 1. KS (115-16) Show room new extras $3.200. Willy or Bryan (209 ) 784-C897 CA. PRITCHm CYCLES. Chuck (209)784-7646. CA (3 15·16) 1986 Yamaha TT350 Available June 1992. Air frei ght to W est Coast incl uded. 559.200 . A sk for Tad. 1-(800) 835 -5966. CA (31 5- 19) RC30 RC30 RC30 Honda 1991 KTM 300 EXC Rear 'l ender, shocks and motors . Also complet e bike .(216)247-6021.0H (315 -1 9) ·19 9 1 KX125 - $2,000 Too Much Fun Club T-Shirts DISMANTLING THE FOLLO~NG : Honda: '91 lOOOF 'BB l000F, '84 750 Interceptor, 'B2 CX500 , Turbo . '84 500 Interceptor, ' 84 V65 , Suzuki: '89 GSX600F Katana, ' 87 VS700 Intruder, 'B6 1400 Cavalcade, Yameha : ' 87 FZR700 Pure Sport , '86 XJ700 Maxim . UPS . Days , (219) 474-6656. Indiana . (313 -16 ) WANTED : MAGURA MX barre l grips. New or good used. Rudy, eves (B15) 675 -6046. IL (11516) GSXR ENGINE PARTS • heads, jugs, cares, electrics, tran smissions 750 and 1100. Reasonable prices. (813) 530-4409. FL (3 15- 17) Well mainta ined, many extras - Excel. FMF, Enzo Racing. Ceet. Acerbis, Aenth al, Los Ang eles area . (81 8) 798 -706 7 eves. Ser iou s call s only . CA (514 -TFN) NOW AVAILABLEI 1991 Team Peak Honda 125 Scott Russell's MX picture watches. Any top MX star 526.95. Your personal photo 523 .95 . Vi sa, Ma stercard . (800) 484-9933 Secur ity Code 1657. (714) 243 -2449. CA (314 - 17) WANTED : 1990 Yamaha V-Max radiator. front end part s & muffler. (5 10) 232 -B801 . CA (115-16) Showroom cond ition $3 ,100. or offer. will ship . (2 14- 16) 1-(800"65B-62 13. KS I I I I I HARLEY INVENTORY FOR SALE: Dealer net less 40%. Seri es i nqui r ie s only. Purcha se pr ic e 5100.000. No junk. Alabam a Harley-Davidson. (205) 837 -7433. AL (313 -16) # of issues. Name City Address Zip State PRINT BOLD HEADLINE HERE (Leave spaces) Bold head lines do not count towards want ad word count. 2 3 4 5 t. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 . 26 27 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 3· 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 50 56 44 51 52 53 54 ( 48 49 55 L_________________________________________________ J .--slble for ....... Cycle Ne•• Is not phone numbers or copy. Area Coda/Phone No. Phon. # counts • • on. wo,d TO ORDER (70B) 20B-0112. IL (315-17/P) '89 FZR600 1000 front end. V&H pipe, '9 1 rear w heel . Fo. shock. fibergless . body . 52,500. abo . (309)722-3750.IL (3 14-16) Super 4-Stroke Single C&J frame 650 Yam. single. Full race, Hyperkinetics engine. Sure winner, 4-stroke class. All fresh, street licensed, many extras $1 .800. (213) I 663 -8976. CA (315 -16) ' '91-92 ZX7R Tail Section Perfect, will also fit regular ZX-7 . Make yours a 7R. (304) 265 -2526. WV (315 -16) Lance Gamma RG500-RZ500 Contemporary restoration. perlor· mance items - new parts. Buy-sell-trade. Rick Lance (714) 794-9644. CA (315 -17)

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