Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Mechanic Needed GuikShop L.A.·s W ests ide Honda Dealer has opening for experi enced mechani c. Generato r exper ie nce 8 plus. Conta ct Patri ck (310)450-4643. CA (116) Major Los-Angeles Dealer Posit ion op en for car eer m ind ed motor cyc le tec hnicia n s. with m inimum five years deal er experie nce. Call f or interview Tues thru Sat. (31 0) 326 -3 622. CA (11 6-1 7) Sales Reps Appoi nte d/ protec ted nat ionwide te rritories are now availabl e for aggressive reps calling on moto rcycle and w atercr aft deale rs. W e are t he hon est new Tvsh lrt comp any in t he businessl W e offer comm ission and sales support . Our plans are to be num ber 1 in our industry . Call Dana. at GRAFI X SPORTSWEAR, (800) 878-0105 or (513 ) (316-17) 237 ·0 10 5. 0H Line Mechanic Watercraft and motor cvcfe v immed iate opening, one of t he largest and oldest in the south. top pay. benef it s package. Con tect Tom or St eve (803 ) 55 27900, YAMAHA SUZUKI OF CHARLESTON, 5870 Dorche ste r Road, Char lesto n, SC 29418 . SC (31 6- 17) Experienced Mechanic progr ess iv e qu al ity m ind ed dealership needs prof ession al hel p nowl Salary , benef its. com m.,: based on experience. abili ty. qu alificat ions, and att it ude. Call Gen e (w omen don 't hesitate). (70 7) 643 -2 548. CA (2 16 -18) Yamaha Dealership l as Vega s seeking pa rt s ma nag er a nd parts counte r people and fu ll li ne mech anic. Send resume to Mr. G, 19 35 Fremo nt. Las Vegas. NV 8910 1. NV (2 16 -23 ) CENTRA L ALA8AMA mu lti -lin e deal er has immediat e opening for qual if ied Honda / Yamaha "'''''''''''''''''''''' '' '' ' ' brembo $ S~ZUKI. 11111111 1 1 FULL RANGE OEM & RACE KITS The ride you've been waitingfor" [I S H] We're Y RM Support Center our ·RM & GSXR ·Full Line Of Accessories TOMORROW'S BRAKE TECHNOLOGY TODAY MARCHESINI RACE WHEEL TECHNOLOGY BY WHICH ALL OTHERS AREJUDGED West Quincy, MO ASTRALITE CALL 1·80D·255·9648 THE CLUBMAN'S CHOICE EASY TO BUY, EASY TO SERVICE Saddle Skins™ LAIfFRaJ Replacement seat Covers 100% PARTS AND SERVICE $44.95 1 PIece Soots $64.95 2 PIece Soots SLATER BROS P BOX 1 .O, MICA, WA 99023 TEL:509-924-51 31 FAX: 509-928·0918 te ch nicia n. Excellent opportuni ty, vaca tion, be nefits. Year round emplo yme nt. air cond it ion ed shop. Looking for career minded individual. Send resume to: W ENCO, P.O. 80x217, M ontgomery, A L36101 02 17. A L (2 16) • Parts/Accessories Shipped UPS Daily • Boring & Machine Service • Racer Discounts ngine & • Complete E Suspension T uning Belore • Restores seats to origi nal condition • Factory styling • Ats right owryour original seat • Exclusive foam linerhidesminor d amage • DrawstrIng or permanent Install tion a • Easy to follow InstructonsIncluded i • Ava ila ble through dealers \0... Har ley Mechanic !l! M icah M cC loskey w ant s one mor e ex pert mech anic to j oin him in sun ny Calif. (818) 348 896 7, CA (2 16 - 19) = .... TRA~ (310) 630-4522 (800) 39 7-7709 ~ • Fox Rac ing Shox Tec hnician Fox Fact ory, Inc. is looking for a few individuals to w o rk " Fu ll -Time" and joi n our growin g tea m of prof e ssion al su spe n si on t ec h n ici an s. O ur " Team " enj oys compet it ive w ages and good healt h. dental and life insurance ben efit s. al ong w it h paid holidays and vacat ion s. Please apply in perso n or M ail /FAX your resu me to: FOX FACTORY, INC.. (Attn : Suspension Tech) 3641 Chart er Park Dr.. San J ose, CA 9 513 6 . FAX #: (40 8) 269(21 6) 9217.CA Experienced Mechanic Needed immediately. full lin e Yamaha dealer. year roun d w ork. f ull ti me posit ion. ben ef its. Fax resum e with inc ome requir ement s or send to: LA NCASTER SPORT CYCLES, 183 0 Old Logan Rd, Lancaste r, 1212 -21 ) OH 43 130. FAX (6 14 16 53- 8 76 3. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Kawasaki Dealership Jet Ski. M otocro ss. Ninj a. ATV M ule. J etM ate generat or. everyt h ing . Texas' fast est growi ng area. (3()8 -16 / EOI) Tom 1 131486- 4604. 7 NOW AVAILABLE·1992125 MX* RZ 350 PIPES Modern Technology Motocrosser featuring Mono·Shoclc Suspension, Water Cooled Motorand the following highquality components: ' Ceet Racing Seat and Graphics • Motion Pro Throttle, Cableand Grips 13 HP Increase, 20 Ibs. lighter th an stock, wi de powe rband, 4 dba over stock . Retains side and cente r stands. $22 9 inc ludes 4 alu min um sile nce rs. R5·RD250 / 35 0 /400 Daytona exhaust. $189 inclu des 2 alum in um si lencers. Kaw asaki Hl / H1 1 exhau st, $229 incl udes alum inu m silence r and hardware. Mikuni 38mm Flat Slide Carburetor Multi Air FoamAir Filter • O'Neal Handlebars (707) 463- 1322 F.P.P.l 150 Pardu cci Road/ Ukiah, CA 9 5482 DEALERS /D ISTRIBUTORS WELCOME (516) 938-3210 1973 Norton B50 Commando Open W eekdays 9-7 like n ew, Wor ks Perform anc e sho c ks, new Meu el er t ires, $1,000 f irm. Call W ill y (209) 784· 0897. CA (0 16 / C) Historic Vincent Racer Serie s " A " TIR; Eric Ol iver's 1937 1 0M machin e. Please call Oaniel (50 5) 964-2229 . NM (3 16 -1 8/EOI/ C) 1974 YA M A HA 250 M X, all or igin al. Excell ent condition. new bore 1st over, new t ire s, cables . bars, air fi lt er, $8 95. (510)758-60 23. CA (116 / C) Satu rday 9 -5 ATK DOES THE DOUBLE! w ith a bolt-on d isc brake tor t he rear wheel t h at works w ith the countershaft d isc b ra ke. Longer lastin g and superb feel. Will ti t any steel ATK swingarm f r o m 1989 to 1992. Ready for Im m ed iate sh ipping , $199.95 + $5.00 shipping (C A r esiden ts a d d $16.5 0 s a les tax) No C .O.O:s or Phone Orders Le noir Cll y, Ten nessu 1.40, Exil 164, H wy 95 left on B iluermilk Rei. 615.986-1617/573-5425 Send Check o r Money O rder To : ATK MOTORCYCLES INC. 5430 u otcn Pacruc Av e Ci ty of Commer ce . CA 90 022 RM's/Quad's/CR's We Will Not Be Undersold! (714) 623-6451 Call OPENS. ENC LOSED CYCLE CARRIERS HONDA SUZUKI of POMONA 1485 E. Holt. Pomona, CA 91767 Ct9 ~~ Orig inal un restored condi tion. M eticulous. ent husiast ic owner. Proudly r ide anywhere. RP SNRTON (315 ·16/C) (714) 44 7-4746. $3,600. CA 74 Penton KTM 175 Jackpiner (516) 931·2650 One ofCalifomia's Complete Parts & Accessories UPS Daily - Fasr Service 310-531 -1225 714-828-4080 Kawasaki Dealership COLLECTORS FAX • Largest CR & KX Jl!DA JAWASAKI ] SupportDeeler Large M idwest deal er is looking fo r the r ight person to buy street model m otorcy cles in any one of t he foll owi ng local area 's (Pennsylva nia) Philadelphia, Harrisb ur g. A ll entown. Scr an ton . (Illinois) N. Chicago, Peoria, Spr ingf ield. St. Louis. Molin e. (Ten n ess ee) Nashvi ll e. Kn oxville. Mem ph is . Chatt anooga. No Experi ence Necessary, w e will tra in you if you qu ali fy. If you don't mind hard w ork to make good money contact Lar ry Dionn e at 1· (800) -83 7-44 33 ext. 2 940 . OH (31 4-16 /EOI) EXPERT OF M ARKETING TO M OTORCYCLE and raci ng market . Help you to pl ace your advert ise in Japanes e major mot orcycl e m agazine. Export new and used bikes, part s, rac ing compone nts , modifi ed racing part s. etc. Competit ion l abratory . FAX 81 ·3 -3 721 -88 66. (3 11 -1 8 ) ' 9 1 400 MX st ill available 18 5 Express St., Plain view. NY 11803 c!//fAA~ Local Buyer .N eeded J etski. M ot ocr oss Nin ja . ATV. M ule Jetmate Gener ator . Everyt hing , Texas's f astest growi ng (0 16 -30 / EOI) area. Tom (7 13) 48 6 -4604. TX $2,995.00 • SuggeSled List Call your local dealer now or contact American JAWA • your onfy aut horized U,S. Importer/distributor for JA WA /CZ RM SUPPORT DEALER · 19 9 2 RM80 a nd RM12 5 .n St ock 1992 RM2 50 In S tock America's Premi er Road Racin g WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD S;» l:Jr ~ I;:; ro-' , ~ J~ " 'U) .r- "" ~ I ' , Association ... Orang e Cou nt y S uzuki . 6n' lI.... w ;Jo.. Brvu _ II.\ ~. "~ :;:; ",. • W e,Cuef To A,IU"" • Enq.nes (704) 684-4297 (0<;13 M p s{l C..:. 11' 410402 428 EAST COAST CYCLE SA I.V.-\l; E SPEClAI.ISTS a..~ _ -r~ ~ _ \ • Erect nr oo.cs • • Parts & Accessor Wp B uv & 5 .. 11 • S ,,,.~ ! DuI B 1o,"S l''' • J ...l S k , W;ll prC ril ft FAX 1 0 4 1 692 ~949 5 4 • W.' St),P COD (4 0 4) 692 -568 1 • N t'~ t D d~ UPS ~~ JII&& lBJ-r- YOUR DUCATI/HUSQVARNAlKTM HEADQUARTERS (708) 782-2010 ~ (708)782-2015 FAX • _I- 53

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