Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eEVEN S T e finishing late. T arres was second-best w ith 13 points, but Ahavala's 17-point second loop assu red him o f second overall. CN Results 0 / A: 1. Diego Boais (Fan ); 2. ' T o mmi Ahvala (Ap r); 3. Jordi Ta rres (Be t); 4. Bruno Camozzi (Fa n ); 5. Amos Bilba o (G-G ); 6. Marc Colome (Mon ); 7. Thierry Michaud (Ap r); 8. Donato Mig lio (Ap r); 9. Daniel Cross er ( G~ G); 10. T akumi Nari ta (Bet); 11. T hierry Gi rard (G-G ); 12. Roben Cra wford (Mon ); I ~ . Steve Colley (Bet); 11. Ju an Pon s (Bet); 15. Ph ili ppe Berlatier (G-G ). WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TRIALS SERIES POINT STANDINGS: I. (T tE ) Tommi Ahvala/ Diego Bosis (37) 1 win each; 3. J ordi T arres (30); 4. (TIE) Amos Bilbao/ Brun e Camozzi (24); 6. Marc Colome (18); 7. Donat o Miglio (17); 8. Thierry Girard ( 15); 9. Thierry Michaud (12); 10. Taku mi Na rita ( II ); I I. (T IE) Steve Co lley/ Rober! Crawlord (10); U . Dani el Crosset (7); 11. Ph ilippe Berlat ier (5); 15. Juan Pon s (4); 16. Steve Sa u nders (1). Bjorkman bags Carlsbad ST By Greg Boo th CA RLSBAD,CA. APR. II Loren Bjorkman wo n th e O pen Expert main event but had to pass some fast co mpany to d o it a t Car ls ba d Ra cew a y 's Sa tu rday ni gh t sh ort tra ck. Although Bjorkman h ad a Ir oru ro w sta rt ing position , it was j oey Win ston , Dave Tim Hodock (223) got a wheel ahead of Todd Huffstetler (147) as they ap proached Pro Sport MX Park's first turn. Cox commands Pro Sport Motocross By Barbara and Loren Williams W YTHEVILLE, VA, APR. 12 ill y Co x cruised his Yamahas to overa ll victories in th e 125 a nd 250cc A clas ses a t round two o f th e Tri-Stat e Series, held a t Pro Sport MX Par k. Backed by Mark IV, Scott USA, AXO Sp ort and Den yso Designs, Cox collected $320 for his performances at th e P ro Circu it /Gea r/Scott USA/ G a torz/ O u ry/ Mo tu l-sponsored . event. Clear skies a nd mild spring br eezes greeted th e 264 rid ers, whereas three week s ea rlier the com pe ti to rs were treated to moderat e sno w turning to cold dr izzle. The l25cc A and B classes were run at the same time on a staggered start. Asid e from Cox 's early check-out, virtually none of the other riders had a lock on th e finishing spots. Cox holeshot th e fir st moto and set the precedent for the rest of th e races, as he led every lap and stretched his lead to a good 15 seconds over Jamie Frazier. Frazi er followed Brad Clark for the first half-lap before taking over second and holding it tight. Clark maintained a solid third in the pa ck of 10. " I tri ed to keep Billy in sight so I could see the lines he was taking," said Frazier. "It was hard so m e ti m es , esp ecially late in the race. In th e next rnoto, I'm going to try to get th e start so I can be o u t front for a while. " True to hi s word , Frazier o u t- . muscled Cox to head the pa ck into turn one, and led for a lap and a half. Cox and Frazier quickly opened a IS-second lead on the pack. On th e ski jump section of th e track Coxout-banzaied Frazier and took the lead. "T ha t's a little more WFO than I ca re to go right now ," admitted Frazier. Tim Hodock jumped to th e first l25cc B moto hol eshot a nd was immediately joined by Shawn Schultz and Todd Huffstetl er. Hodock aborted a jump over th e finish-line tabletop to a void landing on an A-class straggler, and both Schultz and Huffstetler slipped past. By the checkered-flag, B 32 H odock had clawed back into second, and was knocking on Schu ltz's back door. At the fini sh it was Schu ltz, H od ock a nd Huffstetler. Fired up by hi s first-round win, Schultz g rabbed the sec o nd -m o re hol esh ot, a head o f H u ffstetler and H od ock. By the time Hodo ck had bl asted a ro u n d Huffstetler, Sch u lt z was well into th e A class pack. H odock a nd Schultz carved th eir way through more A rid ers before th e checkers flew, but no traffic jams developed to thwa rt Shawn. " It's probably a good th ing, too, " admitted Hodock, "As clos e as we were, we m ight both have gone down. " The overa ll went to Schultz, a hea d of Hodock a nd Huffstetl er. CN Results 50 STK: I. Isha Wood (Yam); 2. Chase Roberts (Yam); ~ . Ch ad Asbury (Yam ); 1. Dean Day (Yam); 5. A.J. Holmes (Hon). 50 MOD: I. Jelfrey Fields (Yam ). 65 7-11: I. J osb Wood (Kaw ): 2. Terry King (Kaw) : " . Ross Hughes (Ka w): 4. Mati Blevin s (Kaw); 5. Jelfrey Fields (Ka w ). 80 BEG: I. Adam Doran {Ka w) : 2. Robbi e Colli ns (Ho n ); ". J a son Cochran (Ra w ); 4. Michael Ca rter (Hon ). . Jl!. MINI: I. J osh Wood (Kaw): 2. Travis Wes' {Kaw) . SR MINI: 1. Myles Scara no (SUI ): 2. Chri s P ar sons (SUl ); ~. Ashley Bruce (Ka w}; 1. Chris Anstead (Kaw): 5. John Doss (Hon ). . SCHBY: I. Ian Fortune (Hon ); 2. Gary Din ges Jr . (Ho n); ~ . Kipper Ketron (SUl); 1. Nell Shelor (Ka w }; 5. Raleigh Deel (SUl ). 125 A: I. Billy Cox (Yam); 2. J ami e Frazier (SUl ); ~ . Kalan Bunch (Hon); 1. Brad Clark (Hon ); 5. J ay Ha yes {H o n ). 125 B: I. Sha wn Schulu (Kaw ): 2. T im Hodock (Yam); ~. Todd Huffstetler (Kaw) : 1. Sieve Ra,lilf (Ho n ); 5. Ti m Terrell (Hen ). 125 C: I. Anthon y Hill (Kaw): 2. Doug Neig hbors (Ho n); ~. T .J . Hodock (Ho n); 4. Todd Li neberry (Suz); 5. Matt Sutphin (Suz). 125 D: I. Cha d Frazier (Hon ); 2. Pa ul Lowe (SUl); 3. Tony La mbert (S UI): 4. T ra vis Du H (Suz); 5. Chris Dillon (Kaw). 250 A: I. BiJlyCox (Yam); 2. Robert Gerk en (H on ); ~ . Brad Clark (Ho n ); 4. John Moffit (Ka w]: 5. Tres Bruce (Kaw) . 250 B: 1. Chad Mu llins (Yam); 2. Bar ry Harvey (Ya m); 3. Chri s R ose (Ka w) : 4. Edward San tuk (Sua): 5. Scott Woods (SUl). 250 C: l. Sco tt Ell in (Ka w ); 2. T im Calhou ne (Yam); ~. Jeff Smith (SUl); 1. Dona ld Crisp (SUl); 5. Steve Mason (Kaw). 250 D: I. Anthon y Lamber t (SUl) ; 2. Gary Mumpower (Kaw); 3. Darren Law son (Ya m ); 4. Barry Ca ble (Hon) ; 5. Ern est Blanken sh ip ( Ka w) . OPEN EX: I. Michael Curry (Yam). OPEN AM: 1. Jerry Rober tson (Hon); 2. Rick Cooper (Kaw): ~ . Clayton Leach (Hon); 1. Tim Buckingham (Ho n) ; 5. Woley Vest (Yam). 25+ MSTR: I. Alan Kocot as (H o n ): 2. Ro bert Ger ken (Ho n) ; 3. A.c. Bru ce ( Kaw ): 4. Gary Morris (Yam); 5. Fran cis Darden (Ho n). 25+ tNT: l. Barry Havey (Yam ); 2. Steve Rat lif f (Hon ); 3. Steve Li tz (Yam) ; 4. Ch ri s Rose (Ka w ); 5. Keith Hicks (SUl). 25+ NOV: 1. Chad Viers (Yam); 2. Jay Lank ford (Yam); ~ . Jelf Lester (Ka wj : 1. Don Vena ble (Hon ); 5. Jeffery Slate (Ho n ). 30+ MSTR : I. Alan Kocotas (Han); 2. Denn is Pelton a n d R ick Schroeder who led th e wa y. The three riders p arallel ed each o ther, with Bjorkman running lourth. Pelton took o ver a slim lead exiting turn two, with Schroeder secon d , a n d Winston third . On lap three, B/' orkma n went under Winston comi ng OUl o turn (our and set hi s sig h ts o n Sch roeder a n d P elton, who wer e battl ing side -by -side . On lap lour, Bjorkma n went under Schroeder Frosler (H a n ); 3. A.C. Bru ce (Ka w) ; 4. Paul w est (Ha n) ; 5. Ronnie Noran (Ha n). 30+ INT: 1. Stuart En gl ish (Ha n) ; 2. Chris Ra sh and Pelton in tum [our to stea l the lead. Denis Hilton (Hon ); 4. Rick Cooper (Ka w): 5. Denni s Scalf {Ka w ). ~()+ NO V: I. Jay La nkford (Yam); 2. Raymon d avoid Pel ton 's downed bike and took a na sty ( Ka w);~ . Sla te (Suz); 3. Jam es Horton (Suz); 4. Terry Sco u (SUl); 5. Bruce Boileau (Yam ). U/ L AM:I . Tim Hodock (Yam ); 2. Shawn Schulu (Ka w) ; 3. Chris Morgan (Hon); 4. Tim Terrell (Hon); 5. Sreve Li u (Ya m) . NON- CURR 6-500: I. Chad Viers (Yam); 2. Jeff Byrd ( Ya m);~. Geo rge Idol (Yam); 1. Richard Bishop (Yam ); 5. Jef frey Slate (He n). EN Dl!.: I. Chad Mullins (Yam); 2. Phillip Doyle (KT M); 3. Roger Arnold (KTM ); 4. Mich ael Pow ers ' {Kaw): 5. Rand y Booth e (H us). World Championship TrialsSeries: Round 2 Bjorkman str e tched h is lead until lap six , when Pelton slid o u t, Sc h roeder co u ld n o t tumble. A sha ke n Sch roeder a n d his twisted bi k e cou ld n o, m ake the single lil e restart, T he resta rt saw Bjorkman retain h is lead with Dennis Voll tak in g ad vantage of the situ a tion and moving in to second. Voll main tain ed second lor th e last 10 laps 01 th e 20· la p m a in . Winston go t a gre a t drive o u t of turn four '0ni p Voll lor second by a wh isk er . The 250ec main was full o f action with Bob G abl er la k in g th e h ol es hot, Joh n Du pree a n d DavePelton were second a nd th ird , run n ing nearly side-by-side, Going int o tum one, Dupree a n d P elton both we nt arou nd th e' outside 01 G abler droppin g him to th ird . La p six saw Gabl er go down hard , br in gin g Bosis best in Belgium BILSTAIN, BELGIUM, APR. 5 talia n Diego Bosis ma y hav e started th e Belgian round of th e World Ch ampionship Trials Series with a five in th e first section, but he came o n st rong for th e rest of th e event to score the victory. Bo sis topped opening-round winner T ommi Ah va la of Finland by six points, and th e IwO rid ers now share th e p o ints lead. Defending World Champ ion Jord i T arres of Spain finish ed third for th e seco nd week in a ro w and is seven points behind th e two front-runners , 37-30. The cour se co nsisted of 20 long sect ions which were made even more d ifficult by m an y slippery, mudcovered rocks . Bosis wasn 't alone in his five-point maximum score in th e firs t section as most rid ers carded threes a nd fi ves. T arres and Fren chman Bruno Camozzi were th e on ly rid ers not to dab the ir feet in the section. Bosis left th e field by scoring cleans in sect io ns five through n in e on both circuits o f the course. No o the r rider was even close to matching his feat . . AI th e co mp letio n o f th e first loop it was clear th at Bosis and Ahv ala wo uld be th e ones to beat as Bosis held a o ne-point advan tage. They were six p o i nt s ah ea d o f Spaniard Marc Colome. Tarres was in fifth place beh ind French ma n Thierry Michaud a nd 10 po ints behind Bosis. Tarres reduced his score by 21 points over th e seco nd loop, but virtually everyo ne else did too . Bosis once again had th e best score of 10 points, and he added two points to his total for I OUl the red n ag . On th e res tart, Dupree and Pel ton con tin ued to run side-by-side. with Dupree o n th e cush io n a n d Pelton o n th e po le. T h ey b attled dead even lor n earl y every la p 01 th e 20· la p main. On th e white nag lap, Pelt on went under Dupree to tak e th e victory hy a bike length. Results O PEN EX: I. Lo ren Bjork man (Yam); 2. Joey Wins lon (Yam): 3. Denn is Vall (Yam); 4. D ave Pelion (f-lon ); 5. Mark AraKQn (CA). O PEN JR: 1. j oseph Roberts (Yam); 2. Bret Ikmh (Yam); 3. Bria n Maxwell (Yam). 250: 1. Davt"Peh on ( w ); 2. Jo hn Dupree (Hun); 3. Tom Clar k (Yam); 4. Bob Ca bler (He n): 5. John Francisco (Yam). Schoen shines at Portland MX ByDon Schneider PORTI.AND, OR, APR. 16 Kelvin Schoen scored two perfect m oto wins to take the season opener at Duane Wylder 's Portland International Ra ceway in th e large Wee P ee Wee class. The Thursday ni!;:ht MX under th e lights, brought out 133 riders. The wea th er wa s pe r fect. a nd the tra ck wa s g roo me d to perfecti on . The sa nc ti o ni ng bod y bein g Motocross Northwest (M X N W) helped to get a ll th e p articipants sig ned up a nd registered for th e po ints race. T he Wee Pee W ee clas s star ted the new Motocro ss Northwest season off with th e su n s t ill s h i n i n g bri gh t , G er Auto W ork sspon so red Schoen was o il th e ga te w ith th e ea r ly lead a n d h e would go unchallenged lor th e win. Tyl er Fick h eld second o ver J er em iah H est er and Sean Carroll until the white Hag !lew. Hiuing th e linal ci rcui t, Fi ck took a soil sam ple, resulting in a freight train of riders ge tt ing by. Mot o two was anot he r Schoen runaway. with Fi ck wi cking it up to second a n d h oldin g th e po sit ion to the finish . H ester sat in third, lollowed by Carroll a nd J oey Mancuso . Results 125 PR O: I. Cr ay.wn Han (Ha n). 250 P RO: 1. G rayson Han (He n); 2. Mike Rdl (Suz). O P EN PR O: I. Oon Boopnug (Kaw); 2. Randy f irohr r (Ho n). W /P /W : 1. Kelvin Schoen (Yam ); 2, j eremiah Hr:.ter (Yam ). 60 6-8: I. Kelvin Schoen (KoIw); 2. Ryan Coleman (Kaw). 60 9-11: l. Ja son Hamon (Kaw); 2. Crc gor y Blackwell (Kaw).

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