Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOICES Letters to the editor INSIDE T he Exterminator? FEATURES DIRT TRACK Carr makesit two for two at Sacramento Mile 6 ROAD RACE Doohan scores home country win at Australian GP 10 HARE Be HOUND Hamel hauls in Jericho win 16 CROSS COUNTRY Summers smokes 'em at StateLine 100 18 ENDURO Hawkins snatches Sawmill win 22 OBSERVED TRIALS Manniko scores at Schreiber Cup .. .. 26 Manniko shines at EITrial de Espana 28 RIDING IMPRESSION Montesa 311 Cota 30 DEPARTMENTS NEW PRODUCTS MOTOCROSS Parker prevails at Swiss 250cc GP ... .24 LOCAL RACING CALENDAR WANT ADS RESULTS .32 .42 52 49,50, 62 Chris Carr took hi s tun er, Kenny Tolbert , on a victory lap after scoring hi s th ird Sacramento Mile win. For race coverage see page 6. Ph oto by Mitch Friedman . Inset: World Champion Wayne Rai ney led Michael Dooh an in the Austral ian GP . bu t the order was reversed a t the fini sh line. For race coverage see page 10. Ph oto by David Go ldma n. America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Volume XXIX Michael Klinger. Pu bl ish " Caroline Gendry, Executive Secre tary to the Publish er Editorial Kit Pa lm er , A ssociat e Editor Paul Ca rru the rs. A ssociate Ed it or Nate Ra uba , A ssocia te Editor Donn Maeda . A ssociate Edi to r Ken Faught, Assistant Edito r Edwina Mangus, Ca lendar Ed it or G raphics and Pr oduction Ree J ohnson, Prod uct ion Su perviso r Mand y Loo , Prod u ction M ana gcr Dennis G reene , L ab. T ech. Stacey Guest, G rap h ic A rt ist Amy Harris, Graph ic A rtist Carolyn Branham. T ypeseu er Ci rcu lation Rheba Smith. M anag er Sarah Taylor, B ill in g Coordina tor Alma An guian o. Processing Coo rdin ator Debbie Weller. Dea ler Coord in ato r Advertising Terry P rall, N at ional A ccou nt s M an ager Mark Th ome, Western Sales M ana g er Thom as R. Gomer, W esl ern S ales ;'Wan age r Steve Ootoski . W eslern Sal es M anager Mark Mitchell, Eastern A ccounts M ana ger ' Greg Mitchell, Eas ter n Sal es Ma n ager Rick Math en y, Eas tern Sal t'S M anager Rhonda Crawford, Western Ad Coordinator Carla Borden Allen, Eastern Ad Coordina tor Dealer Sales Steve Got oski, Deal er R epresen tat ive Marketing Xc Promotion Mark Thome, Manager Acco unting/Da ta Processin g Donna Bryan-Diamond, A / R Coord inator Ge neva Repa ss, A ssist ant H erlan e Lew is. Credi t Service an d Support Ch ris Aitcheson , H eadq uarters R ecept ion ist Leonard Herring. Serv ice an d Su p port Want Ads Toni K Want Ad Sales err, Na tional He adqua rte rs Eastern Office 2201 Ch erry Ave., Lo ng Beach . CA 90806. P.O. llo x 198. Long B each, CA 9(80) .0198 4 190 First Ave.• Tucker. GA . 30084; mailing add ress P.O . Box 805. Tucker, G A 30085·0805. (310) 427·7433; (310) 636-8844. FAX (310) 427·6685 (404) 934·7850. To det ermine th e expiration da te of yo ur su bscriptio n. chec k the four numbers on th e first line o f you r address label. T he firs t two d igits indica te th e last iss ue num ber you 'll receive and the last two cha racters in dica te the year of th e las t issue. Subscriptio n ra tes: Rat es for the Un ited Sta tes a nd its pos sessio ns for o ne year, (50 issues ), $50.00; two years (100 issues), 195.00; six months, (25 issues), 126.00: trial sub (15 issues), $19.00. Canada and Foreign. one year (50 issues), 190.00; two years (100 issues), 1175.00; six months (25 issues), $45.00; trial sub (15 issues). 138.00. Cycle News welco mes un so licit ed ed ito ria l mat eri a l including stori es, ca rtoons, pho tos , etc. Such material, if published, becomes the exclusive property of Cycle News. Such aclO revision as is necessary in th e so le d iscretion of Cycle News. Unsolicited material which is not used will be returned if accompanied by a sell addressed stamped en velo pe. All un solici ted mat eri al will be hand led with reason abl e care, however, Cycle News assumes no responsibi lity for th e safety, loss or dam age to suc h ma teria l. Reprintin g in wh o le o r pan o n ly by perm issio n o f th e publis he r. Advertising ra tes and circula tio n in forma tio n wi ll be sen t u pon req uest. See S.R.D.S. W/BnA. VI rl 4 Denied a chance to win I a tten ded th e ope ning round of th e CMC Spring Classic a t G len H elen O HV Pa rk . .T here was a particularly in tense race in the 250cc Intermediate class between Chris Lance and Mik e Metzger. T hey ta ngled and bu mped o ff th e trac k in front of a large gro u p of spec ta tors. O ut of th e crowd, Metzger 's father a ttacked Lance, fought with h im , and kept him from reentering th e race as h is son mot ored o n. I · was o u traged th at a ny spe cta tor, mu ch less th e parent of a rid er, wo uld disp lay such stu p id ity a nd dis regard for a rid er's safety. My co m p lime n ts to the CM C off icia ls wh o ejected Mr. Metzger fro m th e park for h is acts. The sad result of this adol escent act was tha t both riders were denied the chance to wi n as yo u ng Mik e was disqua lifi ed fo r hi s father 's behavior. Let's hope non e of this is repeated a nd th a t you ng motocrossers a re a llo wed to co mpe te unh ind ered. M.K. Pattie San Juan Capistrano, CA Sh! I a tten ded the U,S. !>OOcc MX G P a t Gl en H elen and was most impressed by the track preparation a n d th e improved spectator access. My ha t is oll to Roger DeCo ster a nd crew for puttin g on an excellent event. I do have feedback on the fo ur -stro ke su p po rt race. Please m ake th e bi kes q u ieter! I have been into motocross for 20 years a nd consider m yself a n avid motorcycl is t. Th e GP races wer e enjoyable to wat ch but I had to wa lk a wa y from th e tra ck during th e fourstroke races beca use o f the noise. My com panions a lso felt the four-strokes were excessively noisy. To hel p make th e sport grow and not tu rn oll firs t-time race spec ta tors, it is in everyo ne 's interest to hav e a ll th e race bi kes mullled to a n acce ptable level. Michael Ri gd on H ermosa Beach , CA FAX (404) 934-31 12 Cycle News (USPS 141·340) is published weekly except the last two weeks of the calendar year for $50.00 per year by Cycle News, Inc.. 2201 Cherry Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90806. Second class postage paidat Long Beach, CA and at additional mailing office. Canada PostInternational Publications Mail #546615. POSTMASTER: Sendaddress changes 10 Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA90801·0498. cep ted materi a l is su bject Gene Romero Gene Romero Promotions Brea, CA 23 ON THE FRONT PAGE: Jack Mangus, Asso ciate Pu bl ish er/ Ed itor In Dick Maxwell 's interview (Ap ril 22 issu e), part of hi s a ns wer to the questi on " Does th e AMA have a plan on how to get d irt track ra cing back on its feet?" was , " It's a bea u tiful house on a ro tte n foundation ." My questio n is, wh y is the founda tion rotten ? Is it du e to poor co ns tr uc tio n, lack of mai nt enance, or termites? If it's the la tter, is Dick the AMA 's answer to the O rki n Man? I hope hi s sea t gets water-cooled . AUDITE D CIRCULATION Copyright'"Cycle News, Inc. 1992. TrademarkCycle News registered U.S. PatenI Office. All right> reserved. road riders took th e time to ca ll the ad ag en cy that is handli ng adv ert ising for th e Saturn Ca r Co. and express th eir appreciation for the ad that Saturn is now run ning featuring a P hD candidate and mot ocrosser. The agency 's phone number is 800/553-6000. If you ha ven' t seen th e ad, it is feat ure d in th e April issu e of Life magazine. Also, for Kentucky resi den ts, the Ap ri l issue of Kentucky Living magazine has a n art icle featuri ng Scott Su mmers and hare scrambles. You can write th em a t: Kentucky Li vin g, P.O . Box 32170, Lo uisville, KY 40232. T he article was very positive and u pb eat , especia lly fo r a ge nera l i nteres t p u blication. Film search Each su m me r I have a ga the ring o f o ld motorcycle a nd racing friends for a n annua l ge t-together. At this party we have alway s wat ch ed th e video o f On An y Su nday . This yea r I have a t my use, a professional 35m m reel-to ree l projector. I have unsu ccessfully searched for a co py of th is movi e o n 35m m film and wo uld like to ask if an y readers ha ve a ny knowledge o f whe re I may possibly borrow , rent or p u rchase a copy. I can be reach ed a t 708/834·9 785 a ny time. Chuck Weber Villa Park, IL Thanks to . . .. I feel that it wou ld be nice if a ll o ff- David Lou White House, T N Important ingredient . Those of us involved wi th Sout hw est Motorsport s would like to tha nk you .for you r excelle nt articl e on Co lin Edw ar ds II. T he article gives credit to many o f those involved , bu t leaves out on e of th e most im porta nt ingredien ts. Chris D'Al u isio and I help Col in out o n h is setup, but t he t uner who ac tuall y work s on Colin 's machine is Mike R o ck wel l. Mi ke h ad be en involved with me at DAVH AR Racing and had tuned for LR RS 250 G P champion Steve Lombardo in 1991. We a re ve ry fortu n ate t hat Mi ke decided to move to T exas , as without his help th is tea m wo u ld not be doin g as well as it is. Mi ke does th e maj or ity of th e mec hanica l wo rk for the team and is very helpful in th e setup of the machines. Chris and I are th ere for support, but Mik e is th e man tu rning th e wre nches on #45, Da vid Harold Crew Chief Southwest Motorsports Conroe, TX Muchas gracias! T he Nort h Ba y M.e. of Santa Rosa , Ca liforn ia , wo uld like to th ank a ll o f our sponsors and th e participants for co ming th ro u gh , in sp it e o f bad weather, at this year' s Sawmi ll Enduro. It was part icula rl y grati fying inasmuch as in th e 30 years th a t this even t has been going o n, this was o ur first Na tional. We wo uld like to than k th e members of th e SCSCA, Va lley Cli mbers M.e. , and a ll the in dividuals wh o helped by working this event. We wo ul d especially like to tha nk Louisiana-P acific for th e use o f the lovely terrai n in Navarro, Ca li fornia. T he y have been instrumental in No rth Bay's abi lity to put on th is en du ro for the pas t few yea rs and we hope th at th is rela tionship between o ur two organ iza tio ns will serve as a n example to other motorcycle clubs and large companies th at off -road activities a nd preservatio n o f wi ldl ife a nd p la nt habita t can be acco m p lished if p lanned carefully. Armando Miranda Public Re lations Off icer North Bay M.C. Fulton , CA Letters to the editor should be sent to: Voices, Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 9080 1-0498. Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News, Inc. Letters should not exceed 200 words and all letters are subject to editing . Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. All letters should contain the writer's name. address and daytime phone number,

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