Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'8t'SNew? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * 1991 Btackwater•••• *1991500 USGP 100 (Glen Helen) MX VIDEO * 1991 *SPfled Motocross des BNations of THEATER '* WcIyW;peours MUd Wars • ikes & Babes __ (.13)",_ -_"", Order from the greatest selection of motorcycle video tapes available - FREE SHIPPING! ... Iibo .. (-> 1III . . . . . . s.,..--_.. _.. . . & PrIll loII .. o .... ... _ .. _ 500 ... Z50 daaa. ..... too.52 rniMeI from GP --_ .... . . - ... v., 111_) l1li MI 52 hm Il(mI) 1111 GP.,. PrIll _a_ ~ "-Spoodwoy'. _... 1l(MI ) (.1.7) _ llno _ ,OO _ . . ._ PrIll Mud F*IJ 60 _ _ 110m ~ 52 m nn. from -e-) 1.1 GP Vid8o. CompIet, COW8l'9 of the '91 G H.1tn USGP .. len 8IyIe. Jeff Wanf, and the: to, ~ starI put on 52 nmutn from GP VIdea , lr81t showon • derntnding auu IgIinII the ELI'llI 11(911) 1111 Sao in thI fiRII rtuId of the sarillL B() minutal from 52 minutn from GP v.. "<121) 1.1 C ' , Ad • (.15011' 1 1 _ 1 1 1 _ 48........... _ _ V_ 52 mi'Ws fnlmG PVIlI80 48_ .... _ 48_,"",," _ 1 1 1 _ _ 'II (.I54A)'II _ 48_"""'1 _ 1III1 _ __-_ (11S2A) ' 1 48_"""' 1 _ (11551)'11 _ 111 48_"""' __-_ (.15M) III_ 48_'II T __(.157A) 'II lib Eddio _ r;.., American rider1 MIl go on to comp8tt in the Wm1cl 250cc Hapatown 8Ction from 1967. Ibo A::Iudes -powder purr 'MlttlIIl'. rvenl 25 rnnutes by &.a finIIL 60 minutn from RAZ Video. _ " KWll ......... Groo,l. (.1112&1 SoaaoIwaJ lei C'oIipo 1"1 10lI0 1hI belt ridll'S on icI from the USA Ind the worid (.IW) 1_ meet in TUCSOfl, ArizonI meet to f1aI fur till Lt.t n. 2nd timing of 1hI nlMl ItgenUry 8ItI rxt. .ortlII 1_ W""d~6D_""RAZV"'. us _ (M5A) SoaaoIwaJ C'oIipo ThO dimIIlD ... 2S _ ""'"_ .. .... brinp Cd IN bIa of thI top 1 speIdway IICm it the us to cImrnlir. who arrin #1 in 1991. II tta 1 n9lI......... Mnl 6D rnirl.Ita from RAZ VidIo. Gn.I Prtx a ~ ria (.137) 1111 . . . . . _ u-_..._-- Eniar , riel lhIl: Mel ~ " " ... _ _ . lil1Ino 5lllll ....... _ tEl its t6Ig IIId pnIIidId .-It il ArWan InClIIIqdt r.:ing hiImry. 60 niruta ~ (.15M)'II ......... I I I _ 48 minuta from PuwInport:s V'IdIo. (.1YI1'11_1II_ WdIo 14 -=tiln to ,.... boak (11111) ""- _ _ ~".a·Joft_ .. I"0 _ ""'-9> hiI ...... Ilylo of riding ......... ' - ... impnM row bib handling skiIts. Btl minutn entertIinmInl: from Mot:ovidett CoWl s. ... _ at 1.0 ............ AMRA Sorin. & """" ...... _ rnCina thIt tIb ItIm to thI Idge. 80 mirMn .. """""" .... f'n9aaM Dn;gn. (fI12I)q_~ Ewfything 'to'l tvIl' ..anted m know Iboul: motortydI _ _ ",mm.nll', .... ""'" """ _ 6D AustrIIi,', _ P_ _ ....... v... v..... from ~V"" no ... _ '07_.... _ . . ... .._ _.-....; _ Brittin', Pdl Mc&e.. ItIt;'I GilfQfto FIllapplIIId RoD PtliIIi&. 90 m..... fnrn Powersports 48 minucn from P1Jwenports V_ (UI2A)'II_III_ --- &"""' _ _ .. _ _ _ Sdloa< ThO (.124) n . _ F_ ThO __ _ fnlm1hI baI momtnII oIb 150ccWortd ~ Seria. h 1990 ..... ,.... . mosI rnmorItlII tnd IIClion-pacbd Ioatage cI uc:h rumd Fram 1I'Unph to def at. IaUII tilt wigaraus . e tr8dtI of 1hI 'M'JItd. HondI, y..... '"' DucIIi Iud • r.ta!I mMUfldanr1' fiWd _'. _ _• ... U flying .... _ 1hIir lOp .....-.: .R· 111_ .... (11111) AT. nw_ . " .. _ _ E",.,.,..,..... WI _ ID _ F "_ " 1ll.... """""' .. _ .. _ _ .... ...., SOD winnIll m mcMI lID. Futamg PaorwIi Jonn. . . . . . . . .. MIIcl*n Smith. InlI mrn. 40 miIun .. _ _ ..... ""'" KWll!Ullblo-' """'(Mia) trM:bnf . . . you howtomater the 1ft. so minlIteI. Br- (111t5) 1m _101 ' - n J .~ A;IjInOn'. 11llll IlJO.Oo _ haId _ (.1ZlA) 1ft1 CoIl. _ SoaaoIwaJ C'IIi(I AsaI IIllI lXNIrId br tt. 13 ~ . .. a- _ _ fiIming "tlo"'" Sundo, ....... sm-a 01 the bal: ridm .. thI tnbd Sbra rK:I _ t - . g;p v a - IloIa _ . JO on CIIifarNI', IongaI JPlt8IIwI'r net in u. 241h _ .... KWB!UIIbIo-' nD'inv « ltD pnstigious Mnl 70 mftl'la fnn PAl V_ """" TT '9, -s-n 0.,. In • hiI:tary-tnIkin ~ ,.. I8aIFlL 52 -"""'--- 48 minIta !rum f'aMnparts VIlIIo. 48 mi:ool:. us. The fnt Jaol _.. ....... fDlor ~ yNfI . . - . In _ JwlI tmp IN .,.. .... tnd , (fI1S1l) KWB",,--' __ o.c-. ...._ (-> 1111 ....1M10M.TT , . bRa 1M uftimm " . for 80 0I0W 37_ _ Coond. _ _ 45_ .. _ (.IU) 1"1 1 1 . _ SoaaoIwaJT1'II lal: IWCI hIId • lang v.... SlIdUft on 3/ _ KWll",,--' 219t. un aut to be 1hI most imputrd: JI*dwIy 25lIoc_ IImlI. af till 1991 se llOn, detlmlinilg IIhch flllJ' N (II1Q ) 1117 . PrIll ........... (1I151A ' 1 1 _ 1 1 1 _ ) 'h; n. 2nd inlImacianIl MX IIIId in thI ..... 1ll T..-. .. u.s. ............... _ PrIll Six·time NIIionII MX ChImp1Ikn you ta his IKm (lIM)Y-T"_ _1ll .... _ - _ _ .......... IWW nf 1M ....... 01 doIn. Joe Minton hods. M.nuf.r:turing af the t lauic prt-Unit Triumph BrTodIT_ (11101) _ (111.111117 a _ ee . a.ac_""' _ ... ~ MoIowik Rid(, 70 n.a insZnEtionIII . . 2-strdcn !Xing ~ 80 III .,. _ ae-t. CllmII c:lIlftIIIm wiItl • pol:bl:-lizId haIboak N 1M U r;.., ~CIIlCll"l\'IkIngIlld.1D inltl8 r.6d. Coond. oa v;r. _ _ """"""" .. _ RJ.... JGU heM to rid8 tt. .,au ltD YllII _ ~ .. 1 1 1 - , . - _ _30_.. . _ (1I1G) 1II7 1l(I5II) 1111 hame tilt lilt! Ib'I91t gaId medii ... 1M USA in IbI deep IIIld of h V~ HoIInd c:mn 52 mirIlla from GP v.-. 11(18) 1111 (SfoIal _ _ PrIll 80....... ltom MaIuwidIo. (1I11Z) U- _ _ 111 _ _ 52 mi'Ws !tom IIIm)IIII GP v.o. M1 RotIno _ .... ... ' 990 .......... II 13 CIUldaar MXNWonIb 52 minut. from .... _ _ V on!hi AN.A cftuil 90 mi'lutn 111_) 1111 GP Vid8a. _ MI (.IUI _ ~I::. ·~=z SOOns on the MY It ~ ... '58, ~ in '59 • ~ by • 1"'. old Haitwooct 11 brInds of bika ria .. Ouftan, Illd the '58 Isle of MIll TT. 55 mirun frum twm. Video (fI1JO .... T...... ) fe_ SOO_ hi PrIll 52 rniMellrum Gf'. , . (fI122) _ I-.: ""- _ . .. IIwy." £xperilncl!hlwancIw .ul belUty at Colorado', MiIion DoIIw H ighwly, in thI fall mIats saasan with 130mi e momtaUl roed IlaIf1ion througtI lhI hlllrt of the l s.n Join Mtu1tIinL From Jiguw Home VlIllo - - _ ..... ..-&quod CIIIIN:I. InlI 1hI fImDus AKDt bikini lXlI1taQnts. 60 IlUII, IDap-aa. InlIDI, 8nd • CIIII aI ~ • 52_"""'GP_ 1111 ..... CwistiIn _ _ (1I141)-...., _ 52 milIIIu fnlmGP V (.18) l 1 l i IIllC/lSPfI _ - ' " - s- (ll65A) 1991 _ Rondl _ Thoopt. w.... Gri.. kNn _ Eddie UwIon Ind men. A '4IriIty of aIIhu fn:m ro.d I'II:a GP'a TT MXGP'L Drag&. n P .. IriI-O Ibr. FI'lll'lI Motovidto. (1177) u. _ &4lor r.-.. Tho 94lll"""'" ISIlI: .... _ Will GonnIny. 60 __(1lI5) T._U. f1II" 21 ap lilt 241 tibL an Iftt N:b tIQd ,nd stroll;l" fa camplat. lb, farmidabl, II......... "f'IitI". s.. .. III b9lIigbtIlnn thI pn:t Iftt thI . . . . ca.. in ltD lIDUghat .... 01 II 80 mftd:a. Frunt ~ VIdIo. (.UIl) 1111_101 ham OM. 'NY. it, AmIricI', T~ RKt. IbI BIa::b.ta" 100 IWIitId. f1II" me IKGnd ,.. .. , raw MaruwidIo tIkII ¥aU tEl _ _ iii -.. motQl'tJdll & ATV J;IIttKIe. 80 minutn from (1I7IA)1_ _ GPc--... A miN at !he '89 AM G RaId Racing P (1155) IIIChol1 lIaon waridwidI. .. I.MlIl1llrI lellb fdow ~ RIinIy IIld SchwIntl 111 IIMlep 13 US wins in 15 nxnds. _ p.--V_ -- (l17li)"" ..,.,1_ GP.FoMow W ... RIiney', Inri mthe tid.. from Suzuka to Phtllip IIIInd .. hi ID 5-mirlJtI bb:tdJustIr of In IMUII 1'IView. ProbIbIy the best Bib GP ReviIw IMf1 a... ~ nw .......... _ J O _ (_) _CholI . . . . . . "ThI Music vllIllor All IWW MXmstl & btm fomQI teltlling thI 1IInt. molt DUhgIoWI lMl".fhI.edgI mishIp$. . . . tel !hi rnu:Iic on~ . Gltll HoppIr) IIIlbak an • Qm H D-eoal Ddyssey in . r i minutn fnIm PYugmaivlI at thI 1111 AmIrica. 94 Dn;gn. entertainmll1ttor all.,1 from MottMdeo.. 35 minut.n. (.I38)n. _ a. ( - I CholI. . . . . . _ 11. thin! in ........... _ _ ... _01 the IIria InIm MatowidIo. tewmg 30 ......... (.I3I) t-r - 1'Ilia iI thI dIai: yDUItI filii of III 1960', which rdIaItI 1M wiIr.*s and ImQilcI 01 WI Il1tft _ _ T _1h1io' fondo ... llomIs ... . JaImr"""v"""""What 11M ... IID<. he Alii IS In Il'9'Y yotI'lQ MIf'Ion Br1rw» IaIn:tln 1tw saHn in IhiI pawlIffII 'SOs cull: dasit. 19 minu'la .... f'n9aaM Dn;gn. 5)--- (.1.2-r.-------------------------------------------------------------------------, u.s. _ (n) PrIll 1_ RuI G ... """' ... ... W Md_ _ (. l l1S) 51 nr-., 'IG INWI _ .immy n AmtriaI• SIHdy_ lo<>N Soca _ 110_ ... bill Eddie LIwIon Iftll Flit You' v, ..en the comm.rci,l, . now huy lbe SoIIo"'- videD . . . GmI (MI)_~ Rae with W..... GInInw • yau craucb lMI' fbi hIndIebascI • 200 ,.. Grand PriI Handa .. a:tIal Order Form .... ThI 111 .... _ Il'ltWtII'lnnl • patiIII. (.1.) ..... ".a-- "Hawe- . ....... 55_ .. _ . . br Men .." ~ (Please fill au1 completely) Name D iy. _ ....._"Bad Bar.· _ _ Description "SA '90 Sp"dwrr US Nofb @ 29.95 Address 0 = Phone I Stale _ _ Zip _ ) o ~ Order Date _ Card # Signature Sond a.d< .. p0.'" 4Sl _llnI",.,.... Ill: Exp. Date _ _ ...DUCTS. CTtI.£IEM long ..... CA 908D'-0498IAJIow 4-6 _ deINo

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