Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eDIRT TRACK AM! G randNational Championship_/C_am_el_Pf_oS_en_'es_: _ou_nd_2 R _ ever seen it. 1 almost wanted to pull over! I'm glad to fini sh second ." " Usually when I lose the lead group, it' s hard to ca tch up, " said Pegram. "But 1 was able to catch back up to Ricky. I really feel like I could have won tonight. " Graham seemed satisfied wit h his fourth p lace finish , but at the same time disappo inted th at hi s motor began to sour. . "I'm surprised that it made it to the finish," said Graham. "I really took it easy near the end - maybe 1 sho uld have just pinned it." (;N ~ Results (Left to right) Parker. Atherton. Carr. Rusty Rogers. Larry Pegram and Hale competed in th e $10.000 Camel Challenge. Hale (32) and Harley-David son-mounted Ronnie Jones (16) struggled with the rough track. Jones finished eighth, while Hale crossed the finish line 10th. Carr (cent er) was flanked by Parker (left) and Pegram (right) on the winner's podium. 8 As soon as Gr ah am assu med the lead. thou gh, his bike emitted a puff of white smoke and he began to slow. Atherton and Parker over too k Graham on the next lap, as did Carr a few seconds later. "As soon as 1 go t into the lead , 1 .knew someth ing was wrong," said Graham. "The bi ke started to slo w down, so 1 just tr ied to bab y it home." T he rough track condi tio ns caugh t Atherto n off gua rd o n the 18th lap. " I caugh t my foot in th e holes comi ng ou t of four," said Ath erton. " My foo t got sucked under the footpeg and 1 twisted my ankle. I'm afra id to tak e my boo t off." After twis ting his ankle, Ath ert on began to drop off th e pace and Parker, Carr and Gra ha m pulled away from th e early leader. Pegram was the first to sneak past Atherton, and set hi s sig hts on Graham 's smoking mach in e. " I saw it smo king, bu t 1didn 't th ink it slowed him down much. 1 was just ca tching up . If 1ha dn 't go tten kn ocked off the groo ve, 1 kn ow 1could've won," sai d Pegram , referring to hi s early la p inciden t. Carr assumed the lead on lap 20, and Parker seemed cont ent with second for the next few lap s. Pegram reeled in and pa ssed Grah am with two laps to go, but was too far back with too little time left to challenge ei ther Parker or Carr. On the last lap, Parker drafted past Carr on the back straight and assumed the lead. Carr was q uick to retaliate, though , an d tucked in behind Parker as they powered out of tum four and towards the checkered flag. Carr pulled ou t of the draft just before the finish line and edged Parker by inches. Pegram was a distant thi rd ahead of Graham, while Farris got the best of Rogers at the flag. Carr's wi n came in 16 'min utes, 2.44 second s, well off the race record of 15:25.69, set by Parker in the fall of 1985. "I had to take some reall y funky lines because the track was so bad ," said Carr. " I was really scra tching my head dur in g practice - nothing was go ing righ t. T hen, in th e last session 1burned a good lap. That reall y helped my co nfidence." " I ne ver felt com fortabl e. That wasn 't fun at all," said Parker after the race. " At a lot of races, you finis h and th ink wh at a bla st you just had, but no t tonight, This is the roughest I'v e TIME TlUALS: I. Scon Park er (38.866 sec.l92.626 mph ); 2. Kevin Ath erton (38.956); 3. Chris Carr (39.064); 4. Rusty Rogers (39.154); 5. Larry Pegra m (39.190); 6. Mike Hale (39.368); 7. Jay Sp rings teen (39.469); 8. Ri cky Graham (39.491);9. j ason Fletcher (39.351); 10. Rodney Farris (39.574); II. Dan Ingra m (39.645); 12. Aaron Hill (39.751); 13. Will Davis (39.802); 14. George Roeder (39.810); 15. Steve Beanie (40.203); 16. Steve Rasmussen (40.432); 17. Willi e McGoy (40.375); 18. Davey Durelle (40.382); 19. Keith Day (40.405); 20. Mike Ind erbiuen (40.962); 21. Micha el Varnes (40.976); 22. Davey Camlin (41.176); 23. Ronnie J ones (41.227); 24. Rex Fisher (41.318); 25. Dan McDon nell (41.331); 26. Martin La voie (4 1.465); 27. Paul Polhemus (41.622); 28. J ohn Hol mes (41. 685); 29. Scott St um p (41.696); 30. Chance Darling (41.730); 31. Ccaig Estelle (41.794); 32. Don Wilson (42.022); 33. Michael Dillo n (42.073); M . Bobby McDowell (42. 139); 35. David Llo yd (42.4 12); 36. Steph en Maylield (42.822); 37. Ian Segedv (43.195); 38. T on y Donahue (43.398). HEAT I ; Ricky Gra ham (Hon) ; 2. Scon Parker (H -D); 3. Rex Fisher (H -D); 4. Don Wilson (H on); 5. Mich ael Dillon (H- D); 6. Dan McDonnell (H -D); 7. Steve Ra smussen (H -D); 8. Will ie McGoy (H -D); 9. Jason Fletch er (H -D). Time: No time du e to restart. HEAT 2: I. Kevin Atherto n (H -D); 2. Rodn ey Farris (H- D); 3. Jay Sp ringsteen (H- D); 4. Steve Beattie (H -D); 5. Ronnie J on es (H· D); 6. Dave Durelle (H -D ); 7, Ccaig Estelle (H -D); 8. Bobby McDow ell (H -D); 9. Martin Lavoi e (H -D). Time: 6 mi nutes. 27.45 seconds. HEAT 3: I. Da n Ingram (Ho n); 2. Ch ris Carr (H · D); 3. Mike Hale (H· D); 4. Geo rge Roeder (H· D); 5. Dave Camlin (H -D); 6. Ch an ce Darling (H · D); 7. David Ll oyd (Ho n ); 8. Tony Donahue (H- D); 9. Paul Polhemus (H -D). Time: No time d ue to restart. HEAT 4: I. Larry Pegram (H -D); 2. Ru sty Rogers (H -D); 3. Will Davis (H -D); 4. Aaron Hill (H -D); 5. Mike Ind erb itzen (H -D); 6. Scott Stump (Hon); 7. Mich ael Varn es (H ·D); 8. J oh n Holmes (H on); 9. Step he n Mayfield (H· D). Time: 6;29.88. SEMI 1: 1. H ale; 2. Sp ri ngs teen ; 3.. Du relle: 4. Inderbitzen: 5. Darling; 6. Holmes; 7. Polhemu s; 8. Wilso n; 9. La voie; 10. Rasm ussen . Time: 6;37.80. SEMI 2: 1. Davis; 2. Beattie; 3. Estelle; 4. Roed er; 5. Stump; 6. Llo yd; 7. Maylield ; 8. Dill on. Time: 6:34.840. SEMI 3: I. J on es; 2. Hill; 3. Ca m lin; 4. Fletc her; 5.. Fisher; 6. McDowe1l; 7. Donah ue; B. Varnes; 9. McDo nnell : 10. Day. Time: 6:37.37. . CAMEL CHALLENGE: I. Scott Pa rker (H- D); 2. Chris Ca rr (H -D); 3. Mike H al e (H -D); 4. Kevin Athert on (H -D); 5. Larry Pegram (H -D); 6. Rusty Rogers (H- D). . Time: 3;15.54. 25-LAP NATIONAL: I. Ch ris Carr (H -D); 2. Scott Pa rker (H -D): 3. Larry Pegram (H- D); 4. Ricky Graha m (Hon); 5. Rodney Farris (H -D); 6. Rusty Ro gers « H- D); 7. Kevin Ath erton (H -D); 8. Ron nie Jones (H -D); 9. Ja y Springsteen (H -D); 10. Mike H ale (H- D); I I. Aaro n H ill (H -D); 12. Davey Caml in (H D); 13. Cra ig Estelle (H- D); 14. Davey Durelle (H - D); 15. Steve Beattie (H -D); 16. Dan In gram (Hon); 17. Will Davis (Hon). Time: 16:02.44/ 93.512. AM A/CAMEL PRO GRAND NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES POINT STANDINGS: I. Ch ris Ca rr (40) (2 win s); 2. Scott Parker (24); 3. Kevin Atherton (18); 4. Dan Ingram (17); 5. La rry Pegram (16); 6. Wi ll Davis (14); 7. (1'IE) Ricky Gra ha m/Terry Poo vey (11); 9. (T IE) Ro nnie j o nes/ Rodney Farris (10); II. (TIE) Rusty Rog ers/ Rich King (9); 13. Bria n Tillson (7); 14. (T IE) J a y Springsteen/Les Washbon (6); 16. (T IE) Mike Hale/ Brian Vill ella (5); 18. (TIE) Roger Du rkee/ Aaron Hill/Davey Caml in (4). JR H EAT I : I. Allo n McBee (H -D); 2. Crai g Howard (W-R); 3. Ben Bosrro n (H -D); 4. Jell Annen (W-R ); 5. Troy Bostro n (Rot); 6. Donald Paul (WR); 7. Joseph Pin eda (Rot); 8. Terry Sta tu m (WR); 9. HP Wya tt (H · D); 10. Dan iel Arga no (Rot); II. Stan Mom s (Rot); 12. Allen Auzenne (Rot). T ime: 4:05.75. JR HEAT 2: I. Gory Perrau lt (W-R); 2. Chad Barth (Ro l); 3. T im Selby (Rot); 4. Eric Gree n (W-R); 5. Robert Bacosa (Rot); 6. J oe Duvall (W-R); 7. John Paul Simonsen (H e n): 8. Darrin Kon ech ny (Ho n ); 9. Ray Dugan (Ro t); 10. Randal Beren an (Ro t); I I. Woodrow Rogers III (Ro t); 12. Donnie Harr ell (W· R ). T im e: 4;10.78. JR HEAT 3: I. Jell Eklund (Rot); 2. Ro nald Brow n (Yam); 3..Jaime Aguilar (W· R); 4. Kevin Bricker (H D); 5. Brett Landes (H ·D); 6. David Woodw a rd (Ro t); 7. Jimmy Hi gu era II (W-R ): 8. Lon nie Paul ey (Ho n ); 9. J oe Carrera (Ro t); 10. T imot h y Hl ebo J r. (Rot); II. Trapper McDaniel (Rot) ; 12. Ri cky Sm ith (Ro t). Time: 4:10.24. I2-LAP JR MAIN: I. All on McBee (H ·D); 2. J ell Eklund (Ro t); 3. Ccaig H ew ard (W-R); 4. T im Selby (Ro t); 5. Ben Bostr on (H -D); 6. Ron ald Brown {Yarn): 7. J aime Aguilar (W-R); 8. Chad Barth (Rot); 9. Eric ' Green (W· R); 10. J ell Ann en (W-R ); I I. Kevin Bricker (H- D); 12. Gory Perrault (W-R). Time: 8;08.569.

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