Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• GuikShop ~ Have Your Cred it Card Ready and call: Nat'l : (8 0 0) 237·9906 • ...... .l-o ..... Air Filter Distributor: Motorcycle/Watercraft/ Auto The Oil Edge Local: (714) 781 · 5 8 4 9 I.M.S. 1189l.aCadena Drive . Riverside. CA 92501 l'ISA I IAi!IiiiiIil ~_ -' FAX : (7 1 41 781 ·0156 ,AM ER'''''' • UPS Daily. DCP-RE'SS 0. HELP WANTED PARTS ~ $ SUZUKI .-CKaw eki ~ "iigml.,·Y.'1,;ij :tmJijl i f 1248 N. " H" St. San Bernardino. CA 92405 (7 14) 885·7110 FAX (714) 381 -3533 DAILY UPS/EXPORT GWEN DA VIS Mgr . *Calif. Largest Volume Dealer*' Honda -S uzu ki-S ea-Doo Sales. 8ERTS M / C MALL Vol ume Hcn -Suz-Sea-Doo dealer w ants aggressive, mot ivated, ex.perienced sales specialist s. Male or fema lel Ser ious inquiri es only. Call (8 18) 334 -1288 ask for Todd. or send resume to 900 W . Foothi ll 8lvd., Az usa. CA 91702 or FAX (8 1B) 334-9586. CA (2 15· 16) Pipes & Portlnc """"== === 7'.''''R''r U1IYU ai, I. RETAIL and DEALER SALES '-----(315) 253-9631--'; LIFETIME BIKE STAND ENDURO/MOTOCROSS PR ICE - $69.95 + S /H HOLMES MFG. CO. 104895 E.Slanfonl PI A--. coIlOO15 . I NO SLOP HOSE ~ §T8~~ ~~Sdlt°M WEATHERPROOF Co rdura· Ny a lon ABRASION -!L '\ Proven Protection ~ ~~ s 5~ GA~ TAN~ Seam-sealed GoreTex· COOLER Choosll two colon 1st Color Is Valve Color 2nd Color I. How Color _ r:: • Six ,eroovable H oam impaCl pads ~ • • Fast. easy entry design Ai • 24 sizes& 16 colors /L' • Ful~ lined & machinewashable • OrderfaClory direCl !!!!!!a'J,li......" • 100% rrooeyback guarantee ~~,.= ROADCllArnR Send $7.95 d P REO LTBLUE . BLACK. OK. BLUE YELLOW W TE . HI l.05 5&1I l 'iI'(I.\I .\jH'ri mlon ' jy PINK GREEN . , "" GRAY • Cycle Express, eN 14071 S . Carus Rd.• Oregon City. OR 9704 5 IRT TRACK STEEL SHOES TWO PIECESUIT $597 _ Hot Shoe ()lcrms • . .• •• •• ••••.•••••• 519 .95 T....." . •• ••. . . •. •.. ••••••••••••••• •••••• •14.95 Hob •• • • • . • • . .• • ••• ••••••• • • •• • • •• • • • ••• 57. 5 9 Pracllce track open weekly. Ken Moely 8580 Bedford Motorwav. Corona. CA 91719 (714) 277-8989 F (71 4) 277-0410 AX -Foam Air FRters. United Stat es Masters Of Motocross 1992 Eastern Championship - Le n se s & Tear-Ofts. - N u m ber s 3 " , 6" , B " . - B a ck g r o u n d s . Cha mpionship Junt: 21 · Muddy Creek. Blountville. TN AREA QUAUFIE RS MX • Apr il 19 • Si fvet' Springs MX. Rod Glen. NY • Ma., 3 • Or lando flAX Per1l.Qft. ndo . FL • Ma., 3 - Honda Hills Mo1ospclftS. l lnnville. OH • Ma., to- HIllbilly Hilla MX. RoberY. GA • June 20 • last Chance QlUIlrf_ • Muddy Creek Main Office: 721 B N. Shirl< Rd.• Visalia. CA 93291 FAX: 209-651-4119 West: 209-651-4120 East: 616-695-711B Con.......... USA ta:1.. or call Bern ie Tho mpson 1·(800)-3 4 2-9 253 in Orla ndo . FL (214- 16) Service Manager-Experienced Ask for Dick Allen for appo intm ent . 1805) 2598460. CA (2 15-161 ONE PIECE SUIT $547 52 Technician Wanted Sales Person & Parts Person 1625 COLLEGE STREET . BEAUMONT. TEXAS (409) 838-4746 • 1·800·256·4746 FAX (409) 838 -4749 JAPAN ESE/ EUROPEAN/ATV PHOENIX HONDA DEALER LOOK ING f or expe ri enced motorcycle techni cian. Perm anent fu ll l ime position, good pay, good benefit s & lots of sun . Robert . (602) 944 -2639. 16021371-14 37. AZ. (209/TFN) Exper ienced Sales person needed. must have F and 1 experience. Expe r ienced Parts person ne eded. Call BEAUMONT YA MAH A KAWASAKI. ask fo r J im or Donna. (7 141845·4882. CA • (2 15-17 ) 25 years serving the in dustry MID-TOP • San Fernando Va ll ey dealer est ablished 1959 needs professional sal esper son . Insurance. profit sharing. excelle nt pay plan. Ask for Bill or Jim . KOLBE HON DA . 22 123 Ven tura Blvd.. Woodla nd Hills. CA 9 13 64 . (818) 348-7 86 5. (213·TFNI Northern Calif. Honda Kawa sak i Dealer has immediate ope ning fo r qua lified Tech . Call Tim or Jerry for details. (8001542·9697. CA (3 15-1 6) Finest Quality Parts· Best Prices Huge Inventory Same Day Shipp ing Wholesale & Retail TO R Q U E or Super Salesperson We wa nt th e best . Career posit ion . Los Angeles L OrAVE!:E!IIl Our Selection of KTM Part s II Top Notch Com plete line of Acceuoriel For All Ma jor Motorcycle Brandl Call Today (8 0 5 ) 824·4911---.1 NOS P6ftS fo r Harl ey Oav idson Lightweights American & Italian 1948·78 Start Today:! Sales department or Service depa rt ment posit ions open fo r expe ri enced pro fess ional s in both departments. call (3t OI 925·5097 ask for Jac k. CA (2 161TFNI Service Tech Motorcycle, Je tski tech needed, min inum 5 years exper ience. Top pay for rtght person . GOOD TIMES KAWASAKI SUZUKI 1916) 344-2141 . Sacramento. CA 1215-16) Exp, Mechanic & Service Writer M ultiple line motor cycle and wat er vehicle dealer. M inimum 5 years experience, guarant eed plu s commissions, vacation and medical. Send your resume to : Cycle News . Dept . 90 . P.O. 80x 498. L~ng Beac h. CA 90801-0498. 1 12-17) 2 Cycle News Vendor Program 00 you ever find yourself sining at the track wa iting for th in gs to happen? Does your w ife, girtfriend or even your kids sometimes seem bored wai ting for your race? Why sit idle at the track ...make moneyl Presentin g th e Cycle News Franchised Vendor Program for '92. It's simple . Sell Cycle News at an event and make yourself some extra cashllnterested? For all the details on our program, send a S.A.S.E. and a brief note telling us a bout yourself t o: Cycle News Vendor Program, P.O. Box 4 98 . Long Beach . CA 9080 t ·0498. (5t5·17) NEW AND USED parts for all Kawasaki tr iples . obsol et e Kaw asaki's. (2161336 ·3855. (21 61 33573 65 or (21 6) 335·3125 . OH (314- 171C) Honda Technician CHAR 211 W.....ingt.on ChArieslon. II "920 217-345-25n UPS Z coo r-t-r-' KOL BE HOND A. one of Los Angeles ' oldes t & largest dealers . needs 1 experienced lechnician to replace a retiree. Lots of year ' round work• benefits, ins ura nce. prof it shar ing . A sk for Milo, KOL8E HONDA . 22123 Vent ure Blvd.. Woodla nd Hills. CA. (81 8 1348 -7 865. CA. (209ITFN)

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