Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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RESULTS Motocross April Fools GP Gila Bend, AZ Apr. 5 By A.H.Tellier 1 25A.\1 [lmmy )leansjr. 125 BEG Pnstoo Pierct 250 A.\1 Yam K TM Kevin ThomhoIf lion 250 BEG Seth Barktr OPE.~ A.\1 Phil Means Yam lion OPE.~ BEG Mark Sunoo PR O Bryan Bruning lion Kaw Dirt Track VDTRA Lexington 77 Spdwy Lexington, 0K Apr. 12 250 johnnyIsaacs Denny Sowders SI",e }fcGee M M ", ike illw Yam Bul Yam Bul IiOO JohnFike Bill Colvin Steve }fcGee O PEN JohnnyIsaacs Joltn Fike Mike Frye Steve)lcGee Ron Stone O ER SO V Bill Covin Tom Lain! M Combs yron BSA Y am BSA Y am Tri Yam Larry Iled lion BSA BSA Tri Yam Tri Motocross CMCSpring Classic Series Apr.ll PIWSTK Y am JacobGregg Jacob Oberle Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Ryan Morris Ryan AlIdingtoo Kaw Kaw Kaw Hon Philip Hanfing 609-11 jJ.Cwnmings Bryan Schu ~ BO B EG C Baker arl David Lodermeier CoryMorris JJ. Cummings Jason Hasick BOJR C harlesTracy jeff Northrop DonovanMitchell RyanArmstrong Jesse Ketcham BOINT Cody Cra.-tonl t25 BEG lJ.l K in Smith ev Charles Tracy Nick IlebeIca Scan Reath joshua Kalamaras 1 BEG lJ.2 25 Scanry AndItws l.ou~ Lopez N N ick «throp Darren Pierct DannyFinley 1 25JR Kaw Kaw Kaw Suz Suz SUl SUI SUI Kaw SUI Hon lion - lion Y am Suz Kaw Suz Suz Suz . - - - - - - NOWI - - - - - , BACK IN THE USA MOTOCROSS & ENDURO RACING TIRES "A TREAD FOR EVERY TRACK" DISTRIBUTED BY: PREMIER LIMITED EDITION • • • • ~~ lion Suz Kaw Kaw Ronald OwaItney lion Don M denhall en Dan Haley SI"" Saris Chris Hendricks 250JR Darrin Graviet RonHampshire James Marks Brian Bones R anHartman y VET JR . AIe.t CheI!ew Tim K etcham Brian Cklell Don Mendha1l MikeGonla U'llIJR Steven Storie Oarrin Graviet Suz Yam Yam Hon 3-Hour TeamRace Galion,OH Apr. 5 , By Goggles Pisano II H on Hon =Z Hartv ille, Ohio 44632.()430 l -SQO-M ON-TIRE O /AB Doug Shephers! Richard Lane BOJR DaveMiller MatkClaus C hadSchlereth M Wb ike el Steve Smith BO SR joey Ballinger Scott Fortney LukeCline Tommy Banks Terry Etzinger 125 Chuck ConerinJ TooyRalstoo C urtDosier MikeHnganl V ernon Vermillioll Rick McWaters! '" .dees ~PR~~CTS ProIotype Cardl • O /A Chance Darling! Scott Stump Showo ffyour collection with the fan lostic MX Album completewith cord holdersand uncirculated Rick Jahnson I Degreaser· Cleaner * CONTAINS OR CAUSTICS NO HARMRJL SOLVENTS * WILL NOT HARM ALUMINUM Kaw Developed for Dlltblke Riders . . . .. . . S1.50.a 0" Numbers . .. S3.00 ea .... SQUEEK~KLEEN~SK 1=.! Hoo For further Informati on: CAll. 919-869-5835 FAX 919-841-5290 DC SALES, INC . Dealer InQulrtes Welcome PRINT YOUR NAME and NUMBER send check or mo ney order to ... ANDRIS ENTERPRISES Stockton, CA95269-0563 Include$1.50 Postage & Handling CA Residents Add 7'A% Sales Tax lion Dan MIl ler 250 Mike Caini CHOOSE YOUR COLORS Eliminates· Squeaks Rust Moisture H an Lette r~ & Nu mbers for White Jerseys 3" Letters Kaw Suz Kaw Y am Kaw H oo " I ron.on silk Scre ened EASY TOUSE - MATCH YOUR JERSEY NEON ORANGE. GREEN, BLUE. and PINK WITH BLACK BORDERS. SQUEE~KLEEN~ r""r.c.• SUI Yam Kaw Hon lion Doug Sinclair/ Randy L ynn Dean Kitts! Bret Slane William RoopI Trevor Hawk MikeSmiihl Robert Zeigler jeff McCarthy/ Jack Fuller 25OB2·STRJ( Mitch Simpsoni BrianMcClintock David Hoaglin! Rodney H oaglin Cathy G rabieV . WilliamGrabie! C Levan! had Scott Levan JellFear/ Kevin Bradford ATKVIDEO Suz 'Those Inventive Americans" Silver Canopy Kits Kaw Tells the complete ATK storyl Complete with $100.00 discount coupon on 1992 ATK of your choice . Reflects Heat Easy Set Up Yam lion Kaw (VHS) S5.95 + S2.50 postag e & han dling Please send check or money ord er . Hon Insid Mlkunl's 1 e 992 FAST DATES Calendar. you1 find some or the fastest race bikes In the world. together with beautiful swimslJIt dod models. inside M lkuni's IRON' LACE CcJendor, Y OU'll discover some 01 America's finest customized HarleyDavidson together with gorgeous centerfold models posing 's In revealing lingerie . Both colendas cover a tun 16-months. or. spl oi bound 0t1dhave 0 big 15', 15' sIze. Just $11.95 each r pus $A hordllng ard postage po< order. Sl'£CtFY CAlENDAR NAME WHEN ORDERING. Michae! Snyder M W ark eher/ Jeff Cain Kenda Zasadzinskil Mark Zasadzinskj Marty Royer 250C David AkI1w1 Julius W orm OPEN Man Kef1ey/ SI",e Mays Colin Lowery/ David johansen Mike )oImsonJ USA , ln c. Laptimer Systems ~ lion M O US E'S CYCLE RACING~~ I:':t Husqvama 'IIf'i"IlIr 'I!:!I DU'c:An' IV' MAlCD Sales. Parts. Accessories and Service Cylinder Boring. Crank & Shock Rebuilds Kaw H on g~LY (919)346-1010FAX-SaleslSeMi:e '. 1-800-345-8154 Orders Only ..... Suz 9C6 Marine8M1, Jacksony;tle, He28540 ~ H on lion lion Hon Hon Yam Yam H on Y am Suz Kaw Yam Y am Eric Sloner Marty Steve Benson lion Massa"" 8UNIPRo,m ....(904) 829 -1815. FAX (90 4 ) 829-5832_ Kaw RDby )ones Mark Al ! l OPENB . Ben J aWonJ "":";;;"';':':;.J 69 Carrera Street. St. Augustine . FL 32084 Hon Hon Chuck Warne (800) 788-3969 I ~ a91 0 MIKUNI AVE., NORTHRIDG , C 91324 E A H on Jeff~ DennisYoung! Mast ercard, Visa and C.O.D. eecept ed ~M ail payment to: 1992 MIKUNI CALENDAR Hon 250 B4-STRK John HaIV Jeff ~ IOxIO $94 IOx20 $129 IOx16$1I9 12x20$ 139 THE HOTTEST MOTOIICYCLE CAlENDARS Mill H on Sam)ackson Russell Breyley/ julius Wrum Shawn M yers! KeithM cDonnell Jack BonIner/ Corey Orewiler B Young! rian Scott Ogg SROVERJO MarkH de! y Bob W ells Gene M orrison! Troy Schleretb Tom Ballinger/ [1m Persinger Tom Schaefer/ Yam H on Kaw Kaw Hon INDUSTRIAL nRE 6 t Stat. Rout. 43 Nort h DEALER PROGRAMS AVAILABLE RorySwaruJ Kaw MONARCH HIGH PERFORMANCE SUPERIOR QUALITY SAME DAY SHIPMENTS COMPETITIVE PRICING Hare Scrambles Kaw H us SUI Y am Ka" Jason Garcia Shawn Pa rks Brett KJinger 250 BEG Kaw Kaw ~it7/ ~~ TO""RO ~ MOTOCROSS TRADING a RDS 19 91 Brandon Lantz! Saul Smoak jake Gilbert lion Kaw JoltnStark Yam SUI Kaw SUI SUI C aseyJones Todd Enke Man Phipps 125m Greg Allen Derek Walkins Kaw in HonI Robby La""enct Anthony Scarponi Brian Bones G Patterson ary Ennen Bariani 250m Scott Cowley Sha nParks " Tom BerTy Lana Bollens R/ete SUlperlblSoMceo «.. . Tell it to the editor, write him a letter. .Pro ltalia Motors818-249-5707 [4~;~ · ·. * New Machlne. * Parta * service * 3518 N. VerdUgo Rd . Glencl8le, CA 91208 oo '9 . \'\ "!R~C~GTO /) A CCESSOAIE S ' HA. E SC R A M 8 ~S R "'-, . MOTO·X · ENDURO COMPlETE TRACKSIDE ACCESSORY SERVICE Yam 1_ _ GuCIanIood Lcwost~Tunaaro What Is Your Problem? We know ItaliaD motorcycles, they're our business. our only businessl Suz Inte'e.. ed Track Events Only Promo le.. Cell, 1407) 466-6880 25 ~ tenoce. CoItlnodc.IlJ 01722 _ .... QUADS 3 ('IOI)9~ COASTLINE A.T.V. CYClES Service & Accesso ries • Complete Engine Work From Tun.-Up To Rebuild • Frame Repairs 10% - 20 % OFF On All Accessories W ith Major Service &.Tune· Upll • Suspension Work 7522 Slater Ave. #121 • Huntington Beach (714) 375-4274 Yam Suz lion Hon Kaw WORLD OF COLOR Custom painting CYCLE PAINTS. INC. Original factort ooIo

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