Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AII4 . ... NC T IO N I O AMA Jr . Nat'l Dirt Track Series 5124 5/30 6/ 13-14 7111 7125 8/2 Sp rinvfi.l d.Il M Mineralwells. WV HM Syracuse. N M Y Hag. rstown. MO HM O klahoma City, OK HM P.oria. Il IT 817 StuIViS. SO Sf 8/2 1 HambllfV, NY HM 8129 lb Oda.... MI HM 9/6 Springfi.ld.Il M 9113 Fres CA M no. 911 9 Castl. R WA IT oel 9126 Sacramento. CA M Info 614/89 1·2425 AMA Amateur Nat'l C'ship Hillclimb • 8122-23 Manbto. MN • Temativt 512-3 6127-28 Gainesville. Fl 6120·21 Mideast Area Dallas. 1)( San Jose. CA AMA/CCS Pro/Am Road Race Series 6120-21 W. Palm 8each. Fl W. Palm 8each. Fl W. Palm 8each. Fl W. Palm Beath_F l Faulkvill . GA e W_Palm Beach. Fl Brasa ho.. GA Daytona Beach. Fl W. Palm Beach. Fl 4125·26 5/9 ·10 5123 -24 6/6-7 Faulkv1l1•• GA Tallad ga. Al . Faullmll.. GA Faulb ill.. GA Faulkvill•• GA Brasahon. GA Daytona Beach. Fl Mid Adanlic RegioD 5/2 ·3 5/2 3-24 6120-21 7118·19 9112-13 9/2 6-21 10111-18 Summit Point. WV Faullmll•• GA s..mmi1 Point. WV s..mmlt Point. WV Point. WV t Br asehon. GA Daytona 8. ath. Fl (Dales 11 Charlone fBA ) Great lakes Region 4125-26 5116-11 5/ 23-24 6113-14 714-5 7125·26 8/8 ·9 8129·30 9119-20 10/1 1· 18 Elkhart Lak•• WI R otItto Il .. MI. M. ridian IN . Granan. MI Grana.. MI R otlcton. Il M Meridian. IN t. Bratten. MI G ranan. MI Daytona Beach, Fl Midwest Region 4/ 25-26 5116-11 5123-24 6/6 ·1 714-5 7125·26 El han take. WI k Rot ton. Il k Mt. Meridian IN . Rot ton. Il k Grana.. MI R ockton Il . 8/8 -9 Ml Meridian. IN 8/ 22·23 9/ 12-13 9119-20 10111·18 Rotkto.. Il Rockton. ll Granan MI , Daytona Beath. Fl Northeast Region 5/ 9-10 loudon. NH 6/ 13-14 l oudon. NH 1118-19 loudon. NH 8129-30 loudon. NH 9119-20 loudo.. NH 10/10·11 loudon. NH 10/11-18 Oaytooa Beach. Fl (Dates et Bridgehamton TBAI Southwest Region 5/ 23-24 6/8 -1 9/5 -6 9119·20 10111-18 Plloenis. ta Las Vegas. NY Las V.gas. NY Phoani.. ~ Daytona Beatlt. Fl SouthCentral Region 714-5 CoII.g. Station. 1)( 8/22 -23 Top.ka. KS 9/ 19-20 CoII.g.Station. 1)( IDatlS" T...s World Spdy. TBA) AMA/CCS Race of Champions 10/11 -18 Daytona Beach, Fl AMA/Lorena Lynn's Amateur/Youth MX Qualifiers Northeast Area 4125-28 512·3 5/16 ·17 6/1 3·14 8/ 27·28 Armaugh. PA Fred.ritbburg. VA Auburn. NY Am. teur ReGional Budd! traat MO Youth Ragional O.lmont, PA SOlIlIMast Area 4125-26 lowes. KY Casey Il . MIl. pp. MN O. nm WI ark. Amateur Regional 6120-21 t as y. IL . Youtto R.vional 6127-28 Kahokl. MD Tyler 1)( . R Vista. 1)( io 4/ 26 5117 6120·21 Soci." Hil l St Am.l Youth Regional R Vista. TX io West Central Area Price UT . Am.lYouthR.gional OVd.n. UT Info 614/89 1-2425 5116· 17 5/ 30·31 NMA World Mini GP 4/24-26 Info 310/868-8112 Las V.vas. NV NMA Grand Nat'l MX C'ship 8/5 -9 Ponca City. OK Info 310/866-8112 Southeast Region 5/9-10 5/23·24 6/ 13-14 6/2 1·28 811-2 9/5-8 9126·21 10111·18 South Central Re .aD 512·3 H.nda 1)( 5/30 -31 H.nd n, 1)( 6120-21 Stllion. 1)( 1118-19 Handerson. 1)( 8/1 5-16 CoII. ga Station. 1)( 8121-22 lonv Pond. PA 8/ 28·30 MillinV'o TN .. 9112·13 H.nd."on. 1)( 10/17 -18 Collag Station. 1)( . Info 803/6 81-9312 WERA Vintage Road Race Series North Central Area Florida Region 4125·26 5125 711 8·19 8115-16 9/5-6 9/1 9·20 9126·21 10/11· 18 12113 Wabash. IN Stanton. MI Tiffin. OH Amat.ur R V ' ional MtAnhur. OH Y...h R ional eg Mltch.ll IN South Central Area AMA Amateur Supercross Series 5/3 You R.gional th Stanford. NC 4 /25-26 512·3 5/16-17 6127·28 Info 614/ 891·2425 6/7 Info 813/822 -8929 Kingsport. TN AmateurRegional WERA F-USA . Pro Road Race Series 5115-17 BraSihon. SA 5/29 -31 Shannonville. Dnt.. CAN Kent, WA 6112·14 Brain.rd. MN 7117·19 Omnont.IN 817-9 8121·23 Lonv Pond. PA W Palm Beach. FL est 9118·20 Bt sehon SA a . 10128-1111 • Tent.ttve Info 916/582·04 51 Vanson/PM WERA Nat'l Endurance Series 5/9 511 6 6/ 13 6127 711 1-12 8/ 8 BrlSehon. G A Ke nt WA Granan. Ml Garrettsville. DH Oermont IN Millington. TN Rosamond CA . W. Palm B eech. Fl Braselton. G A WERA Nat'l C'ship Road Race Series Mid-Atlantic Region 4/ 25-26 Rotkinvham. Nt 512-3 5123-24 Garrenh ill . OH e Summit Point. WV Garrottsvill e. OH RotlUnvham. Nt 8/ 8-9 Summit Point WV 8/ 2 1-22 lonVPood. PA G ttsvilla. OH arro Gan.ttsvill•• O H _mit Point. WV 9/5-6 10/3 -4 10110·11. Southeast Region 4/25-26 5/30·31 6113-14 6/27 -28 711 8-19 8/ 1-2 8/ 15· 16 8121·22 8/28-30 9119·20 10110-11 Rotkinvham. Nt Tanad. ga. Al Faulkvill• • GA Al Faulkvill•• GA Rodlinghazn. NC Tanad va. Al . long Pond. PA MillinV'on. TN Faullmll e. GA Tallad. va. At North Central RlgiaD 5/ 9-10 5/ 16-17 6113-14 6127-28 714-5 7125 -26 8/ 21-22 9/5 -6 9/ 12·13 9126·27 Mt.M. ridan. IN G rana.. MI Mt. M. ridan, IN Grana.. Ml MI. M.ridan. IN Granan. Ml LonV Pond. PA Gan.nsvill•• OH Granan. MI S. Beloit. Il Mid-Central Region 5/9 -10 5111 5/ 30·31 611 3·14 6121 714·5 1112 8/15 -16 8121·22 8123 8128-30 9/20 10110-11 Mt. Mandan. IN E. S l ouis. Il I. Ta AL Mt. M.ridan. IN l SI. louis. IL Ml Ma ridan. IN l St. louia. IL Al lonIl Pood. PA l Stlouis. Il Millinvtoo. TN l Stlouis. n. Talladoga. At Rotkinvham. NC Granan. MI Sum Point. WV mit H.nd ersen, 1)( 6an._II., OH Ml M. rid... IN CoII.g. Station.1)( At Faulkvill•• GA Rockingham. Nt 6/6 6/13 6121 6127 1118 8/ 1 8/8 Summit Point WV 8116 8121 9/ 19 9126 toll.V' Statio.. 1)( LonV Pond. PA Fa ullmll•• GA S_Beloilll G arretts ville. OH 10/3 Info 803/681-9312 Sunday May 17,1992 Metzler/ WERA Grand National Final 10128-11 /1 BraSl~o" GA \DBA Nat'l C'ship Drag Race Series 2:00 pm 5/ 16-17 6120 -21 7118-19 8/ 8·9 8129-30 10123-25 BowIinv Green. KY LaitlSler NY . Columbus. OH Norwalt OH Rockingham. NC Worid Finals Memphis. TN Info 205 /84 9-7886 Fairgrounds in San Jose 7th St. at Tully Rd. Order tickets by phone AMRA All Harley Drag Race Series (408) 462-6498 5/9 · 10 Fairmoo ll l 6/6·7 Union Grove. WI 6120-21 Stanton. MI 713-4 Humbolt. IA 7112 Avilla. IN 7118 ·19 Clartavill•• TN 811-2 Winston·Salem. NC 8/ 22 Copemish. MI 9/ 6 Scriber. NE 9119·20 Koko IN mo, 1013 -4 Beechmont. KY Into 7081250-0838 Mt M.ridlan. IN 8129 9112·13 9119 10/30 Info 916/58 2-0451 6/6 -7 8/1 -2 4125 5116 5123 5/31 j.Ji1:14 ,,:4 l', • R OD LAKE ACING NESC C'ship MX Series Southwict MA Middl.boro. MA Southwitt MA lewiston. ME C ral Villave. CT ant 617 Southwict MA 6/1 4 Middl. bury. MA 6/21 s..ut wict MA h 6128 C.ntral Villag•• CT 7/ 4·5 l . Wlston. ME 7112 Southwict MA 7/26 Lewiston. ME 812 Middl.boro MA . 8/9 Southwict MA 8/ 16 l aWlston. ME 8123 Cantral Villave. CT 8/30 Southwitt MA 9/6 · 7 lewiston. ME 9113 Southwict MA 9120 Middl.boro. MA 9/ 27 Cantral Villav•• CT 1014 Southwict MA 10111 Middl.boro.MA 10118 Southwict MA 10125 Middl. boro. MA 1111 Middl.boro. MA 11/8 Middl.boro. MA Info 4131772 -0685 4/ 26 5/ 3 5110 5124-25 5/31 NETRA C'ship Enduro Series Wrentha MA m. 5/31 Somm. CT 6114 Eastern. CT 6128 Oxford. MA 1126 Be nnington. VT 8/2 Laa. MA 8/30 Adams. MA 9120 W. G re.nwich RI . 9/ 27 Wrenthlm M . A 10/4 Stafford. CT 1118 Info 203 /8 75-5157 _ . ._-__-_ 310-868-81 ..... ... . 12 ..... -.". _ .. _ . ....'"_lIOn. . _ «01 "" _ " " ''' .-_... "'........ _... ...,. .. ..... _ .. ......_-,_ . .._1 -_. . _"_- ... . -.... .. , pt " t~ ... Cl"'"llo . . . .1_1 _ _ • •• • • ... _ _ ~1rU " " ~..a ' II ~- "'. ran, . ••• • •n ~YC"_ '" " 'fCO' _ _ ~ II' _ - -..:e ; . _ 'lCt.I_ ..G U .. • " _ IU.". uu . _ UII _-_ _ III _ ..-ere' l _ . .. _I" _ II • -. GOLD LABEL NETRA C'ship Hare Scrambles Series 5/1 0 5117 5124 Mo NY Montvill•• CT 617 6/21 PREM IUM RACI NG O ILS Want Ad information· (310) 417·7433 W_G raanwith. RI FishouSi. NY Th omastoft. CT 711 2 Union. CT 7/1 9 Windsor MA . 8/9 T. mpl•• NH 8/ 16 Uni n. CT o 8/ 23 Ch.shi... MA 9/ 6 New Bemn.NY 9/ 13 Pm rsburg. NY 10/11 Fishousa. NY 1011 8 IIourno. MA Info 203/87 5-5757 INFO 619-484-1441 Glen Helen No Race REGIONAL. NATIONAL SANCTIONS ·UCENSE INFORMATION , (714) allll-1602 . : (3 10 ) 888·e112 P.O. 80X46 NORWALK. CA90650 N.tJonM .ottnpon Aut1dlItion 43

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