Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ Hoffman. " No t ha vin g much ti me to pract ice and get to know the bike. I wasn ' t sure how I would do. Eviden tly I di d better tha n what I had expected. " Danny Wr ight powered to th ird p lace honors. Terry H u tson powered his way over th e san dy trac k on h is Yam aha PW 50 to ear n first place ho no rs in th e Pee Wee class o ver Brandon Gibson and Da niel Kelly. Hu tson got th e holes hot and held o nto the lead for four grueli ng laps for the win. Dusti n Lustig beat three other 60cc riders in the 7-11 year-old cla ss. Kei th Turner gra bbed seco nd p lace hono rs while Adam Higgins picked up a close thi rd. Shawn Kell y po wered his way to fourth on hi s Suzu ki . In th e 80cc clas s, th e seco nd mo to looked as if th e first was repeating itself. j on at han Miley powered hi s Suzu ki RM8 0 off th e li ne in bo th mo tos and held stro ng leads over j ohn Rife. Dirk j oy ripped u p the d irt to keep his third place po sition in the second moto. Kevin Wh itesel maneuvered hi s way into fourth, and first- time racer Doric Bour ch ardt of T err e Ha ute p icked up fifth . j ames Crawford battled it o ut with William T aylor in th e 250cc A class. Crawford gained a mod era te lead over Taylor on th e second lap by cleaning th e many j um ps with ease and held hi s lead for the rem aining three laps to score the win . Three For Three On Metzeler METZ ELER rider Randy Hawkin s, three time National Endu ro Champion, is out for revenge and aiming for his fourth National Championship. To prove his point, Randy has taken first overall in the first three 1992 National Enduro Events . For race winning performance choose METZELER Results AUTO: 1. Terry Hutson (Ya m ); 2. Brandon Ci bso n (Yam ); .5 Daniel Kelly (Yam ). . 60 7-11: 1. Dustin Lustig (Kaw ); 2. Keith Turner (K..Iw); Randy Ha wkins METZ~LER~ Feel The Difference Team Suzuki 5. Adam Hig gim (Ka w ); 4. Sha wn Kelley (S ull . 80 JR: I. Krvin Studl ey (Ya m ). 80 SR: I. Jonathan Milt')' (5 uz); 2. J ohn Rif~ (Suz); 5. Dirk Joy (Ho n ); 4. ","in Whit odl (Kaw ); 5. Dertc Bourcharch 1-800-722-3336 4520 107th Street S.W. • Mukilteo, WA 98275 (H o n ). 16-24: 1. Michael HoUman (Suz). 125 B: 1. Michael Hoffman (Suz); 2. Wesley McClara (H on ); 3. Dann y Wrigh l (Suz); 4. Iknnis Dool ey (Suz): 5. Chad Nom s (Yam ). 125 C: 1. Todd Green (Sw); 2. Tom Urban (Suz): 3. Monty H~t.h (Sw ); 4. CJuis Merlu (Ya m); 5. Xy'le Shel ley (Ya m). 250 A: I. Jamn Cra wford (Yam) ; 2. Wt!liam Taylor (Y..m ). 250 8 : l. John Hillman (Yam ); 2. T odd Shttdy (H on ); 3. David H lU"Y(H on): 4. Culli n Pa ~ (Yam ); 5. Brad Ra ndol ph (Ya m). 2.50 C: l. Alan Drak e (Ya m); 2. Jdf No te (Kaw): 3. Scou Randolf (Ya m ): 4. Mark O ary (Suz); 5. Lee Haskell (Ya m ). OPEN B: 1. T odd Sheedv (H on ); 2. David Huey (Ho n ); 3. T odd Swarde ru ki (Hon ). +2,5; l. Dav~ Wi5C' (Suz) : 2. J am es Cra wford (Ya m ). +! o: l. Dave Wi5C' (Suz); 2. Denn is Har lin (Yam ). +40: I. David Xelly (Hon ); 2. Ra lph T urn" (Yam ). WI $100. PER RACE. TORCO IS LOOKING FOR A FEW FAST MOTORCYCLE AND JET SKI RACERS TO JOIN TEAM TORCO. Green, Pauley split Bolado Short Track honors By Mik e Vanci l IR ES PINOS, CA. APR. 4 Eric Gr een cap tured a resounding win in the Open Expert fin al at the R&D Enterpriseshos ted short track races held at Bolad o Park, whil e Lonnie Pauley took the win in th e 500cc Ex pe rt fin al. Sa linas Feedl ot Restaurant! Bobb y Wayman Ra cing-backed Gr een was hot off th e line all day. Green and Pauley were quicker by ha lf a bik e length in every ra ce they con tested. In th e 500cc Expert final , B&B Racing/ Wh it e Brothers/Motion Pro /Yamaha of Salinas-sponsored Pauley and Gr een were side by side going in to tum one with Rob Damron just a foot o r so behind By lap two . Pauley had a firm grasp on th e lead and Green was fighting off th e advances of Damron. j oe Carera was into the th ick of things o n his Yamaha until he slid out o n lap three coming ou t of turn four . At the ch ecker s, Pauley, Green and Damron were just a bike len gth apart, in that order. Fourth went to lady racer Michelle DiSa lvo. In the Open Expert fina l Green got the ho leshot and held th e lead to the chekcers, Working on him all th e wa y was fir st Pau ley, and then late in the race, Rob Damron. At the chec kers Damron was only a half-length behind. In the 50cc Pee Wee cla ss, Cole Lambert won his hea t race and the fin al in convinci ng style. Col e was qu ick off th e sta rt line and wa s smooth throughout the race. using good savvy in passing backrnarkers. Finish mg o n the same lap was Mich ael Cramer and james Co psey. 01 Results PIW 50: l. Cole La m be rt (Yam ); 2. Micha el Cramer (Ya m ); 3. James Copsey (Hon): 4. Ryan Eskew (Ya m): 5. Dan dl Beanbly (Yam ). MINI 80 NO V: I. Jttmly Santoro (Ka w) : 2. Lu ke Iverson (~w ); 3. A.J. Kirkpatrick (Kaw ); 4. Bryan G rier (Ya m). 250 NOV : 1. Rick Rohrer (Yam ); 2. Mall Willard (Vam); 3. j am es Pi tchford (Ya m ): 4. Urit Short , Jr . (Suz): 5. Gerald Tenret (Yam ). 500 NOV : I. Kdvin H ildebra nd (Ka w) ; 2. Gerald Tenret (Rtx); 3. J am es Pi tch for d (Ya m ): 4. T om DiSal vo ern); 5. levin Deupln' (Yam ). O PEN NO V: 1. Kelvin Hil debrand (Kaw ); 2. Mall Willard (Yam ); 3. Jam t'5 Pit chfor d (Ya m); 4. Gera ld Tenre r (Rtx); 5. Cecil Sho rt Jr . (Suz). 250 JR: 1. j eremv T will (Kaw): 2. Bill y Martin (CA); 2.5. Gary Mill er (Ya m): 4. Scot t Thomas (Ya m ). 500 JR: L G reg Mill er (Ya m ): 2. Alla n McOellan (W· R); 3. Robert rdY (Rtx); 4. Billy Lu ker (Ya m); 5. J im Polf (Rlx). O PEN J R: 1. Jim Poff (Rtx); 2. Billy Luker (Y..m ); 3. Jerem y T win ( Ka w); 4. Robe rt Seay (Rtx ); 5. J erry Wuo ri « Ya m ). 500 EX: I. Lo nn ie P.lI.ull1 (Ho n); 2. Eric Green (W· R): 3. Rob Oa m ron (W. R): 4. Mu:hell e DiSalvo (Hon ): 5. Ricky SMith (H on ). O PEN EX: 1. Eri. Green (W· R): 2. Rob Dam ro n (W· R ): c 3. Lo n nie Pauley (H on ); -4. Ricky Smith (Hon ): 5. joe Carrera (Ya m ). YES CLIP AND MAIL TODAY r----~--------------I Send me at no obligation-details on I • how I can win s100. per race. I Name: --'---1 I Address : I City: Stote: __ Zip: I 1 I Type of Racing/ Cla ss: Mail to: TORCO INTERNATIONAL CORP. I 9916 Pioneer Blvd. Santa Fe S rin s, CA 90670 Ifyou are successful enough to become a member of Team Torco, you will have the chance to win a great deal of cash! You're going racinganyway, so why not race your way onto Team Torco? Andwhenyou buyyour oil, why notbuy Torco•••the oil that pays you sloo. per win! All motorcyCle and jet ski racers are eligible. cas ",._~ .• ',' ' ' f,"'" MAY 9 ....."""""""'-,...-Chris Agajanlan P r e s e n t s - - - - - - - - - - - - -..... 3 Time National Champion MARTY SMITH MOTOCROSS CUNIC at Carlsbad R aceway Starting June15-19 Week Long MXCamp ~ ' 1, ..,.. ~ . 619-272-0815 /1 . , IIIlllll l~1. !\.,~, '1~.~UILE , :: rs ~ ~ I _ I Sale Now! Tickets .On ~, ,. -, l~ (f b 20 Rider Limit l". Want Ad information - (310) 427 -7433 CMRA ANNOUNCES MOTORCYC LE ROA D RACES MAY 2nd 8t 3rd saturday, May 2nd Sunday, MaY 3rd Oak Hill Raceway 4 Hour Endurance 8 Lap Sprints INFO 713-342-9032 SAT. 7:30 PM ~':.:' '>;!. " r J~ Southern California Harley-Davidson Dealers ~6dS7Ei9 " 77c,tci!lif MAY C O M P A N Y & MUSIC P LUS (2 13) 480-3232 • (714 ) 740-2000 Box Office (81B 96B-6444 ) SlicTrac (714) 533-4444 41

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