Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eLOC LEVENTS A e ~ Johnny Bonacci (151), Eddie Staab (65) and Josh Wray battled for second in moto two of the 125cc Beginner class at Perris Raceway. Staab won th e battle. J oe Williams (53) led J ames Ra ndolph (XJlI) and Stu Morrison (I) throug h a Firebird tum . Williams held off Morrison to wi n the Unl imited GP class. Freeman flies at Perris MX By Tony Alessi PERRIS, CA. APR. II Nine-year -old Vance Freeman won hi. firstever race in the 60cc 9-11 year -old class at GFI Super Sa turday MX, held at Perris Raceway. Freeman battled Roland R od ri q u ez throughout the firsl moto, and both riders raced all-out during each lap of the race. Freeman found an opening la te in the race to make the pass for the lead , then stayed in control for the remainder of the moto. Rodriquez had th e stan wired and again led th e class through the first tum in moto two. Freeman glued himself to the back fender of Rodriquez and it appeared to be shaping up as a repeat of th e first m o to , Freeman made hIS move down a very fast back suaightaway by sim ply not shutting off. Freeman led for half a lap before Rodriquez reralliated by co mi ng up with a swift pass on his o wn , just before the finish line tum where his dad was sta nd i ng. Rodr iq uez put some distan ce betw een himself and Freeman but made a mistake over the front tab letop jump. Rodriquez got sideways, then bogged, and that was all Freeman needed to squirt into the lead and to th e checkered nag. Rodriquez rode a strong set of metes for run ner-u p honors wh ile Emiu Kling topped the 8 and Under class . David Loftin put together a pair of strong moto finishes for the 125cc BelPnner class victory. Josh Wray ran away with th e firs t moto and was uncontes ted throughout the race. Johnny Bonacci kept his Suzuki pinned the entire mo ta , bu t cou ld o nly manage a second place finish in front of Loftin, Kiefer, Packwood and Staab. Loftin pulled a tremendous hol esho t in th e seco nd rnoto and promptly disappeared. Loftin won with a big lead and rode alone. Eddie Staab moved from a fifth place start to second when Wray became tangled up behind a do wned rider in a deep rutted berm, Wray settled for third in front of Packwood and Bonacci. Resul ts so flRST TIMER R· t : l. Tommy Cochr.In (Yam); %. Andttw Rmshaw (Yam ); 5. Cury Cwrir (Ya m ): t . kmn Wt:i.5.itt F~~~ ~~~am); %. Danid Acbm' (Vam ); 5. J~ Andrnon (Yam ); 4. C~ Jones (Va m); 5. ~tWw Carl:. (Ya m). 50 S'TI. I). t : I. Sup" Dave (Ya m): 2. Bryan Ma u hnn (Ya m); 5. Anthony Brwtttla (Yam ). 50 STX 1).2: I. M~J Hiak (Ya m): %. Tyxm Talkington (y am ): S. Marqun Doylt (Ya m): 4. Clm Maninn (Va m); S. Brock Bolling. 50 MOD D-t : 1. Super Daw (Ya m): %. Anthony Bru5a'lla; 5. Bryan Mat~ (Yam); t . TJIOII T;llkingtan (Ya m): S. atria Martinet (Yam ). 6OG-8:. I. Emiu Kling: 2. Anthony Brwttlb ( ). 60 9-11: I. Vana Frrrman (Xaw ); 2. Roland Rodriqun ( Ita. ); 5. Healhtt ~tthrw. ( . 80 BEC : I. Clad Ddrio (Yam) ; 2. TylOClTaylor" ( H on); 5. j oe Minor (SUI ); 4. Jamo Wright ( KawO; 5. Rya n On ( Ka w ). .s. l~ B: I. J. Fann" (Kaw l; 2. T . Wilkowski (Ka w); R. Ely (Yam ). 12SC: I. K. Urds (Hon); 2,.E. Bm:tm (Kaw );!. E. Hamilton (H on). 125 CC: 1. T . C'..mI lry ( S UI)~ . E. Archuleta ( H an ); 5. K.. &.lea (H o n) . 25>0 A: l. S. Morga (Kaw ); 2. R. Oauu (Kaw); 5. T . Hod gn (S"" ~ B: I. B. Luudl (Ya m ); 2. K. StroW' ( Ka w) ;". L Sdl(TJ (Yam ). 2SOC: I. R. AKU i~ (Yam ); 2.J. Ca rkton (Kaw ); '. 1- Wilson (Yam). 2SO OC: I. C. Murdock (Kaw ); 2. A. Onero (Suz ); S. E. M,1.K'blm o (Yam ). OPEN A:. I. W. Walk im (Kawr . T . Jmnings (Ka w); .2 5. B. Knowlt on ( Ka w) . OPE N 8 : I. C . Ca,hRliiln (Yam ): 2. 8. Quhman (Yam); S. S. &.in (Kaw ). OP EN C: 1. S. ~ udr ( w); 2. R. Mon~ (Kaw). ROC ClCC: 1. R. Agui~ (Ya m ); 2. J. Ca r l~on (K...I ); w S. T . Cootl

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