Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Scott Head was the runner-up aboard an older, con ven tional-forked Beta Zero. Kenny Leduc wheelied and hopped his Gas-Gas to a strong fourth -place finish, America n Trial s Associat ion Champion Tom Hamann lost a tie-breaker for second. Norto n exp lained. " 1 hit my back pretty hard an d my knee. They (the official ob servers ) wouldn 't let me up so I j us t laid there." After bein g examined by a paramedi c he was all owed to continue, but he fived the next sectio n and was effectively out of co ntent ion . The final exhibitio n section, sponso red by the Ca lifornia Off- Road Vehicle Associations, put Manniko in th e lead for good wh en he o nly footed twi ce wh ere H ead a nd Ledu c took threes. The CO RVA Section featured a rock laun ch whi ch provid ed H ead an o p po rt un ity to get so me big air. A co up le of steps and turns later, th e riders had to nav igate a right-hand turn around a bo ulder that ha d a line approxima tely six in ches wide, with a five-foo t drop to th e left. No ri ders fell off the line but dab s were taken at a step climb topped off by jumbled boulders g ua rdi ng th e exi t. Manniko got an unbreakable gras p o n th e fabulous first place trophy, donated by Spain 's Solo Moto magazine , wh en he tore throug h the second exhi bition loop. Ma nniko dropped o nly one point in the first four sections com pared to 15 points taken from Leduc and a dozen d ro pped by H ead . After pos ting the best first loop score, Leduc had do ubl ed it o n his second go-round. " Loss of conce nt ratio n ," grimaced Leduc. " I made a cou p le of mi stakes and it got to me. I had some bad lu ck and some bad gear choices." L edu c felt good a bo ut h is exh ibi tion-opening clea n. " That was probably th e hot ride of th e da y." Manniko's las t loop single dab score o nly made th e fat lad y sing louder and he cruised to an im pressive win. " I just calm ed down and took more time," Manniko said as he exp lai ned hi s dramaticall y improving scores. "I didn't rid e the sections first (on -the later loops). I wasn't bein g the quinea pig in the sections." Meanwhil e, Ham ann rec o vered from a disastrous start of 16 po in ts on the opening four sectio ns to stage a ru n at H ead 's second pl ace spot. " I was a lill ie tight to begin with (d ue to the cro wd)," Hamann sa id, " Bu t I loo sen ed up and rode mo re like myself... T railing Head by a point go ing into the final exh ibi tion loo p, Ham ann took over second wh en H ead fived th e AXO Secti on. Hamann scored a two in the fin al section and appeared to have sealed up second pl ace when Head scored a three. Ho wever, the official observer ruled a spectator had interfered with H ead and he was granted a reri de. Head mad e th e most of the reride and took o nly o ne dab in the CORVA Section to put h im self in a tie with Hamann o n point s. : Wh en cleans were to talled, Head had accu mulated o ne mor e tie-breaking perfect ri de and too k sole possess ion of the ru nner-up spot. " I felt kind of bad ab ou t tha t," H ead said, bu t following a laugh conti nued, " bu t no t 100 bad ." Manniko was clearly enthused about hi s showing aga inst some top cali ber riders. "T 'rn reall y exci te d for the Nat ional s," he sai d with a sm ile. " I haven 't been th is excited in years." In th e var ious su p port classes, Sen ior di vision rider Pete Croft had the lowest overall Sportsman score. Lon Brand ri ding a twin-shockCagiva tu rned in the lo west Intermediate score and Michael Suzu ki rode hi s Yamaha to th e low est overa ll Nov ice score as he won th e Sen ior di visio n. It was a th ree-way dead hea t in th e Beginner cla ss when Ron Cavataio, Ch arl ene La ti mer and Ri ch ard Zin smann all scored only a sing le point. T h ree o ther riders in th e Sen ior and Vetera n div isions a lso clocked in onepoint totals. Scott An na nd and Greg Bush rode thei r Vintage mac hi nes to a fir st place tie with two pair of u nblemis hed loop cards. Brad Hannon too k th e Kids class, Dirt Rider magazine 's Mark Kari ya crushed the rest of the Pr ess class and Mark Miller wo n th e T rai l Bike class . C1'l Results C'SHIP: I. Mar k Man niko (Fa n) 20 pts: 2. Scott Head (B.I) 38/ 10 cleans: 3. Tom H am ann (& ,) 38/ 9; 4. K

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