Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 03 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The Kingdome FIrst PIac8 inning a supercross fIjtaft eaunty .Stadin takes a rider with guts Allaheilll Stadium FIrst PIac8 . and a bike that's every bit as FIrst PIac8 tough as he is. So when Damon Jack .......YStadium Bradshaw blew by the checkered FIrst PIac8 Atlanta to win his fifth AMA rode to victory on Yamaha YZ250's. Houston A Sb_me from what we at Team Supercross in a row, we at Team With the 1992season off to such a FIrst ~ Yamaha have learned. Just Yamaha were flying high. And we were tremendous start, 'we'd also like to . stop by your local Yamaha dealer today just as fired up when the first two races congratulate our flight crew and and hear about the most comprehensive of the Mickey Thompson Ultracross ground mechanics as they're an allprofessional and amateur YZ contingency Series were won by Noleen Racing's important element to the success of program ever, and you too could be Kyle Lewis and Larry Brooks. Both Team Yamaha. You too can benefit flying first class. YAMAHA 6h~~~ Plofesoonal nder oeocteo duing c1osa:H:ou,se ~. 00 rot anerrot tr gal and dangerous. Soeo!Jca

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