Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 02 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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v S 0ICE INSIDE Lettersto the editor Planning ahea d FEATURES SUPERCROSS Bradshaw smokes 'em inSeattle 6 OFF ROA D 10 Hamel blasts Parker400 Nat'l Champ H&H openerto Hamel 12 ICE RACE Springsteen hoton Flintice 26 Charles Moore T ro y, MI DEPARTMENTS 1 6 MOTOCROSS Blakleyaces amateurs atAnaheim DeVane, Ferry gas it atGatorback V ohland scores atSandhill 1 8 20 24 EDITOR'S MEGAPHONE 23 NEW PRODUCTS INTERVIEW M otocrosser JeH Matiasevich 27 LOCAL RACING 28 CALENDAR .30 W ANT ADS .34 RESULTS .47 GE: ONTHE FRONT PA Danny Hamel teamed with Paul OLSbo a n d Garth Sweetlan d to score the o verall w in a t th e Parker 400 i n Arizona. T h e n ext day, Hamel won th e o pen ing round o f the National Cham p io nsh i p H are & Hound Series in California. Pho to by T om Van Beveren . America's weekly motorcycle n ewspap er Volu me XXIX Michael Klinger . Pu blisher Caro line Gendry, Ex ecut ive S ecretary to th e Pu blish er Editorial Jack Man gus, As sociat . Pu bl ish er! Edi tor Kit Palmer , A ssociat~ Editor Paul Carruthers. A ssociat. Ed it or Na te Rau ba , A ssociate Editor Ken Fau ght, A ssistan t Editor Donn Maeda. A ssista nt Editor Edwin a Man gu s. Calmdar Ed itor Graph ics and Prod uction Ree Johnson. Product ion Supervisor Mandy Lao , Product ion Man ager Dennis Greene. L ab. Te ch. Stacey G uest, G raph ic A rtist Amy Harri s. G rap h ic A rtist Carol yn Branham, T y peseu er Circulation Rh eba Smith. M an ager Sara h Taylor , Bill ing Coo rd in ator Alm a Angu ian o . Processin g Coordi nator Debb ie Weller, Dealer Coordina tor Advertising T erry Pra ll. N ational Accou n ts Manag~ Mark Thom e, W estern Sa les Manager Ro n Davidson . W estern Sal es Manager T homas R. C o rner , H'esla n Sales AlanageT Mark Mitchell , Eastern Accounts M ana ger Greg Mitchell , Eastern Sa les M anager Rick Mathen y, Eastern Sales M anager Joan Bell, IV,,'ern Ad Coo rdinator Carla Borden Allen. Eastern Ad Coordinator Dealer Sales Steve Go toski, Deal er R ep resen tat ive Marketin g &: Promotion Mark Thome, Mana ger Accounting/Data Processin g Donna Bryan -Diamon d, A I R Coordinator Ge neva Repa ss, A ssista n t Herlan e Lewis, Credit Want Ads Li nda \ 'on de Veld , IVant Ad Sales Service and Support Chris Aitcheson, H eadq uar ters R ecep tion ist Leonard Herring. Serv ice and Support National Headquarters Eastern O ffice 220I Chm y Avo.. Long Beach. CA 90806. P.O. Box 498. Lon g Beach. CA 908014198 4190 Fir st A ~.• T ucker. GA, 30084; maili ng address P.O. Box 805. T ucker . GA 30085-0805. (310) 427-7433; (310) 636-8844. FAX (310) 427-6685 (404) 934·7850. W/BD'A VI r , 4 FAX (404) 934·3112 AUDITED CIRCULATION Cyd e Nrws,Inc. 1 Tradrmad Cyd. Nrw' rtgistmd m For tick et inform ation, contact: Arrow Promotions, P.O . Box 720141, Oklahom a City, OK 73172-0141, 4051i216600 .. . Editor. Lack o f respect As a longtime motocross fan and former racer, I had the pl easure of attendi ng th e January 25 Anaheim Su percross. I th ought that it was a well organi zed and en terta in ing n ight of raci ng . What compe ls me to write, however, is my em barr assment for the way a sma ll, but a udible percentag e of the cro wd wou ld boo when J ean -Michel Bayle was i ntroduced throughout the evening. I do n 't expect Bayle to be everyo ne's favorite rider, but gi ve the ma n credit wh ere credi t is du e. Just because he is no t Ameri can and is talent ed en o ugh to teach our riders a thi ng or two abo ut goi ng fast , peo p le feel compelled to boo him . . 1m my opi nio n, Bayle has helped a gr eat dea l in giving AMA racing worldwide legi timacy. He speci fically came to the U.S. to race with the best. In doing so, he sacr ificed hi s own po p ularity in Fran ce and the rest of Europe to race in Ameri ca. We as Americans can at least trea t him with respe ct for being th e great ch am p io n tha t he is. To boo him is to sho w our ow n ignorance as racing fans. Th is was Bayle's last rid e at Anaheim and it saddens me that he was not tr ea ted better . Som e ignorant person or persons even had the gall to han g a banner saying " Bayle Go Ho me." T hey may get th eir wish , but we will be the losers. Bayle has taught our riders to be faster and he has spar ked an interest in other European champ io ns (Stefan Everts , as an examp le) to co me over her e to compete agains t o u r best. I hope that we recognize the good things thai he has contribu ted to Ameri can motocross and trea t h im as the cham pio n and gent leman that he is. An int ernationa l lineup at o ur events can o nl y he lp AMA motocross and Bayle has o pened those doo rs for us. Merci, J MB. You 're the best ! Frank Said Buena Park , CA Cycle News (USPS 141 ·340) is published weekly except the last TwO weeks of the calendar year for $50.00 per y...r by Cycle News, Inc , 2201 Cherry Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90806. Second class po stage paid at Long Beach. CA and at additional maili ng office. Canada Post Interna tional Publi cations Mail #546615. . POSTMASTER: Send address changesto Cyde News, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 908014198. T o determ in e-the expi ra tion dat e of you r su bscri ption. ch eck the four num bers on the first. line of your address label. Tl;te f~rst two digits in dicate the last issue number you 'll r~el ve and the last two characters indica te th e year o f the las t issu e. . Subscri p tio n ra tes: Rates for the United Stat es and its possessio ns for one year, (50 issues), $50.00; two years (100 issues), $95.00; six months, (25 issues), $26.00; tri al sub (15 issues), $19.00. Ca nad a and For eign , o ne year (50 issues), $90.00; tw o years (100·issues). $175.00; six mon ths (25 issues). $45_00; tri al sub (15 issues), $38.00. . Cycle News we~ co~es unsolicited edi tor ia l materi al includi ng stori es, car too ns, p hot os. etc, Such materia l, If published. beco mes th e excl usive property of Cycle News: Such accep ted. ~ ateri al is .sUbJec;t to. revision as i~ necessar y in th e sole di screti on o f Cycle News. Unso l icited material whi ch IS not used Will be return ed if accompanied by a self addr essed stam ped envelo pe. All unsolicit ed mat erial will be han dled with reasonab le care. how ever , Cyclr: N.ews. assu mes no. responsibili ty fOT .th~ safet y, loss o~ da mage to such ma teri al. ~epnnt~n g . n wh ol e or ~t o n ly by perrmssio n of th e publish er. Adver tising rat es and 1 circu lat io n informa tio n Will be sen t upon req uest. See S.R.D.S. Copyright8 Co uld you pl ease give me the promoter's addr ess and the ticket prices for the July 25 Oklahoma Cit y Nati onal Half Mile so I can mail in earl y to ens ure good seats for the race. u.s. Patrot 0IfilX. All rights reserved. Inquiring minds can see The sta ff of Ameri can Suzuki Motor Corporation eagerly reads every issue of Cycle N ews as soon as it arrives each week. In addit ion to the gr eat race coverage and news items , we all took great interest in the In The Wind item co n cer n i n g th e bet betw een Pa u l Carruthers and Ken Faught which resulted in Mr. Faught hav ing to wear a dr ess to the office on Monday. ow , we would never imply that Cycle N ews would ever perpetrate a hoax on its readers or engage . in hyperbole, but we want proof. On behalf of the management staff at American Suzuki, indeed on behalf of the entire mo torcycle industry with whom Mr. Faught has to deal with on a regular ba si s, we request, nay, demand that you publish a photo of Mr. Faught in the alleged dress I Joe Co lombero Press Relations Mgr. American Su zuki Motor Corp. Brea, CA Perpetrat e a h oax ? N o wa y. Bu t realizing the em barrassme n t it might cause for Mr. Faught's parents, his fiancee and th e one or tw o friends he claim s he has, we have no intentions of publish ing a photo of him in drag. But if you stop by ou r headquarters bu ilding, Papa Wealey will be glad to show you th e photo . . . Editor. . Down a n d out in the Northeast How co me the AMA abando ned the Northeast as far as the Camel Supercross Series is concerned? First. they pulled out of Foxboro, now Giant's Stadium. I live in New Jersey and attended races at Foxboro and at the Meadowlands. Attendance was always in the mid to upper 30,000 range with extremely little advertising. Amateur race da y was always jammed. If the Meadowlands was a problem , there are other places: Englishtown, Shea, Veterans Stadium, Flemington Speedway, etc. If people from the Northeast want to see or ra ce a supercross, Charlotte is the closest. That's not good. Also, wh a t is th e Arenacross schedule? Frank Crisologo Bridgewater, NJ T he AMA sanctions events, Ihey do nol promote th em. Th e Foxboro and Mead owlands Cam el Supercross Series even ts failed to produce the profit the promoters were seek ing. Crowds of 30,000 or so spect ators in high priced markets such as th e greater N ew York City area (Meadow lands), where advertising rates are extremely high, don 't make for a profitable venlure. You'll .jind th e AMA National Arenacross Series schedule in our Calendar section . Sorry , but there 's no National Arenacross on tap in the Northeast this year . . . Ed itor. Letters to the editor sh o u ld be' sen t to: Voices, Cycle N ews, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach , CA 9080 1-0498. Publi shed letters do n o t n ecessarily reflect th e position of C ycle News, In c. Letters should not exc eed 200 words an d all lett ers are su bject to editing.

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