Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 01 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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... Bieffe Suzuki, su ffered a broken nose and multiple facial lacera tions in a cra sh at Sunrise Cycle Park in Adela nto, California, J anuary 19. H eal ey was in volved in a first turn cras h in the first 250cc Pro rnoto, a nd was run over by several ยท riders. " It's not the ca rt ilage th a t broke, it's the bone between my eyes," sai d Healey. " It does n 't hurt too bad now , but my eyes a re swoll en a nd all black a nd blue. I loo k like Mike Tyson go t a hold of me." Motocrosser. Ron Tichenor mi ssed the J anuary II openi ng ro und of the Ca mel Supercross Series in Orlando, Florida , due to a brok en left hand. " I broke my ha nd at th e Bol ogna (Italy) Supercross in December ," sa id T ichenor. " Hopefully, I' ll be able to ret urn to action at Anaheim or Sea ttle. I haven 't been able to ride, just tra in to get in shape . I hope to begin riding again this weekend (Jan uary 18-19)." Suzuki support rider Denny Stephenson was a lso a no-show at Orlando. Stephenson missed the event because of a mending broken bone in his wrist. In 1990, a t the O klah oma Supercross, Stephenson broke the wrist, and it eventua lly healed sufficie ntly enough for him to compete during the 1991 season. During th e recen t off-season, Stephenson had th e w r ist o p er a te d on to fu se bo nes together and the healing process is ta king longer than expected. He is schedu led to return to act io n at th e Febru ary 22 Al tanta Su percross. Duri ng th e opening ceremon ies at the Orlando Supercro ss, the top 10 riders of the 1991 Ca me l Supercross Series were introduced, o ne at a ti me, sta rting w it h the 10th place ri der. Whe n defending cham p io n Jean -Michel B a yle was introduced, the facto ry Honda rid er was supposed to tak e a slow demonstration lap aro und the track. Instead, while th e cro wd cheered - and som e booed, Bayle started his motor cycle and rod e straight to the pits a nd out of sigh t o f the 37,918 specta tors. Many thought Ba yle was u pset for bei ng booed. H owever, th at wasn 't the case. Former mot ocrosser Gary ' Bailey, who was the organizer of the o pe n ing cere monies, fo rg et to tell Bayle about taking th e lap. Ooops. he Kansas Motorcycle SportsAssociation will hol d its 1991 eason awards banquet o n J anuary 25 t the Holidome in Manhattan, Kan a s. Cost o f the H awa i ian-theme a nq uet is $15a nd that incl udes dinner. nd en ter tain ment. For more inforrnaio n, contact Bill Snyder at 913/776888. ickets for the April 4-5 500cc U.S. X GP a t Gl en Helen O H V Park in a n Bern a rd ino, Ca lifornia, will go on al e in early February at partici pating o n da , Ka w asa ki , Suzu ki and amaha dealers. Fans can save $5 on dvance two-da y tic kets which norally sell fo r $25. Tickets are a lso vai lable th rough T 'icketrnaster outlets r by phone a t 213/480-3232. or mer Na tional Enduro Ch am p ion evin Hines recently competed in an nduro in G u a tem a la in Central merica. " It was actually really good, u t they have weird rules," said Hines. 'They com bined FIM ru les with AMA ules and it can get a little confusing t times. They have sp ecia l tests just ike in th e U.S. ISD E Qual ifiers, but ou do n' t kn ow whe n you 're in them. lost the overa ll by 12 seconds because just cru ised in the o nly special test , not kn owin g I was in one. T he enduro was ISS m iles and there were 160 riders." Hines' runner-up finish was eno ugh for him to fin ish third in th e Central Am erican Enduro Ch ampion ship Series . H in es is leaving on Friday , January 24, to com pete in ano the r enduro in Honduras. Speaki ng of Hines, he is waumg to firm u p his 1992 racing program. He's still waiti ng on word fro m American Suzuki as to whe ther or not he'll be a member of Suzuki's '92 off-road team. It is rumor ed tha t Suzuki will go wi th a th ree-rider tea m, most like ly wi th three-time National Enduro Champio n Randy Hawkins, Steve Hatch a nd H ines. Czechoslo vakian Jan Hehor also might be included in Suzuki 's p lans in some way. CRESP! If you' ve been to the United States Grand Prix or the American round of the World Superbike Series in t he past three years, you probably already know about James Crespinel. His commissioned work includes portrait s of Mikhail Gorbachev, Martina Nav rati lova, Michael Jordan , Bria n Bosworth and Steve Largent, in additio n to th ose of Jam es Dean , Elvis Presley and Mari lyn Monroe. ' . He is quickly becoming one of the most sought afte r competition art ist s in the United States. Many world class riders th emselves .own original oil paintings by Crespinel and now lithographs of his works are available for both the collector and enthusiast alike, through Cycle News Products. KEVIN SCHWANTZ Jimmy Gaddis (Suz) won the 125cc Pro class an d was the runner-u p to Jason Langford (Yam ) in th e 250cc Pro clas s in the first night of acti on at round two of th e AMA Nat ional Aren acros s Series in G uthrie, Oklahoma, Janua ry 10-12. Cli ff P almer (Su z) swept both Pro div isions during the second day of racing. J e ff D ick e r s on (Kaw) was the overa ll winner in the ope ning rou nd of the 1992 AMA District 38 Off-R oad Series which was run near San Diego , Ca lifo rn ia , Jan ua ry 12. Craig Smith (Hon ) was the ru nner-up, wh ile Troy Phelps (H o n) was third. Dirt tra ckers who finished in the top 20 in the final '91 Camel Pro Seri es point standings and do a bit of road racing, or would like to, cou ld be a winner in the Dayton a 200 by filing a pr e-entry, qua lifying for the SO-rider field , a nd being one of the top five Camel Pro finishers. The Dirt Track Achi eveme nt Awards offers $20,000 to qualified dirt trackers who participate in the Dayton a 200. T he top fin isher in the "race within a race" receives $5000 a nd a fifth pl ace finish $2000. J a y Springst een , Dou g Chandler and Steve Mor eh ead have each pocke ted the winner's sha re si nce the inceptio n of th e DITA in 1989. During the 1990 Grand Prix season, Kevin Schwa ntz sat on the pole position seven tim es , won five rounds, a nd finished second in the World Championship. Man y feel that 1991 will be th e T exan 's year. . The original T x 8' oil pai nti ng was completed at the 1991 Day tona 200, and t he delu xe edition lithogr aphs were signed by Kevin Schwantz at the 1991 U.S. Gra nd Prix at Laguna Seca. RANDY MAMOLA Born on November 10, 1959, Ra ndy Mamola began his racing career at the age of 12, and raced intern ationally in New Zealand when he was only 15 years old. In 1987 he surprised th e sporting world by announcing that he would ri de for Cagi va , an Italian motorcycle manufacturer . Rand y ha s come withi n a few points of the World Champion ship no fewer than four tim es, and has finished th ird twice. He is one of the few who has raced for each of th e four Japanese factories. He has won a total of 13 Grand Prix and ha s finished on the rost ru m 57 ti mes. This fine piece of art was crea ted in Crespinel's studio a nd is a slightly different image of the one that was painted at the U.S. Gra nd Prix in 1989 a t Lagu na Seca; (please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery) .. r------------ ----- -- -- ------~-------~ @1ill~ /(' l { E H P! XE I~ ORDER FORM Fill out completely and print clear ly ENGAGED: AM A Su perbi ke Na tio na l Champion Thomas Stevens a nd Linda Sha w on Decemb er 24. Nam e Address _ Cit y CORRECTION: A sharp-eyed reader in Mich iga n caught a few erro rs in th e 1992 Bu yer 's Guide tha t appeared in the Jan uary 8 issue. The errors all involved Ya maha specifications ; correct di splacement for the PW80 YZinger is 79cc, and the 750 and llOOcc Viragos have air-cooled engines. State Ph one ( _ Order Date _ (No P.O. Box. APO /FPO or Forei gn Ship me nts) QUANTITIES K evin Randy Schwantz Yamola DESCRIPTION UnframedDe European Co luxe llector's Edition Framed Limited Co llector's Edition BORN: Alexa ndria Dell amora Grossi, da ughter of for mer factory mo tocro sser Bill y Grossi a nd wife J ill, in Sa nta Cruz, Ca lifornia, J a nuary 10. UnframedLimitedCo or's Edition llect Fram edBantam Ed ition UnframedBantamEdition APPOINTED: By Cagiva North America, Robert F. O'Neill as sales and marketing manager, Sid Schwartz as after sales ma nager, and Eric Lehmann and assistant to the president. UNIT PRICE $259 $149 $105 $32 $19 TOTAL PRICES INCLUDE CAResident s Add 7'4% Sales Tax U P S INSURED SHIPPI N G & HANDLING LA County Add 8'4% Sales Tax Shippin g & Handling PLEASE ALLOW 4 TO 6 WEEKS for DELIVERY . ORDER TOTAL NAMED: Mi chael Ko sse tt to the posi tion of media relations/ community affairs manager for northern Ca lifornia 's Sears P o i n t Intern a tion al Rac ewa y. NAMED: Kenny Kope cky as operations manager for the Will ow Springs Mot orcycle Club. Kopecky will co ntinue to ass ist with th e cl ub's riding sch oo ls. an nou nce ' race events a nd compete a t th e southern Californ ia road race facili ty. Zip A.\I0UNT $ $ $ $ $ (FREE) Paym ent Method: 0 Check or Money Order Enclosed (Sorry, no COD's) Charge my 0 VISA 0 Mas tercard Card No. Exp . Date _ Signature _ QjJill ~ L. ' VISA Send Orders to: Prod ucts . P.O. Box 4 9 8 . Long Be a ch. CA 90801-0498 l.:~:~~:~~~:~~~~~:o~::'~~_ Jll' J 3

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