Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 01 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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What's New? ••• * Bruc:e Brown C'-- ,• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a On Any Su ~ Films a 1967 Ha", ~y a 1967 H Hound Championshi a 19 67 H~vvn 500 M" P a 19 6B 8a~ 250cc M" a 1970 Ascot 1 00 La '91 CA Sid P T.T. '91 AM 8C8 r S~way C'Sh' VIDEO .TH EATER ,*** w . . . . .__M".. -..A Nat" r _ '91 R 'P ~ Southwiele. r.... - "'-man. ~ Mill,,;'; oadR-' A~ ......... -'-" Son Morino. e-... Order from th e greatest selection of motorcycle video tapes available - FREE SHIPPING ! ' ---;';;::':::::~~~~:!d 1'liIl (- > 1JI1 (~ CnIIo "~3 SZnWua fnn GP .,.. '-loa (1II11) 1111USCI' Oiftard _ _ ' brllIdcaas. ..Itlil widllO _ thin IhI NBC/E.SPW _ 500I0Il 250 ~ sideaq 1DO. 52...... hm GP Video 1'liIl IllI2B)1111s.- _ _ (#13O) ... . M.nuflCtWing of I 1ht 1tWd .. . ..... fnlm _MoIoW:IIo. &dn. I0Il iIItJ.lmg 30 _ _in tilt - ham _ I (#121)1100 _ " _ _ 60 01_"'" lIlindn W. . . . . . • ....... .. aII8nClllMI daIilft. fn:IIl MakMdeo. _ _ 30 (#141 1117 ) ~800_ .......... ""' _ I _ _ 37 (#142)1117 1ll13l) 1111_._1'liIl 52 minutnfrom GP VidIo 1ll14ll)1111 1'liIl 81 T""T _ (11_) I C _ Frunt t.Iotl:Mdto. Aick". 10 ftin:dI inItnIdiDnII • ..... c:ompim with• poc:bt-liad ~ thIIlhI lDllitlXftlIJIl an any *'ng'" m. 1O in !hi field. _JJL _ 6IOy _ ......... by&1a RJ shows you haw 10 ride t.tlIr ItIIn you tIri you ham KWB MIIlo1ing Groo-. __ (#1_ ) l r _ " _ "" 11>1_ '....., _ _ ""_ .... ......---. ...... 1hI 2nd iamI!ionII MX beId in !hi U.s. 1hI Ii1I by _ Codo CIld1lnM . . . . School1hio ........ ~ by"""' - T . - ........ 0... -... _ - . . I0Il Rogor video trw1IlItB the book in10 14 IKtionJ to mae . a.e-, .. _ _ . MuIdw I0Il 6IOy 52 mirutaI frum GP v.s.o Illll5ll)1 _ 1 _ . _ 1 ' l i I l : (#141) 1_1"_~_ 52 minuta from GP v.dIo An.ica's baI matotnIU champions lib an the wortd in tbs speciII 60 mioolI show from Gaiidolf. Wlfl Ill-) 1111 ~(SooIa)._1'liIl 52 minttln from G VIdeo. P Germ.". From Morovidao. (#112)1 11X _ . _ 1ll1 lB) 1_1 _ . _ 1'liIl Raciog h9>1ig5O!ll_ _ ru... nt pnMdId E¥r • f1CI 1twl: IMd Uf til ItI billing _ _ 48 mirJJta from PDwenpartI Video. (#1571) '11 ........ I I X _ I\IInt in AnritIn IhDUW'tydI tieinghiIlotf. SO mft4a 48 _ ,"",, ~ _ ham_ (#410) ltIO_s-tIIo _ _ (#15IA) ' I l " , , - I I X _ 48 ....... frllIa P1Mmpans VIDeo. CompiiId !rumItlI t.l: lrlCllrlRI of IbI 750cc World s.c-tJib ItlI 1990 . . . . . . . an., ItlI (#1_) ' I l _ l I X _ __I0Il_'-"_ 48 ...... frcIn Powenporu Video. I'lUId.. F1III trUnptI ID dItIM. IallII IhI 'lIiglmd I0Il 1lucIO .... (#1121) ' I l _ l I X _ 5 &_ ... . . .... IullbdI 01 daIIn. JoI Minton tats. ~-u:\it Triumph a.ait ...." ,.. IIIliIh the big tt....., Ind "".,r 2-stn*n rKing Ml' 80 01 the ...... na.t. I I 52 miIUa IrulnGP . . . (1l&5} - " - ~ the daIic ham_ I ~1~n-nrtC8~~: ~~~~~ II¥8I1t 01 the 1991 "81M, detemlirMng YItlich flu" N. I ~.::.~ =:~ ~~e in the World :z (#1ZA) 1100 WarVs_ SX _ H ighli\tltl of 1he most miting ~ dulls 1YtI" , .Indudn 1988 Antheim Supertmq fRJ VI David Be~ey~ 1987 LA CoI...... IRJ pISIIl ...;~ liIld .. boll G .. Coooe1 blot rid... on .. ham ... USA IN! ... _ II parvwr-.d 1Khnique.107 mirun from Cant k'duda IidIhIdt I1Cing. 45 minutn 1ft Bna ""'" """ KWB MIIlo1ing Groo-. _ (#111) """ (1110)1117 . . . . . _ _ ~ _ FolkM '"The D1icbn .." " ~ . .. showI ........................ I0Il.....,'- .... . impnJ¥e , . bikI htndIiog skiIII. 80 mioota of emrtllinmenl from Molowideo. (#135) _ _ _ 25Oa: Hope:town ICtion from 196 tIIo incbIa 1. "powder puff" women'. Mnl 25 minlftI by &ur:e _ F .... ham KWB MIIlo1ing G . ..... ctn (1144)1_.... 1_ .. The 2nd nming of !hi now legendlly SlIt IKI. The COlnI in .-b.. stm'I.nding Slniv Everything frum VW VInI to IJIlJtlnyCIes. Ford hIXlI This 55-minur:t video is full of tips nI tidies 1I1thnd • mIt1 in Tuaon. Arizont mHI to l'ICI fur the L t.£. .. .." ....... .. _ ,by_ham"'" from ridII1 who htvehidmillionJ ofmi a ofaxpmera. l : World ChtmpionIhips. 80 mi utn from RAZ Video. n SOIl wimers to mcMe JtIB. fnbmg PtmeIJi Jones. I0Il ham . - mad ....... .... ""'" you ufIly ply JIfJI8I G erner. MtIcoIm SmiIh. end mono40 minutes tecMlqun you can ap to yotI" streI riding. From , (#451) 1_ ~ USIlal'l cw,. r.... ham ICWIl MWMg """. Motovidto. ThO dimu .. ... 28 ..oklong _ of "'" brings by&1a _ DUl: the bat of the 1Up 18 speedway l'ICm in !hi (#145)1m _ 10l1 l1f TT . US to det rmine who cIl'ria . , in 1991, in this 1 J.t. AotjlfliWl's 10th trnJII lDO-ltp daJic held It e ~ winnet·tlb-a111Yl1l1l 60 minuta from RAZ Video. Ascat tnd c::over-d by men thId 13 I:II1WIL MadI byilnlCl _ _ fiImi<>g"llnA.., (#123A)1_1_. _ ~ C'IIip t.wwiI, SkO> V _ !lIlIaI 8IIor. 30 Sixtnn of the but ridIl'1 in the United States IKI _ , an Ca6ltI'nie'. klngnt tpndwIy ncil: in the 24th miootu from KWB MnIting Group. oI1hi1 prnligiouI Mf1l 70 minrta trom RAZ I ;:::u (#13U) '11ca _ s.. the CI1lY ~ _ ~ C'IIip 1000+u New ZnImt IidetIl'I rtCI . :ls:,:-:""::"W:,:,.,KI"':: ............ _ ... CASlIlISootdwoY ....... _ S O _ hamW_ . . . . . . . . _y _ s.n.. 48_ham~_ • "-' 1hIi'.. ... '1 1rIInIfann' I9'It ...... Rt,mond ..-: """'" FlId_ "",,"', _ _ Rob _ . l1li(1 _ I0Il u.~' F~ A.&snIiI'I fWI PbiIiI. 90 miIUa v_ (1I7IA) _ _ cp 1 tn. P...,..u e-a- I'" A .... of the '89 FN GP Rul Raing IUIOn WDl1dwida, • I.aNmn Ie_ ArntrUa RIiney nI ScbwII1tz to IM ep 13 US wins in 1S naniI. From PoMtspomVideo. • (#111 ) " " Days:i.e lIP _ _ W .". RaioIi, .............. ham SuzW to Phillip \sIInd in this t OS-minutll bIodctluIhlr of WI annual miM. flrob-tdy the bnt Bib G RniewlMft1 P From MotovidIO lilt) u.s. _l'liIll_ (1155) IIX CnIIo& ~ ~ TheorigintI bot MotcMdllO. 3D minuta. 1l1l&I _CnIIo . . ~. "The Music Vldeo f A11 1'1N MX IDIh &. Un toot. futtIing the IItISl, most outrIIgIouuI oww·ltle-edge mishaps IV8f 111 to the mueic: on videocauIttt Grlit . antlrt8inmenttortil tgII! From Motovideo, 35 minuln. s.-." R Gtand Prix I'OlId racing forrhI World a..mpionship (#1115) SX _ .,.l c:.. '10 ~ in AmericI II SteldrEdciI I.awson Ind Fill Y U O '" lI,n ttle co .m,ls • now bur the mm be_ the bUl _ l.I9nI s.c.. From video . , , GrIll entertIinment II pdn. 3D minutn PowmportsVllIeo. ham _ (#125) _ _ Jimmy r.. (#41 ) _ ~ RICI with W"", G .... II you aoudI lMIl' the ... 111_ _ hendIIIba'1 01 • 200 mph Grtnd PriIHonclI in KIUII ... _ .. Randy _ 0- . F o..... 5 5CwlIIiw> _ _ .. _ "'" IKI c:anditionI! 80 minuta.. Fn:Im ~ VIdeo.. __'(_)1111 . . . . . . _1'liIl Il'IIlI ..... A ..wty 01 crJIIIhIe from tuIIlIlKI W. 52 minuta frum Matowideo. IT, MXGP',llragI, ond~."",,_ ~- - b y ---1IlIII (#11)"' _ _ "_ ~ _ 81 78 . .. yeN" - tMJriII"'BIdBot." Fram Matowidto. (IU) . . . SiI:-timI.NMiontI MX Dwnp IIbI you II til Im1II n:i:s1lld ....,.., ... IO .....!hIIfl60 ...... 81- _W.".~ ,KIoio (*)"r*_ _ I0Il_ ......... _ - _ r.--------------------------~~---------------~~-----------------~~--------, Order Fonn (Please fill out completely) .' Diy, Descnptlon .Amount QIy, DescnplJon Amount QIy. Descnptlon Amount I/4SA '90 Sp dwIy U Norb @ 29,95 .. S _ Zip _ _ _ . ~ ) o Onle, Date _ _lWa-_", ta_ Signature Exp, Date _ _ SInd a"d". CYa.E IEWS 1'tIOIIUCTS. P Bo.4!I8.lonos..... CA 908lI' .... 98(AJIo.w4-e _ .o. ....-., PriceI; IUbiect to ch8. . . - pie.- U8I current order b&ri All of _ VHS a .. available"" of shipping and handling .ha'1l"' ''''''' CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS , Mail to: CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS P,O. Box 498. Long Be.och. CA 90801 .0498 or CIOII (310) 427-7 433 during busine.. houra _ Diy . ..... I/le,...",..,..., Description 119 U RR G Pri, '66 @ 33.95 .S. r..d Amount #Iil '67 HIlI&H ound C'SIIip @ 3U5 #55MX Crash &Bam SpeaxuIar @ 24.95 1155 '89 MX D _ IS G.nnany @ 29.95 #106A 50 Y of 0..,.... @ 22,95 ... #108 ATwist of d11 W @49.95 rist #11 0 '90 100@ 39.95 #142 '67 Hop"- SOD MX @ 3U 5 #143 '67 Hop_ 250 MX @ 34.95 #144'68 6Ij. 10DO@34,95 1156 MX Crash & Bam 11 @ 29.95 1156A Crash & Bam m@ 29,95 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State _ #105 SXThrin~ Sp ills.& C1in, '90@ 29.95 #S4 V ,Twin Moint,1llllCl @ 3U5 #11 1 lIatlZl!lacklrm N. Chicbn @ 34.95 #114Supe_ _ @ 44,95 #145 ' 70 Aoalt l DD-l1p T.T. @ 34.95 #15DA '91 Glinlnille MX IUl'Is. @33.95 #77'69 In1'I 6,Drt Enduro @ 34.95 #76A ' 69 BiuGP Campil.tion @39,95 #766' 90 GP Rmow @ 43,95 #115 R.ndll""Slt d1.Ring @44.95 #116 Rlcing Int. HillOry @44.95 #117"Sturvil t 69lr 50thAIIn. @ 44.95 #151A'91 Soaam MX Noris.@ 33,95 .... #152A '91 AxtonMX Norls.@33.95 #153A '91 lit Monis MX Noris. @ 33,95 , #806 '91Jlpllllll RR GP @ ~33.95 #81 8 '91 USG P!.Ig Soc.o @ 33~95 u.. 11528 '91 Spanilti R RGP @33.95 #117ASturgis '91: Dlficiat Vidl.@ 39.95 #l 16ASturgis '91: O.ncel " fMC @ 39.95 #120 Rid. Am.rico P. cUv @ 49,90 . #154A '91 Buchan.. MX Nlfl. @ 33.95 #15SA '91 Souttiwitl: MXll.fb, @ 33.95 #156 A'91 Troy MX .lfls.@ 33.95 #836 '91 1ta1 RR GP @ 33.95 illl #848 '91 G.flll.. RR G @ 33.95 P #121 Rid. Am.rica: Highwoy 1 @ 29.95 #122 Ridl Am.:"TbI MiDion 0..1aI Hw( @29.~5 #157A '91 W oltiougal MX IUl'Is. @ 33.95 #156A '91 Bing/lam1lin MX .lfls.@ 33.95 #856 '91 Aultrilll RR GP@33.95 #86B'91 EUIO!'... ISp RR G @3 3.95 .in, P #67B'91 Dutch RR G @33.95 P #1231 '91 CA St Speedway C'1tiips @ 29.95 #124 Th.A"...m F.ctor @ 22,95 . #125 Biu H.voc@39.95 #159A'91 O lllllJllt MX N . .fls.@ 33,95 #162A '91 M 'lilll MX N ill lfls.@ 33.95 #162 '90AMA Norl MX 51_ R @ 34.95 IY. _ #696 '91 French R2 GP @ 33.95 1190B'91 Britilti RR GP @ 33.95 #126 O Biil Extrav'a.... @34.95 reg #126 ilIlI of Widowm.k., @ 39.95 1/410 '90 W SfB Sa lII'Iiow @ 34.95 lll1d .... _ 111_., #11 Ritl:J. hn Profil. @ 39.95 ..n I19I B'91 S.. M rinoRR GP @ 33.95 . 11926 '91 ClIch.R P @ 33.95 RG #94B·91 1sf, . f M @ 39.95 ill #95'99 P.ris,OIkaf@ 34.95 #134A '91 CA Sp ..dway Sidocars @ 29,95 #135 Swot Sm.", @ 34.95 #137'91 Daytona 20 0~ @39.95 old.. 44.95 #20 G I196B'91 Australi.n RR G P@ 33.9 5 #138 Eosy Rid"@ 37.95 1/41"" @34.95 #43n Tribute @ 34.95 #100 M _ 1ly Rid< JoIIlSon @ 39.95 #1D2A Spdwy lea Wlll1d C''''' '91 @ 29.95 #139Th.Wild 0.. @ 37.95 #1411 On Any Sunday @ 44.95 - #130 trSl Triumph @49.95 #12A W .M, G reotlSt SX @ 29,95 #13M I..., Slyt. @ 29.95 XG #148 1991 N Am." Spdwy Final @ 29,95 . . CMhnlisR_I. Mol 7V& Sola Tu (IA C--, I V." Sola Tul (Outside the continental United Stllles add S10,00 per tape for additional shipping costs), _ . _ u.s. ...... f,.. r.... ' 59 -----------~-------------------------------------------------------------~ _ ~"

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