Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 01 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ne ver sit down th e whole wa y," said Morris. " I tried in the last section and I nearly ate it in a co u p le of places." . The ti gh t terrain made working up thro ug h the pack challenging, too. Cartwright ca u g ht KTJd ' s Scot Harden, who was first off th e lin e in the O ver 30 Pro class. " I was on his (Harden's) rear fen der for miles, but I couldn't pass him," said Cartwright. " It was a on e-trail deal and he is such a good rider I couldn't get a rou nd him." Harden eventually waved Cartwright past when the fron t wheel bearing on his KTM started to slow him down. " It started to go out and got progressi vely wo rse until the wheel wouldn 't even turn. It sh u t me down," said H arden , who was forced to retir e af ter two loops. J ason Ingersoll 's Honda was givi ng him fits ba ck in th e 125cc Pro division. "I go t a flat tir e on the first loop a nd I seized o n th e same loop," said the Honda CR I25 pi lot, "I just had to cruise after that." Out in front o f the pack, Hamel was hard on the gas all the way. He was ex ten ding his lead steadily until the big KT M ran out of gas three miles from the end of the first la p. " I dumped a quart of gas in, but I was scared I was going to run out again, so I rode really, really slowly," said Ha mel. " It's really fast in that last section a nd I could only ride about a q uarter throttle trying to conserve gas, so I probably lost a co uple of minutes." Despite the delay, Hamel was sti ll ru n ning n umber one when he headed into his second la p of the figure-eigh t course. Lewis, wh o was n umber five through th e pits, held second, half a minute behind .the lead er o n adj usted time. Ashcraft wa s a m inute behind 'H amel in third, a nd was pushing to pass Abbott, who was 20 seco n ds behind him on adjusted tim e. _ The competition began to heat up as the second lap began. The traffic had taken its toll and the course was even more grueling th e second time around. Hamel knew he couldn't co mp lete the entire 40-mile circuit without running out of gas , so he was stepping up the pace to make up for an extra ga s stop at th e end of the nine-m il e loop. And Morris, Abbott, Ashcraft and Lewis al l decid ed to mak e their move. " I' m bea t. I used up all my ene rgy catching Abbott," said Mo rri s. " I got him on a fast road. There were only two fast secti ons and they were all chopped up." Ashcraft reportedly crashed out of the running w hile trying to pass Abb ott near th e same spot. The H o nda p ilot eviden tly h it a rock , flew off th e bike and la nded in a yucca tree. Abbott's prom isin g ride bit th e dust just a few m iles further o n , when the he landed hard clearing a ditch and was forced to retire with a twisted thumb. Lewis wo ve back and forth tryi ng to pass Morris withou t success for the second half o f th e lap, a nd opted to miss his pit in a desperate bid to slip by. "I skipped my gas and d id th e ninemile loop at the start of th e next lap before I pitted," said Lewi s:' " It was a bit of a gamble bu t it wa s the only way I could get past him." When the racers headed into the firial lap of the figure eight, it was Hamel by five m inutes over Lewis, with another two minutes back to Morris in third. Brent Fox was battling ATK's John Rudder for fourth overall and Folks was trying to hold it together in sixth. "I was having the worst day. I got f; RiCk JOh nson Broc Glover , Jeff Ward and many, many more! . DATE December 19, 199 1 December 26,199 1 j a n u ary 2, 1992 January 9, 1992 TITLE OF SHOW '85 Rose Bowl H ig h lights / LA Superbow l of MX '85 World Supercross Finals, LA Coliseum '86 Anahe im Super cross '86 Phoen ix S upercross 911 1 9112 9113 91 14 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 TIME - 6:30 - 6:30 - 6:30 - 6:30 pm pm pm pm -T imes subject to change based on LA Kings games ~ check you r local listings On Two Wheels presented by: f,{1~V:f W]]lHilll~ ,,' t~ and your local $ SUZUKI pro-level RM dealers Sini i Valley Yamaha & Suzuki Simi Valley (805) 522-3434 La Habra Suzu ki La Habra (213 ) 691-3273 Sad dleba ck Suzuki Laguna Hills (714) 770-6701 Bert's Motorcycles Azusa . (818) 334 - 1288 South land Cycle Center Garden Grove (714) 893-5091 Inland Empire Suzu ki & Kawasaki Sa n Bernardino (714) 885 -7110 Cole Brothers N Hollywood (818) 980-3715 Anah iem Suzuki Inc. Anahiem (714) 774-6621 Suzuki of Rivers ide Rivers ide (714) 788-6050 Fun Bike Center San Diego (619) 278-6635 Del Amo Suzuki Inc . Redondo Beach (213) 542-7381 Orange Co. Suzuki Costa Mesa (714) 646-2428 Suzuki Country Norco (714) 734-

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