Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 01 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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tI~ ALLIGATOR ENDURO (FL) 1 Event . 3 Classes: $2.900 4-STROKE B: lSIStSO 2nd $100 3 rd S7S 4th $SO 5th S25 ITR ENDURO SERIES (FL ) 10 Even... 3 Classes: $2lI,.5OO 4-STROKEB: lSI StSO 2nd $100 4-STROKEA , AA : ISI$250 4 th $SO 5th S25 3 rd S7S 4-STROKE A, AA : 2ndS200 3 rd StSO 4th$loo Event o-at1-$1.OOO 5th$SO lSIS200 2nd StSO 3rd $100 4th S7S E\OeD' o-atl-$500 5th $SO tI~ MID-SOUTH HARE SCRAMBLES SERIES (AL, GA, KY, TN) AMA NATIONAL 11 Even.. . 1 Class: $Il,825 4· STROKE: CROSS COUNTRY SERIES 12 Events • 3 Classes: $26,700 1st S200 4-STROKEB : Is. $ISO 2nd $100 3 rd S7S 2nd 5150 3rd $100 4th S7S 5th $SO E"",' o-at1-$500 4th $SO 5th S25 4-STROKE A , AA: ISI$300 2ndS200 3rd $lSO 4th $loo 5th S7S Even' o-atl-$1.OOO NEfRA ENDURO SERIES (Cf, M A, RI) 12 Even x 3 Classes: $24,600 e 4· STROKE B: 1st $ISO 2 nd $100 AMA NATIONAL ENDURO SERIES 9 Events x 3 Classes: $2O.02S 4-STROKEB: 2 nd 5200 3rd $ISO 4th $100 Event Overall-51,000 4th $SO 5th S25 1st S200 2nd StSO 3rd $100 4th 575 5th $SO Event Overal1-$500 Ist 5150 2nd $100 3rd $75 4th $SO 5th S25 4-STROKEA, AA : 1st 5300 3 rd $75 4-STROKE A, AA: 5th S7S tie-VI ROCKY MOUNTAIN ENDURO CIRCUIT (AZ, co, NE, NM) 10 Events • 2 Classes: $I4J50 4·STROKE B: Ist $ISO 2nd $100 3rd S7S 4 th $SO 5th S25 Al\fA NATIONAL HARE SCRAMBLES SERIES M: 1S1S200 10E"",ls x 3 Oasses : $30,500 4-STROKE B: 1st $150 2nd $100 3 rd S7S 4th $SO 5th S25 4·STROKE A, AA : lSI5300 2nd S200 3 rd StSO 4th $100 5th S7S Even' o-at1-51,OOO 2nd StSO 3rd $100 4th 5~ Event o-atl-$500 5th 5SO SCORE INTERNATIONAL (Az, Be) PARKER 400, SAN FELIPE 250, BAJAsoo, BAJA 1000 4 Evenu x 3 Oasses : S24.OOO CLASS 22, CLASS 30, CLASS 38: lSI$1.000 Event o-at1-S2JlOO AMA NATIONAL HARE & HO UND SERIES 7 Evenu . 4 $23,100 250, OPEN, VET. 4-STROKE: 1st $300 2nd S200 3 rd StSO 4th $100 E"",. Over.oll- $I,ooo SERA ENDURO SERIES (AL, AR, LA, MS) 5th S7S 10Even.. i 3 Classes: $2lI,.5OO 4-STROKE B: lsr $ISO 2nd51oo 3rdS7S 4th $SO Sib S25 4-STROKE A, AA : AMA NATIONAL R ELIABILITY TRIALS ISlS200 7 Events• 2 Classes: 531,ll5O 0-350 4-STROKE L. a I, SOO+- 4-STROKE L. a I. ls t 57SO 2nd 5150 3rd 5100 4th S7S 5th $SO Even. Overall-$500 Even. Overal l-51,ooo SETRA E NDURO SERIES (AL, F L, GA, NC, SCI Ext ra Bonu s.' For XR riders competing on the 14 Events x 3 Classes: 528,700 2nd $500 3rd $300 4th 5150 5th S7S Us. team in the 1 992lSDE: Gold MedaI - $3,OQO 4·STROKEB: lSI $ISO 2 nd 5[00 Silver MedaI - 52,OQO Bronze MedaI - $1,OOO 3rd $75 4th 5SO Sib S25 4 ·STROKE A, AA : IstS200 2nd 5150 3rd $100 4th 5~ Sib $SO Event o-atl-$500 ECEA ENDURO SERIES (DL, M o, NJ, PA, RI ) 20 Eventsx 3 CIas.'CS: $41,000 4-STROKEB: lSIStSO 2nd $100 3rd S7S 4th $SO 5th S25 4-STROKE A, AA : lSI S200 2nd StSO 3rd $100 4th S7S EventOve rall-$500 5th $SO 1992 Off-Road Racing Contingency Program Eligibility Requirement s • Only 1992 XR"models are eligible, and riders must complete a 1992 Honda contingency form for each event, including IRS Fbrm W-9. • Contingency will be paid to registered owner only pe r th e wa rranty regist rat ion ca rd submitte d to AHM by the dealer at time of purch ase. • Hond a will pay contingency upon confi rmation from promoter that rider compe ted on a prope rly qualified motorcycle. tI~ STAT E ENDURO CIRCUIT (TX) .TEXAS 13 Evenls• 5 Classes: 539,325 250B, OPEN B: lSI StSO 2nd $100 3rd S7S 4th $SO Sib S25 25IlA, OPEN A, AA : lSIS200 2nd StSO 3rd 5100 4th $75 5th $SO Event o-atl-$500 • Minimum of six (6) riders in a class to qualify for contingency. • Contingencies are paid only once at dual-sanc tioned events. • All winning riders will receive "Honda Bocks " gift certificates, valid until the expiratio n date towa rd the purchase of Honda Mot orcycl es, genuine Honda parts.Hondaline" accessor ies or Pro-Honda- oils and chemicals at any aut horized Hond a Dealer nationwide. • All contingencies earned in 1992 must be claimed by January 31, 1993. ALWAYS WEAR AHELMET. EYEPROTECTIO NANDPROTECTI CWTHIN VE G,ANDPLEA SERESPEl:f TIlE ENVIRONMEN T. Oh the law,and read your owner'a manual thoroughll' Inrormation IIUbjeet to change without notice. See your Honda Dealer or Illll.ed DCI o ~n luU on ey IlR ror claimfonnaand deta ils. Xli, Hun dallne and Pro·Honda" are Honda tradernarke. C I091 American HondaM otor Co.,Inc. (12191)

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