Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 01 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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LOCAL EVENTS Team Su zuki Endurance 1991 PM/SBS WERA Endurance Champions sconRussell Team Muzzy Kawasaki, 1991 AMA 2nd Place Superbike Champion (Left to right) Corey Hormes, R icky Wi nsett, Mike Hacker, Taylor Wh ite, Charles Majeski and Georgi e Price were class champions at T imonium Indoor Short Track. Bill Fu" 1991 Prostar Top Fuel Harley Champion Elmer Tren 1991 Proslar 2nd Place Top Fuel Champion ® Send $4. for Complete' Catalog Oual Action Billet Calipers ~r~ PM Spun Aluminum Wheels Perlor"It."ee MGehine, ine. P.O. Box 1739. 15535 Garlield Ave.• Paramount. CA 90723 (3 10) 634-6532 District #37 Referee Joe Ellis (619) 947-5477 Race Info Only (213)376-1329 On all off-rold evenfl. Green Sticke,. & SPlrk Arreltors Ire required. NO 3·wh .., ATV.allowed · Quad Cyclea okay . A.M.A. membership is req uired . DTX - CONVERSIONS • 2 1 " Rims to 19" Rims • 18" Rim s to 19" Rims • 19" Wide Rims ~ ~ COMPmTION SCHEDULE Det. 1278 7 Nutwood 5t 714-53 JackRabb ita M /C Garden Greve CA 92 640 M astercard & Visa " 1l!c681 u-v E...nt Club Jen.12 UP S Sh,pp lng He.. Scnmbles Location : Red Mo untain Info: Hanry (2 13) 803-4 9 59 0 · 37 Sport A wa rd Banquat Want Ad Info. (2 13) 427-7433 location : Crown Sterting Su ites 3100 E. Frontera Ane he im. CA Info : Barbar a (80 5) 947-B407 DOUBLE CROSS PRESENTS DeMrt M / C Net'! H .. H location : lucer.... Velley F.... 1 .. 2 DaMrt Vipera M / C GnmcI PrIx location: Adelant o Info (714) 779-5313 JAN. 12 ROAD & DUAL SPORT SCHEDULE I N FO : (8 1 8 ) 24 9 -2 141 Det. Club Je... S SCMA-SOUP-R Pokar Run location: Road Ewent Info: (B0 5) 734-311 0 Jell. 19 F.'" 2 m I Locat io.": Ridgecrest. $99.00 209·733-3730 800-322-2 3 11 CALIFORNIARACING PRODUCTS 74 • 3534 W. v..... A.... a Road Run Locat ion: F.'" 8109 Cal . Trail Rides SPECIAL 10><20 PMC -Pok ar Run Info: (714) 596·61 20 California Canopy Kits SIZES 1Ox1 0 thr u : GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES Mojave Advant uraa Dua l Sport . location : Idywil d Info: v- . CA 93277 - . Viaa, DO C.O.D.'. Acap10d ..... _ DUIII Sport BOYESEN REEDS OSC Distributing 4232 D ix ie H wy. W.terford. M I 48329 (313) 673-3366 f3 1 3} 673·a144 FA X U PS Daily Tirheimer set th e pace out fro n t. McElroy was on the ch arge a nd ri di ng o n the edge, 'Ti rh eirner took m e mo to a nd overall wms ahead o f Brandes. McElroy cou ld on ly manage to close in o n Bennett and had to seule for fourth at th e checkered and th ird overa ll. Bennett scored fourth overall , while Steve Nelson improved o n his firs t moto eig h th to ta ke fifth . Brandes exhibited pure talent as he do m ina ted both of the 250cc Pro rno tos for the o vera ll win. In moto o ne, j ohn Stark felt quit e lu cky when jon Ni colaus went down on th e las t lap while hol din g second , and Stark claimed the runner-up spo t with McClintock followi ng in for th ird, Nicolaus salvaged fourth ah ead of J ack Azevedo, Stark rocketed into the lead o f moto two . but Bra ndes was soo n arou nd and on to the win . Sta rk held second for a time, bu t bobbled in a turn and Nicola us slip ped by. After havin g bik e problems in the openi ng mot e , Todd Nel son loo ked hot in th e fmal go-ro u nd as he wo rked up to fini sh second ahead o f McCli nt ock. McClintock still had eno u!;h points for second overall. Nicol au s was aga In fourt h for th e same overa ll wh ile Star k held on fo r fifth to claim third overa ll. Results 250 P RO : I. Miehat' J Bran des (Sw); 2. Tim McClintoc k (Sw:); 3. John Stark (Sw ); 4. Jon Nicola us (Ho n); 5. Jack Azavrdo ( H on ). 500 P RO: l. Ron Allm (Hon).. 15 P RO : 1. Greg Ti.rhe:imc-r (Suz): 2. Midtxl Branch (Sw): 3. Scooter McEl ro y (Sw); 1. Pal Bmnt11 (Ho n ); 5. Danny Paladino <,,"w). VET PR O: 1. Randy Ou.pman (Suz); 2. John Da uth (Hon); 5. j ohn Volk (Suz): 4. Lee Milia (Hon ); 5. J im Woot en (KT M). VET (NT: I. Steve Ma d ock (Yam); 2. M.ark Nickolatoa tH on). VET JR : I. Steve P aUy (Hon); 2. Ken Bnon,", (Sua); 5. Jim 8nnrism (Sw ); 4. David M~t ¥Jn ( K..J w); 5. Ti m Co nklin (ltaw). OT MSTR : 1. T nT)' Sa ~ (Hon ); 2. La rry Lact'Y (Hon ); Dnmu Ha usman (KT M). OT INT: I. Thorn Yuill (Hon): 2- Tim Co lwn (Hon); 5. Clen n Pruiu (Hon). OT JR; I. Alan alfi~tenJm (Kaw). 500 JR; I. Steve Slant' (Yam); 2. l im Con kli n (Kaw). 500 BEC : 1. ~ Ham pton (H usl: 2- Granl Taylor (Hon). P/W: I. Robb y La wreece (Yam); 2- Anthony G unn (Yam); 5. Sha wn On (Yam). 60: 1. Kath y Pru iu ( K..Jw) ; 2- Ryan Morris ( KoIw ); 5. 01ad [isnn (K..J w). 80 INT: I. Cody Oawrord ( Ka w ). 80 JR:· 1. Marc HnKknon (Sw); 2. RobttI B1ak~ (Hon ); 5. Donova n MitChell (Sw); 4. Ryan A.rmsuon g ( lta w). soBt G: 1. J~ Kncham (Sw);2- David I...odrnnricr (Kaw); 5. Mike Pa uerson (Hon ); 4. Breu Racin~ ( lta w) ; 5. Raymo nd Bla u (Kaw ). 250 I~'T: I. Sha wn Ff!'ili ng (Llw); 2. Kevin Conlua (Suz); 5. Steve Mad ock (Yam); 4. M;,arcw Q ar le (Llw); 5. Rick,. Br.uil (Hon). 250 JR: 1. Ron Ham p6hirt' (Hon ); 2. r ~ry P~ttnxm (Sw ); 5. 8m Meis (ltaw) ; 4. j ohnny Cipollina (S UI) . 250 BEG : 1. Jon RUUl:'1I (Ho n): 2. 0l

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