Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 01 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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INTERVIEW·Steve Hatch . CONGRATULATIONS TSUBAKI CHAIN r T5UBAKI CHAMPIONS • DOUG POLEN/FBF Ducati Wo rld. Superbike Champio n • scon RUSSELL/Muzzy Kawasaki AMA 750 Superspo rt Champion • JIMMY FILICE/L.A, Motorworks Yamaha AMA 250 Grand Prix Champion • PABLO REAL /Gia Ca Mota Ducati AMA Pro Twin s GP1 Champio n • STEVEN MATHEWS/FBF Ducati AMA Pro Twins GP2.champion • scorr ZAMPACH/Tilley's H-D AMA/CCS H-D Twin Sports Champion • DUTCHMAN RACING ' AMA GTO Endurance Champion • TOOMER RACING AMA GTU Endu rance Champion • KURT HALL/Team Hammer Suzuki Cup 11 OOcc Champion • • BRln TURKINGTON/Team Hammer Suzuki Cup 750cc Champion • KURT HALL/Team Hammer WERA A /SS Grand National Expert Champion WERA B/SS Grand National Expert Champion • TRIPP NOBLES WERA C/SS Grand Nationa l Expert Champion • AMA GrandSUMMERS/Honda scorr Nat'l Cross Country Champion . AMA National Hare Scrambles Champion • LARRY ROESELER /Team Green AMA Nat'l Reliability Enduro Champion • MIKE CRAIG/Team Green Mickey Thompson Ultracross Champion • MIKE FARIA u.s. National Speedway Champio n • LARRY McBRIDE Prostar T I F Champion • SCOTTY PARKER/Team H-D AMA/Camel Pro Grand Nat'l Champion a AI Rodi Honda Honda of Atlanta Congratulate Fall Dixie MX Series A1lstars Ragin' in the woods TOMMY MARTIN Overall Champion + 25A ROSS JOHNSON 2nd Overall + 25A 2nd Overall 250A JOHN TRISSEL1 By Kit Palmer 2nd Open Amateur BRYAN THORNTON DAVIDBABB 3rd Overall 250C Join Our Winning Team Today. see Why The Best Come ToAtlanta's Honda CR HeadquartersAI Rod l Honda 3805 Covingto n Hwy Decatur, GA 30032 Honda of Atlanta '4230 Buford Hwy Atlanta, GA 30329 . (404) 284-31 00 (404) 633-9171 HONDA Corne ride with us. TEAM -c, CALAMARI .,..~ '~I'5 1 FACTORY RACI NG PIPE • • •••• • •• ••• J ET KIT •• • •• • ••••• •• ••••• •••• • REARSETS BRACKET • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I SWIN G A RM BRA CING ••• • • • •••• • • • , CALL OR WR FORDETAILS ITE I FORK SPRING KIT BILLET ALUMI NUM FORK BRA CE •• • • •• • HEAVY OUTY CLUTCH KIT WITH SPRINGS , COWUNG GRAPHICS SET •• • • • • • • • • • I Suzuki Specialists RM 80. 125, 250 on ly * Perform ance Engine Kits * M ot ocross Suspensio n "_-213-864 8218 I I i '199.95 • 02 9 .9 6 . • 049.96 • 069 .96 029 .96 • 069 .96 021 .96 • 049 .9 5 Specify Color . FLUORESCENT COWLING GRA PHICS •• •• • 069 .9 6 , TEAM CALAMARI RACING P.O. Box991 Marina, CA93933 • ~ ·899 ·1300 FAX~·899-0044 ALLMl.JOR CARDS MR. SQUI SAYS: D ~~ teve Hatch. You'd better get used to the nam e, because you 're going to hear it a lot in the future. He is perhaps the hottest up -andcoming enduro rider in the country, in fact, he's already been a thorn in th e side of many o£ th e biggest names i n en d uro co m p eti tio n. just ask Nati onal Enduro Champion jeH Ru ssell , thre e-time National Ch ampion Randy Hawkins, 1988 champ Kevin H in es, and other end uro veteran s who ha ve compe ted against him . They'll all tell you that Hat ch is on a collision course with at least one Na tiona l Ch ampionship Enduro titl e. T he 22-year-o ld college student from Ithica, New York , has already proven himseI£ agains t some o£ the spo r t's greatest. In hi s fir st yea r o n th e ·National Ch ampionship Enduro circu i t, in 1990, H at ch rac ked up a nu mber o£ top 10 fin ishes, a few o£ whi ch were in the top rive, plus he q uali fied C th e International Six or Da ys Enduro in Sweden . In wh at is said to be one o£ the toughest ISDE 's in recent memory, Hat ch earn ed a silver medal and was among the top rive of the finishing American cont ingent. In 1991, Hatch again recorded top finishes in many National Enduros S 3rd Overall 1258 I'AIT--=-r. HANDU W- and was th e top A rider of the series, At th e Lousiana National, Hatch nearly overalled his first National Enduro, losing out by only 13 seconds to jeff Russell. In th e National Reliability Enduro Series - Hatch 's Cone - he scored two overall victories and was in con tent ion Cor the series championship, whi ch was eventually won by Larry Roeseler. At the 1991 ISDE in Czechoslovakia, Hatch, and his junior World Trophy teammates Chris Smith, jimmy Lewis and David Rhodes, gave the U.S. its first victory in ISDE compe tition in 18 years. It was an accomplishment tha t will always ra nk high in Hatch 's career. Wh at mak es Hatch's achievemen ts even more outs ta nding is that he accomp lished all this wh ile juggling a very bu sy schoo l schedule. In fact, or H atch was questioned C th is interview whi le he was in a telephone booth during a two-hour break in his classes. Like many off-road riders, Hatch began riding mo torcycl es just Cor the run o£it. " I started riding when I was about 12," Hatch said . "T here was a group o£ us who were int erested in riding and it just grew from there. 1£ I was riding alone, the n I probably wouldn 't have

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