Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 01 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eEE T VN e The Cagiva Super City (left), Gilera 's Freest yle 125 (ri ght) and the Yamaha TDMI25 . Ligh tbumer (below) all featu red l 25cc water-cooled motors, integrated fairings, . long-travel suspe ns ion and road race tires. Bikes you won't see on American streets Photos by Donn Maeda BOLOGNA ITALY, DEC. 7-15 , o r e ig h t d a ys, th e ci ty o f Bol ogna , Ital y, played .host to th e Bol ogn a Mo to r Show, a co m pi lation o f th e latest cars, mo torcycles and accessories, An xious a uendees paid over $100 per tic ket for admission to the show that fill ed 17 bui ldi ngs in th e Bol ogna Fa ir e. F 54 Mot or cycl es and motor cycle acces so ri es filled two of th e large bu ildin gs, and th ough only produ cti o n mach in ery was o n displ ay, Honda , Ya ma ha, Suzu k i , Gi lera , KTM , Du cati and many ot he rs p ro vided more th an enough tri ck ma chinery to ogle at. (Above) The Gilera CX650 T op Gun featured a custom paint job, inspired by the hit movie of the same name. (Above right) The Shark, an other Gilera CX650, attracted a lot of attention with its aggress ive paint scheme, as did the CX650 Steel (ri gh t).

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