Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 01 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GuikShop Public Notice erry Varn e r, AKA Varner Racing, ha s no pan, nor has ever had any part of ownership nor partnership ith Glen Helen OHV Park. D8A SGH or 8 ill We st Racing and ass umes no respo nsibility past. present r fu tu re. (250 1 ' 8 3 SWM 350 J umbo Trials Stoc k co ndition. competition ready. spares. $850. 5031322 · 3855. OR. (1501 19 91 GSXR 1100. RACE OR STREET Fox. , cj et, Russell, AirTech, $4800. Also ·90 &· 91 1100 part. for sale . (6171 986· 5432. M A. (150-011 W ANTED: FLOW BENCH. Kwik·Way Boring Bar, unnen Hone. Br idgeport M ill , Lathe . Rear wh eel . Flor ida area . (81 31484-6096. FL (150) Mike's Cycle Parts, Inc. . 'iI'." ""· I_~. 989 Santek Trailer 3", side door, two w indows, ATK bike shoe neluded , $2000. (80514 82·041 6. CA. (150 / PI 1991 CR250 ctcr and sus pension by Race Tech. Profe ssionally a inta ined by Race Tech. Exce lle nt condition. an y extras, fina ncing available a.A.c. $2699. • for cash. (7 14) 854-427 1. CA. (350) SOUTH'S FASTEST GROWING privat e library as unique networking syst em. Everyon e saves oo ey a nd time . Buy. se ll• . trade a ll types of oto rcycle lit eratur e. Dale. 2560 Faxon Av e.• emphi s, TN 3B112. (90 1) 32 3·5569. TN. (350-011 anted: .iI':J",,"VHf:Jt ' .~;,,";UHIt" West Coast's Largest Motorcycle Salvage Over 1 million used parts in stock for Japanesse motorcycles. T;:.' '; ;{;",!; r: :;;,,:-;i;I,;"/;;jl;';/;;·f;,:;.~r;;'; i;';;,;.,I~/;t~;!;' ; ! ; :- ~,.IE ;',:i::I::.1:,E.-.lES·/;:.': ,'::./:'.;:/EE:!:/=t::.!:.';,· E~.;::/~kJ:" ':". · . 1 _~~a · 1 9 9 2 AVON TYRE CALENDAR The infamous AVON calendar is now available from HAP J ONES. Send check or money order .. for $14.95 to : HAP JONES DIST. CO. P.O. Box 32368 San Jose, CA 95 152 'Or see !'OU' rnotoreyc/B dealer 86 . ·87 GSXR1100 carb pack mu st be complete nd orig in al ecuipment, Cell Mike (80 21B78· 50 52. . (350-01) We also stock complete low mile motors, front-ends, etc. e VFSOO INTERC EPTOR RACING PARTS. Some ow . some u.ed one season. Cell Eric (4 10) 38 1· 714. MD . (350-031 !Jtg tsmelf1 Df1Bihi anted: Trailer 14-20' Box . ~#et1 ~ ! . htweig ht. enc losed. dual axle. price depending n condition. ca ll (80 51497·44 6 1 ask for Gunnar. · 1Opm. we ekend anyt ime . CA. (3501 v FOUR VICTORY Highli11ltsol theUlsIerG.P. pread! JoeyDunlop 'sstao oel'lno 91 KTM 250 - ' 9 1 KTM 125 110mph laP 01the Isle01Man t h in excellent condition. too many extras to list. oman rid er 250. $2300. 125. $1800. Leave essage. (71 4) B94 -1063. CA. (350-01) ,........... ,. wittl. carnell ontheWlltlAn UNFORGETTABLE 50mins -- $ 39.95 ORDER NOW CALL: WANTED: HONDA CR750 int ake manifolds. ntario ba nd -be nt race pipe for C8 11OOF. (505 ) 9 2·6627. NM . (150) 14 16)356-6865-aE: OR - . CHf:CI( OR WOJ«Y 0A0E1II t 's M ake A Dea l 985 Hond a VF1OOOR, 5700 or ig inal mi les , rigina l owner, $3250. Will trade for Eva S port st e r rH O XR1000. w ill trade my bike and money for ight HD. Chris Cipria ni (9 191550- 18 19, FAX (919) '35· 5275 . NC. (350·01) osman Adjustable Front FAST BY FERRACCI nd w it h 42mm fo rks. 9550 or trade Rorax bottom nd with erecked cases, &400 . (6 16) 773·3886. I. (150 1 1989 YA MAHA FJ1200 original , blue , excellent 4000. Tr ade. 1 500ce MX ? (81 81 703·1594. (150·02) anted: Honda 250 Rebel o. Cel. area. enycondition. (B181 509·1766. CA. (150-01) H i-Perf or man ce Part s & Services fo r Japa nese & Duca ti Super bikes Full Machine Shop . Chassis Prep pecia l Vint ag e Racin g Pa rts U PS Overni gh t Del ivery Availabl e ARIAS . MEGACYCLE . MIKUNI KEIHIN CR 1&11 s. Ea ston Rd.• Willow Grove. PA 19090 ~~---------1 r--=-TOM TURNERS MeN... s; SuM, AiId"~ • B lueprint Porting On ly $150.00 • All work done by TOM TURNER 25 years Exp .. . 49 Nat ional Record s 8052 E.. Rosecrans, Paramoun t, CA 90723 Ph. (3 10) 531·1619 FAX (3 10)531· 3524 l~:.'i~nENTALS I r I I I Full li ne of ATV and ' 90 CR250R Rental. WORLD'S LARGEST RENTALS ! c.llf" n . . " , . _ PISMO BEACH (8 0 5) 4 81 -5411 . I I I I ~-- ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~-~ MJ,B. Chrome Plating & Polishing ~ ational Championship Hawk PLATES CUSTOMNUMBER PlA TES • - CAMEL PRO DIR T- TRACK CR AG BIKE SP EEDWAY • ROAD RACE • BMX • CARTS • AWA RDS anda Hawk ra ced by Kevi n Eri on t o 198 9 hampionship. Update and faced by Dr. Bob t o 99 1 Champion.hip. 305 1 bs., Wo rks 43 mm HRC howe super bike fr ont end . HRC Nisson brakes.. fresh 750cc motors . 2 S8tS 3.5"x5 " x17 " mag RM Motor cycies Boats Race ears Bras s a nd Copper * GuaranteedWork *um Plating (7 14) 87 5-1 9 10 Cadmi 236 S. River side Ave. Hard Chrome Ope SaturdaY" till noon n 58 N . Broad St., York , PA 17403 ee ls. oil cooler, 2 S8tSTwo Brot her 's bodywork. 989 and 1991 team color s, Own part of histo ry /package opt ions. Or. Bob r w in faces . 816 .()()Q 14) 784·8972 . W I. (350-01 / PI • Show Plating • • Ant iqu es • • Wh eel Polishing • Plating on Alum inum , olin Edwards S/Stock F2 anda CBR/F2. t hree f aces on fresh R.E.S. engine . &0 coat ed pipe. C/ Fiber sile ncer, Fox Shock. eeri ng dampn er. braid ed lin es. Northstar glass . etary , fr esh pearl blu e paint. 520 chain, 12 gear tios. WERA legal, race ready, $5500. WERA, MA, Champ ion ship bike, spares, 250cc only for 2 58a.on.(4091760 ·1768 eves, (71 3125 3·6892 y• . TX. (150) 990% ATK 406cc rand newl Never ridden, wi de ratio gearbox. big nk. spark arrestor, Whit e Power suspens ion, rand Nowl W ill shi p · only $2950 . Cell Tom (21 3) (650) 8·6578. CA. 717-854·7286 or 266·0268 after 4p.m. EST CR 'f(SON 'ORTING Rialto . CA 92376 YZ SUSPENSION SERVICE KX Qu ick' ur naroundUPS Daily John Lamson (916)644-2339 KAVABA SPECIAUST · Rebuilds. Repair• • Revalves • Springs Suspension Flu ids . Fo rk Protector. . Ft. Valley - (7 1 4) 8 3 9 -8741 -CA 92 708 !Ill World's Best Selling Line of Premium Quality J'lii i:..~1 Motorcycle and " ATV Lubricants. 85

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