Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 01 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Dallain e for three tu rn s before powering into th e lead, bu t Dall aine reached deep [o r any possible reserve of ene rgy and passed Villa back. Villa regrouped [or a lap then pushed ahea d o f Dall ain e [or good o n th e final lap. Villa took the mo to and overall win . wh ile Dall aine crossed th e line secon d with H ack han gi ng on to third. Scott Mu mford won th e Sponsor Seri es wi th a pair of runner·up finishes in the 250cc Novi ce class .. Mumfo rd battled closely with Mike Maut e during th e ope n ing moto bu t was unable to find a wa y into th e lead. Mumford cruised in seco nd during mot o two while Maute on ce agai n mo tor ed to victo ry. WI DeE.e 8 TORCO IS LOOKING FOR A FEW FAST MOTORCYCLE AND JET SKI RACERS TO JOIN TEAM TORCO. ~ c-r 0") 0") I""""l Results rvw A: 1. Todd Gm.\r lur; 2.. Jo hnn Fa ulknn COMC); 5. Adam Hen ry (Ya m); 4. Wn Brook. (Yam) ; !to David McFarlands (Yam). PIW 8 -1: I. Kit Kunath (Yam ); 2. Donnie Dunn (Ya m); 5. Corry Bur n ha m (Ya m); 4. Jnry Mar tinez (Ya m); 5. Williolm Hamm er (Ya m). P IW 8.2: I. R yan P icard (Yam); 2. Cakb C".outolaar 3. ; Eri c Du rrer (Ya m); 4. Bra n do n Beachman (Yam) ; 5. Vin nie Ocu to (Hon). P /W MOD : 1. Davi d McFarlan d Jr . (Yam ); 2. Sa ndy Thry5 (Yam): 5. Cody Elrod (JU.w). 60 0-8: I. Blak e Viera (Ka w). 60 9· 11: 1. Chris Couleaar (Ka w); 2. Kurt Lo ng (Ka w); 5. T yson T ittJemier (Xawl. 80 BEG: 1. T odd Banleu (; 2. Chris vasquez ( ); 3. O1ad Ra ger (502); 4. Shad Viens (Kaw); 5. J oel Hughel (Ra w). 80 NOV: I. J ustin Vims (Kaw); 2. Terran ce Mala n (502); 3. Brya n Carri llo (502). . 80 INT: I. Jay Tht'Y (Kawl ; 2. Annando Over land (Ho n): s 3. Ri ck Elrod (SUI). 125 BEG : I. Danny Woodard (SUI): 2. Brian Ferrell (SUI); 3. Ran dy Webb (Kaw); 4. wayne Park (Ya m) : 5. Scott Min ister (SUI). 125 NO V 0 -1: I . Shaw n O brien (SUI); 2. Joey Cirocco; 5. Roy Brnnen o ur ; 1. Chri s Allm (SUI ); 5. FRd Osrim (Hon) . 125 NO V 0 -2: I. Lea Mal an (SUI); 2. Tracy Asher (Suz); 5. J a son Mrli on (Kaw); 4. Ja50fl R~ (So2); 5. Bill Sauro r-------------------YE5 CLIP AND MAIL TODAY Ifyou are successfu l enough to become a member of Team Torco, you will have the chance to win a great deal of cash! You're going racing anyway, so why not race your way onto Team Torco? And when you buy your oil, why ~ot buy Torco...the oil that pays you s100. per win ! All motorcycle and jet ski racers are eligible. I I I I I I I I • Send me at no obligation-details on how I can win S1oo. per race. Name: _ Address: City: Stale: __ Zip: Type of Racing/C lass: Mail 10: TORCO INTERNATIONAL CORP. 9916 Pioneer B Santa FeS rin 5, CA 90670 lvd. (H on ). 125 P RO : I. Jd Stanford (Hon) ; 2. T ony Sule k (Kaw); 3. wry' Sailons (S w); 4_ Hu go Cannona (Ya m); 5. Tim T e lford ( KoIw ). . 250 BEG : I. T odd Aldm (Kaw); 2. Mike Calkgol (Hon); 5. John JeUrin (H a n ); 4. Rober Wtbbtr, 5. John Valko. zso NOV : I. Mike Ma Ule (KT M); 2. Scot t Mumford (Yam ); 1. Erik KInTn (Hon); 4. Billy Daul (S UI) ; S. O1uck Kobn ~awasaKi f ~ASADENA · ( Ka w). 1>unha.m (Yam). . . 2!10 PRO: I. Tony Su lek (Hon ); 2. Kmn y Zahn (Yam); 3. Jdf Black (Ha n ); 4. Kenn y Neiuel (Kaw). • 500 BEG : I. Mark J..-.., (Hon). 500 PRO: l. Tim Telford (Han); 2. Bria n V~ (Ka w) . J R VET BEG : I. Randy Taylor (Yam ); 2. Scot t Pemberton (H on); 3. Mar k Fields (Ya m); 1. Dan Killion; 5. J ohn Lowell (H on). JR VET NOV : I. Frank Villa (S UI) : 2. Ron Sh ula'" ( Kaw) ; ! .J oh n n anai nr; 4. Brian HiU (Yam ); 5. ~ A nd~ (Sw). j R VET EX: I. Oris Radzin~ki. jR VET I NT : I. Jack Ktll (Han); 2. Steve Gordon (Ha n ); 5. "rodd BrouNoOUd ( Ra w): 4. Pete Uula k (SUI.). VET BEC : 1. D- n Kill ian (Ha n ); 2. Wanm Brown (KTM ); a 5. Stacy SUggs (Hon); 4. Jrny Root (Raw); 5. Blah' 0Tgi1l ( Ra w). VET NOV : I. Cr aig Conaway (Yam ); 2. Scott Cwtis (Hon ); 5. Robert w et bere (Ya m ); 4. Marc Pri nce (KTM); 5. Cary Tay lor (Raw). VET INT: 1. Bruer Jon o (Hon); 2. Olarlie Strong (Hon ). VET EX: I. T erry DuckeT (Raw); 2. Alan Anderson ; 5. Ra nd y Tin lemier (RM ). VINT INT; I. Mark Nea l; 2. Mike M(.-G« (Ya m ). Kennedy honored at TDTA Awards Banquet N. RICHLAND HIllS, TX, DE C.7 The T exas Dirt T rac k Association held th eir an n ua l awards dinner a t the No rth Ri chl and H ill s Recrea tio n Cente r. Top hon ors of the year went to Bill y Kennedy as wi n ner o f the 125 and 250cc n a t track classes, th e seaso n H igh Po in t Rider award, and also the Sportsma ns hip a ward. Kenned y was voted for by his Iello w riders [or th e seco nd straight year. Chris Pizer earned top' honors in both the 50 and 60cc clas ses, wh ile Jason Tyer earned fir st place in the 80cc class. First place in 125cc went to Brandon Atwood, and in th e 250cc class, it was Jaso n Thompson who scored. Clayton Hull won th e Open Expert class. Fellow riders named Thompson the Most Imp ro ved Ri der [or his fine showing afte r just one and a half seasons in dirt track raci ng. First p lace rid ers in each class received TDTA ja ckets and t laq ues, while all other rid ers receival gal certificates of achievemen t. Also given to the riders were various item s of- mercha ndise and gift certifica tes provided by loca l merc ha nts and natio nal suppliers. T he T DTA used the high a ttendance 01 members for th e a wards di n ner to elec t new Associatio n o fficers [or 1992. Chris Reddi ck was named as th e new preside n t and Pro dirt tr a cker . Scott Sc he rb wa s n amed vicepresiden t. Results FLAT TRACK 50: 1. Chrii Piza (231); 2. Jdf~ Pizn (161); 5. Pete Hunter (56 ). • 60: 1. atri. Pizer (24). 80: 1. Casey Smethers (218); 2. J ason Ty" (196); Thompson (175); 5. Krvin Khou ry (85); 6. Trey 3·dam,.. ( II~ lasco 125: I. Bill y Kenn«iy (270); 2. Bra ndon Atwood (175); 5. Trey G lasco (76); 4. C".a5q' Burton (71); 5. j amn Thompson (56 ). 250: 1. J ason "ThornPMJfl(270); 2. Bill y Krnrm:l.y (240); 5. CaIt'f Bunen (124); 1. Kenn y Ea tingt"!" (90); 5. Bran don Arwood (56). • OPEN AM: I. Ma rc WiUianu (20): 2. Bill y Kenned y (16); 5. J..... Thom poon ( 10 ). . O PEN EX: I. Scot l Schm (181); 2. Oaytun H ull (175): ~ 2115 Red Bluff Road. Pasadena. Texas 77506 • (7 13) 472-3694 _ _cr,,,., " **~ *******: ********~~~*~*~~~~~~~~?!:~~*~?*~~~w. *~ ** 3 - 9.30 p.m. Friday, January 17, 1992 l ¥ * * ** * * *** * **** * * *** * * ** *** * ***** ****** * * * * ** ¥ ,) Meet the Factory Team Stars from 6 p.m. to 9 p .m. Big Savings on 1991 KX - In Stock Nowl 1992 Model Sale All Day All MX Gear & Apparel In Stock KX Maintenance Clinic 4 p .m. - until? RACE SUPPORT PLAN KX BLOWOUT SALE . Stock and High Performance Parts Fac~ry Tilam ManagilTS Roy Turner By M. Orr ...a.. * JOIN OUR 15 YEAR CELEBRATION * 25O'lNT: I. Bill Sua ro (H a n ); 2. Tracy A5hcr (Suz); 5. 1.uon Melia n (Kaw); 4. Jim Andenon (Suz); 5. Robbi e Mark Johnson Jose Gonzales t1o'i'i"1 "1~~ s"1 * *1f~*** * * p.~s ' d eff"'at'aSe' . e~ ~&t Mike Kied ** * "/ch , . ~ rOlNsk, ~ Mike laRocco ~ RYan Hughes ~ * * . ~ ~ ~ 'T'" Faster, Quicker, WIlder! TEAM KAWBOV l.awasal.l{'ASADENA " We W ill Not Be Undersold" 2115 Red Bluff Road. Pasadena, Texas 77506 (7 13) 472-3694

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