Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 12 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-IN THE WIND B GCRESpl ~ ~ ................l-< Q.) ..0 S Q.) u Q.) o J eff Stanton (Hon) won the final round of the Masters of Motocross Series, the December I Tokyo Supercross in J apan. J eff W ard (Kaw) fini sh ed second, Larry Ward was th ird , Mike Kie drowski (Ka w) fo u rth and Jean-Mich e l Bay le (Hon), wh o .clinched th e Master o f Motocross title at the fourth round of the six-round series, rounded ou t th e top five. If you' ve been to th e United States Grand Prix or the American round of the World Superbike Series in the past three years, you probably already know about james Crespinel. His commissioned work includes portraits of Mikhail Gorbachev, Mart ina Navratilova , Michael Jordan , Brian Bosworth and Steve Largent , in addition to those of James Dean, Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe. He is quickly becoming one of the most sought after competition artist s in the United States. Many world class riders themselves own original oil paintings by Crespinel and now lithographs of his works are available for both the collector and ent husiast alike, through Cycle News Products. KEVIN SCHWANTZ - During the 1990 Grand Prix seaso n, Kevin Sch wan tz sat on the pole position seven times , won five rounds, and fini sh ed second in the World Championsh ip. Many feel that 1991 will be the Texan's year . T he origina l 7' x 8' oil painting was completed at the 1991 Daytona 200, and th e deluxe edition lithographs were signed by Kevin Schwantz at the 1991 U.S. Gra nd Prix at Laguna Seca. . RANDY MAMOLA Born on November 10, 1959, Rand y Mamola began his racing career at the age of 12, and raced internationally in New Zealand when he was -only 15 Years old. In 1987 he surprised the sport ing world by announcing that he would ride for Cagiva, an Ital ian motorcycle manufacturer. Randy. has come within a few points of the World Cham pionship no fewer than four times, and has finished th ird tw ice. He is one of the few who has raced for each of the four Japanese factories . He has won a total of 13 Grand Prix an d has finished on the rostrum 57 times. This fine piece of art was created in Crespinel's st udio and is a slight ly different image of the one that was painted at the U.S. Gran d Pri x in 1989 at Laguna Seca. ORDER FORM I _ Address _ City State Phone ( Zip _ Order Date _ " (No P.O. Box. APO/ FPO or Foreign Shipments) QU ANTITIES Kevin Randy Scbwanu Mamola UNIT PRICE DESCRIPTION Unframed DeluxeEuropean Collector's Edition FramedLimitedCollector's Edition Unframed Li ited Collector's Edition m Framed BantamEdition Unframed Bantam Edi ion t AMOUNT $259 $149 $105 $32 $19 s $ s $ $ TOTAL PRICE S I N CLU D E CAResidents Add 7'1c% Sales Tax U P S INSURED S HIP PIN G & HANDLING LACounty Add 8'/,% Sales Tax PLEASE ALLOW4 TO 6 WEEKS Shipping & Handling for DELIVERY ORDER TOTAL (FREE) Payment Method: 0 Check or Money Order Enclosed (Sorry, no COD's) Charge my 0 VISA 0 Mastercard -:Exp. Date _ Card No. _ Signature ~~ 2 ~ VISA Send Orders to: ,1 . Products a P.O . Box 4 9 8 a Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 Phone Orders (2 13 ) 427-7433/FAX (213) 427-6685 ~~_~ By re-sig ni ng with KTM , H are & Hou nd Natio na l Ch ampion D anny Hamel put an end to ru mors th at he might be switching manufactu rers for the 1992 seaso n. It will be Ha mel's fou rt h year wi th KTM, an d he will ca m paign the '92 AMA Na tio na l Championship H are & Hound, Best of th e Desert, SCORE / H DRA Series, as well as ma ny other selected even ts under the term s of the one-year contract. Hamel will ride a KTM 550 D/ Motocrosser Guy Cooper, wh inj ured h is heel at the November 2' Maastricht Supercross in Holl an d, i back at his home in Still water, Okla homa, and full y recovered from th inj ury. " I never had to have it looke at (by a doctor)," said Cooper 0 December 2. " I can walk on it, so the r won 't be ani probl em being ready fo J anuary II (the ope ni ng of the Carne Su percross Series in Orl an do, Florida) In fact, I' m going back to Europe fo three mo re supercrosses." Cooper i preparing for the upcoming season or his newl y-bu ilt supercross track i Still water. Cooper says the track ha 50 jumps and a whoop section "3 bumps lon g.' : In additio n to their weekly sched u l a t so uthern Ca lifornia 's Carl sb a 1992 Camel Pro Series schedule released I n 'h is quest for a fifth straight AMA Grand Nati on al Ch ampionship/Camel Pro Series titl e, Scott Park er will join his fellow dirt tra ck racers in competing in 18 even ts in 10 states in 1992. . For the fourth consecu tive year, th e Camel Pro Series will ope n with a sho rt track ro und at Mun icipal Stadium in Dayton a Beach , Florida, on Saturday night, March 7, of Camel Motorcycle Week. The series will concl ude on October 10 with the second of two rounds on the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds halfmil e ova l in Pom on a, Californ ia. Hosting its first -ever Camel Pro Series event is the Fresno Distri ct Fairgrounds in Fresno , California. That mile race will take pl ace on Sep tember 13 and will replace the fall running of the San J ose Mile at the Santa Clara County Fai rgrounds in north ern California. The last-ever San J ose Mile will take place on May 17 and after that even t the oval will be paved. Returning to the Camel Pro Series sched ule after an absence of several years is a half-mile race at West Virginia Motor Speedwa y in Par kersbu rg, West Virginia , on May 30. Another event back on th e schedule is the Syracuse Mile wh ich will tak e place at the New York State Fairgrounds on June 14. With a rider point fund of $200,000 and addition al funds from an as yet undeterm in ed number of Ca mel Chall enge races, the Ca mel Pro Series will top the $4 million mark in posted awards sin ce the in ception of the series in 1974. Fill out completely a~d print clear ly Name To benef it the American Motorcycl Heritage Foundation (AMH F), th AMA will ho st Vintage Motorc y cl D a y s at the AMA headquarters an the Motorcycle Herita ge Museum i Westerville, Ohio, on July 24-26. T h event's focus will be antiq ue, vintage and classic motorcycles and relate features. Major fea tures tentativel schedu led incl ude an auction, displ ay of motor cycle toys/collectibles, AM Li fe Memb er dinner, AMHF support e recep tion , vintage movies, a specia event p in , and no pre-regi stration ( weekend or day pass will be all yo need ). For more information, contac Jim Rogers or Mark Mederski at 614 891-2425. For those of you plannin g on attending the 1992 International Six Days Enduro in Cessnock, Austra lia, August 25-30, Austra lian Motorcycle Tours in Sydney is offering motorcyle renta ls and gui ded-motorcycle tours. T he motorcycles available range from dual sport bikes to mid-to-large capacity road bik es. Some of th e tours offered include attending other motorcycling even ts ta king pl a ce in Aus tra lia (please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery) ([fID)1ITJJ/CHEHPL\E L Scott Sheak (Kaw) cap tured the 125 and 250cc Expert class championships at the 20th Annual Florida Winter Ol ymp ics held November 25-30 in Gainesville, Florida. Shea k also too k home the Dunl op Silver T ire Award. Kevin Windham (Kaw) wo n the Worldsports Bronze Bike Award and the 85cc (12-13) class cha mp ionship, Donald Upton (Hon) was the Scott Go lden Goggle Award win ner and 250cc B class cha mpion, and Ricky Skaggs (Kaw) won the Ricky J oseph Sportsma nship Award. Xc. r - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ~ I around the same time as the ISDE. Th Australian Safari, from Sydney t Darwin, is being held August 6-16, an the - Motocross des Nations in Pert will tak e place on September 6. Tour will also be available to maj or touris locations after the ISDE, includin Surfers Paradise, Alice Spring an Ayers Rock. For further in formation contac t Austral ian Motorcycle T ours 011-61-02-519-9991. J March 7 April II May 9 May 17 May 24 May 30 June 14 June 27 July II July 25 August 2 August 5 August 22 September 6 Septemb er 13 Sept emb er 26 October 10 Municipal Stad ium, Daytona Beach , FL Cal -Expo State Fairgrounds, Sacramento, CA . Los Angeles County Fairgrounds, Pomona, CA Santa Clara County Fairgrounds, San Jose, CA Illinois State Fairgrounds, Springfield, IL West Virginia Motor Speedway, Parkersburg, WV New York State Fairgrounds, Syracuse, NY Allen County Fairgrounds, Lima, OH Hagerstown Speedway, Hagerstown, MD Oklahoma State Fairgrounds, Oklah oma City, OK Peoria Motorcycle Clubgrounds, Peori a , IL Black Hills Speedway, Rapid City, SD Indiana State Fairgrounds, Indianapolis, IN Illinois State Fairgrounds, Springfield, IL Fresno District Fairgrounds, Fresno, CA Cal-Expo State Fairgrounds, Sacramento, CA Los Angeles County Fairgrounds, Pomona. CA Short Track Mile Half-mile Mile Mile Half-mile Mile Half-mile Half-mile Half-mile TT Half-mile Mile Mile Mile Mile Half-mile

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