minds than bragging rights. We're talking greenbacks. Big cash money. For winning the GSX-R750 class, BrittTurkington picked up
a cool $5,000. By winning the GSX-R1100 class, Kurt Hall earned a qu ick $5,000. O r in New York terms, about 4347 subway tokens.
A big hig h-five goes out to all the riders, officials, clubs and associate sponsors who made the Suzuki National Cup, now in its
6th year, so successful.Thanks a lot, guys. You've helped us develop qu ite a tra ck record.
We look forward to next years Suzuki National Cup. Because like the saying goes; if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere.
Suzuki firmly believes motorcycle racingbelongs in one place- on the racetrack. T thisend, the 1
991 Suzuki National Cup Series isdesigned to promot motorcycle rood racing on the trackin a controllec:l closed-course
environment. Forthe nomeof the nearestSuzuki motorcycle dealer, (0111-800 -255-2550. Pro
fessional racerspictured in sanctioned closed-coursecompe