250 C: I. Jimbo Hay n (Yam ): 2. G.L. Joon (SOl ); 5. Rob
Procter (Hon ); of. John G~n (Hon); S. Alan Trentham (Ho n).
250 B: t. An thony Pocor obba (H on ); 2. Brian B.rouuard
(Yam )' 3. Shanf: Thorn.u (Xaw); {. Dwi~1 Fra.K1" (Hon).
OPEN BlC: 1. Scotl MiI1l'T (H a n); 2. Mitem:1I Holste in
(H o n); 3. kiln Rudd f~w ); 4. Xwilrd Brouuard (Ya rn}.
1!J- 4: t. Anthony Pororobba (H on): 2. Jor.h Launa (Kaw):
3. Brian Brouuard (Ya m ): 4. Quis Leonard (H on ); S. Rob
Fu rnd1 (x.. w ).
+:5: I. SCUll Milln (Hon ); 2. Ji mbo Ka yo (Yam ): 3.
Mitchell Hoi stri n (H on ); 4. Rob Proctor (Hon); 5. Alan
T rent ha m (H on }.
+30: t. j rll HURho (Xaw); 2. Imw jlDtKr (Hon ); 3. Rill y
BUlin (Kaw);4 . Ken Rudd (Kaw); 5. Sewa rd Broussard (Ya m}.
..w:t. Robert Codlrry (Kaw).
Meier manhandles Carlsbad MX
By Dave Bu rg ess
CARL'iBAD CA. ,,"OV. 9
Lee Haith (I ll) sped out of the gate and led Troy Peters (22) through Carlsbad Raceway's famous first tum.
Jnry Coff~; 2. Martin Cisar;
8 .). Lrhn;
n; 2. Cy Pndo; 5. 8 m n Miller,
4. St~ Smith; 5. Bria n AI.oorook.
Aleman awesome at LACR
night motocross
By T ony Alessi
ocr. 25
j erry Alema n closed o u t the California Ra cin g
Cl ub 's night MX seaso n at Los Angeles
Co u n ty Raceway by sweeping all four mo tos
in th e 60 and 80cc 9-I I· yea r·o ld cla sses.
fn th e first 80cc (9· 11) moto, Aleman lap ped
th e en tire field a nd was raci ng close ly with
80cc 12+ Intermediat e class rid ers. j ason
Larkin a nd J o nathon Shi mp fin ished seco nd .
and third in the (9-11) class.
The second mo to was 3 rqx:at performance:
for Aleman , o nly th is tim e he lapped second·
place fin isher j oe Mendoza twice after closely
racin g with th e o lder riders o nce again.
In th e first 60cc (9-11) moto, Shi m p was
able '0 stay in front 01 Aleman for a lap, but
after thal Alema n was able to breeze to me
win . Alem an a lso triumphed in the second
Garey Carlson dominated th e 125cc Novice
class Wllh a pa ir of moto win s. Marc Lippert
charged from a midpack , tart '0 second pl ace
a fter passing Wayne Zahrt and Jim Buntin
by the halfway mark. Lippert rned to catch
lead er Carlson bu' n ever go t close en ough to
make an atta ck. Buntin ro unded o ut the top
three fin ishers.
Buntin led the openin~ laps o f mo to two
wh ile Carlson rode in h ts sha do w. Carlson
slid under Buntin in an o ff·ca mber turn then
quickl y pulled away Cor a co n vinci ng win .
Bun tin h eld o £l a hard·charging Steve
Corteville at th e fini sh line to tak e second.
60 (0-8): 1. OuiltophtT T occo ( Ra w): 2. Bbkr Viftl a; 3.
Bear den Taylo r( Kaw ); 4. Micha tl BI01ot' (Kaw); S. Ca le Bumin
( Ra w) .
60 (9-1 1): l. Jerry Alema n (SUI); 2. 1o~thon Shi m!? (Ka w) ;
3. Michiltl Young (Ra w) ; 4. DiU Payne (Kaw); S. O u uloph"
( Ra w).
80 (9-11): 1. JnT)' Aleman (SUI ): 2. JOI: (Hon);
3. Jouon Lukin ( Kaw ): 4. J on athon Sh im p (Ka w).
80 BEC : I. Shad Viens; 2. Pat McNulty (K.awO: 3. Ryan
Sh im p (Suz); 4. Michad Rowl an d (Sw); 5. Michad McDan iti
80 NOV: I. Justin VielU; 2. K.ennt:th Rttd (Kaw) .
80 t NT: 1. Jeff Willoh (Ra w); 2. Jay They s (Raw ).
BIG WH L: l. Ja rob Suuon (Kaw ); 2. MichOH'I Co llier (Kaw );
3. James Wrighl (K.a ).
ADLT 80: I. Tony AIOIi (H on); 2. J on FOlUf:r (Suz).
I ~ BEG : I. Rom y Roilli(f (Ho n ); 2. Brian Alsobrook (H o n);
3. Mikf: Shunm ilh (H o n ); 4. D-mu GarOf:f (H o n); 5. Mull.
Li ba rdo ni (Ka w).
125 NO V: J. Gar~ Car l-'O ( ); 2. Jim Bunt in (Suz);
3. Brian R,u lirr (Ka w) ; 4. Wa yM lahn (Sw); S. ~c Uppan
125 11'07 : 1. f.rik Linchtrom {Ho n ].
2!JO BEG : 1. Mikf: Licitra (SUI); 2. Malco lm 50 119 (H o n);
3. Dua ne Raha (Ho n); 4. J oh n Va lko (Hon ); 5. T im Kane
(Ya m ).
250 NOV : 1. Rob Wood (Hon): 2. Erik Klt'vrn (Han ); 3.
o.uck Kober (Kaw).
2!JO PR O : I. Bob Klint' (Hon ); 2. Todd Le hman (Ho n ).
500 BEG : l. 0011 Tru~ J r. (Kaw); 2. Rodd Aiks; 3. John
Hrelgn ( lion); 4. David Old. ( ~1 a i ).
JR VET NOV : I. Tony ~b500 (Ya m).
VIT BEG : I. M i ~ J~ (Yam ); 2. 51XT Skaggs (Hon);
3. Dan Ik1"N.rdino (Sw ); i . T im M mdm~ 1I (H on); 5. John
Albini (Ya m).
VET NOV : l. [dun Sf:lttr (H on) ; 2. 81ft Grrrning (Hon );
3. B.}. uhn (Stu); 4. S'tw" Sc:hrobsd orf (Ya m); 5. R.4Ind y
J.;;uncos (Hon).
VET L'IT: I. Ken Bmaux (H on).
SR BEG : l. Bill Wf:lunan (Hon ); 2. jnT)' Niffiaus (Ya m ).
Dade City MX win to Susko
By Sco tt Shepherd
DADE OTY, FL. ,,"ov. 2
Brian Su sko piloted his Yam aha to the 250cc
C class win a t Dade Ci ty Raceway's Sa tu rday
n ight supercross. Ther e were 161 riders
co mpeting in the 20,h round o f the 1991 D.eR
Points Championship Seaso n. Do ub le pOInts
were awarded for th e top riders.
Susk o hol eshot th e fir st mot o over 14 o ther
rid ers. The front straightaway was cu t in ha lf
with a goo left turn leadi ng the rid ers int o
th e co u rse, and Brett Stromsnes o vershot th e
turn while drag racing wi,h Susko o u t o f ,h e
ga te. By th e end o f the fir st lap, Mark j oh nson
moved into the lead. Susko and Bucky Dennis
d iced with j ohnson for a few la ps, but
j ohnson pulled a wa y befo re th e halfway
point, Susko and Dennis diced for seco nd Bill
Tribb y and j ay H olzhueter ra n in fourt h and
filth, respectively. Den n is was working hard
o n Susko for second, but Sus ko held hi m back.
Dennis lost it in a 'urn and dropped back
to six th: j ohnson was all alo ne at th e finis h.
Sus ko had a solid second, Trib by th ird ,
H olzhueter lourth, and Earl Parker ro u nded
o u t the l Op five.
Sus ko hol eshot th e second mo to but th e
tri cky, sho rt front straight ,oo k him a nd
severa l riders o u t while go ing into the first
turn. Wha, a break for S,eele, wh o ,ook over
th e lead and led for two laps. Larry Kline.
Parker . Sus ko and Steve Dyer were behi nd
Steele. Klin e challenged Steele over a tab letop
and stol e the lead Su sko was way back in
fourth, but ga in in g ground. Kline led for two
laps, un til Parker co ll ided wit h him o n th e
down side of a tabl etop jump. Sus ko passed
both ,h e downed riders a nd j ohnson moved
into second. Dennis and Steele were diceing
for third It was Susko with a 20·yard lead
over j ohnson, Steele , Dennis and Dyer a t th e
fin ish .
!. Rob Ga llOighn (Ho n); 4. Scott Fidtf:lkorn ( lio n ); S. Srou
Nf:W-.omf: (Hon).
250 A: I. R icky Ha mps bbe (Suz); 2. Rya n Dean (Han).
250 B: I. Rick Big;;llo w (Ho n ); 2. Fr.ut k Ri..n (Ho n).
250 C: l. Bria n Su!ow (Yam ); 2. Mark Johnson (Yam ):
3. Bud .y Dmnh (Uon ); 4. J ay Ho lzhuetn (Hon); S. Enk
Sln: lf:(H o n}.
250 BEC : L J ooon BloKkbum (5 01); 2. Ric k Egpn (;
3. naif' Pelleti er (Ya m ): i . Bill H ugM (Hon ); S. J tf r RIbf:
(Suli .
WMI': : 1. Kym Sybert (Hon); 2. Ikth R~ is ( Kaw);~. Jann
Stri nRfid d (Hon).
SCHBY : I. Tony Pororobba (Hon); 2. Kmny Yoho (Sw);
3. David Sandtnon (Hon); 4. J;uon Sybm (Hon }.
25+: I. Ed Co
ulin (Hon); 2. Brnl SU'OrIUMI(Hon); 3. Eri k
SIn-Ie- (Hon ); 4. Scot( f it'bf:lkom (Hon ); 5. Rob Calbghn
( H onj,
SR »0- : 1. AndTf:w Saulo (Yam ); 2. Robn't Noa (Hon);
3. Rob Pfnlon (H o n); 4. Tom Bra,:;g(Hon ); S. Buu ('.nmony
(Ho n).
SIIS R 40+: l. T om Bragg (H o n); 2. Robnt fuhon (H o n );
3. Waher Knig hts (Ya m ).
OPEN AM: I. Rick y Ham("hirt' (Sull ; 2. Tony Pororobba ·
(Ho n): 3. Ricky C;u mic haf:1 (lUw ); 4. Kmny Yoh o (SUI);
5. Jay Ponk~ ( ~ w ).
O P EN NOV: 1. J O('Gnnuna ( H~ ); 2.. Da ryl Thit-I ( H o~ );
3. Rick Eggan (Kaw); 4. Tommy Slnngfu' ld (H o n ): S. Krilh
llilliiloOn ( ~ w) .
Fumell flies to Zuber MX win
By Kyle Myers
Round four o f th e FMC Fa ll Finale was held
at Zuber Motocross Inc., with 60 de~ree
tem peratures mak in g a fine day for racing,
and Rod Furnell ,opping the fierce l 25cc C
class .
When th e ga te dropped for the largest and
wi ldest race of th e da y, Mike Bernhart led th e
field arou nd tum o ne with Mik e McNamee,
WesGriffin , Mark O 'Steenand Furnell in tow .
Gri ffin and O'Steen .were bauling for third
when Furnell swooped by both of them. After
star ti ng midpack, joey Clark was on th e mov e,
passing G riffin and O 'Steen for fourth.
Meanwhile, Bernhart started to pull away,
while Furnell got by McNamee in a berm.
At the fin ish, it was Bernhart with th e win
over Furnell, McNamee, Oark and O 'Steen,
who passed Griffin o n th e last lap.
MOIO two saw Clark rip th e hol eshot with
Furnell , McNamce, Grifhn and David Green
follow in g. Clark slid out. letting Furnell get
by, wh ile O 'Steen passed Green. O 'S, een th en
passed G riffin. with Bernhart doing the same
a lew turns lat er. Back up front. Oark and
Furnell swap ped th e lead several tim es before
Furnell finall y took th e lead lor good with
two laps remaining.
Bernhart th en o utbraked O 'Steen for fourth,
but high·s ided a nd restarted in seventh.
Fumell scored th e win o""r Clark, McNamee,
O'Steen and Green . The overall went to
Furnell, with Clark, McNamee, Bernhart an d
a 'Steen roundi ng out the top five positi o ns.
Resul ts
PIW : 1. Tyson HaU5f:1J (Yam ); 2. Ouz No rthq- (Yam) ;
3. J mh Fa mlino (Ya m); 4. j am n SteWf:rl (Yam): 5. Jf:rt=my
McDow (Yam).
60 : I. Augu sl LaudJf:rg (Kaw); 2. J-B . Ball.ud (Kaw); 3.
TJiO n Ha (H o n); 5. Tom
Rri n~r (Ho n).
VET JR: l. Fri u Slhlq;d (Ya m) ; 2. T ed Ktkl.. (Kaw); 3.
JdT Gra y (Hon); 4. J ohn Dudas (Ya m ); S. J tff Ca n Ca mp
(Ya m ).
VET L~: l. Ma rc Crosb y (Ya m); 2. Ch ris Pt'Ift (KTM );
3. Michal-I La ndl"x (H on).
VET PR O: 1. 'i"im Ma nh (lion); 2. Mikt Tripn (Kaw).
BOMB ER: l. Robnt Fai ling .
OT JR: I . Robn1 Berdyd ( H on ); 2. Cluck Caston (H on) ;
3. lr.t Md bnbl'T (Ya m ); 4. Mikf: Sltll (KTM); 5. Frank DrTby
(Ya m ).
OT INT: 1. Tom Ebnly (H o n); 2. Bill MalOOf: (Hon ).
OT EX: 1. N k k eo.adlo (H on ); 2. J ohn Knighl (Kaw);
3. Gary ~t (H on); 4. Tim O;;uly (Hon); 5. Gmf: Ph d ..
(Suz) .
Nelson nails Carlsbad MX win
By Dave Burgess
CARL'iBAD, CA. ,,"ov. 2
j oh n Nelson cl inch ed the overa ll victory in
th e action·packed 125cc Beginner class at the
Racing Enterprises-promoted Saturday MX at
Carlsbad Raceway.
The first moto was a barn ·burner as justin
Lustian. wh o nonnally runs near the front.
was buried in a mid pack sta rL Ru n ni ng at
the fro o t was Nel son , a nd Alex Schlaefli.
Lusian charged to th e fro nt . and near the end
01 th e moto was bauling with Nelson for the
lead. Lusian sto rmed by a nd began to pull
away to th e wi n despite being somewhat down
o n power due to a blownooOut s.ilencer.
L usian was o ut in front o f mota two and
it looked like it might be a runaway, but
hallway through th e moto things got inter·
esting. Lusian's Suzuki began to lose its
clutch, and Ma urice Hansen shot by for the
lead. Hansen began to p ull away kn owi ng
that if N~1so n , who was run ning thi rd,
co u ld n' t get a ro u n d L us ian, he wo uld
mathe matically take the ove rall. Bu t L usia n 's
rear tire began to go nat, and Nelson was by
for second Nelson co n tin ued to charge and
pa ssed Hansen to take the mota win.
80 BEG : I. OJris Sch larlli (H o n ).
RO JR: I. j Ollhua. AmaDdio (Kaw); %. Manny Ari:u ( ~w).
125 BEG : I. J o h n Nd!lOn (H on); 2. J w.lin Luwn (Sw);