backed Tricia Lyons went from a third place
start to th e lead on lap one and never looked
back. Behind her a t the checkered nag wer e
Bla ck , • Randy Daily, Aaron Gibson an d
In the first tw o -wheel Open cla ss mow,
Fay snagged th e l ead ahead o r And erson,
Gerrish, Mike H ickman and Doug Ueltchi.
The front four wer e all rid ing 250s. Anderson
tri ed to go under Fay in turn four, but lost
-the front end and was sent to the rear . Gerrish
was all over Fay and on lap five slid by in
th e dogleg. Meanwhile, H ickman worked his
wa y up to th ird with Ueltchi, Ron Kent,
Ri ckman, Anderson a nd T om Simpson ri ght
behind at th e finish .
The second moto saw Fay o u t front aga in .
with Ri ckman an d Anders on a ll over hi m .
Anders on go t sid eway s in turn- four tryi ng
to get a t Fay a nd lost it agai n . On lap three
Hickm an passed R ickm an a n d Ue ltc hi
moved in to fourth. Gerrish was close behin d,
with Ken t a nd Simpson followin g. A lap
later, Gerrish too k over th ird a nd th e final
order wa s set. At th e checkered flag it was
Fay tak ing h is seco n d wi n o f th e day ,
Iollowed by Hickman, Ge rris h , Ueltchi ,
Ri ckman, Kent a nd Sim p so n.
Silver Creek MX saw Andy Caldwell (166) charge into the first tum ahead of Jason Sain (15) and Kipper Ketron (11).
Roberts at o ne point, but ha d to settl e for
second. Sentell held third until th e very end
wh en Brown nipped him a t the fin ish line.
" H e's not so last, " asserted Sentell , wh o
took fourth over Skye Sta lswo rt h and Andy
Wyri ck. " I would hav e beat him if he hadn't
been on a bigger bik e."
Roberts aga in led the stan of mot o two as
Deal came sto le second from Sentell. On lap
two , Sentell attempted to repass but bumped
into Deal, takin g them both d own and
all owing Brown to advance. Deal quickly
remounted and was able to regain second as
Brown SLOpped to discuss strategy with his
mech anic, and Sentell al so got by to finish
Allen Ru ssell go t the drop on Bault and
Greg Bergen in th e fir st A moto, but Bauh
powered to the lead halfway through lap one.
While Bault stre tch ed a sizable lead , Bergen
pr essured Russell throughout th e race until
he Iell, Bergen redosed the gap but ran ou t
or time and Finished third behind runner-up
Russell and winner Bault,
Bault grabbed the lead in rnoto two and
Bergen pa ssed Ru ssell for second a t th e end
of lap o ne. Berg en stayed upright for the rest
of th e race to claim second behind winner
Bault, who recieved a high-five from Brown
as the y rolled off the track.
A: I. J a50n Rauh (Yam): 2. C rrg Bergen (Yam) ; 3. Alan
RU5.W'1I (Vam ); 4. Mike Rrown (Ho n); 5. Thom as Ham by
(Ita); 6. J dfrq- Fidd~ (Yam ); 7. Jacob Say lor (Ya m ); 8. Adam
Beeler (Yrn
(H a n).
S/S R NO V: I. T om Blake (Bet ); 2. Doug Step bene (Ya m);
S. Steve Beck (Fa n); 4. J ohn H an ey (Bet); 5. J o hn Co lli ns
VET NOV: 1. Bob Gr ove (Apr); 2. Dave Sta nle y (Fa n);
Duan e Sto ne (G· G ); 4. Ron Do zier (Fa n). .
BEG : I. Steve Dozier (Suz); 2. Dave La hey (Ma n); 3. S.
Baker (SWM).
SR BEG : 1. Bill Burrow s (Fa n ); 2. Ted Zins ma n (Bul);
Butl er (Yam); 4. Dave Lo ngman (Ha n); 5. Ro bert
Perril (Ya m ).
S/S R BEG : 1. J oh n Tho mpson (Fa n); 2. Ala n Ma lmq uist
VET BEG : 1. Dave Baker (Kaw); 2. AI Nourian (Ya m ):
3. Stuart Ebert (Bul); 4. Ja ck Void er (Bet); 5. Buck Hewson
(Ya m).
to reclaim first, the moto win and o vera ll
victory went to Brittain. Ketron fini shed clos e
beh ind in third, while Patrick Parton and
David Bar ger dropped Edney back to sixth
a t th e chec kered fla g.
50: I. Wayne McLaughlin (H a n ): 2. Jory Games (Yam );
3. Michael La ws (Yam): 4. Brand on Lan gdon (Ya m ); 5. Will y
Baker (Suz) ;
60: L Joshua Sum mry (Ka w); 2. Wayne McL.au l?:hlio(Kaw):
.5. C"IM'Y Barnes (Kaw); 1. J oey Ga rnes (Kaw ); 5. Scot l Smi th
JR MINI : I. J a!>On VanHorn (H a n ); 2. Joshua Summey
(Kaw); 3. Eric Barnes (Suz); 4. Brad Edwards (Ho o ); 5. Brad
Caldwe ll (Ka w).
SR MINI : I. Ja son Sain (Ho n); 2. Robb y MiKuei (Ho n ):
~ . Chris Roil (Suz); 4. Scott Beard (Kaw); 5. Chi p Dunn (Kaw).
SC H RY: l . And y Ca ld well (SUl ); 2. J ason Sain (Hon); 3.
KipllM" Ketron (SUl); 4. Brian wheeler (SUl ); 5. Chril'ii ~l
(S Ul).
. 125 A: I. T odd Benn ick (Suz); 2. Willi am Wilson (Ho n ).
125 B: I. Mile Liu (SUl ); 2. Frankie Mullinax (Han); 3.
David SH
"war l (Suz); 4. Jim Mt"Daniei (H a n); 5. J ohn Sharpe
(H a n).
125 C: 1. Rt'aj?;an Bonne (Hon ); 2. Chris St:u:ey (Kaw); 3.
Darren Carso n (Ya m ); 1. Paul McDaniel (Ha n); 5. Charlie
Sm ith (Ha n ).
125 D: I. And y Ca ld well (SUl) : 2. Barry Brina in (Kaw);
3. Danny f.dn ry (}-Ion); 4. P:uri cl Part on (K.a w); 5. T ravi s
Lovelac e (H o n).
250 8 ; I. Mike Keller (Kaw); 2. Dan ny Shel l (Kaw);3 . Darr ell
Bililt" {Hon ): 4. J ohn Shar pe (Ho n ).
250 C: I. Frank H ampton (H a n); 2. Paig e H illiard (Kawl'
3. Mike Morgan (SUl); 4. Matt Allen (H a n); 5. J amie Ca m pbe I
(Ha n).
OPEN AM: I. La rry Spa rks [Ho n]: 2. Marc Clevela nd
w~nKt;;I~~ (~e~rdner (Han); 4. Mike Edwa rds (Kaw); 5.
U/ L AM: 1. Mike Keller (Kaw); 2. Frank H am pt on (Hon);
3. G len Cha5t' (Kaw);1. Darrell Bailey (Hu n); 5. Pa ige Hilliard
[N DR: I. Sa m uel KinK (Yam ); 2. J a!oOn Merrill (Yam );
3. Richard Blt'(h er (Kaw ).
25+: I. Travis Bt'll (Yam) ; 2. Danny She ll (Kaw ): 3. Ha rvey
WigKin:r. (Ka w); 4. Rand y Ro berts (Kaw): 5. Kenn eth Bailey
(Ho n).
30+: 1. Nicky Baker (Ya m); 2. T ra vis & 11 (Yam ); 3. Dan a
Haas (Ya m); 4. Rand y Ro berts (Kaw); 5. Eddie Coile (Kaw).
Caldwell connects at Silver
Creek Motocross
Fay wins Woodlands Scrambles
By Barbara and Loren Williams
WOODLAND, WA, NOV. 3Mi ckey Fay smo ked to double class wins at
Motocross Park aboard hi s Lester's AutoMa chine/Bell/P ei rolli Ra cing /Tsubakil
Wo rks
Perform an ce/ Van
En terprises-bac ked H ondas.
T he re were so many rid ers en tere d in th e
250ccc1a ss that two heat ra ces were run rather
th an th e moto format. In th e first heat Fay
go t an excellent scratch foll owed by Craig
Bo wm an, Ryan Anders, T rish Lyons, John
Paynter , Wendell Black and Dave Crosby.
Fay rode the entire distance with a Hl-yard
lead o n Bowman, who in turn had 10 on
Anderson. The front-running trio put a
straig h taway on the others as th e checkered
n ag came out. The order went unchanged
right to the end.
In heat two, Beau Manley got the lead o ver
Pat Hickman, Eddie Gerrish, Willie Ward
and the others. Everyone ran ver y dose, with
Hickman and Gerrish making a run at
Manley at the flag. Manley held on for the
In the main event, Fay stole the holeshot,
rollowed by Bowman, Hickman, Anderson,
and Manley. Anderson passed Hickman
down the back stretch and moved up on
Bowman, but once again the trio ran cluse
to Fay without any passing taking place. At
the checkered nag it was Fay , Bowman,
Anderson , Hickman, Manley , Gerrish,
Paynter and Eric Rickman.
In th e 250cc B main , Leininger Plating·
Andy Cald well aced th e Schoolboy class and
fini shed second in th e 125cc Beginner clas s
at the second ro und of the Yokoh ama Fall
Series a t Silver Creek MX Park.
Ca ldwell owned th e first Schoo lboy moto
as he led from th e first turn to th e Finish lin e.
In moto two, however, he was challenged by
Jason Sain, but Sain 's H onda CR80 didn't
have the horsepower to be a serious th reat to
th e larger machine or Caldwell. Kipper Ketron
mov ed up on Sain late in th e ra ce a nd
attempted. to take second, but he ran ou t o f
tim e and had to settle for third. Caldwell 's
win gave him a four-point lead in th e threerace series over Sain.
In the first co mbined Senior Minill25cc
Beginner class mota , Sain cl aimed th e
hol eshot on his 80cc machine but Caldwell
powered around him on the first lap. Caldwell
stayed out front for the remaining four laps
while Sain stayed ahead 01 125cc Beginner
runner-up Barry Brittain.
The two classes were separated for the
second moto and Caldwell shot to the rront
or the l25cc Beginner line followed by Danny
Edney , Kipper Ketron and Brittain. On lap
two , Brittain pressured Ketron and followed
him past Edney. When Ketron bobbled,
Brinam scooted into second, then muscled
into the lead two turns befor e th e white nag
was unrurled. Despite Caldwell's best efrOrlS
By Derryl Anderson
50 ST K: 1. Dal e Ainsl ie (V:tm ); 2. Paul Cas tillo (h j ); 3.
Matt McCo y (Ya m).
50 MOD : 1. Dal e Ain sli e (Yam ); 2. T yler Fick (Ya-m );.
3. Matt McCo y (Yam ).
60: 1. Ju stin Ruth (Ka w ): 2. Mik e Sto r m (Kaw).
80: 1. KoT)' Rasmu ssen [Kaw] : 2. Mike Sto rm (Kaw).
125: I. Beau Manley (Kaw).
250 B: 1. Trish Lyo ns (Ya m ).
250 A: I. Mickey Fay (H o n) : 2. Cra ig Bowman (Ho n):"
3. Ryan Anderson (SUl) .
OPEN : 1. Mickey Fay (H en): 2. Mik e Hickman (Kaw);
3. Eddi e Ge rr ish (Kaw).
4·ST R K OPEN : I. Craig Bowm an (Hon ); 2. J .P .
Simonsen (H a n); ! . Paul Mullins (Ya m ).
Reilly roosts LACR Gran Prix
By David A. Procida
PALMDALE, CA. ocr. 'l1
Russell Reilly rode his Newhall. Kawasaki
KX250 to the Vet Intermediate dass win at
California Racing Club's Wild Turkey Gran
Prix. The event which was supposed to have
been held at Glen Helen OHV Park was
transfered because or rain to L.A. County
Raceway, after it was determined that it was
too wet for competition purposes"
The Vet Experts and Intermediates were
combined on the start and Brian Hill was first
. into tum one on th e..fast, wid e back section
or th e cou rse. Positions changed quickly and
by the time th e riders entered the motocross
track Jim Sendelbach had assu med the point
position. Reilly was running in the fourth
'overall slot and was keeping up with the
Expert pa ck. Behind Reilly, Jere Mason
attempted to hold orr Charlie Str ong.
Up at the Iront, Sendlebach extended his
lead but now cha llengi ng for second was Rob
Petrin, waiting for the motocross section to
make his mov e and quickly powering by Hill
to set out in search of th e leader. Reilly was
still in fourth behind the lead pair and G.R .
Brunson, who was third in the Expert class,
and a short di stance behind came the MasonStrong bailie. Strong cha rged to th e inside or
a hard left turn, and took over the number
two Intermediate pos ition. Mason repassed
Strong on the long straightawa y heading into
the back sectio n. An even more determined
Str ong again made a pa ss on th e MX track
and mad e it stic k up until the last lap wh en
Mason aga in powered by in th e same section
or the tra ck.
Up at th e front, Petrin utilized a miscue
by Sendleba ch to close the gap an d was now
cha lle ngi ng for the first overa ll pos ition , it
looked like Petrin was going to get by when
th e pair encountered lapped traffi c and he was
slowed down. As Send lebac h aga in pulled
away, Petrin hacked his pace dow n a not ch
as Brunson was now a safe distan ce behind ,
but it was Reilly who was still charg ing and
he took this advan tage to pass Petr in and
finish in th e number two overall slot and first
Intermedia te.
Mason held off Strong in th e final go. around and claimed seco nd overall over
Strong. Petrin finished second Vet Expert with
Brunson making it into the top three finishing
slots . 1000 Oaks Yamaha's George Wallace
and Brian Hill rounded out th e top rive.
60 9-11: 1. Ty son Titrlemier.
80 BEG : I. Mik e Sheets; 2. Brit Jack.son ; 3. J ason Robinson :
4. Adam Knowl es: 5. Dermis Woodard.
80 NOV : 1. Jason Howard; 2. Terrance Malan; 3. J ason
Fonseca; 4. Eric And erson ; 5. Bryan Carrino.
80 tNT: I. Rick Elrod
VlNT NOV: 1. Frizby Saley; 2. Wayne Park : ! . Myron
Lipka; 4. Randi Perkins; 5. Phil zetlmer.
VtNT tNT: I. Brock SUIer; 2. Ken GIT'mt=; 11. Mark ~ e-dl ;
4. Hugh Blacka ; 5. Gary EgloU .
JR VET EX: 1. Merle Hammer; 2. John Pack; ~. Ron
Moilont=; 4. Neil Summers.
JR VET INT: I. Steve Fernandez; 2. Jack Kell; S. D-drrt=n
Elloiu; 4. Todd Brouuard: 5. Bryan Moynahan.
·J R VET NOV : 1. BrianHill: 2. Randy Paul Wysocki ; 3.
Cornell Canter; 4. David Barlow ; 5. Tim McAdams.
JR VET BEG : I. Randy Taylor: 2. Mark Gat es; 3. Pat
McLaughlin; 4. Scou Wel~; 5. Jerome Reed.
VET EX: I. Jim Sendelbach; 2. Rob Peuin; 3. c.R.
Brunson; 4. Brian Hill.
VET tNT: I. Rus.o;e-II Reilly; 2. Jere Ma~n ; ! . OlarHe