Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 11 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CYCLE ACTION THEATER presents The Greatest Motorcycle Video Cassettes Watch them over and over! !ho .... _a.,.;,_ WI thI bill: 01 h top 18 . . . . . . ~ mtil US to lImIminI .no tII'r* #1 in 1991. III ItiI 1 nighl: . . . .·taHI ..... SO minJta frtm RAlY1dlo. (...7) . . . . . - - - , _ 300.000 _ '"'" .. 50 ..... 38 """" lXU'4ria. iIiI is the ""OtfIc* VIdIo~ ", .. RIIIr InlI COWIfIiI .... 75 ~ by PocatIIo ..... (~ I"' _ . _ Prill Fbn:I . . 01 the _ 25Ckc a-. GnII on-biI 52..... m GP v.r.o. bmm """ _ c,.... CM*1I ...-as m (l-_lM -_IGonowty. GP _ S. 70.000 __ t - ,.... AmRa', bat maeocn.I dIImpions" an flelllOdd .... ROnoy ... lloIoN>. - . . . _ _ II this ipKiIIl SO......... bun Gaibf. Wnt .... pan: GIl . . . . . in 1h1250 daI. . . . Ihe W*-~ . . tIb SidIan. 52 IDinuIa (m) 1_ _ lIIl1P_ fram GP V_ Prill n. ilia 01 ... I\IppIIr.cI in !hi ·89 AM WcrId -<-) . .I MXGP eN. ha .... tICJIlnd on this llidIo.n:t1 _ _ ROnoy.&ono. "" .... ... ...., pomp whII 'MlI'kI-IMI 1nlICOCftlII if; .. Ibout. (1IUA)'IIoo _ _ 5 1 _ """" , - .. " " _ Inlm _ _ an 1ft ...... baftIt far 1hI nn 18 hi' ...., Iuly.s.. _ _ ....... ... 8 Il IhlIioc:brNim cftzlil c.wn Ind EndImnIinuI ~ of 1flI1nOII ur:iIi1Il ~ ...II nero 1fWongoing 2 . b8nII. S2 minuta humliPV" _ 1 986..... s...,....(IU.. OMl_1 """"",",,- 6lJ_,"," _ Vodoo. 198 LACaIiIewn (RJpaaa emn fietd to but GuJ 7 II(R) . .I Prill (.IIZ) . . _ _ 111 _ _ l:oo&*L ~1 988 Pontiat SlJPElUIIIRJ VlJtff wn. Rocing ~_ .... "" 1990 _ _ .... .. 13 fIoLnI 1 of !hi . . . . . pia Il'I ... peffKI • W..-d gItI ltuhI into ltlI Motovideo c.nmm"' ~ 0WlDDr MX, . . . . onh AMA tin:uit. 90 minutes _ . "" uIn "" _ _ MD lloahIn 80 ........ fnImMoIlMdeo. dnM his HonciI to 1M Ilmit in • fimI b.nII with - ~ .... --- ===:.==~,: li. new 250cc lip I1ICDl' (. 15lIAI 'tl _ III _ Round 1 01 the lilll 125/2SOao N MX ..... titlI thae • CIrduI an IIldalWlIY in !rDnt of 7300 fIllS 81 ~ CydI Pili • Cooper Stanton 110l1'Il GIIIllIIVII1e. -'8 minules trnm PowInporbVideo. getI a. (. 1511) ' 1 1 _ 1 1 1 _ a. PrivlIlHIl tl ign • Doug HlIWY John DCMd ICOQ theirlira NIl60nII MX winsin ltlis c::ontroversiIIllICDIlll fOl.Ild of the serio in sloppy conditions .. PrIiriI City QHV'IIt. 48 minutafrom ~ Video _V_ .-I • 52 minu111 from G Video P ROnoy. 6Irdnor " ' n-. 6U m.... vidIo taka you ICl lhI ItgInUIy narttwm CIIifDnQ COlI! . . Hi(;JwIr 1, bum1he GoIdtn (IftI5).... GIrt Entge on ~ b . T._I_ BO nmuta fram tn~ ~ Video. 130 mill jOlIMy far 21 Up Ind n l bika. em Ind IrUI:b rEed . nd strulllll,d to t omplet. the formidable t1 ....... di . .... ~rtitl" . S. .. !hi hiQNiIta from !hi (. 122) _1IL:"TIoo _ .......... I11Jll"d Ind IhI hIIic:opter ewnera in tbs tDI9lnt £xperience the IJIIlIIder andbelllly of Cobado', Milian raar of 111. 60 rninuln. From Powmporb Video. Dolt- H~ in the Iall coIcll1 IlIIOll with lJO. mil. ITllIUI1tIIin IUIll Imnion 1tIroudl tha hI.1t of thI (.UO) 1110_ 100 8M J UIIl MotmMIa. From Jigsaw Home V ideo MotlMdeo his now produc:ed 6Dminu18l on 1IpI of the DUlragilltJI cn.lllnge of thI B18dlwBt r dasit. e Thia is Ameriu'. T~ Race the wayit was meant 1 be seenl 0 in yaur0Ml1iwing mom! From JigslIw ibnI V ideo _ - s-. _ .... (.125)-- _ _ 55_01 _ _ 1 RICII .... w.,n. &..- • .,... c:ruutb .,. IN the 11.... tklcIIort'rdt ....... .... bf Men hIndIIIras 01• 200 GtW Prix Honda in IdUII _ _ _ . ..... _ _ tl'It8 Cl:WllIitilnf 80 frDnt P-.n VJdIo. "" ...... _ _ a.-s.n..._ _Prill The t991 GP' SIriIt ...., OUI ... SurW,. _ _ ",-,,"""'90 Iaft off-wi!tl,.s. hot fIcingI. . Iooi is in _ of 1tlI moll . . . . . n1lUlPrise-fiDId widIoI... - . 52 II'lirwIfrom MouMdeo. (.au) 1_ _ ' - Soca R.iney rKa c:U' 01 CBIh-..... ~ T....... UnIt 'IIIIi1tl Stt--.a w'ri tum 11 • • his 1m. (m) 'IIoo _ r._ _ dMI Idion wiltl XacinIIli Rom • ExaIIItII 250cc _ V_ • _ .. "" _ _ Vodoo. Rocing 5IXIa: 1988FIM W Rood .... ~ (11M ) .... ._ nt MXSI". c.... IUIll ... GP's rr. mora. A IIriIty of =-ha fnxn _ _ ~. (""l Cno6 _ The 1tirdin u. . ... 1lidefI0I "" Saod" .... twmQ~"" 'TV, mirIJIn (1120) _ _ 1961 IsII ", Ma1 TTr-=e fIItlnI WlI HIiIwood on 1he 250 HandlI Il'Id u. .... Nortan. Ind .... in !hi 1963 s.niar 5OOcc: TT SboM ... !hi spor'I . pnIlIraIelI in just 1M 'tU'. 52 JNnuta bf HaImIr . _r.. __ .-.- (1I43)" Y _ Fool.ring MOo . . so.__ 5OO ................... .. "" ~ .. "" MV (lfl3I) E., - in h 1967 IsII at Man TT- Oaair: racing • its Ths is lhe d.aic yUh film ", IN 196Us wtidI best. 69 _ _ Inn Powmpons V~ ("I) rtft«ted thI ~ Ind Irlngings 01 ... _ _ !P""'F1lnda .. I'I'4ft Br ("'4)~_ _ ...... . . ... E.- _ RIsby. _ . "'" ......169 ......... hm HlkNrV" Dos9t (.131) 'Il0o _ 3 000 Whar's Jotmr ~ 1QIIIIl? ""What hM you got.. hi - . IS an II9Y JIU'III M.ton fnndo IUlrCha hlCl'lln in1hiI~ '50s ClA1 dassll:. 79 mnttIlI InlmI'nlQmM Ilaign. from MouMdta. tuttmg 30 .......... _ " _ (IIUA) 'IIoo mirUa of crahIs fnxn ~ pi (...&) ..... How .......... _ Holley """",",, ' " """"" "'" and. . hcnhds of dDIIrs. Joe Mi'lton hom. _ Fttm Mc1tovid«l t is 70 mft.dI ~ tIpI comes complm. a podcet-sizacl handbook thal1hl 1-.-. aiDnII and m. to in 1hI Mid. PJ shows you how to ridI bettlIr 1tIan you Uri ';liu con. (#1 . TwIeI ..ridino WrieS _ _ 1M ...... Tho ..) (#130) 11'0. T..... Manul clUring ~f the tlassic ,pt. ,unit Tri mph , u motoreycle. 3Dmmut...... MoI...;doo '.148) 19911l. _ s,e.Iwor ill, last r-=e held II long V81!f11'lS Stadium on 3/ (#U1) nr.. ill &rapt '69 ~ 2191 lUm DU1 to tie ttle I'llDSl: impDl'1lK1t spudwBy . ~oIlow ttl. u1y hlroa D! late'60', mototroII -amd WII1l, of 1ha 1991 se l lOll. d8tennining wIldllOll" N. r_ Ali"" Br"'(1lS4) V-T. . _ IIIlItllerDDer can carry Brr1Istl aram & Itgendary hIrDa;...klI'I\ Strtns on the MY 11 EnoIdands in ' 58. dlIiIengId in '59 11 SWmtonI by s 19-y1_ DId H.i1wDod; 17 bnnds Df bibs IKe 11 0uIt0n. InlI !hi '58 Isle of MIn TT 55 minurntrnm HaItn_ Video . FlU flfTlllUl _HiIIoo ...... "" ncb INiItlDWl 'tDU haw .. mater !hi art. 60 minu1a. (..00) _ 6UmirUa of !hi Itgend.-, WIlIoIMnIkef • ~ IClobn tDaIII doMl From ~ 78 ............. .... _"Bod 601." m.. _ (.U) ..,. _ - _SlJIol Sia.fiml Nm:mI MX Owmp . . . you to hiI __ ".~ Brredt T_ E:ndun),. .., A rtvitw of 1hI ·89 FN GP Ro.d Rac:inu .1ICll'l (kd-righl1KGrd to lMr 121 ..... speed, Iir timn wortdwidI, • lMIOIl II. . "111M AmericIns RIinIy nund 1flIt.naua 37.7 millCOlnt. 60 minll(IL Fn:m InlI Sthwantl to IWUP 13 US wine in 15 rounds. P--" VOdOO. . fromPtM'I1IpllItI Video. _ ( - . ) 1_ . . . . . . . . (ma)..., Doss: 1110"_ , . fBII'lIS1 ITIDSl ~, ITml IIl1I111ining. lAd FdIow Wlyni s m.dl to 1hI1itII. from Suluka biggnt !lib fVIflI in Iha WllI1d r AD AWn raars ttl Phillip Island in IhiI 105-mifw b~ of In from !hi 1990 10M on a 55 minJl shaw. from e IllIJJIl ..... ProbIbIy !hi bnl: • GPIIniewIVIl'f \his _ -HoJ-. _ . Wool (1m) .... Tho _ _ ISllE .... _ (11121) _ _ ........ 1 __ tmllmQ (1I41) _ ~ .... "" NIlCIESI'II _ - dull Induda 250cc action with CriJI. e.t.Iara Inll BrIdI battling for honn 52 minutes tram GP Video. (_ I . .I . fide JidI""' a tnnIl . - _ .....AmtricI •..... _ . . . ", """''''''''' .''''root -- _ """""....... . _ . (.136)Gof« " I _ (") u.s. _ &::! Iftl USGP ' - Soca _ IDIdI in h UniIId SIMa 'Ilirtl ~ wiming fin II'IdtaIwisioa . . . PwwStarr lAd his.... C. CIIitomiI's ....., 1 Il'Id Cakndo', "'MiIion Dok ~ fir _ law pOiil Fnn Jiguw HolM dm .. "" ...... - _ _._ -- bOIing_Inlm""_ .. "" 199\ ~ l Cl. Warid ~ ... Tuaon. Arizuna. 60 m HAl Vi6Io. mft4a JIIpI. buggies ~ for it 11 Glamisl 20 ~by P.rfKlhn................... ""'" .. So'"' I........ "" T 1 ~ 000 (l17li)1_ _ l I P _ (U14) . .1l0li _ _ 100_ I'nlQmM 1I(_) I"Iw-~)._1'rtll II(m) 1..1 _ . _ Prill A aDIIIllI of I J5. D! IlI'ntd out to 'dtdl round 9 [ 01 tht __ in • lhnaIic d-fl ramg It 1hI Allen (1155) III Cno6 . . . . SpocIoaoI.cRlil 52 minuta rnn GP VIdeo Tho_by_30_ _ _ 11(.)"1 f_ _ " " ' t - ... (""l_Cn06_ ... I _ ._Prill (..ot).-.... ClIIIIpe .,.. , . . VJd.or AI . - MX a.m & !un Iuat.Igir n. II'utaI bib riel in ft IGId abs ill spedIcUIIr tida in IIUld 10 • !hl PItA Riard P'KI ..,. fl MouIIIin Ski Ala II cfta1. 25Oa: Ittian piftId . . . . lIS Handa ill 1ft misMps... 1It to ltlIlllU1ic an~ , Gru: ~1or " . .l Ftol1l ~ 35 rt1nrt1S. "" Coliow. Hq, ~ See ....... Inlm"" .... IJtltIIQ fICI. 52 IIlinlasIrumGP VIdeo. s.,... tn:BItlnI ....... ..u: 1tniblI~ Prill .... __ T .... en. Caoe1tty.IlueI I_I.,.".. ("15) 51 ~ CIoIII"" .... G<1nd""' "" _ _ HiIdirnb. and men II'CUing !all ", aIIhn. II YlIiJ Y ou·" Sli n th, comm,n:i.1s • now bllf the IftMs a. biqda,. 'Ihil wideD is lor you. 80 mirun frum ...... in AINritI•""StIIIltr Eddie l-.n nI Flit WdIo , , • GtNt IIfIlIftamlIIf • pII'ba. 3D mirlIIIs _ ... . . . . UpoS-_ - =:-- ..... 01 1tlt IhDIt ..... thI'IIlIi:I DnI """'RAZ _ n. 8thI1U1d at1heGPserin. . '-Id It the..... (.l53A) ' I I " _ 1 1 1 _ BriIn Swink Ind JIff $tinton put on • pM . . • !hi 15tt1 1nllU11 NIliDnaI MX. ~·s Hql "'"" bokn _ eo _ Inlm ~ '"'" C'IIioI ... Cldo- ~ _CoIiIanU _ _ 911_ !loI9l Prill ""_ .."" eapo ._ by _ CoR _ ~anlM_ClJd.A.lIu ~ .. """" 75 _ 1_ _.........., by Tony a...n . . . Scun 0aI0iIi0. thiI ..,r is (" 11) 50Y_. . . . . . in 1938,. no _ ... wt-. SUvis . bICi. ....., if...., IP"OW into the . . . . . qcing Ml'I ever. JIDw lMrfiftyyan'" SIaqis isill WoodIIrd s.- 1I(1a)"1 ... _ ._Prill _ 2OlUlOO .. lraar'ltl ...., 01 OW: __ • . . . ,. DaatIIIl ... locnici bICdIlI in . . siDfag hnl IndI*I c::cMr9 .. 2SOao ... _ _ ... 52_,"," lI(I38) .... (.123) - . '"'" I'nlQmM Dos9t MatDvideo ~~Ifl:~~ F:':ot~ :9 Btlgillll. (.137) "10.,- 2DD Enoor • '"" ... IMd ... ID ito ~n .. ... ....... \..32) 1961~ _ ... _ • fi11ing 50ltlbirthdIr ceIebmiDn fir !hi moll t.nouI (#1011) 50 Y . . " De:rt-a . rwell1Idl in 1imtto the 41stannuIIlxoni. Casit IWII't i'lAnwiClnItlllUftYCll r.ang histDry.60mirMn 400.000 tnthusiau dtanded on D.ytonI fof the rKa. hIId on Jme 15-18. 1961. 48 minutes trnm from MauMdID 1991/501h ~ of Bib W Set thI "MIin MotcMdID ill sner Inlm "" ... ..... (11410) . . _ _ 6lJ _ a H"'" """"'" 1riQoeSl I'nlQmM (lIl33) _ _ .... _ Dos9t . ""' ..... "" .... _ Ilrit _ _ "" _ ~ "500 "'" """""" .... "" ............... ""TSOao _ ~ ~::~:Z~:m in thI WorUl (#1021)s,e.Iwor 100_ ClIIIIpe 199 1 'fN tiel! ridIrI on icI from the USA lOcI !hi 'Mlr'Id meet in TIGllll. ArizunI mnllO raar b thl lC.E. W ~ 80 millI1esfrom RAZVideD. ortd (1I45A) lftOs,e.Iwor IIol'I C'IIioI Tho_ .. tmus us "" 2tI _ icJ'Q """ ..... by "'ith Code Colifnmd Supe_ SdloolTho video nnsll1llI the book irrlo 14 sec1iDns to mabI you ¥ilUlln with ayI1IkII_ oodelJ1lndinv the WI. of pmImenllKhniqul. 107 minuhrs from Ma!ovideo. (.UI)"TIoo _ _ . FoIkM "'the DVtbn~ Jeff MatiasM:tl. as hi sI10WI ltwough hil ooique styt of ridina Ind !King how you . CIIl imprOV8 you' biI handling IkiIIs. 50 minures ~ en1Inainmen1 from Motuvid.D. . (.US) _ _ The advantId COlnI il lI'bItl 1lm1-riding IlWYivIl This5S-mirxrttvid80 il fuil uftipslnlltadicsgathltad from ridn.hIvt*l rnilfilnofmilaof lltI. ... .... _ "" _ """ _ ... "'"' _ ~ .......... r----------- - ------------~ -- ------------ ----- --- --~ - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - -- -- -I Order Fonn (Pl.... fill 0dwy leoWorld t'ship '91 @ '29.95 _~_ _ . #134'91 B. Heuick Mom. leoRace @ 129.95 #66 MX Crash &Bum II @ 29.95 .105 SX Thnll 59in CIlilb '90 @ 29.95 . .& .95 #135 Street Sma'" @ 134 #66A Crash &Bum III @ 29.95 ., 06A50 T of Ooyton. @ 22.95 .... #136Go F.. II 11 GI.mb @ 129.95 #T6 '89 World MX GP R,,;ow @ 34.95 Phone ( .108 ATwist 01 111. Wrist @49.95 .95 .1 37' 91 O.yton. 200 @ 139 #65' 89 MX Des Notions. Gmn."T @ 29.95 0 : 1 1 . Olll., Oate - - - - Can! # EJcp. Oat. _ _ Signa1ufe _ #109 K.mikaZll! Wood MT8 t'ship. @ 34.95 #77'89 10(16·0" Enduro @ 34.95 Sond CI"'*.. Monoy OIW _ '" CYCI£ I _ PlIODUCTS. P.O.... . 91lonQ ...... CA 9ll6lJl.()(98IAII_ 4- 6 _ doIIvotyl .... . 78 Am.rican Expllll'88 RR R @ 34.95 Pricea -..bject to change - pIeue ... eurt'el'rt order bI8nk All of theM VHS 1IIp" .,. .vaia.ble free of ~pping ...d M nd llng chlirg... from CY CLE NEWS PRODUCTS _ Amount .1 38 Eosy Rid" @ 137.95 #11 0 '90 81ockwl1" 100 @ 39.95 . 139 Th. Wdd One @ 137.95 #111 M Il.lllIcilrmNo CIlicken @ 34.95 I1 . 150A'91 Goin..~II. MX N.t'll . @ 133.95 #788 '90 GP R.~ .w @ 43.95 .114 Sup. ..." Showdown @44.95 . 151A'91 s.cromen"MX N.t'l•. @ 133.95 #808 '91 J.p..... RR GP @ 33.95 #115 Rendew ", 11 111. R ing@ 44.95 #1 53A'91 M M M t orril XN.t'll. @ 133.95 . #81 '89 U GP L gon. S. " @ 34.95 .S. iltory@ 44.95 #116 R.ting 1010 H #162'90 AMA Nen MX So..... Rev. @34.95 _ #81A'90 USGP Logon. Sete @ 133.95 #11T ..Sturgi. 199(T' 50thAnn . @ 44.95 1141 0 '90 World S/8 Seoson R ";.w @ 34.95 _ #818 '91 U P Loguno Se" @ 133.95 SG Oescription _ _ . 78A'89 Bib GP Comp ~ .ti on @ 39.95 Meil to: CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS P.o. Box 49B. Long CA 90 BOt -049B or call (310)427-7433 during bualneu hou", .1'Ieue . . . . . 1oIIoorIq _ _ Qty. Amount #128 Bolt of Widowm.k" @ 39.95 _ _ _ #118 50 Teo" of Sturgis @ 44.95 . \ #828 '91 Sp..ish RR GP @ 133.95 . #120 R . A id men" @ ,9 .90 #9 U RR Grend Pn, '88 @ 33.95 .S. #838;91 ••IienR RGP @ 133.95 ighw., 1 @29.95 . 121 Rid. Amen,,: H #11 RockJohnson Profil. @ 39.95 #848'91 G .rmenRR G @ 133 P .95 #122 Rid. Am.: '111. Million Doll" HW'( @29 1:l. .95 _ . l lA WOI!~ I GII"'1t SX @ 29.95 #858 '91 A ustrian RR GP@ 133.95 #123'90 CA St 59..dw., t'ship. @ 29.95 _ .13 MX GI..., Styi.@ 29.95 #868'91 EUIlllJ"n 159.inl RR GP @ 133 .95 . .95 . 148 1991 N Am.!. Spdwy Finel@ 129 L~_~ ~~ ~= ~~~ #878'91 Outdl RR G P@ 133 .95 ~~~~== ~~~~~ -_--_ #125 Bike H_ @ 39.95 Cllifo..i. Residents Idd 7'1.% 511.. Tn (LA County 8'1.% 511.. Tn) (Outside the continental United States add $10.00 p. r tap. for additional shipping costsl. #126Dreg Bik. @ 34.95 U.s. SIsi ';"C a H..... F~...!~ " #124 Th. A som. F we .etor @ 22.95 I

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