Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 10 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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e POINT STANDINGS World Championship Superbike Series Nat'l Championship Enduro Series AMA 600 Supersport Road Race Series (After 12of 14rounds) 1. Doug Polen 2. RaE;mond Roche 3. Ro Phillis 4. St ephane Merten s 5. Fabrizio Pir ova no 6. T e:n,Rym er 7. Carl ogartr 8. Fred Merke 9. Giancarlo Fala ppa 10. Dav ide T ardozzi (After 5 of 9 rounds) 1. Jeff Russell 2. Alan Gravitt 3. Randy Ha wkins 4. Blair Shar~ess 5. Kurt Houg 6. St eve Hatch 7. Kevin Benn ell 8. Kevin Hines 9. Alan Rand t 10. Larry Roeseler (After 8 of 9 rounds) 1. Migu el Du Ham el 120/6 2. T om Kipg 99 3. Larry Sc wa rzbach 70 4. TfP'f Nobles 64 5. Je armer 57/ 1 47 6. Rich Ama iz 45 7. Jamie Ja mes 8. Takanobu Koyama 36 9. Steve Crevier 32 10. John Choate 30 Jim Lesli e (Points/ wins) 393 282 239 196 195 162 146 124 113 108 126 83 71 67 65 57 53 52 50 '40 World Cham pionship 500cc RR Series Shadow 1100 purchasers will be able to c h oose from 24 com b in a tio ns o f colors and logos. Two-tone and so li d color sc h emes will be available at va rying prices. National Hare Scrambles Series (Final) 1. Wayne Rainey 2. Michael Doohan 3. Kevin Schwantz 4. Joh n Kocinski 5. W"Jine Gardne r 6. Ed ie Lawson 7. J uan GarrM:: 8. Didier de adigues 9. Doug Cha ndler 10. J.P. Ruggia (Points/ winse (Final) 1. Scott Summers 205 134 2. Ron Nator 3. Duane on ner 132 4. Et ha n Goodric h 72 65 5. Tony Hend on 61 6. Frank Keega n 7. T erry Cunningha m 58 8. Chris Ca plinger 55 9. Scott Plessinge r 51 10. Ha rvey Whit ak er 46 233/6 22413 204/5 161/1 161 126 125 107 85 78 World Championship 250cc RR Series (Final) 1. Luca Cad alor a 2. Helmut Bradl 3. Carl os Card us 4. Wileo Zeelen berg 5. Masahiro Shimizu 6. Loris R~an i 7. P.F. Chi I 8. Ioch en Schmid 9. Ma rtin Wimmer 10. Paolo Casoli (Points/ wins) Honda will rel ease an ABS /Traction Control-equipped STllOO in the sp ri n g . A standard STIIOO will s till b e available fo r a s uggested re tail price of $9199. Nat'l C'ship Cross Country Series (After 10of 13 rounds) 1. Duane Conn er 2. Terry Cunningham 3. Scott Summers 4. Dou~ Blackwell 5. Je ff ussell 6. T homas Nor ton 7. C rai~ones 8. Ti m heph ard 9. Frank Keegan 10. Scott Plessinger 237/ 8 220/5 205 158 142 128/ 1 107/ 1 96 89 65 World Championship Trial Series (After 9 of 12rounds) 1. Jord i Tarres 2. Diego Bosis 3. Donato Miglio 4. T ommi Ahvala 5. Bruno Cam ozzi 6. Ph ilip}ij Berlatier 7. Amos ilbao 8. Thi<:rry Mich aud 9. Thierry Gira rd 10. T akumi Narita 162 138 132 127 98 91 82 65 60 48 Nat'l Championship 125M XSeries (Final) 1. M. Kiedro wski 2. Gur Cooper 3. Jef Emi g 4. Brian Swink 5. J . McGr ath 6. Steve Lam son 7. Doug Hen ry 8. D. Stephe nson 9. BUdd/( Antu nez Er ik ehoe (Points/ wins) The N igh t haw k 750 w as a s te a dy seller la st yea r, a n d for '92 i t is available in black as well as red. I ts price jumped $200 over t he ' 91 m odel to $4 199. 49913 483/5 381 36611 349 317 28611 246 242 242 Nat'l Championship 500 M XSeries . (Final) 1. J-M Bayle 2. Jeff Ward 3. Jeff Stanto n 4. D. Brad sh a w 5. Ron Lechien 6. Gene Naumec 7. Ray Sommo 8.·Kelt h Bowen 9. Shaun Kalos 10. Fre d Andrews (Points/wins) 27313 26413 236 213 157 119 107 102 99 95 The 250cc Helix returns in Honda's '92 lineup after being absent for several years. Considered the " G o ld Wing" of scooters, the Helix is scheduled for release in January. Grand N at'l/CameI ProSeries (Final) 1. Scott Pa rker Chris Carr 3. Ronn ie Jones 4. Kevin Athert on 5. Larry P~m 6. Rodne},1 arris Ste ve orehead 8. Da ve Durelle 9. Ricky Gr aham 10. Mike Hale (Points/ wins) 225/6 225/4 16913 13611 120/ 1 110 110 100 97/1 81 'ship 600 Nat'l C Series (Final) 1. Chris Carr 2. Larry Pegram 3. St eve Morehead 4. Wink Fre ita s 5. Rodn e~ Farris 6. T erry oovey 7. Mike Hale Aaron Hill 9. Dan In~am 10. Rich ing (Points/ wins) 110/5 83/2 44/1 40 37 36 34 32 31 A .A Nat'l C M 'ship SuperbikeSeries (After 7 of 8 rounds) 1. Thoma s Steven s 10811 2. Scott Russell 104/ 4 3. Miguel DuH amel 8811 73/1 4. Jamiedames 5. Dale ua rt erley 53 6. Rich Arn ai z 52 7. Ja cqu es Guenette, Jr . 46 8. Pa sca l Picott e 38 37 9. To mm/( Lyn ch 10. T om ipp 36 (Points/ wins) A N 250GP MA at'1 Road Race Series Nat'lC'ship Hare& Hound Series (Final) 1. Dann y Hamel 2. Garth Sweetland 3. Paul Kra use 4. Larry Roeseler 5. Don Grie we . 6. Jimm y Lewi s 7. \!IE) Paul Ostbo hris Crandall . 9. Gr~ Sea rle 48 10. T Hu nnicu tt 15:1 150 138 136 129 116 103 99 96 70 120 97 90 89 80 72 65 46 (After 7 of 8 rounds) 1. Jimm t: Filice 2. Nick ena tsch 3. Chris D'Alu isio 4. Rick Kirk 5. Dannf Walker 6. Rick ripodi 7. Jon Cornwell 8. T om Paris 9. Mike Sullivan 10. Brad Sawyer (Points/ wins) AMA 750 Supersport Road Race Series ~ ...-; O'l O'l ...-; ~ G<') C'I .... V ,D. 0 ~ U 0 (After 8 of 9 rounds) 1. Scott Russell 160/8 2. Britt Turkington 114 3. Jacques Guenette.Jr. 92 4. Trip~ Nobles 64 62 5. Bob andy 6. Titian Bue 60 54 7. Jeff Heino 8. Jam es Sc haefer 36 9 . Glenn Barry 35 10. And rew Deathridge 32 (points/wins) WERA Formula U SA Road Race Series (After 7 of 8 rounds) 1. Robbie Peter sen 2. Rich Oliver 3. Chuc k Gra ves 4. Dona ld Jacks 5. Mich ael Martin 6. Kurt Hall 7. Britt T ur kingt on 8. Brian Bern a rd 9. J .B. Willia ms 10. T om Kipp Jeff Gay nor 11513 106 13 93 78 65 55 48 39 21 20/1 WERA Formula II RoadRaceSeries (After 7 of 8 rounds) 1. Don Gree ne 2. Alla n Scott 3. Kenny Roberts .Jr. 4. Brian Bern ard 5. Michael Gr aves 6. Brad Saw}er 7. Chris D'A uisi o 8. Nick Ienatsch 9. Dav e Sjoblom 10. W. Himmbel sba ch 87 77 64 53 52 46 41 37 34 31 WERA ASuperstock Road Race Series (After 7 of 8 rounds) 1. Kurt Hall 2. Michael Mar tin 3. Chuck Graves 4. Stevie Patter son Tripp Nobles 6. Mike ~nock 7. Da vid cGrath 8. David Devea u Dean Mizdal 10. Jason Pridmore 74 70 42 32 31 25 23 22 WERA BSuperstock Road RaceSeries (After 7 of 8 rounds) 1. Bruce Ba ldu s 2. Mich ael Martin 3. Kurt Ha ll 4. Ch uck Graves 5. Da vid McGr ath Da vid Devea u 7. Britt T u rkington Joe Pittman 9. Jason Pridm or e 10. Pau l Harrell 77 73 57 37 30 20 19 18 WERACSuperstock Road Race Series 96/2 85 84/3 69 62/1 61 49 46 42 39 (After 7 of 8 rounds) 1. Bruce Baldus 2. T ripp Nobles Thomas Montano 4. Dale Kieffer 5. Andrew Milton 6. Ken Pruitt 7. Franklin Knight Bru ce Lind • 9. Davi d Stanton 10. Darryl Saylor 57 37 30 27 26 20 19 17 27

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