1992 Kawasaki street and dual.~.. :. . :os. .:. . :e
a wasaki recently ' introduced its
lineup of 1992 street and dualpurpose motorcycles .and, q uite
frank ly, there really isn ' t too m uch to
report. None of the 23 '92 street a nd
dual sport models are significantly
changed over the 1991 models, as most
of the changes are ,cosm etic only.
(Above) O nce again, the ZX-7R h ighlights Kawasaki's lineup of street sport
bikes. (Left) Like ma n y of Kawasaki's
'92 models, the KL650 du al-sport bike
features only cosmetic changes.
Kawasaki is stick ing with its fleet
o f th ree dual sport mach ines, the
KEIOO, KL 250 a nd 650. All th ese
mod els are u nc hanged.
Most o f the '92 Kawasak is should be
ava ila ble thi s mo nth, except for the
Voyager, Vul can 88 a nd Concours,
which should appear o n showro o m
£lo o rs in Novem ber. Most o f the
Ka wasak is have go ne up in price fro m
a n ywhe re between 50 and $150. Only
the KE 100 carries the same p rice tag
as in '91. Suggested retail prices fo r
th e '92 models are as follows: EN 500
$3849; EX500 $354 9; ZX- 6 $4749 ;
ZX600 $5649; Vu lcan 750 $4799; ZX7 $6999; ZX-7R $9449; Concours $7099;
ZX-II $8299; Voyag er $9299; Vulcan
1500$6699; KEIOO $1399; KL250$2999;
KL650 $4699; KDX200 $2999; KDX250 )
$3999; KX60 $ 1699; KX80 $2099; KX80
" Big Wh eel " $2249; KXI25 $3449;
KX250 $4199; KX500 $4199.
H ow ever , Kaw asaki is keeping one
model under wraps and won 't mak e
a n off icial a n nou ncem en t abo u t it
until next month, but reportedl y it 's
a model that Kawasaki had previou sly
dropped from its lineup a nd is now
bringing back.
Still highlighting Kawasak i's fleet
o f street bikes ar e th e ZX-7 a nd limited
ed it io n ZX-7R 750cc Ninj as. Bo th
mod els are basically unchan ged a nd
share sim ila r col or schem es of last
yea r's mod els.
Also return in g to th e sport a nd
spo rt/to uring ca tegory are th e ZX-6,
ZX600R and ZX-II Ninj as, th e EX500 ;
and th e ZG 1000 Concours,
As for Kawasaki's lineup of cruisers,
th e Vulcan 500, 750 and 'I500cc Vul can
88 will be ba ck, as will th e luxu ry
tourer ZG 1200 Voyager. ,
After making its deb ut in 1991, th e
. ZR750 Zephyr will return, but the
original Zephyr 550 will not. The only
other Kawasaki model that has been
discontinued is the Eliminator 250.
The 1500cc Vulcan 88 is Kawasaki 's
heavy-hitter in the cruiser ca tegory.