Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 10 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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back end swapped the other way and pitched me down the hill. " This gav e Cooper all the breathing room he needed to fin ish the last couple of laps and score the moto win ; Kiedrowski finished second just a few seconds later. . " I should 've passed him right away instead of waiting 10 see wh at wa s go ing to happen, " Kiedrowski said. " He (Cooper) was riding good, kind of squirrely, though, making it tough to get by." . Third p lace went 10 Suzuk i's Tallon Vohland, wh o started th e moto near 10th and quickly moved u p to fourth, where he stayed for most of the moto, It wasn't until the last few lap s that he started cha lle nging Lamson for th ird, and on th e last lap , he got by and relegated Lamson 10 fou rth. " This was my first race that I was 100% since inj uring " m y shoulder at Bingharnp ton," Lamson said. " I felt reall y good at the start, bu t my arms go t so p umped up it was hard to ride. I was tryin g to loosen . them up the who le moto ." Desp ite cras h ing in the first turn, an d o nce agai n a few la p s la ter, L aRocco n ever gave up a n d was rewarded with a fifth -p lace fin ish after passi ng Team Peak / Pro-Circi t/ H onda rider Brian Swin k on th e last la p. Huffman & Wright Logging/ Scott- . ba cked Butch Sm it h, from Society Hill, South Carol ina , cr ossed th e finish line in seventh after starti ng th e mota just o ut side the top 10. T eam Peak's J erem y McG rath, Yam aha's J eff Emig and DGY 's Doug Henry ro unded o ut the to p 10. Lamson o nce aga in roos ted into the early lead in th e second mo ta and led for 10 la ps before LaRocco, who started the mot a in seventh, stu ffed the H onda rid er in a tight turn. • " I felt really good, bu t I kn ew LaRocco was back there and co rning ," Lamson said. " But I go t h im back two laps la ter when he washe d out in a tur n." ' La Rocco quickl y climbed back on h is Suzu ki after he fell and repassed Lamson less th an a lap later. T his time, ho wever, LaR occo never looked backed a nd roos ted away fo r the moto win. H is 5-1 combination earned him second overa ll. While LaRocco and Lamson battled up fro nt, ano the r war was bein g waged for third between Cooper and Vohland. Voh la nd won that battle as Cooper, who at one point early in the race was ru nning second , dropped 10 fou rth. . "Lamson was rid ing really good," said Cooper. "I was running second at the ti me whenI caught this big ho le, go t completely sideways and almost threw it awa y. It caused me to ride real tigh t for a few laps, and that' s wh en La Rocco and Vohland pa ssed me ." After running fourth for mu ch of the race behind LaRocco, Lamson and Voh land, Cooper decided to ma ke one last auernpt to pass Vohland for third, but carne up a few inches short at the chec kered £lag. . "Tallon was goi ng good, he was hammeri ng me in the turns, " Cooper said. " O n the las t lap, we hi t so hard ! He swapped: I was corning in , and we j ust hi t each o ther. It was pretty nea t, but he go t me at the end." Yama ha- mounted H enry spent the entire mot o in fifth , wh ile former factor y Suzuki rider Erik Keh oe, riding an AXO / Pro-Circuit-backed H onda , was sixth . Seventh pl ace fin isher Emi g sum med up h is day: " I was so slow today, .I couldn 't even get o u t of my o wn way." Suzuki's Denny Stephen son, Swink and McGrath ro u nded ou t the top 10. Jeff Ward aced both 500cc motos, but will no longer carry the nurnber-one plate. Kiedrowski, who on ly had to finish in the top 20 in the second moto to clin ch th e ch ampionship, rode a conserva tive race and finished 12th . But early in the mota, his title hopes were nea rly crus hed. " On the firs t lap , my ignition started going o u t, just like it di d at Gainesville," Kiedrow ski said. " I tho ught, Oh no, it's- go t to last for 30 minutes! I just rode conservatively to save the bike and myself , and it paid of£. " 500 National Wh en the gate dr opped for the first 500cc Na tiona l mota , Kala s and his Nol een /Oakl ey/ CTi-back ed Kawasaki powered in to th e lead ahead of Stanton, Bayle and Ward. No t o nly did Kal os surprise everyo ne by grabbing th e holesh ot, he kn ocked everyo ne for a loop by actually pulli ng away from the trio of factory riders an d lead ing them for five laps. It wasn 't until the six th lap when Bayle, wh o had passed Stanton fo r second on the th ird lap , reeled in the priva teer and began pressuri ng him . Bayle soon found daylight an d shot pas t Kalos, bu t Kalos .. who was ba ttlin g the flu as well as the track, didn ' t give u p wi tho u t a ' fig h t, and he surprised the Frenchman by passing hi m back in the next turn . A few tu rn s lat er, thoug h, Bayle outbraked Kala s on a downhill and forced his way into the lead once a~ain . Kal os' problems, however, were far from ,over as Stanton and Ward closed in . A la p later, Sta nton sli pped by, and a lap aft er that Ward did th e same, relegating Kalos to fourth. By the halfway point, Bayle, Stanton, Ward and Kalas were fairl y spread out, an d it remained th at way until three la p s from th e fini sh w he n Stanton suddenly went do wn. " I ate it," said Stanton. " I' ve been doing a lot of that lat ely. I was actuall y feeling p rett y good and starti ng to ca tch Bayle a little bit wh en I carne' aro u n d thi s ri ght-hander o n the in side. I hi t a rut co rning o u t and highsided down a hill. Wh en I crash, I do it right. " Stanton got up slowly and was unhurt in the fall , but hi s Honda 's handleba rs were badly bent. He go t back up, hopped back o n his bik e but circulated the track slowly, eventually finishing 13th. Then, with j ust two laps 10 go, Bayle also bit the dirt. " I pi cked the wrong lin e and my bik e went sideways," Bayle said. As Bayle tried to restart h is Honda, Ward roosted by and into th e lead. Ward went o n to winrhe mota ahead of Bayle, Kalos and Brads haw, who ' started the mota near the back of th e pack when he cras hed o n the first lap. " A guy fell in front of me and I h it his bike an d went over the bars," said Privateer Shaun Kalos (far right) led the start of both 500cc motos; he went 3-8. Bradshaw. " My clu tch lever was bent and I had to fix that. I got going, rod e good and just kept plugging aw ay." Tuf Racing's Ron Lechien was seventh, ahead of privateer s Kurt McMi llen, Ra y Sommo and Torn Carson. Kalas proved that his firs t-moto performance was no £I uke as he once again ja m med to the fro n t of the pack a t the start o f the second moto, However, Kalos' lead only lasted two laps befo re Ward blew by, as did Brad shaw, Sta nton an d Bayle in quick successio n. Soon after, Kalas dropped back even further, eventually finishing eig hth. . " I felt good ri ding today, bu t I' m j us t sick," said Kalas. "I just couldn 't ri de that good at the end of the motos. I know my speed was there, I was ru nn ing away . I tried to do my best, but there was n't m uch I co uld do . " In the second mo to, I was really dizzy and I felt like p ulling off, ins tead, I just rode it out," Kala s added. O nce o ut 'in fro nt , Ward took fu ll control, a l though Bradsha w gave chase for a whi le befor e he crashed, handing second to Sta nton. Cruising alo ng in fourth was Bayle, who knew that all he had to do was finis h ni nth and the championship wou ld be his. Dro pping out early in the rno to was Yamaha's Doug Dubach , who finished fifth in the first moto. "In the firs t turn, our new m ultitime cham pion (Bayle) carne in o n me and hit me," said Dubach. " H is footpeg slammed into my front wheel and broke a bunch of spokes." Meanwhile, Ward ended up scoring his second win of the day, finish ing approximat ely IO seconds ahead of Stanton , with Bradshaw fini shing third , about 30 seconds behind Stanton. " O nce I go t out in front , I was riding pretty smooth and started pulling away," said Ward. " Bradsha w was behind me for a wh ile, putting on th e pres sure, bu t he disappear ed. 1. go t abou t 20 seconds on Stanton, th en he started clo sing in, so I p icked it back up a little a t the end." Bayle ba cked off the throttle even more, eventua lly finishin g th e mota in a safe fifth, a few seconds behind Tuf Racing's T odd DeHoop. Rounding o ut th e to p 10 were Fisher, McMillen , CN Kalas, Somma and Lechi en . Resu lts . 125 MOTO I: I. Guy Coo per (SUI); 2. Mike Kiedrow ski (Kaw); 3. Ta llo n VohJand (Suz); 4. Steve La mso n (Han ); 5. Mike La Rocco (Suz); 6. Brian Swink (Han ); 7. Butch Sm ith (Suz); 8. J erem y McGr ath (Hon): 9. Jell Emig (Ya m ); 10. Dou g H enry (Yam) ; I I. Erik Kehoe (Hon): 12. Denny Stephen son (Sur ): 13. J erom y Buehl (Han ); 14. 8a rry Ca rsten (SUI): 15. Scott Sheek (Ka w): 16. Pa l Bart on (SUI) : 17. Scott Carte r (SUI ); 18. Chad Pederson (Ya m): 19. Cliff Pa lmer (Suz); 20. Will iam Deielak (Han); 21. Tim Ferry (Kaw ); 22. T o ny Grav es (Han) ; 23. J oe l Alb rech t (Ya m) ; 24. j eff Deme n t (Suz); 25. Steve Childress (SUI) : 26. Jerf Cu rry (SUI); 27. Bill y Schlag (Kaw); 28. Buddy Antunez (Ya m ); 29. Bria n Rot h (Kaw); 30. Rick Weu el (Hon): 3 1. Mi ke T readwell (SUI): 32. T ed D'Onolrio (Hon) ; 33. Brad Loc khart (Suz); 34. Brian Aus tin (Suz); 35. Daniel J an ette (Suz); 36. Chris Co lema n (Kaw ): 37. James Eickel (SUI); 38. J oh n Ki tsch (SUI ); 39. Larry Ward (SUI ): 40. Chri s Neal (SUI ). Time: 36 minu tes, 56 seconds 125 MOTO 2: 1. Mike LaRocco; 2. Steve La mso n ; 3. T allon Voha nd; 4. Guy Coo per; 5. Doug Henry; 6. Erik Keh oe: 7. J eH Em ig; 8. Denny Stephenson; 9. Brian Swink; 10. Je remy McGr ath: 11. Buddy Antunez; 12. Mik e Kiedrowski ; 13. Larry Ward : 14. e li£( Palmer ; 15. Barry Cars ten ; 16. Chad Pederson ; 17. j eromy Buehl; 18. Butch Smith; 19. Mik e Treadwell : 20. J oel Albr echt : 21. Daniel Jan ne tte; 22. Wil.l iam Dzielak: 23. Jell Dement: 24. Pat Barton; 25. Steve Chi ldress; 26. Scott Caner ; 27. Brian Rot h; 28. Sco tt Sheak: 29. Jell Curry; 30. Brad Lockhart: 31. Ted D'O nofrio; 32. John Kitsch : 33. J a mes Eickek 34. Tim Ferry ; 35. Bill y Schlag: 36. Rick w erzel: 37. Bria n Austin; 38. Chris Colema n; 39. Tony Graves; 40. Chris Neal. T ime: 35:45.00 125 0 / A: I. Guy Cooper (SUI); 2. Mike LaRocco (Suz); .5. Steve Lamson (Han ); 4. T allon Vohland (SUI ): 5. Mike Kiedrowski (Kaw); 6. Do ug Henry (Yam) ; 7. Brian Swi nk (H e n): 8. J ell Emig (Yam): 9. Erik Kehoe (Ho n); 10. Jeremy McG ra th (Hen ): 11. Denny Stephenson (Suz); 12. Butch Smith (Suz); 13. Barry Carsten (SUI ); 14. J ero m y Bueh l (H on ); 15. Budd y An tunez (Yam ): 16. Clill Palm er (SUI ): 17. Larry Ward (SUI); 18. Chad Pederson (Ya m); 19. Scott Sheak (Kaw ): 20. Pa t Barto n (SUl) . NATI ONAL CHAMPIONSHIP 125 MX SERI ES FINAL STANDINGS: I. Mi ke Kiedrowski (499) 3 wins; 2. Guy Cooper (483) 5 wins; 3. Jeff Emig (381); 4. Brian Swmk,(366) 1 win : 5. Jerem y McGra th (349): 6. Steve Lamson (317); 7. Doug H enry (286) I win : ) 8. Denny Stephenson (214-: 9. (T IE) Budd y Antunez/ Erik Keh oe (195); II. Tallon Vohl and (205): 12. Mik e La Rocco (185) 2 wi ns; 13. T yson Vohland (178); 14. Larry Ward (145) I win: 15. Barry Carsten (134): 16. Jeromy Bueh l (112): 17. J immy Ga dd is (101): 18. (T IE) J im m y Butt on /Butch Sm ith (85): 20. David Beckington (75). 500 MOTO t : I. J ell Ward (Kaw): 2. J e-an-Michel Bayle (Han) ; 3. Shaun Kalos (Kaw ); 4. Mike Fisher (KT M); 5. Doug Dubach (Ya m ); 6. Damon Bradsha w (Ya m ): 7. Ro n Lechien (Kaw); 8. Kurt McMillen (Ho n) ; 9. Ray So mmo( Kaw): 10. T om Carson (Kaw); II. Todd DeH oop (Kaw); 12. Brian Cartoll (H on ): 13. J ell Stanton (H o n): 14. Rich T aylor (Hon): 15. Keith J oh nson (KTM): 16. Keith Bowen (KTM): 17. Brian Stratton (Yam ); 18. James Kapi tan {Ka w) : 19. Mike Hamden (KT M); 20. Mik e Roth (H o n): 21. Carl Vaill an court (H on ): 22. Bill Wallin (Ho n); 23. Fred Andrews (Ka w); 24. Lance Sm ai l (Kaw); 25. Kip Sand ell (Yam) ; 26. Ro y Sebas tia n (H a n); 27. Earl May (Hon]: 28. Randy McCan n (Kaw ): 29. Philip Carlin (Ho n); 30. J ell G lass (Ho n ): 3 1. Brian Austin (Kaw); 32. Mikel Larson (H a n); 33. La nce Euba nk (Kaw ); 34. Mike Moor e (Kaw): 35. Eric Sa nds tro m (Han); 36. J ason Buule (H a n ); 37. Tom Co le (Raw ); 38. Davi Ant on ucci (Han ); 39. Dag Boyesen (Ka w): 40. Gene Na umec (Kaw ). T ime: 36:06.00 . . 500 MOTO 2: I. Je lf War d: 2. J ell Sta nto n: 3. Damon Bradshaw; 4. Todd DeH oop; 5. jean -Mich el Barle; 6. Mike Fisher; 7. Kurt McMillen ; 8. Shaun Ka a s; 9. Ra y Somma; 10. Ron Lechien : II. Fred Andrews; 12. Tom Carso n; U . Car l Vaill an court;" 14. Bri an Stratton ; 15. Earl May; 16. Kip' Sandell ; 17. Rich T a ylo r; 18. Keith Joh nson.; 19. s.n Wa llin ; 20. J am es Kapi tan: 21. Phi lip Ca rlin ; 22. Ro y Seba stian; 23. Bria n Austin ; 24. Mike Roth; 25. Eric Sa ndstro m; 26. Mik e Harnden ; 27. Brian Carro ll ; 28. T om Co le: 29; Mike Moor e; 30. J elf G lass; 31. Dag Boyesen : 32. Randy McCann; 33. Lan ce Smai l; 34. Dou g Dub ach ; 35. Gene Na umec: 36. La nce Eubank; 37. Mikel Larson ; 38. Keith Bowen ; 39. J ason Buule (Han ); 40. David Ant onucci. Time: 35:53.00 500 O/A: 1. J ell Ward (Kaw ): 2. J ean -Michel Bayle (Hen): 3. Dam on Bradshaw .f'f am ): 1. Mike Fish er (KT M); 5. Shaun Kales (Kaw): 6. J ell Stan ton (Hon ); 7. Todd DeH oOp (Ka w); 8. Kurt McMill en (Han ); 9. Ron Lechien (Kaw); 10. Ra y So mmo (Kaw); I t. T om Carson (Kaw ): 12. Dou g Dubach (Yam); 13. Brian Stra tton (Yam) ; 14. Rich Taylor (H a n); 15. Fred Andr ews (Kaw); 16. Keith J ohnson (KT M); 17. Brian Ca rroll (Hon); 18. Car l Vailla ncou rt (Hon); 19. Earl May (H on ); 20. Kip Sandell (Yam ). NAT IONA L CHAM PtONSHIP 500 MX SER IES FIN AL STANDINGS: 1. J ean -Michel Bayle (273) 3 win s; 2. J eH Ward (264) .3 win s; 3. JeH Stanton (236); 4. Dam on Bradshaw (2 13); 5. Ro n Lechi en (157): 6. Ge ne Naumec ( 119); 7. Ray Sommo (107); 8. Keith Bowen ( 102); 9. Shaun Kalos (99): 10. Fred Andr ews (95): I I. Todd DeH oop (90); 12. Doug Dub ach (88): 13. Mik e Fish er (76): 14. Kip Sandell (7 1); 15. Rich T ay lor (64); 16. Keith Jo hns on (63); 17. Tom Carson (53); 18. Lance: Smai l (52); 19. Dag Boyesen (50): 20. Brian Carro ll (36). 11

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