Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 10 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"This was like a nightmare," said Carr. ''I'm lu cky to have been able to finish fourth . I'll just hav e to really perform a t the last race, won't I?" Farris cros sed the fin ish line in fifth , wh ile Pegram snuck past Ingram on the last lap to cla im sixth . " It was mean and ro ug h o u t th ere, and o n ly th e tough surv ived," joked Pegram. ''I' m happy wh ere I fini shed, it 's better than crash ing !" In his first- ever National main event, Yamam oto posted a ninth-place finish a nd perhaps su m med up th e eveni ng best. " I thought the bike was gonna break in half, it was so rough," said Yama moto. " 1 thought this g reasy old motorcycle race was never gonna end." CN ~ m ,.....; O"J O"J ,.....; ~ so ,.....; l-< V c:::».... TIME T RIALS: I. Oeo rge Roed er II (29.920); 2. Kevin Atherton (29.975); 5. SCOII Pa rker (50.044); 4. Ricky Gra ham (50.151): 5. Chris Carr (50. 194); 6. Larry Peg ra m (50.526); 7. Mik e Hal e (50.529); 8'-Jay Springsteen (50.553): 9. Will Davis (30.396): 10. Steve Morehead (50.174); I I. T er ry Poovey (50.489): 12. Rod ney Farr is (50.195); 15. Bill y Herndo n (50.577); 14. Chris Eva ns (30.6.' 2); 15. Ronnie Jones (30.705); 16. Dave Camlin (50.714); 17. Dan Ingram (30.8 18); 18. J oe Kopp (30.841): 19. And y T resser (50.982); 20. Don Wil son (5 1.049); 21. Aaro n Hill (51.154); 23. Kris Kiser (3 1.175): 24. Da ve Durell e (5 1.179): 25. ScOIl Stum p (31.188); 26. Sal Hollman (3 1.500); 27. Ch a nce Darli ng (51.329): 28. Steve Beattie (51.382); 29. Ia n Segedy (51.456): 50. Don Estep (51.448): 31. Ro nald Yam amo to (31.505); 32. Mike lnd erbitzen (5J.S79); 35. Pete Ha nes (5 1.810): 54. Keith Day (51.854); 55. Da n McDon nell (Sl. 88S); 56. Scou Buchan (31.935): 57. Rex Fisher (52.025); 38. SICve Ra smu ssen (52.036); 59. Speedy Kell (3 1.283); 40. CUrt Rehmert (52.278). HEAT I: I. George Roeder II (H · D); 2. Mike H ale (H · D); 5. Rod ney Farr is (H· D): 4. Larry Pegram (H a n); 5. Bi1ly H ern do n {Hon ): 6. Do n Estep (H - ;" U " ~c:::» 0 """"'1E1E~ T EL ' E V I R esults ..0 0 ..... /" 's ION ~ ,~ Get ready SUPERCROSS FANS, it's the '" H ISTORY OF SUPERCROSS~ ~ . Debuting on Prime Ticket '" : I • f Every THURSDAY Beginning OCTOBER 3, 1991, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. for 26 consecutive weeks. Available on west coast only, tune in and every week you'll see the -t . GREATEST SUPERCROSS RACERS THATEVER LlVEDl ---- D ); 7. R on Yamamot o (H -O ); 8. Scott St u mp (H a n) ; 9. Joe Kopp (H· D); 10. And y Tresser (Ho n); II. Sco u Buchan (H- D): 12. Ro b Damro n (Duc ); 13. Davey Durelle (H ·D ); 14. Rex Fisher (H -D). T ime: .5 minu tes, 6.632 seconds. HEAT 2: I. Kevin Athert on (H · D); 2. Ch ris Carr (H -D); 3. Da n In gr am (Han) ; 4. Terry Poovey (H o n) ; 5. Chris Evan s (H on ); 6. J ay Springsteen (H -D); 7. Don Wiho n (Hnn ); 8. Mik e In de rbitzen (H -D); 9. Ia n Seged v (H·D ); 10. Kris Kiser (H on); It. Steve Rasmussen (H-D ); 12. Ant hony Donahue- (H -D ); 13. Sal Holl man (H· D); 14. Dan McDon nell (H· D). Time: 5:06.497. HEAT 3: 1. Sco tt Parker (H · O): 2. Steve Moreh ead ' f;I· O); .,. Ro nn ie J o nes (Ho n) ; 4. Will Davi s (H '0 ): 5. Sp e-e-d y Kell (H · D): 6. Steve Bean ie (H · D): 7. Chance OarJII1K (H· D): 8. Pete H a ines (H· D); 9. Curt R eh m er t (H· D) : 10. Rid y Gra ham (li o n ); 11. Aaro n Hill (H- D); 12. Dave Ca mlin (H -D); 13. Keit h Da y (H on ); 14. Bob McDonnell (H·D ). Time: (No tim e d ue to resta rt. } SEM ll: I. Billy Herndon: 2. Steve Beat tie; 3. Ron Yamamoto; 4. Aa ron H ill; 5. Sco tt Buchan ; 6. J oe Kopp: 7. Mike Ind erb itzeu : 8. C Url Rehmert : 9. T erry Poovey; 10. Will Davis: It . Kris Kiser; 12. Ja y Sp rings teen . Time: 5:12.588. SEMI 2: I. Larry Pegr am: 2. Don Estep; 3. Chance Darl ing ; 4. Chris Evans: 5. R icky Graha m; 6. Andy Tresser: 7. ScOIl Slu mp ; 8. Pet e H an es: 9. Steve Rasmussen: 10. Ian Segedv : I I. Don Wil son ; 12. Speed y Kell . Time (No time'd ue to restart .) 2O-LAP NATIONAL: I. Kevin Ath erton (H· D); 2. ScOIl Park er (H -D); 3. Ste-ve Morehead (H -D); 1. Chr is Ca rr (H· D); 5. Rod ney Farris (H· D); 6. La rry Pegram (He n ): 7. Dan Ingra m (H on ); 8. Bill y H ernd on (Han); 9. Ro n Ya mam oto (H · D); 10. Chance da rl ing (H· D): II. Geo rge Roeder (H · D); 12. Mike H ale (H · D}; 13. Ronnie- J on e-s (Hon); H . Steve Beatt ie (H· D): 15. Don Estep (H · D). AMA CAMEL PRO SE RIES POllio. STAND1NGs ( A ft~r l~ or 16 um15): 1. SeOI( Parker (209) (6 win s); 2. Ch ris Ca rr (205) (S win s); 3. Ro nn ie J o ne-s (167) (3 w in s); 4. Kev in Ath ert on ( J32) ( I wi n ): 5. Larry Pegra m (II I ) (I wi n); 6. Steve Mo rehead (104); 7. Rodney Farris (97); 8. Dave Durelle (92); 9. Ricky Graham (90) ( I win ); 10. Mike Ha le (70); II. Will Davis (67); 12. (T IE) Billy Herndo n/Terry Poovey (6 1); 14. J ay Springst een (46); 15. Dan In gram (40); 16. Keilh Da y (28); J7. G eorge Roeder n {J RiCk JOhnSOn / Mike Sell '30'0'(\'lPf\~n Broc Glover, Jeff Ward and many, man y more! On Two Wheels presented by: ..p.NTII I=! TICKET Hosted by Larry Huffman and you r local ----- - --- - - - - - - - - $ SUZUKI pro -level RM dealers ---- --- - - - - - - --- - - On Two Wheels Television Now"Avaiiable on Video Cassette 26 60- minute videotapes fo r only $7.6gea plus postage. You save $448.76 off the regularly advertised price of 24,95 ea There are 26 vid eoc assett es documenting the history of Supe rcross from 1975-1988 in individual 60- min. prog rams only $199.94 plus $30-.This offer is good only through December 31, 1991. Give the gift of video . Order by phone - All major credit cards accepted. Call 714- 499-6200 or send checks and money orders to "On Two Wheels," P.O. Box 950 1, South Lagun a, CA 92677, NO COD 's accepted . Call 714-499-6200 for a co mp lete list of Supe rcross programs. (26); 18. Ru sty Rog ers (22); 19. (TIE) Aaro n H ill / Ga rt h Brow /Rich Kin g ( 17). Time: (No lime due to resta n .) JR HEAT I: I. Allon Mcll<-e (H · D); 2. JeH Eklu nd (H· D); 3. Ricky Smi th (W· R); 4. Paul Polhemu s (W· R); 5. Mark Smi th (H · D): 6. Ji mmy Sanchez (W· R ); 7. Eric Green (H· D): 8. Btlly Gonzalez (H · D); 9. Wood y Rogers (W· R); 10. j ames Kesler (H·D); I I. j oseph Pi neda (H ·D ). Time: 5:14.421. JR HEAT 2: I. Cory Perr au lt (H· D): 2. j am es H art (W· R); 3. Lar ry Da vis (H· D): 4. Jef f Ann en (H · D);5 . J ai me Agu ilar( W· R); 6. Ron Brown (Yam); 7. Dan Argano (W· R): 8. Steve H yson (Yam): 9. HP Myatt (H · D): 10. Stan Morris (W· R). Time: 5:14.519. . JR HEA T 5: I. Mike Dill on (W· R); 2. Tory Bostrum (H · D); 3. Steve May field (W· R); 4. Rob ert Land (KT M): 5. J oe Winston (H · D); 6. Steve Liberty (H · D); 7. Ben Bostrom (H ·D ): 8. Ti m Selby (W· R); 9. J oe Carrera (W· R); 10. Kevin Bricker (Ho n). Ti me: 3:21.444. JR MAIN : I. Mike Dill on (W-R); 2. J eff Ann en (H · D); 3.SI<,·e Mayfield (W· R); 4. Jelf Eklund (H · D ): 5. j am es Hart (W· R ); 6. Ro ber t Laud (KT M); 7. La rry Davis (H · D); 8. Ricky Smith (W· R); 9. Pa ul Polhemus (W· R); 10. Cory Perrault (H · D); II. Allo n McBee (H·D); 12. J eH Rostr um (H e n). Time: (No lim e d ue to restart. ) 21

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