Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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eROAD RACE e AMA Circle Bell Pro Twins GPI and GP2 Series: Round 7 GP2: 1. Robert Meister (Ha n); 2. Ron ald McGill (Ho n ); 3. Step hen Mathews (Duc); 4. Scott Williams (Due) 5. Paul Orlandi (Due); 6. Doug Phillip s (H on): 7. Cha rles Burn ett (Hon ); 8. Micha el Reill y (Hon); 9. Kevin Stasny (Due); 10. Kiyo w atan abe (Hon ). T ime: 29 mi n. , 0.241 sec. Distance; 23 laps, 41.4 miles. Average SP«d: 85.643 mp h. Margi n o{V ictory: 11. 192 sec. GPI C'SHtP POINT ST ANDINGS: L Pahlo Real (102) 2 wins; 2. J im my Ada mo (88) I win; 3. Warre n Ellioll (75); 4. NiR"1 Ga le (68); 5. Greg Kop p (58); 6. Dou g Po len (47) 2 win s; 7. Pascal P icotte (46) 2 wins; 8. Kurt Liebma n n (43); 9. (T IE) Michae l Kraft/Devin Ba ttley (26). GP2 CSHIP POINT STANDINGS: I. Step hen Ma th ews, (107) 3 wins; 2. Robert Meister (91) 2 wi ns; 3. ScOIlWilli a ms (78); 4. Ronald McGill (73); 5. Kiyo watanabe (65) I win ; 6. Dou g Phillips (48); 7. Pete Jo hnso n (32); 8. Kenn et h Paulson (26); 9. Pa ul Or la nd i (24); 10. Paul Kelly (23). AMA/CCS Ha rley-Davidson Twin Sport Series: Round 9 Zampach edges Nobles By Bren t Plummer COLLEGE STATION,IX, OCT. 6 co tt Zam pach combined hi s formidable experience with the un mat ch ed po we r of h is Ti lley H a r ley David son to nab first place Harl eyDavidso n Twin Sports hon ors a t Texas World Speedway. Q ui te sim ilar to the previous round in Tope ka, Tripp N obl es fo u g h t Zampach to the very end. Nobles led off th e lin e with n umber two plate d Nigel Gal e in secon d, Zampach in third, a nd Randy Texter fourt h. Zampach dispat ched Ga le at the begi nning of th e second lap wit h a daring tu rn o ne pass . From th ere, Nobles a nd Zampach distanced themselves fro m Gale - wh o pr oceeded to run a lonely, solitary race in third, his finishin g position - an d Texter, who entered a nd eventuall y lost a d ice for fourth to J im Leslie. T he leading du et began a frigh ten ing series of drafting, passing, a nd stu ffing ; thou gh on the las t lap , it beca m e apparent that Zampach had th e edge. Zam pa ch drafted Nobl es across the sta rt/finish lin e to take the white flag, a nd wou ld not re linquish the lead at a ny time durin g the last lap, ta king th e checkered flag by a few feet over Nobl es. After th e race, while sitting on a coo ler in h is pi ts Nobl es loo ked up at his Bartel 's Har ley, frowned, and said: " It is amazing how Tilley can get so much horsepo wer a nd still be legal. It almo st makes you ride on the ra ged edge trying to stay with him (Zam pach)." Indeed, No bles was getti ng a bit sidewa ys th rou ghou t the event, bu t so was Zam pach - who echoe d T ripp's sentime nts almost exactly: " It is almos t i m poss ible to ge t away from T rip p, he is a n excellen t rider and wants to win as badl y as I do. " When pressed ab out his recent wi n streak, Zam pach added: " I reall y think my experience - and extra year s o f roa d racin g over what he ha s - helped me ou t. I feel like I have the up per hand in planning a race stra tegy for th e last few la ps, th ough (Trip p ) probab ly feels the same way." Mich ael Kraft, Richard Koehler. Ch uck Blackm on, Nancy Delgado and Brock Biffart ro u nded ou t the top S Rob ert Meister (2) m oved'past Pablo Rea l (29) to ta ke th e overa ll wi n in the Pro T wins class a t Texas World Speedway. "Dr. Bob" Meister became the first rider to win a Pro Twins overall on a GP2 bike. Meister makes history with Texas Twins win By H enny Ray Ab rams COLLEGESTA TION, IX, OCT. 6 wo Br o th ers R acin g ' s Robert Meister m ad e history at T exas World Speedway, becoming th e first G P -2 rider to tak e th e o verall win in Circle Bell Pro T wins co m petitio n. Bu t he d id get a little he lp fro m the m isfortun e a n d ab sen ce of other rid ers. Fast by Ferraci 's Doug Polen was o ff a t a World Superbike race in Italy. G iaCaMoto's Jimmy Adamo threatened early on to make it a runaway, pulling a wa y at about th ree seconds a lap a nd leading by close to 20 seconds when he dropped ou t with electrica l . trouble on th e eigh th lap . And Fast by Ferraci 's Pascal Pi ccotte dropped ou t on th e second lap with clutch trouble. Still, Meister's win was impressive, beati ng G ia CaMoto /Team L eon ibacked G P-I rider Pablo Real across the line by 11.192 seconds at the end T 16 of th e 23- lap , 4 1.4-mile race. H e averaged 85.643 m ph for th e race. " I won m y class at T opeka a nd was second overa ll. That's what motivat ed m e to win overall," th e Honda 700mou nted Meister said. "This is a fair ly tight track and I was down o n power on the straights to the Du cati 888s. They p ulled m e there and in the infield I was faster tha n th ey were." Second in th e GP-I class was Bart el' s H -D's Nigel G ale wi th Greg Kopp th ird on a Marketro n /Pocket Savers Plus of Hawaii-backed Du cat i 888. Ronald McGill was second in the G P-2 class, fourth overall on a Honda 700 backed by Revo Su nglasses, Northgate Honda, and Daily Juice. T h ird G P·I and sixth overa ll was Step he n Mathews o n a Fas t by Ferracci Ducati 750. The race began with Adamo in th e lead 'and p ulling away. Desp ite hitting traffi c o n the fourth lap, Adamo was on hi s way to th e winner's circle wh en he was for ced to p it. "The reg ulator ca me unpl ugged and th e battery went dead, " Adamo sa id. "It p robably happened on the first or second lap and it will on ly ru n a couple of laps lik e that. We put another ba ttery in and went back out. " Because there were on ly 10 G P·I en tries, Adamo was able to fini sh seventh, II laps behind the wi n ner. When Adamo retired, Real took the lead ahead of Meister, Fabian Cortez on -the seco nd GiaCaMoto Du cat i, G ale, and McG ill. Meister forged to the front on the 10th lap and immediat ely began to pull away. "They were goi ng too easy goi ng into turn one a nd I co uld keep on the gas," Meister said. By th e 16th lap he had close to a 12-second lead, Real was still in second and the lead wo uld prett y much stay th a t margin to th e end. " I kn ew it's no t over till it's over and I wanted it bad. I kn ew on a tight track lik e th is I cou ld win overall ," Meister said. . Real began to get a Iittl e breathing space near th e end aft er breaking fro m Gal e a nd the persisten t McGill and took second overa ll , 'first in class . " It was a rea lly stra tegic race because so ma ny bikes were break ing do wn . No one was pushing m e fro m behind," he said. Asked how he felt abo ut fini sh in g behind a GP-2 bik e he said: "I was worri ed abou t GP· I , not GP-2. I let th em go ." Cortez was forced to drop ou t wh en his shifter fell off on th e 10th lap. H e was th ird overa ll , second in cla ss at th e tim e a hea d o f Nigel Ga le a nd Ronald McGill. McGill stuck with Gale th ro ugh th e infi eld, but would lose ground on th e stra ig ht every lap. On th e last lap he tried to dri ve past Gale out of left-hand turn eigh t a nd nearly pulled it off before Gal e sh u t the door o n him in th e next left. H e would settle for second in class, fourth overa ll. Third in both classes, G P -I 's Kopp a nd GP-2's Mathews, were by th em selves a t the en9,. CN 10. c:N Resul ts TWIN SPO RT : I. Scott Zampach (H·D); 2. Tripp Nobles (H ·D); 3. Nigel Gale (H-D); 4. Ja mes Leslie (H· D); 5. Ra nd y Texter (H ·D); 6. Michael Kraft (H D); 7. Richard Koehl er (H -D); 8. Chu ck Blackmon (H·D); 9. Nan cy Delgado (H ·D); 10. Brock Biffar l (H- D). Time: 18 m in .• 4.598 sec. Di'lance: ~ s, 25.2 miles. 4 la Average S Results GP I: I. Pab lo Rea l (Due); 2. Ni gel Ga le (H ·D); 3. Greg Kop p (Due); 4. Michael Kraft (H·D); 5. Rob Tuluie (Nor); 6. Brock Bill ort (H·D): 7. J ames Ada mo (Duc); 8. Fabi an Co rtez {Due): 9. Mark Cruz (Due); 10. Pascal Picoue (Due). Margin 0 : 83.644 mph. Victory:.760 sec. . C'SHI P POINT ST ANDINGS: L Scott Zampach (166) 5 wins; 2. Trip p Nobles (162) 3 win s; 3. Nigel Gale (I); 4. Ran dy T exter (93); 5. Richard Koeh ler (67); 6. Michael Kraft (55); 7. Andy Fenwick (48); 8. Chuck Blackmon (39); 9. Darrell Jones (34); 10. Shawn H igbee (29).