Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Diel used (1-2) fin ishes to wi n o ver Posey and
Resul ts
50 MO D: I. K~i n Lundell: 2. J ohn veagle.
50 STK : L Jimmy Ndson: 2. Brando n Paice: 3. Brock
60 A: I . &In AbbolL
60 B; I. Adam MinC'f 2. JOIh Mayn; 3. Brandon Cmtin i.
RO SOY 7-11: 1. Doug Robms; 2. Brand on Cmtini; 3.
Jon D i~1.
80 SOY 12·16: I.
Lords ; 2. Brian Lunddl: 3. J3 $OO
80 EX: I. Jnc-my Did : 2. DUMin Headmen : 3. Kipp P~.
80 AM: I. Ryk" Smi lh ; 2. J;lcob Clark ; 3. David Anderson.
125 NOV A: I. Jim Krolndrndon k; 2. Chris Young; .5. John
125 NOV B: I. Kipp Pow-y 2. Bryan Walkn-; 3. Todd
~ M:
I. Ru » AntinIOn ; 2. Shawn
Qu.~l :
3. Ndwn
125 EX PRO-AM : I. M.ulo POIinl : 2. Co rky Maugh.m :
S. M:. u ghan.
250 SOY A: I. Brya n Wa lk": 2. DOli Simmons; 3. SIne
!50 =,"OV B: I. Ale x l...oKrC'n : 2. Lamar Ra!lomu"",: 3. Bn a n
Richa rdt .
250 AM: 1. g oben T all : 2. Coi l!' Wallwork ; 3. Bill Phd pl'i
250 EX P RO · AM: I. Brad fr..mpum; 2. Br;td Bohon; 3.
Marlo Pa inter.
O PEN NOV : I. Or nn y D;mil"'h 2. Nr-iJ Hnf(un; 3. Robi n
O PEN AM: I . ROOtt Taft.
O PEN EX; J. Scott N ie tson.
O VER 30 AM; I. G.".y Ndf,
O\.'E R 30 NOV : I. Dou g Slade ; 2. Robert Lootdn : 3. JMt'm y
OVE R 30 EX : l. Ra nd y Yal -=s.
O VER ~ NOV ; 1. Craig Slama; 2. Nirh. Bigl-=r; 3. Brork
Ju dd.
O V E R~EX : I. See n Ni-=lson; 2. T racy HiIl; 3. Sam T aylor.
O VER 25 AM: I. Steve L u n dgreee : 2. Sco tt H an sen .
Summers sizzles at Mid-South HS
By Barry Riggsbe e
Scott Summers rode to 3 co nvi ncing win a t
th e lirst ro und 01 th e Mid -South Win ter H are
Scram b les Se ri es. Du sty co nd i tio ns a nd
tem peratures in th e Mid-90s made lor a tou gh
two- ho ur event, sponsored by Don Thava
Facto ry Wor ks.
Former Na tio nal Enduro Champio n Terry
Cun ni ngham, had a liv e seco nd lead o ver th e
Ameri can Honda/Ho nda li ne/ O akleY/PJ 1/
Brid gesto ne/ White Brothers/ Sproc ket SpecialistslTs uba ki /Ca mei bac k/ Fredeue Rae·
ing/ Ma ier/crilBlooming tOn Ho nda / Arail
Po wer Mist-backed Summers th rou gh the
grass trac k o n la p o ne. Cunni ngha m mai n·
tai ned the lront position un til lap three, where
Su mmers sn uc k by o n an uph ill that became
liuered with lap ped riders. From thai poi nt
o n, Sum mers th u mped his way to a n uncon·
:'Sled win . Followmg Summers ho me with
an imp ressive rid e from last at the .start. 10
second , was Chris Caplinger. Kerry Wisdom,
Jason Sides and Bryan Adam s rou nded oul
the lOp five.
Seou Man in tOpped lh e Open A clas s
aboard an ATK 406. In the past several years,
the Open A and 250cc A classes were co mbin ed. Sha d Rickeu s won lhe newly lormed
250cc A class a nd Chad Froma n scored the
200cc A class win. Ron nie H ackett a nd j erry
Cas tlema n wo n the Sen ior B and 200cc n
classes , respectively.
O /A : I. Sro n Summ('fS (I-I ); 2. Chri~ Cap lingtt (ATK );
3. KMry WiKio m (KT M); 4. J.uon Sidt's IHo n ); 5. Bry;"n
Ada m. 1KT M).
O PEN A: 1. 5l"Oll M.u l i" (AT K); 2. RogtT Mayes (ATK ):
3. J;' ffi Grrom~ KT M ); -t. Ma,k HOf>lMck (Yam ); 5. J ack Bailt"y
250 A: I. Shad Rid u"lu (Kaw); 2. Neal R.ilggnl (K.ilw); 3.
J;,n Mood y (S UI) : 4. W..dr P-=rry (SUI); 5. Robnl. PallttlOn
(H un ).
200 A: 1. O'l ..d Frum.." ( KT M); 2. Oa n Hamm ock (Kilw);
3. Andy Shdfirld ( Ka w ); 4. Knotn 8 r:.lndon (Kawl; 5. Gm~
Thurman (Yam).
SR A: I. T om Sull ivan (S til i; 2. Gary Merrill (Suz).
VET A: 1. Ricky Mill" (Yam); 2. OtarliC' Gillxn (KT M):
s.Gary Coprbnd (KT M);-t. KrnJoy("('( Yam l: 5. T-=rryCoopn
OPEN 8 : 1. ~rk Jrnnrur (H nn ); 2. R u u S~nky (KTM );
3. O1ip Stt'rn t'nbnl!{ (H {HI) : 4. Eldrid~ Sirnfidd (KT M): 5.
D:al-= Slcippn (KTMJ.
~ B: I. Billy WilI Wn s (Hun ); 2. Cody Mn wri l (Kaw);
3. Rick Sim, (ATK };4. Car, Hor tun (Kaw); 5. Mikr Anlhony
200 B; I. JttT) u,tI""",n (K<. w); 2. SIt'W" Gordon (;
3. Ti m Cot hron (Kaw); 4. John Gordon (Kaw); 5. Rick Wh itr
(K.a w).
I ~ ~: 1. Will u m Soon (Ha n); 2. Ronni-= Ladd (Kaw);
3. Wilha m Bmnt'll (Han ): 4. Oint RnbinK)n (Y..m); 5. Ht'alh
Sro ll (Hon ).
SR .8 : l. Ronn i-= H,.ck-=u (SUI): 2. Pal Freiburgtt (Ha n);
3. Omd. Rhot:rn (Hon l; 4. C-=orKf' Bailt')" (Ha n ); 5. VM g I ~
Young (Hon ).
\'ET B: I. TnT)' Omny (SUI); 2. T om Krag (Hon): 3. Billy
Hall (Ya m); 4. Bryon Cannon (Kaw); 5. Rid Sht'!1 (Y.; a m).
HITR: I. Mlkr Slimon (Y.; a m): 2. Dud Crai g (Ha n); ! .
Ph il Cot hron ( KT MI: -t. O..nny Ltvnl ( Hon); 5. Tim Eclor
(Y.; a m ).
L'TR : 1. Rick Dourn (Kotw); 2. SIc-phm Fan (Yam ); 3.
Paul Wrighl (Kaw); 4. Alvin OoggrIf ( K.a w); 5. A~lin Wad~
WMN: 1. Sara Arno ld (Hun ): 2. Lig M a y~ (Kaw).
S/S R ; I. Robt'n c.. plill/(f"I (AT K): 2. £m mrt l Cox (SUl);
3. Ch.;;arl(,1 C ulbrailh (H Ull); -t. Jamon null." (Kaw): 5. John
Co rdo n (Ho nl.
4·STRK : I. Tim HaKgard (Hon ): 2. Brian Dickrns (Han ):
3. Rob 5 1-=\,('ns (Hon); 4. Bubby Sa ndrn, (H un ): 5. G rrgK
Pritt (Ha n).
Lukrofka tops LACR Motocross
By Greg Robertson
Kirk Lukrolka p ilo led his H onda lO pe rfect
1· 1 fini shes to tak e home th e ove ra ll win in
the Over T he H ill Ga ng class at th e sa ndy
LA. Co u nt y Raceway lrac k. .
Tim McCu e ju mped o ut with the holeshol
in th e lir st m o lO, with J i m Sw i ndells,
Lu krofka an d SIeve Ba sm a j ia n i n lOW.
Lukrolka wasted no ti me and led by th e end
of lap o ne. McCue di d h is best im pressio n
01 a mob ile h um an roa d block as Rasm aj ian ,
Swi nde lls an d Rob Ru dder tried to lind a wa y
arou nd. R uder and Rasmaj ian slipped past
McCue on the lounh la p, and set o ut alter
Lukrolka. Hard ridi ng paid o lf lor Rudder ,
as he closed to wit hin live feet 01 Lukrolka
at the checkered nag. Mar k Davis was nyi ng
the entire: mo to aft er a 10th pl ace start, and
passed Ra smajian o n th e last lap for thi rd
N He Mathews roo sted his AT K to th e lront
of the pack in moto two. Mathews' mo to went
lrom great, to disaster, as he stalled the big
thumper on the first lap and went on to record
a DNF . :\lcCue in herited th e lead , but it only
lasted a lap as Lukrolka drove around him
and p ulled away for the mo to and overall win.
Davi s was again wo rking up fro m a poor start,
and overtook McCue o n the sixth la p lo r
seco nd, but Lu krolka was lo ng go ne by th en .
Davis came ho me seco nd ove ra ll, over R udd er,
who co uld o n ly man age a six th in the second
rnoto .
Rand y And erson used a two-mota sweep 10
earn the first pl ace trophy in th e Expert clas s
over the cha llenges 01 Alan Nich o ls a nd lirst
lime expe rt John Ch u ri lla .
Mark Ensign and Dave Bren o di ced in bo th
rnot os, well ahea d 01 the rest of the pa ck 01
novices. Ensign took th e overa ll by virt ue of
hi s seco nd moto win. Randy Bru ce was just
o lf th e lead ers' pace, bu t was fast enoug h to
hold o lf Carlos Marin and Bill Sch ultz to
cla im th e th ird pl ace trophy.
Resul ts
Kirk Lu krolU (Hon ); 2. Mar k Davit (Hon ); ". Rob Rudrr
(Yam); -t. Bob Breach (Yam ); 5. Tim McCu-= (Suz).
NO\': I. Mitrk Ensign (Ya.m); 2. Dave Brmo (Suz};3. Ran dy
R r~ (y am); ... Ca rlos. Mann ( Ka w) ; 5. Bill Schulu ( Ka w) .
INT: 1. G rt'g Robertson (Yam ): 2. Lynn Bamt'S (Yam );
3. Don Ryan (Yam ); 4. earl Powell (Kaw); 5. Grt'U Hu mber
( Ha n ).
EX: I. R.4Indy Andt'nOn (Yam ); 2. Alan Nichols (Hanl;
3. john O lUri ll.. (Yam): 4. j osep h Suebert (ATK ); 5. Wa I
O lloOn (Ha n).
PR O: I. SIt'W" Rawson (Yam).
Webb hops to Lone Ranger
Trial victory
By Kell y Callan
Gary Harada (27H) and Robert Gonzalez (47) sail over a Perris Racewa y jump,
SR INT : I. Don Willi am , (Ap r); 2. La rry varnel l (Yam);
3. R ick J -=nkins (Bul); 4. J ()(,Slaughter ( Bc-t); 5. Rogn G uard