Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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VET 30-39: I. Mikr &bka (Yam ); 2. Scot l j en sen (Suz);
, . Mike Bell it'l (H e n): 4. Kir k Sud iff (H a n); 5. RUlCh Wah rn
(I-I n).
SR 10"": I. Grn e O'Bovle (H on ); 2. Gl en O'Bcyle (Han):
, . Rocky WaUol_JD (Ho n ): 4. John Ca rney (ATK): 5. Mikr Fink
(H o n).
PRO·A M; I. Rodn {'y Mashue (H a n): 2. Pat Bucha na n (H .
D ); 3. Brian Mill" (Ya m); 4. Jack May" Jr. (W. R); 5. Paul
Kop s (W· R).
Price picks up a pair at
Trail-Way Short Track
By Len Breech
Georgie Price mad e a n a ppearance at TrailWay Speed way. and topped hi s u ncle, Bob
Sweeten , to score wins 10 the 600cc Pr o a nd
750cc A classes aboard h is D&S Cycles/Dorsey
Bu ilders-sponsored ma ch in es.
In the 750cc class . Price too k th e lead fro m
Max George a t the end o f the opening lap,
wit h Clarence Bull . Mike Varnes and Bob
Sweeten closely bunched behind. Sweeten
too k over seco nd as th ey came o ff th e seco nd
tu m on lap th ree, wit h Varnes moving u p
cha llenge Sweeten in the mid-laps for
seco nd. Varnes took o ver second o n the final
la p. but Pr ice was long go ne.
The 600cc Pro class was m uc h harder for
Pr ice. as Sweeten held th e ear ly lead ah ead
o f Eric Geo rge an d Mike Klopp. By the th ird
lap. Price had worked h is way u p to second
and too k the lead abo u t th e fift h lap, j ust
befo re Sweeten dr opped o ut. In th e last laps.
Mik e Varnes had worked h is way up to
challenge Price for the lead , but no avail.
In the Senior class, Sweeten jumped o u t in
fro n t of jim Chapman a nd Bob Bab cock and
p ulled a way. Babco ck battled the en tire
dis ta nce for seco nd, b ut co uld n' t ge t hi s
mach in e to hook up and fi ni shed a length
o r two behi nd Chapman.
Chuck Buchana n led Kevin Varnes. Gary
Cla rk, Mike H acker and Mike Varnes off th e
seco nd turn a' th e star t of th e 250cc A fina l.
but Kevin Varnes sto le th e lead in the fourth
turn. As Kevin pulled away to a 20-yard
margin. Clark starte d to go backw a rds. as first
Hacker and then Mike Varnes go t by him.
On the last lap . Mike Varnes slip ped by
H acker for the third spot.
After two laps in the 600cc A final , Chuck
Buch anan worked to the front in front o f j im
H aas, Mike H acker a nd Dall as Baer. While
Buchanan p u lled o ut a littl e cu shi o n , Baer
and H acker battled over second tha t Hacker
took o n the fourth lap for good. "
Mike L ynch p u t his H onda o u r in front
o f both the 200 a nd 250cc B fina ls and flat
di sappeared . winning bo th by alm ost half a
lap . Wh ile no , mu ch was happening behind
him in 'he 250cc fin al . a good ba ttle over
second took place in the 200cc C cla ss, as Mik e
McKee held a dose second over John Winsett ,
until Winsett too k second o n th e th ird lap.
McKee staye d close. but co u ld n 't ge t by
Trail-Way Short Track saw Georgie Price (64U) sweep two classes.
(L to R) Jess Ochoa, Bart Bast and John Houston celebrate at Auburn Speedway.
passed bo th Maxwell and Mayforth to tak e
third place.
In th e 250cc Expe rt class. Pelton went
undefeated . but no t wi tho u t some s tiff
o p position from j ohn Du p ree. Dupree led
Pel to n fo r severa l laps befo re Pelton wa s able
to pass for the wi n. Pelt on snagged th e main
event holeshot, with Du pr ee right o n h is heels.
T om Cla rk ente red the fraca s. and gave Pelto n
a run for hi s mo ney rig h t to the checkered
flag . Clark passed Dupree between turns th ree
a nd four, when Dupree wen t hi gh trying
stuff Pelto n. Clark held o n
finis h seco nd .
The 250cc j un ior main event was topped
by first -lime wi n ner, Dave RUSL Four crashes
a nd fOUT restarts saw many riders taking
advan tage. o f th e close realignment. Brent
Bem is finished second. but what' s remar kable.
is that Bemi s is a right-hand amputee wh o
a ttach es his right arm to his handlebar with
Velcro and opera tes hi s clu tch and throttle
on th e left side.
Resul ts
O P EN EX: 1. Lo ren Bjorkm Oin (Yam); 2. J im Knief (H.
D); 3. Rick Schroeder (Yam ).
O PEN JR : l. DOlV(' Pelion (H o n ); 2. G('m~ S n()dgr.u~
(Yam ); 3. ihadlku5 'Tollstrup (Vam).
250 JR: I. Da ve Rust (Yam): 2. B' nll lkmi, (Yam); 3. Bob
Suhjda (Yam).
250 EX: I. Dave Pelt on ( ); 2. Tom Clark (Yam): 3.
JOCE~ur.rIk~~i:toll (Yam ); 2. Rick Schroeder (Yam ): 3.
tim e to get by befor e Lea ch wa s ab le to swing
a leg bac k over and I>e, back in th e race.
repositioni ng him self In th ird place. Lea ch
began cl osing the ho le. a nd was ta kin g
advan tage o f the long back stra ightaway to
pi ck up speed when he went into a wild tankslap pe r that sent h im flyin g over h is handleb ars into the infield.
Wi,h Lea ch o u t of th e race and two laps
to go, Forro had th e win in hi s pocket.
A mecha n ical ma lfunction cost Pau l Ko ps
the Open A title when he made an u nscheduled pi t stop o n la p two to reatta ch his chain.
By th e time K0l' s go t back into th e race. Lyl e
Barber was wei on his wa y to a victory. Ko ps
wasn' t goi ng to let anoth er tide sli p thr ough
hi s g ri p . though , a nd went after Tracy
Ch affees' lead with a venge nce in th e 250cc
A cla ss. After Ko ps di sp laced hi s brother , Kip.
ou t o f the seco nd p lace positio n, he made a
straight li ne for Ch affees' advan tage and took
the po int in la p eight. Kops held the lead unti l
he crossed th e fin ish line wit h his front wheel.
Mike Babka grabbed th e lead o n lap five
o f th e Vetera n cla ss fina l. aft er ge tting away
a lmost dead last from a back row start. Babka
took over for Scott J en sen in th e S-cu rve.
J ensen came kn ocking o n Babk a 's rear door
severa l ti mes during the next six laps, but
Babka met th e checke red flag first at th e end
o r lap 12.
Mar k Aragon (CA).
Form flies to Michigan TT victory
By Grace DiBenedetto
Mik e Forro scor ed th e win in th e 65cc class
a ' ,h e Michi gan State Amat eur TT Ch ampionships, held a t Po lka Dot s Motorcycl e
Farro had his work cu t out for him, as he
had to lose defend ing 65cc Ch ampion B.J.
Leach. After ,aking th e lead in ' urn two, Forro
found Leach wasn 't lett ing go o f ,h e title so
easy. Leach was all over Farro in the righthander, reclaiming con tro l in th e hairpin , but
th e next time around th e hairpin. Leach wen t
down. Farro and Brice Edm o nds had en o ugh
50: I. jUlOIin Humphries (Ya m ); 2. Brent Nd 50n (puc).
6.'): I. Mik e Fo rro ( Kaw ); 2. Brice Ed mo nds (Kaw ); 3. Ste ve
S tordahl ( Ka w ); 1. Brett Pall key (Ka w); 5. Bill y H ump hries
(K d w ).
85: I. Bryan Bigelow (Kaw); 2. Da niel Kauffman (ha w):
, . Chrit. Storda hl (Kaw): 4. Briel' Edmo nds (Kaw): 5. Je rry
Smi th (Yilm).
200: L j ason Wilk r (Hon); 2. Brya n Bigelow (Ya m ); , .
jason Semel! (; 4. j arirnia Becker ( ); 5. Doug Bi1IO(
(Ho n).
nv: I. Merlyn Wertz (Tri); 2. Wi llia m Wen (T ri); .t Dun
Bann erm an (T ri); 4. Harry Botoley (Yam ).
250 B: I. Kirk Sud iff (Ho n); 2. Ch;.d Davit. (SUl); 3. Mike
Ca rriere (Yam); 3. Adam Milchell (Yam ); 5. Brian Van Werl
250 A: 1. Paul Kop 5 (SUl); 2. Trac Cha H« (Suz); 3. Kip
Kops (K.1w); 1. Scali Jensen (SUl) ; 5. Ot" Mc rmi ck (Yam ).
O PE N A: I. Lylr Rarbtt (Kaw); 2: hk Ban nr rman (RlX):
, . Will ia m Ru»ell (H a n ); 1. Kip Ko ps (I-Io n); 5. Paul Kop t.
(SUl ).
O PE N B: I. Jim G ibtoOn (Ho n): 2. Wad r RoIx-ru (Ya m);
3. Man Schoono vtt (H .D): 4. Larr y Sho h{'y (Rtx); 5. Jelf
S t~r'Il5 (Ya m ).
250 A: I. Kevin v am es (Ya m ); 2. Chuck Bucha na n (SUl) ;
3. Mikr vames (Yam) ; 4. Mikt' Ha cker (H o n); 5. Todd winsen
(Mai ).
55: I. Rilly Slill well (Yam ); 2. jim my Ow ens (Yam ); !I.
Will Ruw-II (H o n ): 4. Ju stin Imbod y (Ya m); 5. Co rey Hermes
(Yam ).
600 A: I. Ch uck Bucha na n (Rlx ); 2. Mik e Ha cker (RlX);
, . Dall as Batt (Rn: ); 4. Eddie Hidd en (H . D): 5. G ilry Foard
200: I. Pau l Lynch (Han); 2. j ohn Win !l('u (Ya m ); 3. Mikr
McK« (Kaw); 4. T~m Ana nia (Ho n).
750 A: 1. Ceorg ie P rice (H· D); 2. Mikr Varnes (H -D); 3.
Bob Sweete n (H -D); 4. Cla rence Bull (Yam ); 5. Max Cecrge
(H· D ).
85: 1. Mike McKee (Kaw); 2. J oh n Winsett (Suz): 3. Ricky
wlnseu (Sm ); 4. T om Sk.eth way (H o n ): 5. Bran do n Bill s
(Yilm ).
600 PR O: L Geo rgie Pri er ( H · n)~ 2. Mikr Varnes (H · O);
, . Mike Klo pp (R tx ); 4. Ha rold Do rK}' (R lX): 5. J im Ho llister
(R lX).
SR : I. Bob Sweeten (H- D); 2. J im Ch apman (H·D): 3. Bob
Babcock (H- D): 4. Jo hn Win M:tt (Yam); 5. J Ot" H ~bn-lin K
(Ya m).
250 B; I. Pau l Lynch (Ho n ); 2. Don j oh nson (Ya m ); 3.
Breu j ohnson (Yam ); 4. T o m Ana nia (Ha n ); 5. j .atoOn
Lheureux (Yam ).
600 8 ; I. Ja ck Frank lin (I-Ion ): 2. S.hawn RothSlrin (Hon );
3. J ody Yen ck (Yam ); 4. l eU SaMaman { H o n): 5. Willi a m
Gnffilh (Ya m ).
65: 1. Benja mi n Mill" (Ya m); 2. Will Ruu e ll (Hon ].
Bast crowned Auburn
Speedway champ
By R.C. Jon es
Northern Ca liforni a Champion Bart Bast
tallie d a perfect score of 15 point s to win th e
Mille r Ge n u i ne Dr a ft Aub u rn Spe edw ay
Track Ch ampio nship.
Bast, aboard hi s K.M. Co ncre te/ Peterich /
Arai-sponsored Weslak e, blasted to his five
stra igh t wins with the ho me crowd behi nd
him . Every tim e Bast lined up. the chan t ·of
" Bart, Bart " would sta rt and Bast would rep ly
wi th a win. At interm ission Bast picked u p
hi s new K.M. Concrete Wesla ke for being
n u mber o ne, co mplete wit h tra ining wheels,
. basket, fuzzy dice, a nd a Pee Wee Herman
ho rn .
After two ro u nds it was clear th at Bast wa s
,h e ma n to bea t as on ly he and Darrell Bus by
were two- heat win ner s. Round lhree saw
Busby shut o u t, leaving Bast in the dr iver 's
seat. Ochoa bou nced back fro m a fourth-p lace
finis h in the first round to win th ree stra igh t
before finishing second to Bast in the fina l
ro u nd and th ird place o vera ll. Ho usto n wo n
hi s first heat the n dropped a cou ple of points
with two second-place finis hes before win ning
the last two heats on h is wa y to hi s second
p lace finish .
T he Division Three Champi o nship was
easily won by Simo n Cacy foll owed by T om
Cas tna go la. Cacy took the lead at th e first
comer and never looked back as Cas tn ag o la
ran a stead y pace to follow in second .
After one restart, th e Division Two Championship wa s won by Dave H u ntoon. H u n\ too n and G len n Moo re ta ng led at th e turn
o n th e fir st start when Ri ck Swa lley was
leading. On the resta rt , Hu nt oon bl asted into
the lead as Swa lley 's bike misfired and th en
held off a charge by Moore. On the last lap.
Moore's bike qui" leavin g Marty Matth ews
the ru n ner- up with Swa lley th ird .
POI NT S: I. Bart Basi (Wn ) 15 pu: 2. Jo h n Ho uslo n (J aw )
13; 3. J eu Ochoa (Jaw ) 11; 4. Dustin Schroeder (Wes) 10.
D-2: I. Simo n Cacy (J