Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 10 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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used a shan section of whoops to his adva ntage and pa ssed Stevens for second. Amazi ngly, when th e chec kered flag wa s waved. Bozarth was less than two bik e length s behi nd winner Boesp flug. The second moto start saw Boesp flug charge thr ou gh the first corne r in the lead. Steven s followed with Bozarth immediately ap plying th e pr essure. In the seco nd tum . a tri cky downhi ll comer, Bozarth moved by Stevens and began hi s p ursuit o f Boespflug, On the second T Bozarth tried to pass but Boespflug ap, held him oil. The two riders had a tremendous baule a nd the drama didn 't end un til the very end when, with the checkered flag in sig h t, the two lead ers had to dea l with a lapped rider. Boespflu g and Bozarth passed the lapper on either side with Boespn u~ barely avoiding con tact, but still holding hIS slim lead for the win over Bozarth. Stevens fin ished third. Resu lts W /P/W ; I. Tyler Fick (YOlrn); 2. UMandra Stewa rt (Y. m) ; 3. Sean Carroll [Yam}, PIW 6-8: 1. KC"Ivin Schom (H a n); 2. T yler Fick ( Ka w); 3. Jason HeM ( ~ w). P/W 9-11: 1. Gregory B1 .i1c!r.well (K..ot w ); 2. Mike Storm (Han ); 5. Rya n Anderson ( Ka w ). WMN : 1. Kell y Smith (H on); 2. ] ;"nel Dean (Ya m ); 3. Sand y Cardenas (Xaw ). MINI BEG: 1. Michael Sm ith (Suz); 2. Cha r lie Gi bbt-m; (Ka w] : 3. ROMJ oh nson (Ha n ). MIN I J R: 1. Na than Gravelle ( Koiw ); 2.J;uo n Hanson 3. J erry Cra me r (Kaw). MIN I t NT: 1. Brian Marti n (Han); 2. Kevin Ea ki n (Han). 125 BEC : 1. Craig j obannson (Suz); 2. G r~g Eaton (Suz); 3. Ja son Kendri ck (Yam). 125 ]R: 1. Ern ie Gmdron (Suz); 2. Jason Schie le (Hon ); 3. justin Carroll (Su.r). 125 INT : I. Devi n Roe (Ho n ); 2. Tim Meissn er. 250 BEG 0. 1: 1. Oa n Sollard (H on ); 2. Bill Rush (Hon); 3. Ca rl Ha rry (KTM). 250BEC 0.2: I. Adm Lanon (Hon):2 . Mi ke Farmer( Hon ); 3. Kr'V Mead (Ho n). in 250 J R: 1. Soon Sherrel l (H on); 2. alri~ Sicilia (Hon); 3. J im Manhall (Suz). . 250 INT: I. Jaso n McCormick (H on ); 2. Rick Boz3n.h (KTM); 3. Doug Crot~lIe ( ). OPEN BEC : I. KMn Mead (Hon ); 2. Unknown: 3. Uris Cra wford (Hon). O PEN jR: 1. Mich,jl('1 Goulart ( )(a w): 2. Marvin Cullinp (Hon) ; 3. O1ri, P~tf'1Y'l1 (KTM). O PEN tNT: I. Devi n RO('(Hon ); 2. Tony Ma rtin (Hon ). 2.S-30 1. Don Bonpllug (H on); 2. R ick Boz..rth (KTM) : 3. Kurt Slr'Ytm (H on ). . VET C: I. Rod NtTS (Ya m): 2. Doug Jenkins (Yam): 3. Ktnl...eYen s (H on ). VET B: I. ]orCa &K')' (H on ~: 2. Mar k Kim (ATK); 3. R.iJ.ndy Jungwirth ( Ho n ). VEET A: 1. Dave Ea kin (Ho n): 2. Ron Kmt (Ya m). 40+ NOV: 1. Richard Scha per (H a n). iO-t- AM: I. Milt Ha rdrn (Suz); 2. Bill Naylor (H a n ). 40+ EX: 1. Mik~ Prny (SUI). (Ka w ); *** * * Brown, Tretara top Bear Creek Speedway By Kevin George S. CA,",'TO:-l, OH, SEPT. 28 Scotty Brown captured the Scrat ch main event whi le Jell Tretara scored the Handicap main win to close ou t Bear Creek Speedway's 1991 seaso n. The fir st heat race of th e night saw Brown pull th e hol esh ot over Bria n Dail y and T retara . Da ily applied the pr essu re an d the race finished in a dead heat between Brown a nd Da ily. Second heal actio n saw Pa l Reynolds top Mark Maur er, Ron Rai l a nd Ja ck Bartrurn. In th e second round of hea ts it was Brown and Dail y taking wins with Reynolds and Maurer ta ki ng runner-u p positions. Fo r the Scratch main it was Brow n all the way wi th Dail y ou td ueling Maurer for seco nd. Reyno lds dropped out . Treta ra needed on ly to pass Bartr u m to take the lead in the Handicap main. Dail y charged up from the 70-yard line and Brown came u p fro m a turn th ree star ti ng po sition. Bro wn go t around Dail y as they wor ked through traffic bu t T retara held on for the win . Daily ca ptured the season long point bat tle with Reynolds second and Kevin Smith third. Resul ts HDCP: 1. ] d f Tmara; 2. Scouy Brow n; 3. Bria n Dail y: 4, llirk. Ma uttr; S. Ron Rail . SC RA TeH: 1. Scotty Bro wn ; 2. Brian Dai ly: 3. Ma rk Mau l'f'r ; 4. Pal R~nolds . Double wins for Howell at Echeconnee Motocross By Dene O live MACON, GA, SEPT. 22 P.J . Howell scored double class wins in the 125 a nd 250 cc B classes at Echeconnee Mo tocross. In the firs t moto of the 1250c B class, Scou Bryam sho t in to the lead ahea d of Kenny Kowal czyk and John Urbo n . Bryant held lhe lead whi le H owell picked off the ri ders ahead of h im after a seventh-place, but by lap five of the seven-la p race Howell moved around Kowalczyk. Bryant scored the mo to win ahea d of Howell and Andre Pene, Dwayne Bone assumed the lead early in the second rn oto an d cruised to the checkered flag with the win . Howell stormed into second j ust ahead of Kowalczyk. By la p four Patrick Hizel fought his way around Kowalczyk and then Howell, but was unable to catch the leader Bone. H owell 's 2-3 score was good eno ugh for first overall hon or s. Howell conti n ued h is win strea k in the 250cc B class desp ite a three-way tie for the overall win. Howell 's 5-2 score was better than Bryan God lewski's 4-3 score and Kowalczyk's 2-5 score. Mar cu s Lanford put his H onda out from in the first250cc C mo to with Dickie Fountain and Brian G ibbs in tow. On lap lWO, Fountain pa ssed La nford and held on for the win over Lanford with Ch ris Scha fer in third. fn moto two, Scha fer pu t his Hon da out fro n t for a wire-to-wire win. La nford was off the lin e secon d, bu t on lap three Bria n Robertso n slipped past to move into seco nd a nd foll owed Scha fer acro ss the finish line. Fountai n fin ished third. Results 51: 1. Motu Bratt y (Ya m). 65 STK 7-11: L Aaro n Li ndsey (Raw); 2. Ch ris Harri son (Kaw); 5. Clad Albri tto n (Kaw ). JR MlNl: 1. Aaron Linsdey (Ra w); 2. Beau Cra£t (Kaw ). SR MINt: 1. Shae Ben tley (Kaw) ; 2. Kyle Kell y (Ka w): 3. N icholas Kosko (Han ); 4. Dan iel Cume (Yam). SCHBY: 1. Pauick Hud (Kaw) ; 2. Dwa yne Bone (H on); 3. Scott Bryant (Ha n); 4. Bentl ey (Kaw ): S. Olris Co llins (","w). 125 B: 1. P.J. H owell (H on): 2. Sam Bryam (Hon ); 5. Dw ayne Bone (H o n); 4. Andre Pen e (Hon) ; 5,Krnn y Kowalayk. (H on). 125 C: 1. Km Hammoru (Suz); 2. T im Bruce (Suz); S. Dwayn e Dale (H on); 4. Cuis Dya(H on ): 5. J uon H uu::b60n (K'ThI , %50 B: 1. P.]. H ow ell (H a n); 2. Bryan CodleoNW (H on ); 5.Kmny Kowalayk. (H on) ; 4. Soou MOOfC' (Hon ); 5. Wesley AshJ.~ (H on). 250 C: 1. 0uU Schafer (H on ); 2. Dickie Fountain (Suz); S. Marcus l...anford (H a n); 4. Bria n Robmson (Xa w) ; .s. Mick ey Wal den (Ya m ). OPEN BIC: I. Eri c Pinson (XTM): 2. ] af McOella n (H on ); ~a~~~l );~ . Richa rd Bordu ram (Hon); S. Hm ny. 25 PL'ES: l. Tommy Mar tin (H on ); 2. S~ Sa undrn (H oo); S. Michy Waldm (Ya rn): 4. Shawn ~IJ (Suz); S. Richard Bondur:mt (Hon). SOP LUS: 1. Jay McOellan (Ya m ); 2. Mike Meh on (H on ); S. Bill Handley (Suz); 4. Richard Bordur:mt (Hon); 5. Bmny Dourrough (KT M). AN EVENING WITH THE STARS! iO PL US: 1. Ra ndyTillery (Hon ); 2. Jimmy Pinson (KTM ); 5. Roy Craft (Ra w); 4. C

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