Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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beating first moto winner Joice, who rode a Yama ha YZ360 to second overall ahead of Tom Muto. BSA rider, John Geer, manhandled his B50 to a first moto win in the Prem iere Lightweight 2 Expert class, which ran com bined with the Prem iere Lightweight class. Rod Henniger, riding a '67 Husqvarna, hounded G eer throughout · both rnotos, but experienced ca rb u ra tio n problems, and all owed Geer to slip out of his sight. Geer won both motos for th e overall, while Pete Ford, also a board a Greeves, fin ish ed secon d in th e moto to relegate Henniger to th ird. Peter Cru tenden earned th e win in th e Amateur portion of th e race, followed by Green , whi le Eric Tucker was th ird. In th e Nov ice class, Ka y Mann, riding an Os sa, was th e overa ll class winner after winning both moto s ahead of Greeves rider Bill Samstag. One of th e largest fields of Women's class co mpetitors thus far in th e ser ies were o n hand, which sa w a new ri der to the series pi cking up th e overall wi n . Sharlie Stillmook, wh o tra iled series point leader Ka ren J oi ce across the line in moto one , ca me back in th e seco nd round to overtake J o ice for the win. Seco nd overa ll wem to Montessa VRmo unted J oi ce, w h i le Gwen G ee finished th ird after pl acing third in both ro u nds. In O pen Twin and Prem iere O pen Twin action, Dough ty, riding a Rickma n T riu mph, wo n th e first m o to bu t ran into tro ubles in the seco nd co ntest. Bru ce Will iams tra iled Do ugh ty across th e fin ish . Do ughty picked up the ove ra ll Ex pert win, w hi le Charlie Gram was the Amateur winner. T he combi ned Premi ere Open Twin class win wem to Harley-Davidson 750-mo u m ed Ma rs h R u n yo n. .BSACN rider Gary Bishop was second. CONGRATULATIONS T THEPOINT WINNERSOF O LODI MIC and STOCKTON MIC LODI CYCLE BOWL SHORTTRACKAND SCRAMBLES HIGH PlaNTSERIES Special Tha nks T o All Participating Staff, Support Crews and T rophy Donators Trophies Donated By: Hon d a Of Modesto - Vintage Modesto Harley - 600cc Malotts Honda-Yamaha - 80cc Conc ord Yamaha - Pee Wee D-H Suzuki - Womens Da ly City Honda - 250cc Ma dera Trophy - Odyessy Loral La ndscaping - Qua d s Rod Lake Racing - 60cc Jim Mahoney 1st Robert Harold 2nd Dusty Mendoza 3rd Chad Ross Toby Jorgensen 6Occ: 8Gcc Tie Billy Martin Johnny Murphree 250cc Nathan "Gator" Walt SOOcc Steve Ascher Women's Div. Debbie Anderson Open Experts 1st Rob Damron 2nd Mike Gresham 3rd Dan McDonald Quad Thomas Gaines Odyessy Gilbert Toste 500 EX: 1. Ph il Douglas (CZ): 2. Duane Joi ce (Yam ); 3. T om Mut a (CZ): 4. Woodie Pi erson (H us) ; 5. Jim McCJinton. 500 AM: I. Michael Grov e (Kaw) : 2. Dean Biddl e (Cl ); 3. Erni e Stair (BSA); 4. Ken Corpe (T ri); 5. Ron Dotson (KTM) . 500 NOV: I. Peter H ipp (BSA); 2. Steve Wool· verto n (CZ); 3. BiH Rian da (CZ); 4. Mike Ligh tfoot (Ric); 5. J ell G leaM>n (Cl) . +40 EX: 1. R ich Thorwa ldson (Hon ); 2. J ack Morga n (H us); 3. Mi ke Men esi ni (CZ): 4. Woody P ierson (H u s): 5:. Ren oo H a n son (Bus). +40 NOV: I. Charl ie Singleton (Ha n ); 2. Jo h n Dragueski (Mai): 3. Bill Rian da (Cl); 4. Michael Kapp (Ha n): S. John Gulliford (Ma n). VET EX : I. Rich Thorwa ld son (H a n ); 2. Duane Joice (Yam): 3. Clay Light (Cl); 4. Phil Douglas (Cl): S. Cla yton Ross (A·E). VET AM: l. David DOls (Ra w) ; 2. Michael on Grove (Kaw); 3. Mike Atkins (BSA); 4. Dean Biddle (Cl): S. K.C. Kawano (Mai). VET NOV: I. J ohn Cumming. (H us}; 2. Gary Goodnow (Yam); 3. John Lee (Oss); 4. Steve Lynch (Cll: 5. Mike Benson (Ha n). -se NOV: 1. Harold Heitmilter (Ha n); 2. Phil Anderson (Cl); 3. Dan Elings (Han ); 4. Ralph POUZdl (H a n ); 5. Marsh R u n yo n (H oD) . 250 EX: I. Rick Doughty (H o n); 2. Woodie Pierson (H us); 3. Phil Douglas (Cl): 4. Rich ie Thorwaldson (Ha n). 250 AM: l. David Dot son (Ka w) ; 2. Dan Frickson (H on ); 3. Mark Yanke (H on ); 4. K.C. Kawano (Ma i); 5. Steve Glacomino (CZ). 250 NOV: I. Beau Parker (Bul ); 2. Jdf Elings (H on ); 3. Gary Goodnew (Yam); 4. T o m larraonandia (Pen ); 5. Virgil Elings (H o n ). 125 EX: I. Peter Urler (Ha n); 2. Richie Thorwaldson (Han): 3. Rick Doughty (Ha n ). 125 AM: I. Greg Grouldl (Ha n ); 2. Bill Clem (Ha n): 3. Ric Russell (Han); 4. Jim Will i. (Ha n ); S' ldl GleaM>n (Ha n). 25 NOV: 1. Lawren ce McDonnell (Hon); 2. Greg Kendrick (Bu l); 3. John Lee (DKW); 4. John Gu lli lord (Ric): 5. Fred Royce (Pen). WMN: 1. Sha rfie Stil1moo k (Hon ): 2. Karen Joice (Ma n); 3. Gwe n Gee (Ha n ); 4. Jay ne Clem (SUl); 5. Debra Willi . (Han) . PRE O P EN TW AM: I. Dave Rogers (Tri); 2. Ed Crowe ll (AJS); 3. Dan G reen (H·D). PR E O PEN TW NOV: I. Marsh Runyon (H ·D): . 2. Gary Bishop (RSA). . OPEN T W EX: I. Rick Doughty (Ric); 2. Steve Mon ger (Tri). OPEN TW AM: I. Char lie Gran ' (Tri): 2. Mike Molator e (Tri); 3. Mike Middleton (RSA). PRE UW 2 EX: I. J ohn Oeer (RSA): 2. Peter Ford (Gre); 3. Rod Henn iger (Hu.). PRE U W 2 AM: I. Pe ter Crutenden (RSA); 2. Michael G reen (BSA); 3. Eric Tucker (Due). PR E UW 2 NOV : I. Kay Man (Oss): 2. Rill Sanstag (G re). PRE UW NOV: I. Rill Samstag (G re); 2. Allen . Wenzel (Dot); 3. J ohn Kock (G re). OPEN TW NO V: I. Bill Rianda (Tri) ; 2. Jim MeEuin (Tri). PRE EX: I. Dick Mann (8S A). l-l Q.) ..DO .... u o Vintage: Pee Wee: MIA SANCTI O NE D Results ~ c..o ........ Lodi Cycle Bowl Presents THE GEORGE LEE MEMORIAL VINTAGE MOTORCYCLE EXTRAVAGANZA V.D.T.RA National ShortTrack And T.T. SCrambles October 20th, Sunday Poker Run - Swap Meet - Cycle Sho w Gates Open - 7:30 a.m. For Riders Racing At - 10:30 a.m. - Class "C" Traction Call for Information 209-463-8882 Days 916-989-4938 Days Lodi 'Cycle Bowl And Oakdale Pioneer Arena Present ROUGH SCRAMBLES HIGH PIONT SERIES October 27th November 3rd November 10th Oakdale Lo di Oakdale November 17th November 24th December 1st December 8th Wa lt Masterson Memorial Doubl e Point Benefit Info: 209-838-3200_ 209-823-7181 Lod i Oakdale Lod i Oakdale 209-368 ~ 7182 Classes: Oakdale Oa kdale/ Lod ! todl Pee-Wee, Womens , 4-stroke, Vets , Old'I'imers, Vintage, 60, 80, 125, 200, 250, Open MARATHONS - MARATHONS - December 29th - Stockto n M/C At Lodi Cycle Bowl MARATHONS Check Calender For Race Dates For 1992 VIDEO RELEA.SES No~ Available Through Cycle News Action Theater "1991 FRENCH ROAD RACING GRAND PRIX" I#B9B) Over 60.000 fan s baskad in the French su nshi ne at Pau l Ricard circuit but on ly one ma n would bask in glory after the fascina ting French Grand Prix. Reig ning World Champion Weyne R.iney, Mick Dooh.n. K. vin Schw.nn. .nd Edd ie Lawson were .11 go ing flat -out in .n attempt to improve their 1991 World Ch.mpionship ch.nces. It was Doohen who showed t he way in the opening the ch.sing jockeying for position .s they held the Austr.lian in their sights. _ As the r.ce orde r ..ttlad. it was cle.r th.t the 1991 Fre nch GP wes goi n\l to ba won with consumm.te s kill, .s the le. ding contend. .. displ.yed . 11 t he f.cets of t heir s uperb nding .bility in the BO degree he. t. The 260 GP w.s to provide the d.y's biggest up ..t . s Luc. Cadelora IRothmans Hon da) .nd Helmut Br.dl IHon d.) resumed b.ttle in their world-ch.mpionship ch. ... Loris and P .f. Chili on their revolutio n.ry Aprili.s were ou t to upstage Hond .'s rec ent domin.tion in • th rilling race . 52 min utes fr om GP Video. > 33