Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 10 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CYCLE ACTION THEATER presents The Greatest Motorcycle Video Cassettes Watch them over and over! -_19"_.... . . . ... (Mlt) l!IIO _ ~ tamp;Iod ...... bal _ (0118) l !11l . - ~ 50ca DifftrenI u. !hi M8CIESPN ~ this video 500... _ _-. &...........,.. 250 ........ -.n .... 52_ (- > l " l .... GP \Ideo pm _Col..... __ (#l3D) .... T..... SOdoc.-~ . 90...... Manut.c turinll of the dassic pre-unil Triumph fromRAlVideo. ~ 30 minutes IrumMaIlMdIIo ('134) 1"1 _ _ ... .... (1l131) YIno 10£or.,. 'At . . -.. .. ' 991 ~ Follow the l.-tyo Nn:la allm 'flUs IIIIIIDaass InlLIId botinQ-. Lt.£. Wotld ~ • TIlCS(W\ Arizona. 60 the Eanpe., cftzJiI as they coota Iba 19698IfgiIn, rnftn. . trom RAZV . . Swiss MXGP's. From Matowideo 01" 75lU _ ... Supelbib SerieI. !hi 1990 ...., review offers tht ".... l'lUId. From trUnptl III dIofuI. IaDII the wigl:I'ous tracb 01 Iht wutd. tbldI. YImIhI Ind Ducati .111 .. U : _ Fml _ _·• _ _ .S F.., Frwnd\, and II'IlI Pant twD aI the .... at 1hI ... Easttm Crnk &itliri. RaIl McEIra. ItW(s GiIntIdD 's ciDt. Itatwing autsUnding ..ang in thI !iOOcc nI AustrIN Rab Phillis. 90 minu!n tram Power1portI 25Oc:t: em-s. Grut on-bib ~ SIlJIftII toG. 52 mft4a from GP V1dIo.. (11132) l!61 UoooIa 1l{12S) l!11ls..-. _ _ Prla ('133) _ _ -. (1165) rx:n, an the 'MIdd in thiI special 60 mftItt show frnnt GIIiIdorf, WasI SInnIny fromMatowideo. . maII:la1Ja cMmpionstab ('16) 1_ _ IIX CI' _ The bnt of wIwt happened in IhI '89 AM Wortd MX GPchat has bien captlnd an !his video Wldl vNidty plI1J1yI whit lMJrid·1evtI moroeross is allabout. S&ilettl footage aI 1tlI sns InIm HoIIIad, lilly. Son _ 809um. luumboo_._sx _ Highlighb; of the most uating ~n::ro:n due ls M1 f. lndudn 1986 Anaheim SupMcmss (RJVI David BaileyL 1987 LA CoIiselJ!!l (RJpaun Inttre field to bl at Guy Cooper), and 1988Ponti.:$upemnu (R1 VI Jeff Want. as Want ~ stuffed into the Motovid temeramlfl). eo 60 minutes fromMo loviduo ............ - 35mnnlS. osr. ·71l. _ 60 _ H ...,·""'" do " ' '' _ _ and siruggled 10 compll ta Iha formidable 60 miMas of theIe genttw, WidorMnMer • wtIaI OOU hnsaIntinIntal M rad". Sel a111ht highI9Its from the up ofhmmmes down From Motovideo. . pal IIIll the he/icoptef cemeras in !his ~ rEI of III 6U minutes. Frnm Powersports Video. ('U O) 1990 _ 1 0 0 MotOVldllO has now produced 60 miMes on _ of . . .................. 01 . . _ dasIic. ThlS is America', Toughnt Race !he ..,. iI 'MS melllt tobl _ ' o.r- sa (' 10611 Y " ... 400.(0) enthusiasts desatnded on Oa¥tana for tilt 1991/SOrh annivtr:Yry of BiI Wltl See the "MIin SIrnr 6: Hadey ItlIIW &om thI biggaI ye. . .. SO Inftl!n produad b¥ Panan from PnvasM tilingblbI. AW l, Jftps, buggllS ~ tor It II ~ 20 mDAes IJa9>. - (11117) "SlIqis 19!1O" n. 50th bMmry Ihdr. Hills Mucor Daa:ic cnw 3tXUXXl people from .. 50 II.,.. & 38 knign a:uttries.Ihis is the "DtfiollYldeo of . . IWIy. . ClMlB it 75 minutes prockad b, PotattIoMediI M """"""" IJa9>. sa '*' "qdioo o..;g" 75 ......... byP (.l 20) _ _ .......... - """'''"'''''''''' P..... ~ of M.l n fICI fnIIns MIb HaiMood (1154) y.Y on the 250 .... nI the Mam: Norton. .-.d IgIin in ItlI 1963 Senior SOOct TT, Shows hoIlIr the sport fll1lI1'SAd in JlISf twa . , . . 52 mn.aes by KaIm• . ·,,11• •1_ IIIW (M3)TTY_ on the il-hardin; 500 _ ... cicnl ""'"_ Aplro '" .. MY in !hi 1961 IsII of Man TT - Oas:sit !Xing II its be!ll 69 minllta !romPOl/Il'If'SIOtI Video Funmg Mike 1hI Bib Haiiwood (0ll4)s.--_ CompIeta cowrage of1h11984 TI1IRS,Atlantic chaIIInve East.- Match Races teltlns the biggesl: collection of road racing liars: Roberts. SpeIlCef, Lawson. ManxU. Baldwin. Cooley, Rainey, Aldana. Shee",- H3slam. McEInI.. GrBnt, Crosby, Gan1ner, andmorI 69 minutes. I from HalmarVideo r_ ('148) 1"111. _ _ SooooInJ The last RIC! held at long Vetentrt!ll Stadill'l1 on 3/ 2/91. tum out to be the IIIOSt itnponam spndwef lMlfll of the 1991 season, ~ which !ou" N. American ridm wi l go on 10 COtIlp8le in the World l FinN. 60 minuta !rom RAlVideo ('1021) SooooInJ"''''''' C'JIl,s 1"1 (#U5) R- . . . . 01Il1o ... The bait riderJ on ice !rom the U and the 'M)rld SA This 45-mioote video tall", you bedl 33 yell'S. IfI mee1 in Tucmn. Arilona mm IfI race lor the 1.c.E. SClIll:8I of the old 14-mile N Ufburgring circuit with World Championships. 60 milltlt8S from RAlV idea. ~ Geoff Duke's labulous 4-e,lindl Gillra battling !he r COsloipo mighty BMW of Walt r Zellm; allO footBgll of !he (1I4SA) 1990 SooedwaJ US _ e lrighlening Northern !niland Ullta GP rourse. From This ditnll to the 26 Week long QtlllSt of races brings r Halmar Vidao out Itle bnI 01 Itle top 18 speedwBy raceR in the US to lWtermine • carrias #1 in 1991. WI !his 1 (011 6) Rodoc .... - , llilln wmer·take·al event.60 minuta bum RAlVidlo. flu famous Brihsh circurts 8. legendary ha~ SooooInJ C'JIl,s SlI1ees on the MV It BronkIands in '58. thlllenged ('123) 19!IO CaIIl. _ in '59 at SiIvmtone b'f a 19-ye. old H lilwood; t7 With CllrlllTlIrlt-v by Teny C11f1ton and Cycle News brands 01 b*es raaI II CbiIort. IIIld !he '58 Isla of Mit r Sam Daloisio. this IMlflt is one of !hi most e Man TT. 55 minJtn lram HaIrn.- VIlIeo competIt",. on the W8Sf coal Also Iunns the wild Order Form Diy . v_ - _ H ... .......""' ..,_ .. (1120)_ _ 196 1 row fMfde "'BId Boy... fnlrn MotawiIo. ('U) IYoc - SIJIeI Six -time NI'OOnII MX tJkes you to Ill$ seem nr:b Ind thDlJIlS youhawto .,..!tlI1l'l.. 60 Illinutti __ eMIl' ,...... by- ".a.-;.. ('11) .. _ _ - - 78 ........ ..... (11136) Go F.. R 0 1 _ MIlt the "'RidIr1 "'!he SInd'" • bpenera R Aml ra • • tnnd new senes of uSe rnoIDItydI lIideoL Ride t'MI of the lII"ltm moton:yde (071) l>o _ _ Elqnss roads in the Unittd Statn with muIh-MMlll winning A review of thr 198 FrM World Road Racing 500ct (1194) Isle" . . 19. 8 film and television direct r P. .. Stllfl' and his pm. o Championships. From PDWel1pllrts V idea A new ICintI of !hi Island. Steve Hislop pushes the Get Cillilomia', H ighway 1 and Colorado', "Minion out·right racoo:l to 0YIl" 121 amega spead, six limes Dol.. Highway" tor llOlI low.nil From JigsawH . ome (#7U)1_ ... CI' Conopllotioa around me Iamom 31.1 mdl count. 80 minutes. from A IIView 01 !he '89 F GP Road RlJcing S881Ol'1 POWllrsporu Video. IM worldwide, as LaMon leads fellow Americans Rainey ('121) _ _ ......., 1 .,.d SchwaRtz to swup 13 US wins in 15 I1Mlds. (11941 1990 .... " _ ) FIDl'nP~VIlIIO. "The lastm ~ spldacular, molt Intertaining. and This 60 minute ",dlo IIIbs you up the 18Qllndlf}' northem California coa vi, Highway 1. tram !he GoId,n st biggest bike IIVllnt in the world r All SlMlfI !XIS Gat. Bridgton up lor I bnath1lking 130 mile journey . (07It1 ....., DaIs: 1980 CI' _ from !hi 1990 10M on I 55 mlnllte show From . in yGlI' own living moml From J;gs- Hom. Video Follow W.,ne Reiney"s ma'dl1O 1hI tittI, from Suluka to PhiDip Island in this 105-minute bIodcbustar 01 III ('122) _ Am: "TIoe ..... lIRr. Itwy." IlnIlII rwview. Probablythe beft BiIia G RlMew ~ ('137) 1"1 P 200 fromMaroridlo enio\' I rEI that IMId ~ to its billing and provided ~ the wonder andbelUty 01 Colorado's Million • fitting: 5O!Il ~ celetntion for the lTIllSI famous DaR. H....., in !he fall toIors season with 130(OIl) lJaltalISlafas _ Prla 1989 MI1t in American moton:ydI racinghistory. 6U minutes mileJnOUlIain road lxanion ttlrotql !hi' hurt of the From lap. SIca. Gloly for Wayne. na. fI9dy, plus !rom MotovidIlO Mcuttains.. From . . - Home Video - F_ (11124) l>o _ Ths taptum the asll1CI of profa:sionII TT.. MXGr.. Drags. and PIris·O .. From Morovideo . The 1991 liP Serin star1td out I\: ~ tnmir9r' .;.. the '90 __ 11ft 011 - with M- ('118) Y " 5lIorP ... ho( l'ICingi WhII lid; pfItt il ia in 0fII of !he When SUgis . . sa.ted back in 1S38, na one I'VlIl' fI10It snming and ..,.-.fillld .,.. IMf Inn. 52 dre amed if wWd IP'OW lIIIO the grutISI cyding Mnl: 1Ml'. NowCMftittr ..., lit , ~ is1tll WoadslaI:i. (011111990 US6P ~ 50ca flIiney I'IC8I ell. of craMast _l8guna. T~ battle 'NittI SdwAntz until un 11. sallis his brte EJatlent 250cc daa ICtion with Kocinski. Roth 8. Ze .lent.q. From Despain VJdm. -r_ . fnIm~. _ V_ _V_ . mirlsta ('lOS) SX 11IriIs,SpIlls" QIIs '!IO You'", slln Ihl commer iels • now bu, Ihl c Do . . . Gn!at ITl!llI't8ll'llnft at pirties. 30 minutn Pod"- ~ It ( * 1 - CrasII . . . . . . -no. Music Video!"" All newMX cnsh6: !lin fooI:• .. ......t....... "' .. . temuring 1ht Iatut most o.stnIgeoWI lMll'. thHdgI IlII$h8ps ..... set to the musicon ~. Inl\: Set 10..000 Italian Iani go crazy • I.Mson wMJs the hoIahol: on !hi CIgiva 6: berdI tor lOp position ""'" RoOwy ... 000hIn II ...... Codom ... Ihdl nell ~ on thIir HondaI in the 250 das. .,.,. 1ha Wabstet/SirnIrloRs doolib SilIla's. 52 milWs ImmGPVideo • 1l(148) 19S1 Prla in A look Nck to the dip &It bibs ruIId the ........ ""'........ fool _ the 1969 l1li aI ManTT. !hi "NorItMesc 200 Miler'" InstT R*I raca, "MIdI to Gnp", a doantmry on (1155) IIX 1:nIII& . . . "" ....... by_JO _ Il{IJ8) 1!IIl .... _ _ Prla _ '** anlimem15-14.1 1961. 46IM::arU Oasir: hi IMUII hIId JunI a. from MoolMdoo _ 200.000"""_"_""",,,,,, 1_ AmatitI's bat TrWII Ind ~ _ icIobog tuxIrtds 01 doIn. Joe MInton hosts. (#100) . . ...-...n . .1s ~ Fn.n MocIMdlo, Rid's 10 mllllJte irtmuctionaI tape camn axnpIetl with, pocb1-silad handboc:* th;rt 1ha motocrusser can tMV IIong and m. to in !he reid RJ shows you how to ride better than you think you an ('101) . Twill " Il1o Wrist The definitrw road riding 6: racing instruttionaI wideo bf Keith Code 01 the California ~erbib School This 'tIdao lransIarls !hi book into 14 sectIOnS to make you visualize with crystal·de. undemanding the ., 01P8YImllllt lechniqua. 107 miMes Imm Motovidm ('U l) "T1Io " Follow ..the Dlicbn" Jeff Mariasavich. as hi shows through his unique styla 01riding and racing how you eM improve your bike hand g skil!. 60 minutn 01 lin l antertlinmlnl tram McJuwideo. ('135) _ _ _. r-------------------------------------------------------------------------, o.r- (Please fill out completely) QIy. Name Descriptio. Amou.t _ Descriptio. Amou.t Diy. The advancId COlI"SfI in ' Ldlan Itraet-riding SdViVlIl, This 55-minull video is tun of tips andtacticsgattlIfH from ridm whohavehad millions of millSof Ixperience. tnd !rom uPIr'I road I'ItIfS 'A't1o stllMI you u1ety tedlniqua you CIIl IPPIv to yuur strut nding. From Description Amou.' #41 B;k, Exp, rience @ 34.95 I194A'90 ble of Man @ 39.95 . ,28 BoSlof W owm.ka, @ 39.95 id 1<43 n Tributt @ 34.95 Address 1/95 '89 Pari.·Dab, @ 34.95 01301( Trium @ ' 9.95 •• ph _ Zip _ Pho.e ( o Order Date VISA _ #132 ·6Ila"",i. Classic @ 49.95 #102ASpdwy #li5'89 M X0.. N ltions.G,rmany@ 29.95 #10\ SX Thrills SpIIl &Chill. '90 @ 29.95 S 1<45A'90 Sp"dway US Nan. @ 29.95 W Cship, '91 @ 129.95 oricI #li6MX Crash & Bum II @ 29.95 Card # Exp. Date _ _ Signature Send Olec:k or Mooty Order Pf\'ablt 10: CYCLf IfWS PRODUCTS. P.O a..'9a Llo, 80.... CA 90801.(l.<98 (Allow4-6 _ . del"""l Prices IIUbject to ch8nge • please UN c umtn1 order blank All of the.. VHS tapa e re available free of ah ipplng a n d handling charges . from CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS Ma il to : CYCLE NEWS PRODU CTS P.O. Box 49B. Long Beech. CA 908 0 1·0498 or cell (213) 427-7433 durin g bu. ine.. hours ,.'e...."'" l/IofoIIowill, tapes: Dty . #131 Th," inEurop. '69 @ 49. ~5 #100 Mo tovalion by Rick Johnson @ 39.95 #55 M Crash &Bum Sp'ctacular @ 24.95 X State _ #968 '91 Australian RR GP @ 33.95 #54 V-Twin Maintenance @ 34.95 Cily Descriptio. . t33 British FI.sllbad @ 49.95 #1 34'91 8. H etrick M'm. 1ea IIaca @ 129.95 _ #1 35 Sir" , Sm ns@ '34.95 . _ #ID 6A50 YII" 01 O'Y'ona @ 22.95 #136 Go For h It Glami. @ 129.95 #li6ACra.h &Bum III @ 29.95 0108 ATwiSl oftil, W Sl@49.95 ri #76 '89 Wor1ll MX GP Re~ ew @ 34.95 #109 K,mikaz,! W MTB Csllip. @ 34.95 orld #77'89 1...16·0ayE nduro @ 34.95 #110 '90 Blackwlter 100 @ 39.95 #150A '91 Gai ne.~II. MX N.ns @ 133 .95 _ Jl78 Am, rica.Expross '88 RR Rev. @ 34.95 #111 Mltll,nackJr mNo Chick,. @ 34.95 #15lA '91Sa".m,nlO MX Nat'b. @ 133 .95 _ #78A'89 Bika GP Compilation @ 39.95 #114Sup' rstar Showdown @ 44.95 #153A '91 MI. Morri. MX Nan @ 133.9\ •. #788 '90 G R,~ .w @ 43.95 P #115 Rend.",... at til, Ring@ 44.95 #162 '90 4MA Nan MX SeilSlJl1 Ray. @ 34.9~ _ 11410 '90 World S/ 8 S.non Review@ 34.95 _ #808 '91 Japan... RR GP @ 33.95 _ __ ' #116 Racing InlO Hi.lOry@ 44.95 .81 '89 U GP laguna Sm @ 34.95 .S. Amou.t _ #117 ··Slur 1990" \ Oth Ann. @ 44.95 gi. #81 A'90 USGP la, una .5eca @ 133.95 #137 '91 DaY'on' 200 @ 139.95 #11850 Yea"of SlUr,i. @ 44.95 #81 8 '91 U SGPla, unaS' ca @ 133 .95 #120R Am,ri" Packag, @ 49.90 id' #9 U R .S. RGrand PriJ'88 @ 33.95 #828 '91 Spani.h RR G @ '33.95 P #121 Rid' AlOIrica: Highway 1 @ 29.95 #11 Rick John.on Profil, @39.95 #838 ·91halian RRGP @ 133.95 #122Rid,Am .:·Th,MIllion Dollar Hw(@29.95, #12A Worl~. Groat.s! SX @ 29.95 #848 '91 Germa. RR GP @ 133.95 #123 '90 CA SI. Sp"dw,y C.hip. @ 29.95 #1 3 MX Glove, Style @ 29.95 #858 '91 AUSlrion RR GP @ 133.95 #124 Th, A , som Factor@ 22.95 w , . 148 1991 N Amer. Spdwy Final @129.95 . #868 '91 European ISpainl R P @ 133 RG .95 #12\ M, H @ 39.95 av,, L _ ~~~:~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~@~~ ~ SubtDl l a _ _ Californi. Ruidenl .dd 7V Sel.' T.. .% (LA County 8 /.% S.le. Tu) ' (Outside the co.ti.e.tal United Slates add 110.00 per la pe for addilio. al shipping costsl· ~ _~~~~~~~~~~ - - - - - - - ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ - ~- ~

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