Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 09 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Guik Shop 1982 Kawasaki ELR-1000R Or igin al. minr, 8.8K. $5395. (708) 50 1-4604. IL (336- 38) 1991 HONDA CR5oo. EXCELLENT CONDmON. vet rider. wi.h extras , $26501000. (213) 391 -6337. CA . (336 -37) 1989 KTM 500 D-XC Race Tech suspension , 5 ·A pro , bark busters. new Metzelers and cha in and sprockets. Looks li ke new. $2000 or trade for Pro Trae or Hi Point enclosed tra iler. Leav e message (707) 459-6107. CA . (33 6· 37) AIRCONE STIU SPECIAUZES i. - . megap!lHes, silellCefS, U-8Hds, ~plete pipes. Call A1RCONE . (702 ) ~ 177 5050 " F" Steptoe Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89 122 Ford Race Van Forced to sell. '85 E350 Stretch van. A ir. cr uise. PS. PB. alum inum wheels . Captai n chai rs. fold ou t bed. Hauls 3 bikes . M int condi t ion. asking on ly 55900/000. (4 12) 468 -3356. PA. (336·37/ P) ~... .l'rtPwn Cagiva·Ducati '85 650 55 Racebike 'Prifom>JJna Formula Tw ins ready. Trick motor and suspe nsion. (4 t 5) 387 ·5494 eveni ngs. CA . (136 -37) CYLINDER SERVICE Handcrafted Cylinder Uners-porting. 1991 Honda CR250 engine balanci ng on our new PMC Bet a Vibrati on Anal yzer. Bill Wagner 's Northwest Sleeve and Engine W orks . 150-8 N.E. Victory, Gresham . OR 97030. Suspension mods. good condition, $2500. (213) 374-5778. CA. (136· 37) ~-(503)~8430---~ (:) ~ ~vailable MOTORCYCLE GUIDES at Participat ing Dealers in california, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah & Wyoming. Are yo u trave ling to these areas? ?? Send $2.95 (P&H) per issue, specify: Southern CA, Northern CA or Rocky Mountain to: e Motorcycle GUides, P.O. Bo x 580, Pismo Beach,CA 93448 (805) 773-6011 "'M"· HONDA ~ . ~ =.. GllIw,'" PARTS OVER HALFCENTURY OF GREAT SEFlVtCE D EAlERS INOUIRIES IIIVITED I./. For info on the WERA Pro Ser ies, ~I .? / Sn S/P M WERA Nat'. End. ~:., or WERA Nat '. & Reg'J Spr ints II ~ ~. ;"; \... contact: (803)681-WERA (93721 . FINE LINE RACING I . . . . . TERS ES MOTORCYCLE CEN SALE~ART$-SER\IlCE AK. ~~~ Custom XR Hondo Frome KIIs 1828 W.11lh st. #G . Uplond, CA91786 CALL (714) 985-0078 TIIII'S 10110M AI AI • SPOIBE RIDER 01 THE ROAD,ElTHER. ~~~, (11991 Amman HondaMocorCompany .lnc:orponkd ( Fcl'JrwryI91) I"'J'" . .- ',,) ~'ClJr"SCI rvs _DOJ~"S ] I ..., :~0US" r, 1 1 Jf (',x", ~ 'I .' "1, ~Jlll',J R~':. "" y >~.-' JI..,J l . .Je" t Sewn CDlJWHJHHrt C.lifom ~ 2 o • .. 0 o 9, 158 -030 0 LDution. : Jawa 897 Speedway 8 ike South a.hI5861 Firflstone Blvd (213)927·6895 Monro"i. 806 E. Huntington OrtWt (8 78J303-6382 CALL 414-363-3767 ,~,~ Atlanta' s Origlno l 8t BesL '91 TZ 250 YAMAHA. 5 availabl e. 2 used for World GP. 3 used for J apanese serie s. 3 cut of 5 have factory speed kit . uses special cyl inder, exbu ast, COl uni t, case. pert. They are ready to race . 2 standard with many spare pans. One only had 2 rac es, like new. These speed kit is only few of t hem availab le this year, top end 13.500 rpm . Pric e for t hese 5 bikes start from $90()(). Please reply by FAX. 81 -3 -372 1·8860. Attention to KAZ. Tokyo Japan. (336-47) $15.000. Sariou s inqui rie s onl y. (404) 23 1-7957. (404 ) 457 -0538. GA. 1.3 36-40) AnslHl;m 828 w. Vermont Ave'. (714) n 4· 7049 Lonl18ftch 5210Long Beach Blvd (2 13J423-8878 !l'l!l~ 1991 RMBO. new t op end. new clutch. well mai ntained. $t250. Wayne Carey. (7 14) 981 · 2099. (7 14) 944 -5124. CA. (336 -37) Yamaha 1989 FZR1000 To" 2466 W Sepu hIetM Blvd. (2T3) 530-03 14 Singl e cam. J aw a Wenn clutch. new Cody motor. new PJS ignit ion box. divi sion one bike. excellent condition. injury sale. Tom. 1 51770 -04 14. (4OB) 41 24 6 -93 30 . CA . 1336·3 7) ~ "C I,., ~ Ilavywelghl Flywhoe's Enduro Conv.rslDn Ports 1-800 · MOO SE·/T 2595 N. Hwy. 67, Sedalia. Colorado 80135 ~~ HONDA of Atlanta ~Ji >/P"" call for your ~Motorcycle /ATV / Watercraft PIston catalog 4230 Buford Hwy.• Atlonto. GA 30329 (404) 633-9171 Parts Ship ped UPS - Ground or AIr HONDA - _ =;,; (216) 951-6600 COJl/r riL In n 1h Its. __ _ _ - .,.", 720 1 Industrial Park Blvd. Mentrx , OH 4406tJ ' -- - H o n d a Parts- - ---, Hayward Honda/Suzuki • large Dirt &. Street Inventory __ • ._- UPS D.,1y CR Support Oeoler HONDA Come ridewith us. • . Catalog A vailable - Call for tntormstion .~ . 27955 Missoon Blvd.. HaywardCA 94544 415-886-ll644 ~ ~l~ .P/U~or.:>Jie:s/-r.=v ci~$~':;vp" ..c • H O NDA ~~~ Cane ridewith us. Your CR Ex perts S upport Dealer W E SPECIALIZE IN WHO LE S A LE T O NON -FRANCH IS E D EA LERS 6408 Fairburn Rd., Doug lasville. GA 30134 - - - -(4041920-1033 MOTORCYCLE CRATING Cr ate t o sh ip from So . Ca l. to a n ywhere in t he World. We also d eliver f ull y assembled motorcyc le s throug h out So . Ca l . Ask for Ken or Steve 42 J LAMirMJ. 14258 E. Imps" . ' Hwy (2 13) 946 -3459 Sun V.,1fty 900 7 Sunland A ..... (8 18) 768 -9026 Jim.,.....·s ~1J U Zl .. 'id() ~.' ,,1f"IS ~ o 2 1991 RM80 tires. Motorr:ycM service. runllUps. M:Cessories.nd AJI) H ONDAUN E EACC SSORIE S CARLl HOIIDA tI2Il FAARAGUIRO.•I U Y N.Y. 11l36·2399 R. ~, 714 /369-5144 ~~C'E TOLLFREE 1 (800) NOW CARL ir8iiii)Ai21~7! tli8 1 (71812~-oeo2 r FZR750R AMA Superbike Only six hours total t ime. Carrillo rods. Cosworth pistons. 38mm carb s, ported, pol ished. special clutch . Fox. Marvic. all s tock parts inc luded . $2900. (904) 622 -7850. FL (t36) 1815 Massachusetts Ave. ' Riverside . CA 92507 I is BEST ~~FORGENUINE ....... .~-~ 1 9 8 9 FZR600 Superbike Complete front end from '87 FZRR 750. FZR 400 5w ingarm. S uzuki 4 .5x17 rear wheel. air tech fiberglass . also all stock plastic. engi ne bu ilt from crank up. $4500. (7 t 4) 949 -4717. CA . (13 6-37) D & D MOTORCYCLE S ERVICE 213 -5 3 0 -5 6 3 4 Cagiva Freecia! !1 1987 125ce water cooled two-stroke sportbike. very rare l Excellent condition. low mileage . On ly a few import ed! Light fa ir ing damage equals low sales price. S2650/0b0. ca ll 1 18) 713 -2722 or 8 (8 t 8) 760-1831 for deta ils. CA. (t36/P) 1991 TZ2508 V·Twin excellent cond it ion. never dow n. complete spares kit. 9th Charlone Nationa l. $13 .500. Also 1991 VZ250 excelle nt condit ion. ridden 3 t imes. $2500. (313 )742·2701. MI . (33 6- 38) Myers Ducati -Husqvarna M /C (714) 993-5400 Now taking deposits on 1992 Ducat i 900 5 5 . Asheville . NC. (704 1274 -427 1. (236) TRIALS 1986 RTL2505 extr a rear wh eel and new Michelin X l winter t ire . $2750. 1717) 724-4248. PA. (336·37) FREE INFORMATION 610 6 Land 0 ' Lakes Blvd, Land 0 ' Lakes, FL 34639 (813) 996·3754 ACT NYAMAHA IO Northeast Am erica 's Leading VZ Yamaha Team Cen ter FZR PARTS a2: f'" UPS BIKES On R.qulS1 PARTS !Mm,. ", (9081494·5555 Y AMAHA Honda Trials 600 Ho nda Knight frame. Davey motor . 500 motor on bench ready to race nowllB17) 822 ·1519 or 1817) 7 563841 . $3900/000. TX. (136-37 ) Bassani Pipes RD , RZ, GT, H1 H2. cax avail able special order on ly. Call TC f or detail s. 1714) 658-4 205. CA. (136 -37 ) 1990 CR500 EXCELLENT CONDITION. senior owned. Race Tech suspens ion. FM F. Rent hal , Bridgesto ne. Bcvesen, Tuf plast ic. fres h moto r. $2795. (903) 863 -21 83 evenings. TX. (136· 37) RZ 500 part s. motor. fro nt end. frame. etc. $600 for all. (41 2) 226·2209 morn ings . EST. PA. (136- 37)

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