Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 09 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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British Collection GuikShop 19 3 7 Nort on International ex- Billy M atthe ws $27 .000. 1972 Seely M KlV Commando $23 .000. 1966 Triumph rr $5500. 194 8 Historic M atchless G-50. in quire. (213 ) 54 5-5464. CA. (136 / C) Oversize Fuel 1972 8 ULTACO SHERPA·T 100% ORIGINAL condrtion , 249 mil es. $1100. (71 3) 34 7 -1722. nco (l36-38/ C) TA KS ~ *' Ge rm an Motorcyc les Wanted Adler. Horex. NSU . Ma ico-Typhoon. Zundapp. Cash wa iting I E. Bley. 700 Chase. Elk Grove . IL 60007. (l 36 -40/C) (708 ) 43 7·0022. Have Your Credit Card Ready and Call : Air Filt er Distributor: Motorcycle/ Watercraft/ Auto Not' l: (8 00) 237-9 9 06 The Oil Edge Local: (7 14) 7 8 1 -5 8 4 9 I.M.S. Private Collect ion VISA _ l:iiiiiiJ 1963 & 1952 Triumph Thunderbirds . 1927 Ind ian w ith side car. Beaut rtul bikes . (714) 67 8·7117. CA (136-38/ C) FAX: (71 4 ) 7 81 ·0156 " " ER ICAN LAVERDA 750SF S2K, H-D 3 50 Sprint (2) $600 pr .. '63-'67 CL72 17 7 $100·1 .000 ea. WantCB92/ CB72177. CBX pan s/bikes . Call Bill (6 19) 4BB4850. CA. (336/C) 1189 LaCadenaDrive. Riverside. CA 92501 • UPS Da ily . ~~I oa:!Rf'S'S BSA B50MX Wanted PIR'ORMANCI. OUR CArAIOG 'S 'Ull0"r. computer Controlled Port Machining 'or Unmatched Air Flow Improvement. $229 .99 Provides Extr eme ly Stabl e Front End DEVOL RACING 202 37th Ave . N.E. • E Auburn , WA 98001 Phone (206 ) 735-2463 Fall (206) 939 -7243 SUZ - Kaw • ATK PARTS ,~ 'EZ. 8800 Somerset Boulevard Paramount, California 90723 SUZUK I • RT2,80X309 WILD ROSE, WI 54984 (414) 622 ·4555 Se nd $ 3.00 ' 0 co ..... r p odoS'_ o n d IIo nd' i"9 'or aura " n e w Colo r Pe r#ormo ltce Catalog . ~/531-297 -e Kawasaki 1248 N. H St. San Berna rdino, CA 92405 UPS Dail y ( 714) 885-711 0 4700 SW 51st Street, Suite 212 Davie. FL 33314 HELMET. 1974 Yamaha YZ125A W ANTED GAS TANK FOR 1969 F· 21M Kawe saki din bi ke. A lso books. pan s. etc. (3 13) 733· (33 3- 3 6/ C) 8283. (31 3) 73 2·0510 . M I. 13 j·k :·, Greeves S.- . Ilene 19 72 Greeves 3BOcc. r uns str ong. s 500. IB1B) 573-1254. CA (134-37/C) BULTA CO ASTRO FRAME WITH FRONTERA mot or. Barn es w heels. $695. 350 A lpina and 250 Al pina. excelle nt eendrtion, $6 95 each . (9 12) 3561494 or (91 2) 35 1-09 22. GA . . (334- 36/ C) For an Arai l iterature/ Decal Pak. Including our la les t Vintage Honda Husqvarna Tons of genu ine Honda N.O.S. and used 1959'6 9 pans for: Cub 50. Sport 50. S6 5. Super 90, Benly. CA160. CB160. Dream Tou ring . Sup er Hawk . Scrambler. CB450 and mor e. Call Nic k (21 6) 64 7 -235 7 or Tom (216) 74B -2676. OH. • Your Husky Parts Warehouse • Husky Automatic Experts • Enduro/ Hare Scrambles HQ Available NOWat your Local Dealer • MOR E HORSE POWER (335 ·4 2/ C) CaroHna Wheels • Props • QUICKER. SHARPER Laverdas Wanted M ynl e Beach . SC THROTTLE RESPONSE For locat ion of yo ur nea rest deal er and deal ~r inqui ries call : • ONE PIEC E DESIGN • EASY INSTALLAT ION Boyesen Engineering A.D. ' 1, Bo 862 - Lenhartsville. PA19534 x 1 5) 756-6818 ' (800) 44' ·1177 ' FAX 1 5) 756-4102 2' 2' FACTORY A UTHOR IZED D ISTRIBUTOR CALHOUN :~ ~'!!! 1·800-748-8454 Dead or Alive_ (5091 92 4-5 13 1. Fax: (509) 92 80918. WA. (209ITFN /C) (B0 3 ) 293-3608 Info Lin e (800) 526-6187 Pan s Ord er UPS Daily ::s::.~ m .... **Bultaco Parts** COO. UPS. (7 131351 ·0075. TX. NEVV wVfi;J~ . . COLOR CAT ALOG flOO @)flO €H90@ 182/ W,ld Turk!.')' ("de Corona CA USA 91720 • • SMA.T! SIND $, . 0 0 ' 0 . TN' .90 I CATAL OG Baja Off Road Tours DIRT TRACK STEEL SHOES SeOO boot. spedIy 1OC8!ype. 14" kx:e boot. SQ5.lX) • A . Neff on - Mo toworltr'. • XR250. XR600. Mtd DR350 bik. . provided. • Now '-turing WhiN Bnu. S u.".,r.nm. • F",..t T,.n riding IIOUt of tIw bDnkw. h • Pr.Hnr«J by Chn. H.inn ';~ 19S7. • V",., M~td AeatpftId. 2!)108 Marg 1 Pkwy, SulI, 8-'16. Mrwon V'flO CA 92692 Ulrl1 . Everything for speedway. Practice ITock open weekly. (714) 277~989 TOO TECH SUSPENSION Honda CR susp e n si o n since 1982 ' 9 1 Suzuki RM use Showo - our specialty ' Guaranteed Shock & Fork Valving & Service by a suspension specialist w ho races weekty REASONABLE PRICESa RICK JOHNSON 19333 Stu'll.... Dr. a Torrance, CA 90603 FAX (714) 277-0410 --213-371·3887'-· lEATHERS 'i~. 40 "u ROAD C.UIt HOIUll . n &2733 0 1'011 71 7.502' CAfAlOG AVAllAl Lf • Ju l y 27 & 28- Florida Motosports Complex Aug. 24 & 25 - 1-40 Motocros s Park Sept. 14 & 15 · Dallas Ricker Complex -Foam Air Flten. - Le nse s & Tear·Offs. - N u m b e r s 3 " , 6 " , 8" . - Bac kg ro u n d s. MX Main Office: 721 B N. Shirk Rd Visalia. CA 93291 . FAX: 209-651-4119 West: 209·651-4120 Eas 616·695-7118 t (407) 333-2356 r£; .,~ HODAKA-PENTON HI-POINT - MAGURA ftj Before You Buy Call Us 0': (815) 389-1381 160 12 Sierra Hwy . Mojave. CA93501 UPS Doily O.TAVE::S:: _ : ' - Our Sel ection of KTM Port. Is Top No tch L _ Complete 'line of Acceslories For All _ _ Major Motorcycle 8rond . Call Tod ay (8 0 5) 824·4911---.1 NOS Parts fo r Harle y Dav idson Lightweig hts American & Italian cjp 7948~ 78 BMW of Daytona (904) 255-1720 Selling bikes to fu nd current ra ce progr am . #1 1958 XLR 55 cu .in . (B83c c) li mned produ ction rr bike. #2 \ 955 KKR 45 cu .in . (75Occ) nice per iod IT racer . Both bikes are honest origi nal racers. complete a nd un restored. $8000 eech. $15 .000 "United States Masters Of Motocross" $25.000 Eastern W arm-UpSeries Team Mefford Restorations PENTONS. 8. 70-'7 3 plus som e new pans in boxes. $50 to $975 for completely res tored 250. (91 6) 363 -32 32. CA. (135-3 6/ C) Two Harley Collectibles Ken Moely B580 Bedford Mot""""'Y. Corona. CA 91719 17 141 8 30 ·6 56 9 P R OSPO'!:TS USA (20 3 / EOI/ CI A.JS TO ZUNDAPP. Have/buy/ sell everyt hi ng. (230 / CITFN) (61 9 ) 431 · 7384 .CA OX FORD. ALABAMA. 205·83 1 ·3029 ) 00 'itl 1988 Yamaha YZ2 50 , E.C.. $ 1 250. 19 B8 Yamaha YZ12 5. E.C.. $1000. 1974 Honda CR250. E.C.. $600. 1974 Yamaha M X 250. E.C.• $300. 19 74 Yama ha TY250. E.C.. $2 50 . 1972 BM W 750R . 22.000 miles, E.C.. $1200.1976 Honda 750. lB.OOO miles. E.C.. $600. (614) 983·4233. OH. (335 -36 /CI Excellent origina l condmcn, $525 / obo. (21 3) 7B28053. CA. (134 -3 6/ C) brochure , send $2.00 in cash or stamps (3 00 outside U.S.l to : Arai Helmets. u e., OePl_63. P.O. 80)(9485. Dayton a. FL 32120. ~ Both in showroom cond ition. Origina l a nd ra ce rea dy. $1 500 each or w i ll co nsider tra de for vintag e M aico or Kaw asaki. Don 't miss out (9 14) 941 70 21. NY. (135-36/C) Vintage Road Racing (800) 717·8107 US or (305) 587-8 107 Suzuki Pro MX Dealer Race Unadilla In October 1974 CRR125M and CR250M Elsinores for sale . Sat urday. Sund ay. Sept ember 21 . 22. OMRRA Sponsor. For Info (503) 221 ·1 48 7. OR. (33 5- 36 /C) Wholesale To Dealers ONLY! -~- WHIlWORTH OPEN END WRENCHES. Germ an made. 5-piece motorcycle set. $1 5 per set. Call (Bl B) 90 5-6441. CA. (336 /C) I HAVE 11 NEW 1974 CZ and J awa bikes. never t it led. stored 18 years. M ake highest offer. (9 191 39 2-4 396 . NC. (33 5-3 6/C) ~.~ '4§/,'''·Y,'l o1iEI :/;;1;1# $ B0 Call Bob (B1B) 961 -0 388 or (7 14) B61· 24 25. CA. . (33 6- 37/CI CHAR 211 W• • P'lrngton Cha rlest on. ll 61920 217·345-:: . 25:::n..:.... UPS pair. Pan ial tra des cons idered. Pat (21 5) 65 7 -0487. (33 5-3 6/C) Carl (215 ) 35 7 ·9306. PA. 1974 CR250M Parts Wanted Need f ront number pl at e. fe nders. side panels for .' 73 -7 4 Honda Elsino re. Used ok. but mus t be clean. Also looking for other spa re CR pans chea p. Call (714) 650- 153B, leave message. CA. _ (534- 371CI Classics From Hardings Park Cycle 'B6 GSXR750 li mite d editi on $5000. 'B2 CX500 Turbo $BOO. '69 CL450 $300. 'BO XSl1ooLG. M idn ight Special $2000. '83 XJ750RJ Seca Tour Pack $1500. ' 84 GP21 1ooWlseco modif ied $4000. . ' 74 GT750 $400. '7 1 BMW RBO $1 BOO 'B6 GL 1200 SEI $6800. 'B6 VF1000R $4000. M any other new deal er spe cia l s. Ya ma ha. Hond a. Kawa saki. Suzu ki. large sel ect ion . Parts. sales. serv ice. Canto n. Oh io. (21 6) 454 -61 71 ask for Mr. M otor spon s. (335 -38 / C) GENERAL MERCHANDISE Parts ForFZR600,400/CBR 600F2 COD j.=.1 -==:-...= =.J '--"-' 19B9 F2R600 and 19BB F2R4OO w heels. forks. brakes. motor pans. frame and bodywork. CSR 600 F2 motor pans. Call Dave (9 14) 623- 5446. NY. (3361

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