Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 09 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GR RACEAMA 250cc Grand Prix Series: Round 6 DAD e Jimmy Filice (65) took full advantage of mistakes by the others to win in Kansas. Fresh off a trip to Europe, Jon Cornwell finished second at Heartland Park Topeka. on the outside, D'Alu isio on the inside, the two touched and went off the track with the New Englander crashing and the Californian carrying on . D'Aluisio was upset, claiming that Fil ice had taken him out: "I didn't budge," he said. " And all of a sudden I'm stood up and going straight off th e track. It just stood me up, I didn't lose the front. I could understand that move on the last lap , but . . ." Fili ce, naturally, had a different view of the incident: " I was on the outside, so I don 't know how I could take him o u t. I couldn 't pass him on the straigh t, so I tried to intimidate him by going on the outside. His lever hit me in the leathers, I picked up and ran off the track. I'm sorry about the whole deal, but I've dirt tracked a long time a nd if you want to take somebody out, you don 't do it on the ou tside." It d idn ' t reall y matter who was right, the damage was done. D' Aluisio 's bike was des troyed: "The bike is no lo nger," D'Al uisio said. " Maybe we'll be able to save the engine." The cha mpionship now appears as though it will com e down to Filice vs. Ienatsch, Filice leads 79-75 wi th two rounds remaining. D'Alu isio is third wit h 64 points. At the start of the 20-lap affair it was Filice and D'Alu isio out front with Ienatsch in tow. Don n ie Greene was fourth on ' the Dianetics-ba ck ed Yamaha , a hea d o f Kirk o n th e Bridgestone-sh od Yam aha and Cornwell on hi s JJ Barnicke-backed TZ. Al Salaverria, meanwhile, was way back on the ultra-tri ck April ia AP I Vtwin: " We went backw ards on carbure tio n, " he said. " T he wi nd reall y screwed us u p a nd it wo uld on ly rev to 10,500. It com p letely died on the second lap and I didn't think it was . going to fi nis h. It j ust wou ldn 't carburate and it 's usually like a truck." The Californian would soldier o n to finish 11th. With Ien a tsch departing on the seve n th la p a nd D' Aluisio doing li kewise a lap later , the race belonged to Filice. H e led Kirk by 5.4 seconds on the ninth lap, 7.02 on the 11th la p and eventu a ll y wou ld stretch the margin of victory to 10.040 seconds over Cornwell, who displaced Kirk on the 11th lap after sorting out his gearing problems. " It took me five laps just to fig ure out what gear to be in a nd where," Co rnwell said. "T he gearbox broke this morning and we did n 't have the right parts to fix it." Behind Kirk in fourth place came Greene, who raced early on with Walker before the Colorado resident lost his brakes. Rick Tripudi th en inherited fifth , which he would hold to the end. "They all started falling a nd I just kept mine up," Kirk said. " It starts playing on your mi nd when you see gu ys crashing. The Bridgestones are just developmen tal a t th is poin t, bu t they worked well." Of Results Q UAUFYING: I. Chri s D' Aluisio ( 1:48.480): 2. Jo n Cornwell (I:48.884); 3. Don Greene (I:49.678); 4. J im Filice (1:50.015); 5. AI Sa laverria ( 1:50.074); 6. Nick Ienatsch ( 1:50. 106): 7. R ick Tripod i (1:50.323); 8. Danny Walk« (1:5 1.087); 9. And rew Trevitt (1:51.207); 10. Ri ck Kirk (1:51.348); II. M ichael Gra ves ( 1:5 1.746 ); 12. Mik ~ Sulli van (1:51.84 1); 13. Martin Miller (1:52.5 18); 14. William Hi mm elsbach (1:53.609); 15. T om Pari s (1:53.678); 16. Donn Le wis (1:53.848); 17. And y FC'm.. ck .. i (1:54. 158); 18. J imm y Mosl ey (1:54.331); 19. Thonn on McPheet ers ( I :5 5. 774) ; 20. J ohn France (1:55.979); 2 1. Andre w Perkin s ( 1:57.447); 22. Kurt Dimi ck ( 1:58.926); 23. J im Bonner ( 1:59.339); 24. Perry Meln eciu c (1:59.442); 25. Edwa rd Borow y ( 1:59.689); 26. Ty Piz (2:02.592). FINA L: I. Jimmy Fi1icr (Yam ); 2. J o n Cornwell (Ya m ); 3. Rick Kirk (Yam ); 4. Don Greene (Yam); 5. Rick Tripodi (Yam ); 6. Tom Paris (Ya m) ; 7. Mik e Sull ivan (Yam ); 8. Danny Walk « (Ya m); 9. And y Fenw ick (Yam); 10. Martin MiII« (Yam ); 1J. AI Salaverria (Ap r); 12. Andre w Trevitt (Yam) ; 13. Will iam Hi mmel sba ch (Yam); 14. Ji m my Mosley (Yam ): 15. Ku r t Di m ick (Ya m ); 16. T hornton McP heeters (H o n ); 17. Andrew Per kin s (Yam ); 18. Jim Bonner (Ya m ); 19. Per ry Mel neci uc (Apr); 20. Ty Pi, (Yam ); 2 1. Don n Lewis (Yam ); 22. John Fran a: (Ha n ); 23. Chris D'Aluisio (Ya m ); 24. Nick Ienatsch (Yam ); 25. Edward Borow y (Yam ); 26. Michael Graves (Yarn) . T ime: 37 min ., 9.432 sec. Distance 20 laps . 50 milo. Av

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