Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 09 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CYCLE ACTION TH EATER prese nts The Greatest Motorcycle Video Cassettes W atch them over an d over! 011/ illS 1"""'111/11 .. _ ..... _ _ V""" , . (11111) 1111 USGP ~ 50clI _ _ ....... &...........,dSOO ... - (#4IO)I-._~ DifftfIlW thin the N8CIISPN IroIdcatI. this widlO 250daaes. sicIec8rI too. 52 minutn from GP Video 1IM --~ .. _ ..... CIgMo & .... "" - Prlx 111_ 1l{15I) 1"1 _ _ II _ Prlx 125/ 2500% N.n MX _ of 7300 fInI It liItorbIc:l Round 1 of the I8rle1 took pia in lie. perfKt c,de Pili II Cooper &. SInon aorm &annville. _ . . . """ "" SIIllx..,;n" Mia IIoohm 48_tnm _ _ - lklM til HandI to . . Iimi:I in • r.m IdII wiIh 1 aI .. 1991 Round (#l2A) 1100 51_ _In>m __ v.... # Po-tlpods Video.. (#101) -.... ~IliI_ (#110) 1190 _ 1 0 0 .. _ no- pnJduted .. minutn on tIpI of MottMdeo his _ al 60 _ _ ~_-""""o en.. u.s. _ - w... a- (_1991 GP _ _ I _ Prlx _ I Tho ) 1111 SullQ sioonW9Y '90 _ huIncingl ~ pIai it moIIltInWIg Ind 6IW InftltII frum .,..,..., ~..,,;t The 50lh ArIMrury BIadt HiUs Motor Cassie dmr _ 301\l1OO _ tnm .. 50 _ & 3ll hn;,n eot.ntnn. Ibs is the lJttioII Vldeo~ of the RIDr and CCIWf1it .... 7SminJtn prodI.adby Pom. MediII .... lOcI- (#Ill) 50 , ... 01 the When Stlqi:I IIIItId bat in 1938.I'G ant . . IMl' _ _ 52 Ih-.d if ....-.t PJIl' inIathe lJutasI C)'EDlQ .-nI: Ml'. JIcM 0'IIl' fifty JUS Imr. StIqiI iI tht Woodsud out. ~ A miew of Ihe '89 flM GP RollI Racing III10tl lIlaridwide. I I i.IMan Iuds teIIow ArnIritanI R8iney II'Id Sc:hw8nu to IWftIl 13 US wins in 15 rllLIIdl. P-.-V..... (#711)"" 0.,.: T,....,... FKORl to s:m. Hislop pushes the over 121 . . . $pII,d. iii timn lJI'lU1Cf the t.mous 37. mile~. 60 mirMn. Frnm 1 .. _tnm ~ lIa9> fiIm ... _"'-Ptt"SOO ...... _ G te HighMy' 1 lOll Cokndo', "MiUion Dol . H t ighway" loronelowpOcIl From Jigsaw Home Video CIIifomi.'. POIMIrsportI VIdeG. (#W) _ _ ......., I (#MAIl.......... fal:.1!: mall spectacU., IIllJIt tntertJining. nI This 60 minuI. m.o Pbs you lCl !hi .....,. Golden bigglll: bib IMlft in '*- world r AD ..., raa IlllIthtmCalifclnQ coal N Higtwny I. trum thejcunIy Glttlhlgl on up.tor.1nathIIking 130 _ trum thI 1990 10M 1Il • 55 rninutI . .. From in 'fl:UClMINng roam! Frorn JigIar Harne V. . ~ - 1 "_ " (#11) _ _ ..... ... CloooofIoo Mnt the "'Ridetl of the whobringbikes. AlVL JIlIlps. buggill and-Qll lor it at lllam 20 minutes il! produced by Pll1ect Image. Imm Matovidl o. (#20) _ _ IlrJoMIk1dIey_7S_ .. """" Bov.- From Motovideo. your fftOrite "Bad (#13) IIlIooc _ - _ SI7Io! SiJ.·time N Iltional MX D1 mp taka youto his IIInt . trItb andshowsyouhowto mastlr the art. 60 minutes. • &to MoIovidllO. -,... . . -Hny_.. -.. 1961 Isle 01 MIn TT race feltlnl MiIte Hailwood on the 250 HondI and 1ht Manx Norton. and IgIin (#54) !-' ''' _ prt¥ISIId in Jill two,.an.. 5211W1U!81 by~ . _tnm~1Ja9t in _ ... (#1361 GoForI (#117) "SIIqIIl_ _ - . . . , 11 _ ... la ' (#12O)_ _ Pabp ElaIenl 25Oc:c: das Idian _ ICocinItd. Radl" bpnra Ride AmericI • • brIlv:t ... Il!rin of ZnIeriJlq. Fnn 0apIin VldIo. InlIIOrqde vid80L Ride twa of !hi W81tnt molDItyde roa:b in the lJndad States MIh 1IlUIti-....nt wiming .... A rMw al the 19 p-.-V,,",, flImg 500ct (11M)"""" 1_ 88 _ _ AM Wortd RoId · A new King at the tst.nd. (1I7Il)1_ _ " to bllllini 400.lDJ Il'I!I'Iusi..u ~ 00 DIytonI tor !hi 1991/SOth IfWIiveruIy of Bike W"l Set the "Main Strnr " H.tey teeM from the biggnl: ye_ 1Mlf. 60 minutes produced by Parcnm from PmgmsNe D esign. d",,"," 75 _ _ It_ Ita is AmeritI'1 TIlU!Ilut AKI h . . , it . . munI (#106l150 , . . .. Do,-. 011 - (IIIIA) 1111 USGP ~ 50clI IWiMy . . d.-'crf~.~ .... 1100""". _ _ ... (#9) Prlx 1_ The lll .test rnaumin bib l'ItI in !tie world . . ReI! Grand Prix ruedT1cing forthe Wol'Id a..mpionship . pla .ad! VIlar II Mammoth Mo!.ntain Ski Are. in miftI in Amenca II St•..., EddiI I.Nson InlI FIISl the Californta HiQh SiIfTl. Sel footage frm1 h Iat Jinvny FilicI belt the best at I.IQlN Stca. From 5 yea from these M8SOOlIIMl1tS: K1miklZll DowMilt. Powersportl Vldta. DbaIlrvId T L CrDu Country, Dualls111om1 Cha rial lillnge. HUIdimb, and men intUting lots of cruhu If you lib bicydn. this videa is tor you. 8D minulllS from (#41 )_ ~ RacI with GMIner II you croudl 0Wl- 1hI bIncIIebm of • 200mptl GIWllI Prix Honda in .au.! l'Il:t condi1MlnaI 80 minuta. ham PowerIpons Vida (#77) 1_ _ ' - - Tho 64lh Amuol ISOE ""'" W_ W _ '" 30 BO _ tnm P-.- V"",, dull Irdlda 25Dcc Ktian wiItI CIdIkn Ind Brad! bInIIng lor honors. 52 IlirMn IronI GP Video. t'sIIIpo (#7I)n._~ MulaiidIG. (#95) Palo T._IIM for 21 dI¥s Ind 241 biUI. ta'I and trueb rK:ICI (#121) and ItRlUglld to eomple the formidabll t. 6IJ mft4a 0I1tllI ~ YfldlJMnIbt - whM goa _ ·".,..500 .. pnI ..... _ uP oftenaIIIIS down. From MabMdeo. raa 01 .. 80 minwL fn:Jm Po.r1pcrts Video. 1111 ~~) II_PIt. n. 8th rmn:IgI the liP .na .. bIId.1hI ..... ...... ~ _ . . ~ • lilt IUd rKing madln DclatIIft. 1'-' .. , _ ..... 3 _tnm~1Ja9t (#126) One btnwopiaa Everything you IlWf warnld to Ilmw about motortyde ~ rac:ino with eommlntlly by Pro Stodl NII1ionaI Champion D SthuItz. 60 minutllfrom PO'Mlf1POlU IM! V.... s.nun. mthe series from .. miMes al aaftI from ~ EndsnI. and Il{~ ""'._·.1¥ _.-.. (#1531)'91 " _ 1 1 1 _ an.n Swd Ind J.n StIr1lDn put on . . . . thaw . . . ,Slh............. Poirc Ra:rwIy bIkn 1ס.סoo .... ~ minutes fmm _ (# 1 2 5 ) - ttle lit .... aI1-moton:cyde "'HIwoc" video by Mote Entertainment. f lltlnl 55 minutn of tilaatrophe with the 1_ of Randy MamoIa. Dmtilll D8'Ill Thupe. Wrrne Gardner.Kevin SdlwIrrtt Eddie !.AWl Ind mort . A VIrie1y of t:rabI from ro..t race GP'I TT MXGP's.1hga.1lllI P D .. Hum MotowidIo. . .. lril- . (#65) _ The tfWd W_Roinoy. _ ... " d ... .. - . . _ _. CadoIcn_ _ " tidI en.. II CIrU Id • 2SOct iIII IKDd. S2111ilua _ GP 'Ildeo • Sal dw PMJPIe who 1M &. bruthI raing. and 11mKhines thlt tab them to dw edge. 60 minutes tnm_ mfront (#I5IA) '91 _ 1 1 1 _ PrivatnrI rIign II o...g HInry .. ..10M 00lJIIlI KD'I ... fat NabonIiI MX 1lIins in ltD ~ secand nuld 01 the ..., in sIappy c:andibonI • Pnn City OHV PM< 48 _ You'.. I..n the to mmerci.11 • now buy the -.0 . . . GruI -.nairInd II partie&. 30 mftItn thI moll txciting ....rtnJII dullI .... _ 1988""""" So.oo<=a fRJ .. llaWllllioyj, 1987LA Coiisel.In (RJ pIII8I mtin field to beat Guy Cooper), Ind 1988 Pontiac Sup8ruon IRJ WI J.ff W . as Wwd QIIts ItUIted into the Motovidftl c.nerwnan). 60 minutn fromMotovideo. _d_ - -- (#124)n. _ _ F_ Ths _ (#11lS) Sl1ldl, SoIIo" - . '9G ~ gf - tnm_ mishIps ... lit to 1ht muaic ~ GtNI ........... forII 9S1 frura MobMdIa. 351111iUa. I - . . . Roinoy, ... . . .... ,.. outdoor MX NMiooaII on the AMA ti'cuil 90 minutn on III int..- bIttII tar the Illtft 18 I8pa fur nanI tnmp-'-V_ 8IIIthlIHocUMeim PraliLCadakn Illd BrIdI cootinut 1hllir ongoil'lfl 250ct battle 52 minuIn: from GP Video . grts anIelwey .......... Doot.- at Miano.CIdIIorI hdI trIdI . . . thIir . . . . in !hi 250 d-. wtliII thI W .1Simmlm duo tab SidKIn. 52 minura . fromGPV~ I Il{I4I) 1111_ II _ _ -...... 1he 1969tall of MlnTT. 1he "'Nortt1wnI: 200 MiW" hsh rud _ d . G _ rip (#16) _ ...... .. _IXIS, "'Madt.toK·70. . a doamerary III BO _ -n. Music V.-r AI newlAX crah I. tun flxagI 500 7Q.IDI ,..., . . . . . "'" • t - . . . tnm .. 199O ..... tnm .. 13 (#1501) '91 _ Tho_,,_30_ Il{I3I) lttl _ II_PIt. 'Mlh ,..,. InC! held on June 15-18. 1961.48 miIlutn from A look ba:Il bbI nAId the ...," ID h ct.p ..... In " _ 99.9", (#S5)I11_""'~ G1'_ (#71) 11M _ 1 1 1 " _ The bat ~ wtlII ......., mIhe ·89 fill Wartd MXGP tt.. hal been tIpbnd III ... vicIlto 'IIIlt*::h ~ about. s.-.porhys whM.. _ .... _ is II" luouoo aI ......... lIlGtDtna:S ..... Son _ ~ B4lgUo, . . - . , ... SMtzertand.. 60 mRdlS tnlm ~ V1deG. (#1&2) 1110 _ _ 111_ _ - TnrweI hacIt in time to !tie41st annuallaania Qaaic I1K:II, ( #lD) _ _ "" huth fIUld 01 1hI .... • RIinev. DacNn Md KacinsIli bIaItctin 1hI sirzIing hell RIudn ~ rJ 25Ot:c nI SidKar dBsa too. 52 _ _ tram AmeritI ballIl(l!O(JVII dlampionIlib on !he''MlrId 'I il tta: spec::ial 60 minutt . . . In:m &IiIdoIt. Well Roc.,. Prlx ..-.,do. 30_ t n m _ (#134) 1,.1 .... _ _ ... _ (#131) nne 10EInpo '118 EJo:mng ..... tnm .. - . . . d .. 1991 Spndwoy foIIcM 1be latty Iwroes of lite '60' 1 motoaou wound It.E.- World ChamPionshiPs III TtaUl. Arirona. 60 the EtJ'opeM nit as they c:ont8st the 196 8lllgilr\. 9 minutea from RAl Vldlo. French. and Swill MXGP'l. Frnm Motovideo (#132) 1.1 ..... _ .......... ... _luouood .... .. U.S: _ flld Me"'l ",",,'I Ro,mond _ Britain', Rob McEln I I, 1IaIy'. G iantarto Fa lappa and Australia', Rob Phillis. 90 minut s from PowmportI e V ode T_ .......... in the 1967 Isle 01 Man n - Clair 1D'II best 89 minIta !rom P-..u VIdeo. (#100) MV • _ From MouMdm Rd's 10 rnftJII ~ . . c:oma ~ ..rtl • potbt-simd bIndbook thII:U. IftCIt:lla1JIII tan c.IY IIono ..., , . to in the Wt ill .... RJ shows you how to ride bmer ttwl you Itri you (#148) 19!I11l_ ~ FIooI 1bI lilt fKt hIIcl It llII1g Vtttrms St..un on 31 1M _ ball' M.tdl Rata the biggal: toIIIclion of 2191, tool OUI to be the moll importd speedway (#100) • ..... _ _ ~_ I"IlInf of the 1991 1IIamn. determining whithkill" N. - . Cooloy. Roinoy ........ Ameriafl ridm will go on to competI in the World by Keith Codl of the CalifonU StcJerhib School TlII wideo tJwaIItu the book into 14 IlIttionI to , . . MtEInu. Citw(. CtDsbt', GIrdner, andmorel 69 tnirMn. FineIs.. 60 mftJtn fromRAlVideo. you viIuaIizI with aystakle. undemanding tilt 1ft from Helm. V ideo aI _ _ . l07 mrtes tnm M _ (#102A)~ ... Walol t'sIIIpo 1991 (#115) _ olIMIIoc ThIl belt ridef1 on itt from the USA and thll world (#111) "I1a _ _ Thia: 45-minute video taka you hacIt 33 yen to meet in Tucson. Arizona melt to race for the Lt.E. foI1ow 'lhe D1idcar( Jeff Mltiaanidl. 81 he . . . scencn of the old 14-mile ~ cirwit. witt! World D\ampionshipa. 60 rninutn fromHAl Video. _ ........... ""'d""'v ... ..a.,IXM .... Geoff OW 'I fabuIoul 4-cyIinder Gi a battling the l ( _) I" ~ lIS _ _ tin improwt 'fOIl" bQ handkog IkiIlL 6D minrtll of mighty BMW of Wah. ZeBer. footIge 01 the fTV!tening Northern bland Ubter GP COU'Ie. frDm This dirna to !tie 26 .... Img qlmI d rxa brings entlrtlinnenthm Mocovideo. ...... V.... out 'lht best of trw tap 18 speeOwey rK*'I in the (#135) _ _ US to dttermine . . CMin #1 in 1991 in ttiI 1 . Foo6 & (#II" ......... . , ....... _ • ..,.,..... IMlll8D minutIII fnIm RAl ~ The IlIvInced c:cu. murban .....-riding anidl. 1Ia 5ft.minut1 videa is lui of tips Ind tK!ia gItbend ) 1190 CoIl._ ~ III the JiV • IltuokSalda in '58. chIIIengId (#123..........., .. Tony a.- ... t'sIIIpo Inn ridIrs• hall haid IJl60nsof mila ofuperiInce. c,do _ in '59 II SiMmone by • 1s-,.. lid HaIiIwood; 17 _ II1ll from expert . . rK*'I . . . . rau ..,., tnndI 01 bbs l'ItI • 0uIIan. and h "58 Isle 01 __ Sc:aa Dabsio. hi IlY8nt is . . of the mod ~ you till IPPfr ID rcu JZmt ridinG- From MIn TT. 551NlUe11rurn H-. VtdIo ~ on h MIl tDIIl AlIo feltll'll the wild (#114) ~ _ ~ ........ d .. 1S84r....._ _ ........ """ "1ILnI s.--, 'will" Tho_"'~& *' -r-------------------------------------------------------------------------, foIaw Wayne RaiIwy's mirth ID dw We. bum Sua*a 10 PbiIIp lIlInd in thiI 105-fnirw bIoc:Ir:buItIr 01 In (#122) _ _ "I1a _ . .. " '," ..... miM. PmbaDIy Ihebar Bi:I GP Rrwin IWrl (# 137) Ittl 0.,-. _ . . " • fKt tbII hed up ID ill billing and prDWided £..-a 1tllI. . . . 1ftd buuly of Cdlndo'l MiIIim • lifting 50th ~ CIIeIntion b Ihe_ . . . . DoIw ttiQIMIIr in Itw til ~ ...... wiltl 1JO. (1111) PIh -l8c>N SICa Gby "" Order Form 11M w.,... .... ll8gIdy,.... _~_-.....a.,"""" tnm _ .BO_ .......... _ """"" _ .. ..., d .. Son Juan ~ _ _ ..... Vodoo (Please fill out almpletely) Uty. Name Description Amount Uty. _ Description Amount llty. Description . #41 8ike Experien" @ 34.95 eedwoy US NBt'I. @ 29.95 #45A'90 Sp Phone ( Order Date _ #102ASp I" WlJl1d C'ship. '91 dwy #105SXThrill. Sp . ' Chill.'90 @ 29.95 ill @ 29.95 @ 129.95 #132·61 latonia C lassic @49 .95 _ #133 Briti.h @ 49.95 #134 '91 a H mck M.m.lce Raco @ 129 . .95 _ _ I ............ ,."."..,..., I Uty. Description I I _ #9 U.S. RIlG"nd Prix '88 @3 3.95 I · #11 Rick JoIm... Profil. @ 39.95 I - #t2AWIJl1~ . Gro811St $X ~ 29.95 II - #13 MJ( GI..., StyI. @2 9.95 I _ #t481991 N. AmI!. Spdwy ,mol @ /29.95 I _ #20 Goidon MllUnUin @ 44.95 .ine..;;I. MX N .t'ls. @ /33.95 #150A ' 91 G _ 81'1s. @ 133 .95 #151 A'91 Socr.m.nto MX N _ #11 4 Supanl" Sli wdown @ 44.95 o #1 15 RendeMlus 81 111. Ring@.44 .95 #t 53A'91 M M MX Nilt'lS. @ '33.95 l orri. #162 '90AMA Na1'1MX So..... Rev. @ 34.95 _ #1 18Racing Into Hinory@44.95 #410'90 WlJl1d SIBSo."", Reviow @ 34.95 _ #81 '89 U . GP laguna S." @ 34.95 .S Amount #110 '90 B1aciwaler 100 @ 39.95 #111 MatazatlllCklrm No Chicken @ 34.95 #808'91 J. pen... RR GP @ 33.95 Ma il to: CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS P,O. Box 498. long Beeell . CA 90B 0 1-04 9 8 or cell (2 13) 427.7433 during b u#ineu hours .. I.mis@129 .95 #136 Go F h 81 G #78A '89 BikeG Compilation@ 39.95 P #788'90 G Ani.. @ 43.95 P Prices ..bjocI lO chongo. ".... ..... _ Aft of theM V HS ti p " . , . evailable tr.e of ah ipping .nd hondling - . - , fn>m CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS #135 s...t Sm.rtS @ 134 .95 #10 ATwist ollhoW Sl @ 49.95 8 ri #109 Kamikazel W MTB C'ship. @ 34.95 ood #77'89 In(16-0oy EadUl1l @34.95 #78 Am. lia n Expms '88 RIl Rev. @ 34.95 Exp. Date - - #t06A 50'eers of Oayton. @ 22.95 #56A Crosh • Bum III @ 29.95 #76'89 W MX G Ani.. @ 34.95 orld P Send a............ lkdo< _ '"' C'Itlf IEWS PIIOOUCTS, P.D. Iloa498. Lang _ CA 9OB01 -ool8IAlJow 4-ll _ doIMrtj .. urop. '69 @ 49.95 #131 Thro. in E #100 MolovaJion try Rick Johnson@ 39.95 #56 MX Crosh . Bum II@ 29.95 Card # Signature #968 '91 AUII"lian RR GP @ 33.95 es otions. Germ..., #55'89 MXO N _ ph #130J1'• • Trium @ 49.95 1155 MX • Bum @ 24.95 l" State _ _ Zip #128 Benof Widowm.ker @ 39.95 #95 '89P.ri.·O.k" @ 34.95 #54V -Twin Maint nance @ 34.95 l City #94A'90 1.1. of Man @39.95 #43 TT Tribut. @ 34.95 Address Amoum #117"Slurgi. 1990" 50th Ann. @ 44.95 '#81A'90 USGP laguna Se" @ 133 .95 #123 '90 CA Sl Speedway C'ship. @ 29.95 #85B'91 Auslrian RR GP@ 1'33.95 _ #121 R America; H id. ighwoy1 @ 29.95 #1221ide Anl:'11le MiIIi... 00IIorHw(@29.95 #848 '91 G rm.. RR GP @ 133 . .95 _ #120R Americo P" "g. @ 49.90 id. #828 '91 Spenish RR GP @ '3 3.95 #838'91 h.lian RR GP @ 133 .95 #124Th.Awesome FBtlor@ 22.95 #137'91 Oayt.... 200 @ /39.95 #11 8 50 'e.rsof Sturgis @ 44.95 #818'91 USGP lag.", @ 133.95 _ #868'91 E"lIlI'''ISpo;nl R RGP @ $33 .95 #94'89 lsi. ~ Man @ 34.95 _ #t 26 0,,; Bike ES1rrnIgw. @ 34.95 _ Cor"or.i. #dd 7'1.% S. I.. Tn (LA Ca_ety 8'1.% S.I.. Tn) (Outsidethe continental United States add .1 0.00 per tape #125 Bike HaYllC@ 39.95 _ S. _ for additional shipping alsts). U.s. SIIi"'" a " ";rq Free T .... ~-------- ---~--- ----------- ------------- ---- --- - -- - --- ---- -- - --- ----------~

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