Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 09 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Mazzaferro Husqvarnas 1991 ATK 406 C .C . Super low clearance price' Last onel Will deliver. TJ 's CYCLE.Austin. TX. (512) 453 ·6255. (230/TFN) 1990 Ducat i 851 3K miles. perfect. extras. $9500. (2 13) 322·5362. CA. (335- 36) 1991 GSXR 750 Parting Out Havemost all parts front end $950. Oil coo ler $240. wheels. rotors. earbs, som e motor parts. gauges. plast ics. swi ngarm. shock. w iring harness and (335·36) much more . (80 5) 522-8631 . CA. MOVING SALE. LOTS OF GSXR. zxt. FZR600. Katana and Hurricane pans. Good stuff. no junk.. 5.5 whee ls. forks. radiators. oil coolers. etc. Also 18x5 .5 Marvic. Title frames. call me. I've got it. (71 7) 238 ·7934. PA. (332·36/ EOI) EX 600 For Sale . Lots 01 trick racing pans. $2BOO/oOO. (2 13) 3263961. CA. (334 ·38/EOI) Wanted: Eddi e lawson Replica K21000R '82 or '83. (8 18) 763 -0600 days. (2 13) (324 -03) 275·01 88 eves. Tad. CA. ZX7R Brand New Zero M iles '89-' 90 FZR 1000 pans. Tank. sub-frame.lairings . EXUP exhaust syste m. (600 also) Mark. (408) 268 4899. CA. (336) 1 97 5 Yamaha DT125 Classic Electr ic sta n . oil injection. exce llent cond ition. Many extra s. $495. (6 19) 297-6936. CA. (336) So.Cal's Largest. Newest KTM Dealer Ducati GP2 Race Bike Wanted : Valving Shim Anno unces a factory authorized '9 1 clearance sale I Call for unbelievable prices - wh ile they last l Taking deposits on '92 models nowl We ship anywhere - at great ratesl UPS daily. Call us • we want to be YOUR KTM dealer l KEARNY MESA YAMAHA. 8603 Balboa. San Diego. CA 921 11. (6 19) 292 · 5454. CA. (232·TFN) FBF Conez Replica 750 Span . 1990 FBF number 002 championship bike has it all. Trick heads, 'valves, pistons, earbs, exhaust. w heels. suspen sion. Call for details. (November in M ikuni calendar)(818) 284-6198. CA. (135-37) Washers for Showa or KYB forks. leave message. (818) 887·4 60 8. CA. (13 6) Case Guards 1991's availa ble immediately. UPS daily. (BOO) 397-7250. CA. 1208/TFN) Woods Rocket Megacycle. Mikuni, bark busters, pipe, baker stuff, Protec suspension, really nice. $1150. (707) 963-2561 . CA. (136· 37) 1985 Honda XR 350 Heavy duty replacement covers by NRC, available lor FZR4OO. FZR600. GSXR750 and 1100. WERA and AMA approved. Dealer inqui ri es invi t ed. SPORT CYCLE PRODUCTS. (800) 356-4230. PA. (2 17/TFN) PARTING OUT CANADIAN FJll 00 WITH RACING KIT. never installed. Offers, interesting tra des. (13 6) (9 19) 787-4187. NC. 1990 SUZUKI VX-BOO. V-twin. 5000 mi les. excell ent condition. $2950. (213) 923-7807. CA. (135- 36) ' 9 1 TZR250R WANT EO: CERRANI ROAD RACE 35mm. Must be reason able. Call collect after 9pm . (41 2) 24 25493. PA. (336) / '79 RD400 Daytona Special FBF GP-2 Rep lica Runs good. looks good. $1500 Ron. (6 19) 3795888. CA. (133-36) Brand new t Zero hourst New boss says, " racers don't work here" . W if e says, " th e unemp loyed don't live here" . Cash or interesti ng trade (900 SS?) Scon . (404) 460-0482. GA. (336-37) Brand New Ya m ahas '90 FJ1 200. $5500. '90 VZWR250. $3 500. '90 Radian. $3100. '90 YZ80. $1400. '89 YSR5O. $1350. '90 YZ125. 52800. " 92 WR200 . '90 RTl 00 . $ 1150 . '9 2 WR500. ' 90 RTl80. $1300 . ' 9 1 VZWR250 . '91 YZ125. ALSO. scoote rs and quads. A80VE PRICES " OUT THE DOOR" less sales tax. Calilor pr ices on '9 1 and '92 models . (4081637 2384. CA. 1334· 39) Can A m Motocross Wan ted '85 t o '87 250. liquid cooled. also '85 to '86 Husky CR or XC Moto-X 250. leave message. (213)275 1409. CA. (133 -36 ) CERIA NI 35mm ROAD RACE FORKS. l air condition. 575 . (9 19) 766-0445. NC. (333 -36) 1986 Yamaha FZ6 0 0 Race ready, rear sets. clip ons, many ext ra part s. Safety wired, track ready. Gr eat for begi nni ng racer. Not st reet legal. $1500/obo. (81 8) 3455967. CA. (335- 36) Performance Riding Schoo l an d Ope n Pract ice. Nelson ledges In Ohio. Augu st 30 and September 27. Be th e first ones on th e newly paved secti ons of the t rackl Rider 's Schoo l >9 hours of t rack riding and class instructi on. Sanct ioned by WERA and AM AlCCS l or Novice license. $150. Open Practice • for rac ers, 8am-5p m. $75 . For info call Ar land (135- 37/ P). Crump (BOO) 229 -3039. OH. ROTAX 600cc 80SS OIRT TRACKER. very last. new paint, big exha ust, big valves , etc. Yamaha factory Vir ago 750cc Dirt Tracker, very unusual, complete . Mu st sell both. (51 3) 83 2-<>694 . OH. (335-37) 19 8 7 Honda Hu rrica n 10 0 0 '81 & '82 CBX 6-Cyl, 850 M i. 66 year old selli ng my collect ion. have tw o '82's, one '8 1, one 79, one 500 Turbo . All the above are mint -perfect except '79 w hich is very nice. Call (513) 83 6-5894 . Leave message . Oayton. Ohio. (335-37/ P) 1991 Kawasaki ZX7-R Immaculate. Muzzy pipe. 1800 miles. Days 1 5) 40 848-371 9. eves. (40 5) 755 -4737. OK. (335 -36) 1 9 8 9 ATK 604 ES 1 9 9 0 BMW K1 Red w ith yell ow tr im , immacul ate . Days (405) 848(335 -36) 37 19. eves. (40 5) 755 -4737. OK. r-------------------------------------------------, WANT AD BLANK . WANT AD RATES _ _ Buaineu ,Opportunmes COMMERCIAL/HELP WANTED Perword ...... • . . • • . • •. .. .. • • • • $1 .20 Headline in bold type ..•. .• . , . . $ 1 1 extra Blind Box Service Charge , .. , .• • . •56.00 Photo (no larger than 5x7) •• • • • $1 7 ext ra ,_ . _ Collectors(1974 or older) _ _ Generel Menchandi.. and Wh ite Phot.... No color ..ides (One photo per ad _ PrinltKl lmege lize Iimitadtol1 / 2"high. 2l/4"wide) PRIVATE PARTY Per Word ••• • • • • • • • • • • .• •• • • . . . . • $. 50 Headline in bold type •.. • • • . • , , . 55 ext ra Phot o (no larger th an 5x7) . . ... 510extra Prices Are For One Issue On ly Run myed in the following apeciel aection : __ Help WenltKl PHOTOS RETURNED ON LY WITH SELF·ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE Signature Expirat ion Date 1975 8MW R90 /6 WITH SIDESTRIOER MKI sidecar. Dunstsl pipes, 1/4 fairi ng, $3400. (818 345-3688. CA. (136 '91 Knight XR 750 Frame Bought new, never used. nickle plat ed $1800 firm 1 513) 832- 08 84. 0 H. (136-37 Wanted : Used Riding Gear Boots size 9, pants size 30. jersey large. g cond it ion . (805) 399 ·4618. CA. (335 -36 . '- ' 9 0 Husaberg MC501 _ low hours, clean , $3500/obo. Pan trades OK, too (206 ) 361 ·5083. WA . A ddre ss _ • of i........ 1989 FORD GRUMAN BOX VAN 460 engine. Zip State C ity 3000 mil es, Ford warranty. too many extras to lis $19.500. (3 13) 752 -7284. M I. PRINT BOLD HEADLINE HERE (Leave spaces' Wa nt Ad minimu m $6.00 • Bold Medlin.. do not count toward. want eel word count. I I I I -" 3 ~4 ...:>5 6 7 -"8 -" 9 10 11 12 13 14 _ 15 16 17 18 19 -..:1.0 ' -2 1 ' _ _ _ __ -"-n -"-'3 .2'4 Cl.'S .2 6 ' -"-27 ..1.'8 _ ---..1.'9 --->3,0 ---> 1 3 --' ~ 3 --->3 3 --->34 _ _ ---''--_ _ -''36 .337 ---'38 --' 39 ~4 0 _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ (335-37 I _ _---'-_ _ ....i' 44 '77 YZ250 YA M A HA FLAT TRACKER. l ast dependabl e. Viper frame, some spares, $600. (90 1 642-53 13. TN. (13 6 -37 _ Plea. run my eel in Name ' L 1990 CR250 HONDA. LIKE NEW. vet owne d. ha many extr as. Asking $2500 !irm. (805) 327 · 1172 CA. (136 -38 1983 Yamaha XT550 and 600 motor s. 1988 Hond Hawk ; GSXR 750 front end. 5000 miles motor Contact Ed, Days (813) 253-3783. eves. (813) 831 8603. FL. (335 -36 FRIDAY 12 NOON for next w eek's issue . No cancellations aher deadli ne. Ads are accepted on a fi rst come first serve basis . Cycle News reserves the right to edit /abbreviate copy 8t bold headl ines . Any discrepancies must be reported w ithin one wee k of pu blicat ion to receive any adjustment. Fill in the Visa /Master Charge blank or send check or money order to Cycle News at above address . .... WERNERS 3 JR. WESLAKE SPEEDWAY 81KE $23 00 each, leathers &300. boots steel shoe $ 100 (6 19) 949-27 06 . CA. (136 Parting Out WANT AD DEADLINE CREOITCARD UMIT MINIMUM $5.00 PLUS .5OC POSTAGE AND HANOUNG . Low mile s. new t ires. 53200. Call Ed. (619) 375 1965. CA, (336 -37 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 - Print neme, eddreu e nd a d c opy cleerly. I I I I I I I I ' 90 Paris - Da kar Purchased 6/91 . 6k mi les. bags, heat ed grips, Sol seat. 8.76 tank. Never off road. Will conside r trad lo r FZR 600/400 or 486 Computer. 56500 take (136-38 it now. (206) 275 -8030. WA . LET THE GOVERNMENT FINANCE your cycle related small busin ess. Grants/loans to $500.000 Free recorded message: (707) 448 -0270. (KB7 11 36 CA. Electric sta rt, '9 1 updates. spa res, excelle nt condition. 53800. (818 ) 880-5106. CA. (335 ·36) Cycle News, P.O. Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801-0498 213/427-7433 24 Hr. FAXO= !-i~11]~::~ New /Crated/Other Availabl e. CA. 1 9 9 0 TZ2 5 0 A 1992 XR-75O 8RAND NEW CAME L PRO bike. ready to race. Best of everything. Best off er, also Ford race van, 75 k miles. looks and runs new. Sell ing out giva me a call. (708 ) 246 -49 7 1. IL (335- 36) Track Spo rt Kawasaki KR 1 -S Eurostyle / Eurobike Call 707-277-7753 W ith spares kit . Very clean and well maintain race bike. M ust sell , too many toys. $9900. 1904 7 56 -3972. FL. (136 C08RA Fl S slip -on s lo r '90-'9 1 Honda C8R 1000. Perlect shape. $90 . no scratches. (6 15)789 4562. TN. (335-36) '9 1 540 oxc showroom condit ion. 53095 /000. '91 125MX. $21 95. '90 300M X OXC. $2495. '88 600 LC4 stored 2 years. fresh . 51895. Call (515) 4 242440 or (51 5) 423 ·3168. IA . . (335·3 7) Sprockets Current and ear ly year s, Dirt and Stree t. Europea and Japanese. MIKE 'S CYCLE SUPPLY. Bato Rouge. LA. (BOO) 367-5209. (20 2/TFN/ EOI PARTING OUT 1979 K21000J WITH STORAGE compart mented ven er fairi ng. Stock and diamond tu ft ed kin g. queen seats. (919 ) 787-4187. NC. (136) Red Wh ite. no mil es. '90 RGV250 Blue White. 55500. DTX (71 4) 686-6915. CA. (335-36) KTM 's Fo r Sale NEW COR81N SEAT FOR '85-'9 1 Yamaha V· Max. used once -sold bike. black w ith red werts . $175 includes shipp ing. was $235 new. (303) 691 9739. CO. (136) . 1 4 ---> 3' 42 I I I I (335-38 / P RMX For Sale 1989 RMX bought new in 1990, ridden one season showroom condition. mega spares and extras Possible delivery, $2250/0b0. Call business hours (335-36 Dave (4 14) 922 -2332. WI . Cag iva MX Wanted : Or Other Not so common MX bike. custom made or stock 250cc on up. Please leave message . (213) 27 1409. CA. (133- 36 Wanted : Cylinder I '87 Honda CR250 . Andy (619) 59 8·7462. (6 19 457 -31 84 . CA. (335·37 I I I Collectors dream in showroom condit ion , $3750 (334·36 obo. (619) 872 ·1378. CA. 45 46 48 - - -- '43 - - - - ,44 - - - ~ - -- - , ---~47 - - - - . - - - -49 I I _ _ _ _ _ --"50 --"1 5 --" 2 5 --" 3 5 --"4 ( 5 55 I Cycle Ne. . Is not _ nllllle for.KIIIle .............. or cop,. Area Code/P'-te No. Phone • counto ..... word J I 1982 GS1 OOOSZ Katana 1990 ATK 406 Enduro 6-Speed low hours. extr as, ICO equ ip., perfect condition 53000. (615 ) 360-6037. TN. (336 ·37 KNIGHT FRAMED n -500. ex -Randy excellent. 51500. 1982 Y2250 OTX·/CE 1985 KIM 350 motor complete with pipe (51 7) 257 ·3796. M I. Gos. $500 $425 (136

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