Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 09 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WANTAD~ GuikShop Take a close look atthe sealing rings of the Uni Riter "U1tra·Sea'". The "Ultra Sear has a Built-in 'Grease G roove' for easier application of sealing grease and an Air Tight Seal. Plus its dual layer construction provides superior filtration and High . Air Flow! That's why the Uni Filter "Ultra Seal" is the Approved Air Filter of the Kawasaki, Suzuki & Yamaha Factory Moto-X Teams ! HELP WANTED Wanted : Experienced Yamaha technician . Southern Calitor· nia dealership. all Yamaha products. top pay. benefits. year round work . NORTH COUNTY YAMAHA (6191 432 -9501 , FAA (6191 739-8483. (2361 J,m or Doug. CA. Vintage Technician/Toolmaker For our vintage motorcycle department we are looking for an expert toolmaker or toolroom mach in ist to handle European crankshaft repairs and maintain an exotic vintage bike collection. We offer an attractive compensation and benefits package; modern, clean working environment. Contact E. Bley. BLEY ENGINEERING. 700 Chase Ave .. Elk Grove. IL 60007.(708) 437-0022. (236 ·38) Honda-Yamaha Mechanic WHAT MORE CAN WE SAY? ~ Unl Filter Incorporated 1630S. Sinclair Street ......1 CA!I2806 ... -z:r. RACING '1'''FIIEl:·~ ~!lOSHIMUAA PERFORMANCE CENTER • Compl"-:. Yoshimura Superb... Replas - Street Race Rudy Complete 180 hp Yoshimura °'B lg Papel Las Vegas. NV (7 0 2) 871 -1417 Baldwin Park. CA (818) 962-2451 Honolulu, HI (808) 373-2322 Visalia. CA (20 9 ) 625-2900 Inglewood, CA (213) 678-6811 San Bernardino, CA (714) 883-8891 San Pedro. CA (2 13 ) 548-6874 Ventura, CA (805) 648-2000 Van Nuys, CA (8 18) 786-8180 Upland, CA (7 14) 981 -8721 Norwalk, CA (2 13 ) 864-1741 Of Supersport Replicas • Complete Engine Building Race PrIllP Senne. . • Complete 24-Hour Turnaround Perform8f'M» Tuning • Complete RBce TrKk, Support $ervtce • Factory Authorized Fieldsheer o.ale' and Race SUPport Services • The Largnt and Bnt Setec:tion of Michelin 001 and Filetory Rae:. Slict Tires . S.nd for FREE Brochur. Distributo r for: Fii:U»Hi:i:;a _ .I a= #1 in the Baja 1000 A - It: . 'Y"," F.aory DiIect ytnhimu.- Con_ n' • ~ FREE CATA LOG : 1·800·3 23 · 7734 ilL - ......= .-eN.UII 1-800-722·Y05H • Must have tools, good benefits, call Steve . (6191 324·5633. CA. (236 -37) 113-461-4161 Parts/Accessories Sa les We build products to help you win! Expanding high-volume store needs enthusiastic pans person looking for growth. Ask for Dave. (818) 980·3715. CA. (236 ·TFN) Ask Randy Hawkins, 3 ti me Nati onal Champ io n. Rand y has reli ed on all ICO products th ro ughout his rid ing career, Coming soon! Timekeeping's final step up ••• P,.uK"..2 Trailers o.-n '3999 eu.tom_T_ . call ToII-F,.. to~ for more In fo 20· Ft. 1-110O-331-0470 R~. 0«Jit:Mw/ to 0-11I_5._ 2 tu9 0 ,.,.",. S t •• RitIwMM. CA 9 260 1 I) E~\ ' ER ~ I()T()RCYCLE 16 18 LAFAYETTE STREET DENVER, CO 80218 (714) 276-1735 . The Performance Tire' TECH INfO: (206) 771 ·2257 . .~ Kawasaki PARTS WAREHOUSE 1-800-SAY-RACE MULTI -UNE MO TORCYCLE DEALERSHIP group located in sunny So. California, seeks experienced service manager and service writers. Strong management skills and commitment to customer ser,vice required. Computer s~ills a plu s. Corporation offers excellent benefits, and relocation packages available. Send resume to: Cycle News. P.O. Box 498 . Dept. 55. Long Beach, CA 90801 . (236·37) Parts Counter Person Honda Suzuki exper ience desired. but will train. Applicat ions being taken now. Ask for John. (7141 623·6451 . CA. (224·TFN) Honda Motorcycle Technician Experienced. own tools. immediate opening. busy 5 day work week. call Br ian. (818) 246-2461 co (213) 245·1526. CA. (235- 371 AVtt_ 38 Set up office in U.S. to manage promotion, sales , and distribution of motorcycle performance products internationally. Provide international customer with technical advice and service of product line. Utilize and maintain computer software programs that document distributor accounts. technical service information, testing results. Produce needed instructions, brochures. and correspondence in multi-languages. Establish currency cC?"ection procedures according to company policy. Travel for company internationally to p~o~ide customer with technical support on multi -hne products sold by company. Assist R&D department to assure products conform to international guidelines and standards. Two years motorcycle performance product sales. Sales experience in international markets. Two years of technical or college train ing in a mechanical fieki. Three years experience in motorcycle performance tuning. Experience in product promot ion. administrative procedures and software installation. Must be available to travel exte nsively. Interest in high performance products and racing desi rab le. Salary, $25.875+, depending on q ualifications. Please mail resume, inc lu di ng social security number to : BOZEM AN JOB SERVICE. 121 North Willson, Bozeman. MT 59715. (336) ExperiencedMotorcycle Technician CQI.II'ONENlS Enduros North America's Largest Roadrace Contingency Program International Marketing/ Technical Service Manager Experienced Parts Person WORlD ClASS CRANKWORK AND RElATED (504) 882·7700 Machinist - Fabricator Versat ile in divi dual to perform 8 w ide variety of sho p f unctions in sup port of man ufacturing for the bicyc le and motorcycle industry. Lathe, mill, mig and t ig experie nce re quired. Dr aw bendin g experience a plus . ANSW ER PRODUCTS, 27460 Avenue Seen. Valencia. CA 91355. (805) 25 7· 44 11. (236) EXPERIENCED parts person needed immediate ly. Please call or wr it e Luke, OA SIS HONDA & SUZUKI, 68 580 Ramon Rd., Palm Springs. CA 92264. (6 19) 324 -5 633 . (236·39 ) For Mora Information. Call: (71 4) 981.(J777 1410 E. Foothill Blvd.• Suit e A. Upland, CA 9178 6 FAX 17 year dealership needs technicians, Pro Reg· istered Beginner. Dealer located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa . Call today . Contact Dave W hit ham . (31 9) 396·2 111 . IA. (33 6- 38) PART~ & ~:~ ~SSORIES ~ ~ -~ - . SAVE Service Manager Will pay $30,000 plus, to the rig~ professional. Need experienced, ambitious perso n to joi n large Denver Metro dealership. Send resume to : P.O. Box 21412, Denver , CO 80221 . (234/TFN) Service Manager . Five years minimum shop exper ience , non-smoker. BEAUMONT YA MAHA KAWASAKI. Ask for Jim Hayes. (7 14) 84 5·488 2. CA. (235·36) Sunny Miami Vear ro und w ork for exper ienced Harley mechanic. Commission or salary , air conditioned w ork area, S-day week. Profit sharing. many benefits. Call Drew Pet erson collect. (305) 23 5 -40 23. FL (335-36) PARTS COUNTER FULL TIME AN D PART TIM E posuions. Call Joey (B1BI332·6249. CA. (235- 37)

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