Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 09 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GPOINT STANDINGS ~ World Championship 500cc MX Series . 1""""1 0') 0') 1""""1 "' 00 1""""1 .... iJ.) ,D. (Final) 1. Georges Iobe 2. Jacky Martens 3. Dirk Geukens 4. Paul Malin 5. Bil~ Liles 6.Jo artens 7. Dave Thorpe 8. Kurt ~unffqvist 9. Kurt ico 10. Arto Panttila 296 223 181 175 175 145 144 138 . 132 130 a World Championship 250cc MX Series 0iJ.) (Final) 1. Tram~as Parker 2. Mike ealey 3. Alessandro Puzar 4. Peter Johansson 5. Mami~ Bervoets 6.Pekka ehkonen 7. Dave Strijbos 8. Edwin Evertsen 9. Teus Visser 10. Michele Fanton .... iJ.) rJ'J 241 238 232 . 195 193 186 181 137 110 109 NEW BIKES 1992Harley·Davidsons Camel SX Series (Final) l.J·M Bayle 2. D. Bradshaw 3. Jeff Stanton 4. M. Kiedrowski 5. Jeff Ward 6. Guy Cooper J. Matiasevich 8. Mike Fisher ' 9. Mike laRocco 10. Larry Ward (points/wins) . 385/8 31313 312/ 4 292 284/ 1 232 214 211/1 160 Nat'l Championship 250 MXSenes (Final) l.J·M Bayle 2. Jeff Stanton 3. D. Bradshaw 4.]. Matiasevich 5. Mike laRocco 6. Do11,rDubach 7. Jeff ard 8.~Brooks 9. Keit Bowen 10. Larry Ward (points/wins) 277 251/4 21011 193/1 176 160 153 129 110 105 World Championship 125cc MX Series Nat'l Championship 125 MX Senes (Final) 1. Stefan Everts , 2. Bob Moore 3. Pedro Tragter 4. Yves Demaria 5. Andrea Bartolini 6. M. Van Drunen 7. Willie Surratt 8. Gr1e Albertijn Pit irer 10. Donny Schmi t (After 9 of 13rounds) 1. M. Kiedrowski 2. Guy Cooper 3. Brian Swink 4. Steve Lamson 5. Jeff Emig 6.]. McGrath 7. Buddy Antunez 8. Doug Henry 9. D. Ste~henson 10. Erik ehoe (points/wins) 377 368 259 198 172 163 158 155 155 World Championship Superbike Series (After9 of 14 rounds) 281 1. Do~Polen 2. Rob hillis 189 174 3. Ra?:mond Roche 166 4. Fa rizio Pirovano 138 5. Stephane Mertens 105 6. Carl Fogartr 7. Fred Merk e 95 92 8. Terry Rfmer 9. Davide ardoz zi 85 10. Giancarlo Falappa 70 World Championship 500cc RR Senes (After 13 of 15 rounds) 1. Wayne Rainey 225/6 2. Michael Doohan 20713 3. Kevin Schwantz 184/4 4. Wayne Gardner 139 5. John Kocinski 128 6. Eddie Lawson 126 7. Juan Garriga 102 8. Didier de Radigues 91 9.J .p.Ru~a 10. Doug handler (points/wins) 78 76 356 13 313/2 265/1 253 237 235 209 191/1 181 159 Nat'l Championship 500 MXSenes (After 2 of6 rounds) l.J·M Bayle 2. Jeff Stanton 3. Jeff Ward 4. D. Bradshaw 5. Ron Lechien 6. Gene Naumec 7. Fred Andrews 8. Lance Smail 9. Shaun Kalos 10. Keith Bowen (points/wins) 95/1 86 83/1 76 64 57 46 37 36 35 Nat'l C'ship Hare &: Hound Senes (After 5 of6 rounds) 1. Garth Sweetland Danny Hamel 3. Larry Roeseler 4. Don Griewe 5. Paul Krause 6. Chris Crandall Paul Ostbo 8. JimmIt Lewis 9. Ted unnicutt 10. Ron Naylor 90 80 79 72 65 51 46 45 Nat'l Championship Enduro Senes (After 13of 15rounds) (After 5 of9 rounds) Ljeff Russell 2. Alan Gravitt 3. Randy Hawkins 4. Blair Sha~ess 5. Kurt Houg 6. Steve Hatch 7. Kevin Bennett 8. Kevin Hines 9. Alan Randt 10. Larry Roeseler 224n 193/4 191 145 131 115/1 90/1 82 78 59 World Championship .Trial Series 26 (After 9 of 12rounds) 1. Iordi Tarres 2. Diego Basis 3. Donato Miglio 4. Tommi Ahvala 5. Bruno Camozzi 6. Philip~ Berlatier 7. Amos ilbao 8. Thierry Michaud 9. Thierry Girard 10. Takumi Narita 162 138 132 127 98 91 82 65 60 48 (After 7 of 13rounds) 1. Duane Conner 118 2. Te rry Cunnin~ham III 102 3. Blackwe I 93 4. Jeff uss ell 85 5. Thomas Nort on 6. Scott Summers 80 76 7. Craig Jones 69 8. Tim Shephard 54 9. Aaron Hough 47 10. Frank Keegan Doffi 126 83 71 67 65 57 53 52 50 40 National Hare Scrambles Series (After 5 of9 rounds)" 1. Scott Summers 136 85 2. Ron Natlor 82 3. Duane onner 4. Tony Hendon 65 5. Harvey Whitaker 38 6. Chris Ca~linger Eric Mas bir Tffjr, Cunningham 33 9. Jeff ussell 30 10. Aaron Hough 29 °Best7of 9 rounds Twonew models highlight Harley's '9 lineup 2 Grand Nat'l/Camel Pro Series (After 13of 16rounds) 1. Chris Carr 2. Scott Parker 3. RonnieJones 4. Kevin Ath ert on 5. Larry Pegram 6. Ricky Graham 7. Steve Morehead 8. Rodnel Farris 9. Dave urelle 10. Will Davis (points/wins) 17813 173/5 15613 101 96/1 89/ 1 84 82 79 63 600 Nat'l C'ship Series (After7 of8 rounds) 1. Chris Carr 2. Larry Pegram 3. Steve Morehead 4. Wink Fre ita s 5. Rodney Farris 6. Terry Poovey 7. Mike Hale 8. Dan In~am 9. Rich King 10. Dave Durelle (points/wins) 90/4 77/2 44/1 40 37 36 34 32 31 24 The FXDB Daytona (above) and Dyna Glide Custom (below) highlight the '92 lineup. Nat'l C'ship SB Series (After 6 of8 rounds) 1. Thomas Stevens 93/1 2. Scott Russell 8413 71/1 3. Miguel DuHamel 60/1 4. Jamie James , 45 5. Dale Quarterley 6. Rich Amaiz 42 7. Jacques Guenette.Jr, 37 33 8. Pascal Picotte 32 9. TomKipt 10.Tommy ynch 31 (points/wins) Nat'1250 GP Road Race Series (After 6 of 8 rounds) 1. Jimmr. Filice 2. Nick enatsch 3. Chris D'Aluisio 4. Rick Kirk World Championship 250cc RR Senes 1. Luca Cadalora 2. Helmut Bradl 3. Carlos Cardus 4. Wilco Zeelenberg 5. Masahiro Shimizu 6. Loris ~ani 7. P.F. C ' 1 8. Jochen Schm id 9. Martin Wimmer 10. Paolo Casoli (points/wins) Nat'l C'ship Cross Country Series 5.RickT~i 6. Dann~ alker 7. Tom ari s 8. Mike Sullivan 9. Brad Sawyer 10.Jon Cornwell (points/wins) 79/2 75 64/2 56 53 51/1 46 42 39 34 Nat'l600 Supersport Road Race Series . (After 7 of 9 rounds) 1. Miguel DuHamel 120/6 86 2. Tom Kip~ 3. La~ Sc warzbach 70 57/1 . 4. Jeff armer 49 5. Tri~p Nobles 6. Ric Arnaiz 47 45 7. Iamie james 8. Takanobu Koyama 36 9. Steve Crevier 32 10. John Choate Jim Leslie 30 (points/wins) Nat'l 750 Supersport Road Race Series (After 7 of 9 rounds) 1. Scott Russell 140n 2. Britt Turkington 97 3. Ja!=9ues Guenette, Jr. 81 4. Titian Bue 60 5. Bob Sandy 52 49 6. Tri/Ie Nobles 47 7.Jef eino 8. James Schaefer Glenn Barry 35 10. Andrew Deathridge Mike Moores 26 (points/wins ) a r ley- Da vid so n has a d ded tw o new models to their 1992 lineup of American-built m otorcycles . • T he FXDB Daytona. and FXDC D yna Glide Cust om. highlight n ext year's crop o f n ew H arleys, while the rest o f the 20 -bike lineup has undergone o n ly niinor changes. The Baytona model is named in com m e m o ra tio n of this year's 50th ce leb ra tion of Daytona Bike Week. which took pla ce in March in Daytona Bea ch . Florida. The . Daytona m odel is a limited edition motorcycle, as o n ly 1700 will be produced. The Dayton a.features Harley-Davidson's Dyna Glide ch a ssis and internal steel fr ame that integrates a tw o-point, rubber e n g i n e -is o l a ti o n mounting s y s te m . Special " 5 0 t h " graphics highlight the tank. and " D a yton a" i ns ignias are featured on th e ai r cl eaner insert. the sissy bar plate and o n the se a t. A serialized nameplate identifies the motorcycle, and gold trim ca st wheels and rear sprocket add to the looks of the Daytona model. The Daytona Limited Edition will cost $12.120. Harley 's other new model. the Dyna Glide Custom. is styled in a monochromatic silver and chrome package H that is highlighted b y a silver-powder p ainted fram e . L ike the Da yt ona m odel. the Dyna Glide Custom features speciall y ch rom ed handl ebar cl amp and risers, e lectr ic a l cover. coi l cover. headlight shell. a n d b elt and battery gu ards . Th e D yn a Glid e Custom carries a price tag of $11 .599. The rest of the 1992 lineup feature n ew brake and disc material for improved feel . co n ti n u o u s ly vented fu el tanks for sm o o th er fuel delivery. and n ew powder-coat paint jobs. The 16 1340cc models have a recalib rated 40m m ca rb u re to r. s tee l oil lin e s, r el o cated pump m ounting holes. and a new pump cover. A new fork . shocks. sid e s ta n d and seat that result i n a lower seat height. are featured o n the XLH Sportster 883 Hugger. along with a n ew O-ring ch a i n drive. T he n ew powder-coat finish es that top the 1992 lineup are a result of a $24 million dollar paint fa cility that "H a r le y -D a v i d so n ha s built in an a tt em p t to improve the quality and finished looks o f their machines. The new plant incorporates a 'e lectro-co a t dip tank and ' six robotic paint applicators that will uniformly apply the Harley colors. O¥

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